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��Exec. Com. of Roosevelt Progressive League, also mem. Los Angeles Ck). Roosevelt Executive Com..; has been mem. Charter Revision Comm'n of the City of Los Angeles. Read paper before Nat. Municipal League Convention on Woman Suffrage.

EDWABDS, Abbie L. M. (Mrs. Clarence J. Ed- wards), Newberg, Ore.

Bom Marshal town, la.. May 13, 1872; dau. Isaac N. and Abble (Header) Miles; ed. Whittier Coll., la.; Willamette Univ., Salem, Ore.; grad. Bay View Reading Organization; special work in Bible study at Am. Inst, of Sacred Literature, Hyde Park, Chicago; m. Scotts Mills, Ore., Oct. 17, 1893, Clarence J. Edwards; chUdren: Lloyd, Lowell. Director of Public Library; mem. Book Com., also sec. of Public Library Board; mem. Ladies' Auxiliary to Pacific Coll., and intensely interested in its success. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Friends Church. Republican. Mem. Wednesday Club of Newberg since or- ganization, 12 years ago; has been on its Exec. Board (was pres. three years); director of Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs, two terms.

KDWAKDS, Caro Fries Buxton (Mrs. Henry Lee Edwards), Dallas, Tex.

Bom Winston-Salem, N.C.; dau. John Cam- eron and Agnes (Belo) Buxton; ed. Salem Female Acad., Salem, N.C. ; Miss Florence Baldwin's school, Bryn Mawr, Pa,, and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01; m. 1910, Henry Lee Ed- wards; one daughter, Elizabeth Stuart. Inter- ested in the work of the Y.W.C.A. and was treas. of the Board, 1898-09. EDWABDS, Edith, Woonsocket, R.I.

Bom Woonsocket, R.I., July 20, 1873; dau. Dr. Daniel Mann and Laura (Ballou) Edwards; ed. private schools in Providence, R.I., and Boston, Mass., Lycfee Racine, Paris, France, and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01. Actively interested in lineal and patriotic societies; now State Sec. for R.L D.A.R., State Director for R.I. Children of Am. Revolution, and pres. Joseph Bucklin Soc. Children of Am. Revolution. Interested in wel- fare work; for some years chairman of Com. on Awards in Mill Village Prize Garden Competition; connected with large industrial plant. Mem. R.I. Coll. Equal Suffrage League, and helped to found It. Protestant Episcopalian. Mem. R.I. Soc. of Mayflower Descendants, R.I. Historical Soc., R.I. Branch of Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae. Olube: College (Boston), Bryn Mawr (N.Y. City). EDWABDS, Elizabeth Drake Morrill (Mrs. John Couper Edwards), 96 Warren St., Brookllne,

Born' (Cincinnati, Dec. 11, 1868; dau. Prof. Henry A. and Anna (McGufEey) Morrill; ed. Barthol<Hn©w English and Classical School, Cin- cinnati, and Cincinnati Univ.; m. June 11, 1891, John Couper Edwards; children: Burgess AUison, John Winthrop. Interested in Consumers' League, Woman's W^fare League, Brookllne Anti-Tuberculosis Soc.; former director Mass. Babies' Hospital. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Ways and Means Com. of the Mass. Woman Suffrage Abs'il Episcopalian. EDWABDS, Henrlette Mulr (Mrs. O. C. Ed- wards), Macleod, Alberta, Can. Born Montreal, Can., Dec. 18, 1849; dau. Will- iam and Jane (Johnston) Muir; m, Montreal, 1876, Dr. O. C. Edwards; children: Alice, Will- iam Muir, Margaret. Has been active In Bible class, temperance and suffrage work, and In peace and arbitration; also In legislative work In promoting better laws for the protection of wo- men and children, and in the introduction of domestic scifcnce into schools. Favors woman suffrage; vice-i)res. for Alberta of the Dominion Canadian Suffrage Ass'n; Provincial sup't of suffrage and citizenship of the W.C.T.U. Au- thor: Legal Status of Canadian Women; Women on School Boards; Labor Law for Women and (Children In Canada, Baptist. Vice-pres. for Alberta of the Nat. Council of Women of Can. ; provincial sup't W.C.T.U.; vice-pres. Macleod Woman's Inst.; Canadian representative for the Intemat. Council of Women on the Internal. Com. on Laws for the Better Protection of

��Women and Cbildren; mem. Y.W.C.A. (Ottawa) and of the Woman's Art Ass'n of Can. Has given much time to study and painting, and has exhibited frequently in Royal Canadian Acad,

EDWABDS, Katharine May, Wellesley College,

Wellesley, Mass.

