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��two sons and two daughters. Spent 13 years In Philippine Islands, 1899-19U; 12 years as librarian of Am. Circulating Library (now a division of Philippine Library). Favors woman suffrage. EGGEKT, Sylvania O. (Mrs. J. W. Egbert).

Vlnedale, Masslllon, O.

Born Fredericksburg, 0., May 9, 1845; dau. Caleb and Amanda (Maklmer) Brinton; ed. Mas- sillon High School; Smith Acad.; m. Massillon, 1866, J. W. Eggert; children: Elizabeth B., G. Brinton, Caleb A. Active in religious, social, horticulture and grange work. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of short articles In various publications. Presbyterian. Mem. Patrons of Husbandry, W.C.T.U., hospital, horticulture and church organizations. Mean. Current Events Club. EGGJ-ESTON, AUce Adams (Mrs. Walter H.

Eggleston), 1777 Dupont Av., South, Minne- apolis, Minn.

Born Waterbury, Vt., Aug. 17, 1866; dau. Daniel Kinsbury and Olive Ames (Hale) Adams; grad. Univ. of Mian., B.A. '88 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Sept. 4, 1889, Walter H. Eggleston; children: Laurence, Ruth, Alice Bell. Favors woman suffrage. Congregatiooallst. Mem. Wo- man's Club, Lafayette Club. EGGLESTON, Amy Whlttlngton (Mrs. George

Mahon Eggleston), The Buckralnster, Beacon

St., Boston, Mass.

Born Melrose, Mass., Feb. 27, 1874; dau. Hiram and Alice Parker (Streeter) Whlttington; ed. Smith Coll., L.B. '95; m. Boston, Nov. 3, 1896, George Mahon Eggleston. Interested with hus- band In natural hygiene, and has written for Good Health, Health Culture, Vim and the Vege- tarian numerous papers on these subjects; also took great interest in sanitarium owned and di- rected by her husband in which the methods they have jointly devised from years of reading and study were put into successful practice. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R., Katherine Gaylord Chapter, Bristol, Conn. Rec- reations: Travel, theatre, out-door sports (espe- cially tennis), walking, mountain climbing, swim- ming. Mem. College Club of Boston, College Equal Suffrage Club of Boston. EHLER, Amiette Blackburn (Mrs. Frederick

Ehler), Hennessey, Okla.

Writer, teacher, editor; b. LawrencevlUe, 111., Aug. 10, 1864; dau. William and Amanda E. (Rawlings) Blackburn; ed. in LawrencevlUe schools; m. (1st) 1892, Allen Haskett, of Danville, 111. (died 1900); m. (2d) 1907, Frederick Ehler, of Hennessey, Okla. ; one daughter, Helen Black- burn Haskett, b. 1899 (died 1901). Was 12 years teacher in high school; 5 years In editorial work, 2 years on special edition work and 3 years as editor and publisher of The Press-Democrat of Hennessey, Okla., which she sold on her mar- riage to Mr. Ehler. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church. Democrat; ardent believer in a qualifi- cation vote for all sexes and races. Author: The Firefly (collection of verse) ; also many serial stories and much verse. Composer of songs: Sweet Face Beneath the Roses; Only a Tramp, and many others; contributor under various noms-de-plume to political and literary press from age of 14. Associate grand conductress Okla. Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star for year 1912-13, and Okla. ex-editor of Natlonal- Mlzpah (Eastern Star Journal). Mem. Bay View, Domestic Science and Civic Improvement Clubs; chairman State Literature Com., Okla. Federa- tion of Women's "Clubs.

EIGEN3IANN, Rosa Smith (Mrs. Carl H.

Eigfenmann), Bloomlngton, Ind.

Ichthyologist; b. Monmouth, 111., Oct. 7, 1858; dau. Charles Kendall and Lucretia (Gray) Smith; ed. Ind. Univ., 1880-82; special student in Fishes under Dr. David Starr Jordan on Pacific Coast, summer of 1880; special student in cryptogamic botany under Dr. Farlow of Harvard Univ.,

  • 1887-88; m. Aug. 20, 1887, San Diego, Cal.,

Dr. Carl H. Eigenmann (dean of Graduate School of Ind. Univ., Processor of Zoology, etc.); children: Lucretia Margaretha, Charlotte, Theo- dore, Adele, Thora. Author of papers on Ichthyology, the largest on South American

��Nematognathi written at Harvard Univ. as joint author with her husband, Prof. Carl Eigen- mann. Mem. Sigma Xi (Ind. chapter), San Diego (Cal.) Soc. of Natural History; life mem. Cal. Acad, of Sciences (San Francisco) ; former mem. Pacific Coast Press Ass'n. Recreations: Moun- tain climbing, rowing, pillow lace making. ErsiERJIANN, Ida F. Bnxton (Mrs. Adam J.

Elmermann), 2327 Chestnut St., Mllwaakee,


Teacher; b. Lowell, Mass., Aug. 23, 1860; dau. George Washington and Charlotte (Townsend) Buxton; ed. public schools, high school and State Normal School, Worcester, Mass. (life certificate in Wisconsin); m. MllTraukee, Wis., 1891, Adam .1. Elmermann, lawyer. Taught in Worcester, Mass., later taught In Normal School at Mil- waukee (model dep't) and public schools, Mil- waukee, as vice-principal. Had charge of academic dep't, Trade School for Girls, Mil- waukee. Interested in all kinds of philanthropic work; was State director Children of Am. Revo- lution for five years; State pres. Children of the Republic, 1912; pres. (Jeorge Rogers Clark Soc, Children Am. Revolution, two years. Against woman suffrage. Has contributed to newspapers on her travels and investigations of slums In foreign countries. Unitarian. Regent Milwaukee Chapter D.A.R. ; district vlce-pres. Milwaukee Branch Needlework Guild (cooking director sev- eral years). Recreations: Traveling, music, good books. Mem. the Downtown Club; dlst. vlce- pres. State Federation of Women's Clubs; pres. Woman's School Alliance. One of originators of penny lunches for poor children in public schools of Milwaukee (50,835 lunches were served by School Alliance from Nov., 19U, to April, 1912). EISFELDT, May Irwin (Mrs. Kurt Elsfeldt),

Irwin Island, Clayton, N.Y.

Actress; b. Whitby, Ont, (Jan., June 27, 1862; dau. Robert E. and Jane (Draper) (Campbell; ed. high school and Ladles' Sem. In Whitby, Ont. ; m. May 26, 1907, Kurt Elsfeldt; children: Walter Irwin, Harry Irwin. Made first stage appearance at Daniel Shelby's Adelphi Variety Theatre, Buf- falo, Dec, 1875, with sister Florence, singing duets, and at Mr. Shelby's suggestion they adopted the name "Irwin Sisters" for stage pur- poses; in 1877 they were playing their first sketch. On Board the Mary Jane, at a Detroit variety theatre when Tony Pastor saw them and engaged them for his theater in N.Y. City; there they played the sketch, A Rural Stroll, for four years and played "leads" In burlesque, etc., until 1884, when she went to Augustln Daly's Theatre in Pinero's Boys and Girls, later playing Susan in A Night Off, and Lucy In The Recruiting Officer, and accompanied Daly's company twice on Its tours abroad. Returned to variety, 1SS8, with her sister, in the Howard Athenaeum Company, Bos- ton, In a sketch called Home Rule, later In H. Grattan Donnelly's Fashions, after which under Charles Frohman's management with Henry Miller as Helen Stockton in The Junior Partner; as Ophelia in the burlesque Poets and Puppets, and in Russell's The City Directory, followed by an engagement with Peter Dailey in A Country Sport. Then for first time became a star in The Widow Jones by John J. McNally, In which she introduced the "coon song" feature, which she has made so popular; since then has continued as star in The Swell Miss Flizwell, Courted Into Court, Kate Kip, Buyer; Sister Mary, The Belle of Bridgepoit, Madge Smith, Attorney; Mrs. Black is Back, Mrs. Wilson Andrews, Mrs. Peckham's Carouse, Mrs. Jim, Mrs. Tompkins and Widow by Proxy. Interested In private personal charities. Mem. Am. Jersey Cattle Club, Nat. Fed. of Theatre Clubs, Nat. Poultry Ass'n, Black Orpington Club. Recreation: Farming. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. ELAJI, Emma Lee (Mrs. John B. Elam), 1S40

Park Av., Indianapolis, Ind.

Born Franklin County, Ind.; dau. John Runlon and Cyreue Jane (Davis) Lee; ed. Oxford Coll., Oxford, Ohio, B.A., 1873; m. Oxford, July, 1875, John B. Elam; children: Amibrose Lee, b. April 10, 1875; Harvey Johnson, b. May 17, 1879. Mem. Board of State Charities; for the past 28 years has been pres. of the Woman's Union of Ply-


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