Teacher; b. Cortland, N.Y., May 10, 1862; dau. Timothy and Hilda (Uptegrove) Edwards; ed. Cortland Normal School; Cornell Univ., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '88, Ph.D. '95; fellow in Greek, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1888-89 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Instructor, 1889-93, and associate prof, of Greek, Wellesley Coll., 1894-1900; as- sociate prof, of Greek and comparative philology, 1901—. Presbyterian. Mem. Am. Philological Ass'n, Classical Ass'n of New England. Recrea- tions: Golf, canoeing, skating, walking. Mem. Cornell Women's Club of Boston, Boston Welles- ley Club.

EDWABDS, Laura Ballou (Mrs. Daniel Mann Edwards), Woonsocket, R.I. (summer, "Quisl- sana," East Woonsocket, R.I.). Born Woonsocket, R.I., June 17, 1841; dau. Hon. Ariel Ballou, M.D., and Hannah (Horton) Ballou; ed. public schools, Woonsocket, Lasell Sem., Auburndale, Mass.; R.I. Normal School, Bristol, R.I. ; traveled in Europe; m. Woonsocket, R.L, Jan. 26, 1870, Dr. Daniel Mann Edwards; children: Ariel Ballou, b. Jan. 27, 1871; EMith, b. July 20, 1873; Herbert, b. Oct. 6, 1874 (died Dec. 16, 1875); Percival, b. Aug. 30, 1878 (died Dec. 13, 1878); Daniel Mann, 2d, b. Dec. 26, 1880. In early womanhood teacher in high school in Woon- socket, and then first librarian of Its public li- brary, known as Harris Inst. Library. For many years leader In club life in Woonsocket and In R.I. Pres. Woonsocket Round Table Club, 1900- 01; chairman of correspondence for R.I. General Federation, 1899-1902; pres. Woonsocket Fort- nightly Club (largest in Woonsocket), 1902-05. Regent Woonsocket Chapter D.A.R., 1907-10; State Regent R.I. D.A.R., 1910- . Protestant Episcopalian. Mem. Woonsocket Chapter D.A.R. ; Soc. Descendants of the Founders of Providence Plantations (mem. of exec, board), Ballou Family Ass'n. Mem. Woonsocket Round Table, Woon- socket Fortnightly Club, R.I. Ex Club. Recrea- tions: Until recently driving, euchre, bridge, travel. As State regent D.A.R. has found espe- cial recognition with the pres. general, Mrs. Mat- thew T. Scott, who has appointed her to im- portant nat. committees, including Memorial Hall Com., Com. on Patriotic Education, (Conservation Com. and the Finance Com., also appointed to the Program Cktva. and Reception Com. of the Twenty-first Continental Congress, Nat. Soc. D.A.R. held in Washington, D.C., 1912.

EGAN, Lavinia Hartwell, 200 Claremont Av.,

N.Y. City.

Journalist and story writer; b. Falls Co., Tex., Nov. 21, 1863; dau. Dr. James Cronan and Siisan Rebecca (Ardls^ Egan; ed. Mt. Lebanon (La.) Coll.; Shreveport (La.) Sem. and Ward Sem., Nashville, Tenn. Entered journalism on staff of Philadelphia Times, 1892; Mexican correspondent for the Times, 1836; N.Y. correspondent for string of Southern papers, 1897-98; European cor- respondent Times, 1900-02; has contributed short stories to numerous magazines. Active in social, educational and philanthropic movements; pres. Hypatic Club: pres. La. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1903; mem. Nat. Board Lady Managers Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1903- 05. Hon. mem. La. Historical Soc. since 1904. Has lectured on education and travel topics be- fore schools, clubs and Chautauqua assemblies. Favors woman suffrage. Author: A Bundle of Fagots; A Belated Valentiae; A Piece of Assur- ance; The Nomination of Stephen Wingate; Not an (Ordinary Man. Mem. United Daughters of Confederacy; hon. mem. La. Historical Soc Recreations: Walking, motoring, traveling, painting in eils and water color.

EGBEBT, Nelly Young (Mrs. Harry a Egbert),

1 Cottage St., Newport, R.I.

Librarian; b. Washington, D.C., Aprfl 14, 1843; dau. Dr. Noble and Adelaide E. (McWUllamfi) Young; ed. private schools in WaaMngton; m. Washington, May 26, 1870, Harry Clay Egbert;


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