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Gladys Edgerton. Favors woman suffrage, ward Bertie and Emma (Snyder) Codwlse; ed. Mem. Army Relief See., Sorosls Club. private school, later Kingston public school and EDGERTON, Sara Townsend (Mrs. Francis M. P'^ad. Kingston Acad., 1891; m. Oct. 27, 1897, Edgerton), 4630 Central Av., Richmond Hill, Richard Henry Edmondson; children: Helen N.Y. Louise, b. Oct. 23, 1S98; Gladys Chasaln, b. May Born Troy, N.T.; dau. Edwin R. and Isabella 22, 1900; Harrietts Codwise, b. July 16, 1905; (Stuart) Townsend; ed. Troy High School; Emma Kichard Edward, b. April 20, 1910. Was regent Willard School; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec. 16, Elizabeth Ludington Hagans Chapter D.A.R. for 1874, Francis M. Edgerton; children: Chauncey three years; State regent for W.Va., four years, T., Myra T., Francis W. T., Walter T., Stuart T. ^'^^ vice-pres. general two years; tr«as. House- For 20 years gee. and vlce-pres. of the Brooklyn wives' League; vice-pres. Hospital Auxiliary. Home for Aged Colored People; for 10 years on Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian, the exec, board and now sec. of the Woman's ED3IONSTON, Laura (Mrs. William Jesse Ed- Home Missionary Union of N.Y. State; for three monston), 207 Hutchinson St., San Marcos, years a manager of the Congregational Home Tex.

for the Aged in Brooklyn. Contributor of secre- Born Louisville, Ky., May 6, 1860; dau. William tarlal articles and papers for the press in the H. and Julia Franklin (Thrift) Isgrigg; ed. pub- interest of the various organizations to which lie and private schools, Jeffersonville and Madison, she belongs. Interested in settlement work, Ind., and De Pauw cioll.. New Albany, Ind. ; m. Red Cross, Needlework Guild, Sunshine Soc, Indianapolis, Ind., June 6, 1883, William Jesse Charity Organization. Founder of the Twentieth Edmonston, of Union City, Tenn. ; children: Mrs. Century Club of Richmond Hill and mem. King Jennie Edmonston Wren, Mary Ella, Elizabeth Manor Ass'n of Long Island. Recreations: Claire, William Jesse, Jr. Since marriage has Walking, china painting. Congregationalist. lived at Indianapolis, 'jashvllle and Union City, Favors woman suffrage. Tenn.; Dallas, Tex.; Lake Charles, La., and EDGETT, Grace I-awrence, 329 Cabot St., Bev- since 1900 at San Marcos, Tex. Active in chari- erly, Mass. table and civic improvement work; chairman for Teacher, b. Beverly, Mass., May 12, 1874; dau. San Marcos in Christmas Red Cross Seal Cam- Isaac H. and Elizabeth (Fiske) Edgett; ed. paign against tuberculosis; work for improvement Beverly public schools; Dean Acad., Franklin, of school grounds and equipment, and local char- Mass.; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '97. Instructor in ities. Has contributed a few short stories to small private school in N.Y. City, 1897-98; In- Sunday-school Times. Mem. Christian (Disci- structor Beverly (Mass.) High School, 1898-1902; ples) Church. Democratic in political views, mathematical instructor in private school In Active worker in Christian Woman's Board of Kansas City, Mo., 1902-07; head of mathematical Missions 21 years; first State pres. and first sup't dep't Kent Place School, Summit, N.J., since of Young People's Work In La., also first pres.

1908. Author: Exercises in Plane Geometry, and sup't of local organization at Lake Charles,

1909. Presbyterian. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate La.; former sec. local C.W.B.M. at Dallas, Tex.; Alumnae, New York Wellesley Club, Boston Col- former sec. local Aid Soc. at San Marcos, Tex. lege Club, College Settlements Ass'n, Ass'n of Past matron San Marcos Chapter, Dist. Deputy Teachers of Mathematics of Middle States and Grand Matron for the State, chairman im- Maryland. Recreation: Tennis. Was active mem. portant com. of Grand Chapter and representative of Woman's Club and City History Club of N.Y. of State of N.Y. to Tex. Grand Chapter, Order of City, 1897-98, and spoke in public meetings on Eastern Star. Charter mem. and pres. Woman's the club's work. Has also taken part in debates Club; treas. Sorosis Club; mem. and former eec. on suffrage (anti) and on the immigration prob- East End Mothers' Club (all San Marcos).

lem. Against woman suffrage. EDSALL, Anne Comfort (Mrs. James M. Ed- EDISON, Mina Miller (Mrs. Thomas A. Edison), sail), 8418 Bay Parkway, Brooklyn, N.Y. Llewellyn Park, Orange, N.J. Born Princess Anne, Md., Feb. 2, 1863; -dau. Born Akron, Ohio; dau. Lewis and Mary V. Littleton and Mary Hambleton (Jenkins) Long; (Alexander) Miller; ed. privately; Akron High ed. Cercle Francjaise, Friends School, N.Y. City, School; Miss Johnson's School, Boston; m. Feb. and Normal Coll.; m. Kent Island, Md., July 15, 24, 1886, Thomas A. Edison, the distinguished 1894, James M. Edsall. Pres. Ladies' Guild of inventor; children: Madeleine, Charles, Theodore P.B. Church of the Holy Spirit, Brooklyn; Sun- MUler Edison. Trustee Pennington School; day-school worker; mem. of Friendly Com., pres. of West Range Improveiment League; one which supports a free kindergarten; mem. Drama of managers of Woman's Exchange and mem. of League of America; interested In all work for other charitable organizations. Favors limited uplift of women and children. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist; pres. Woman's Guild of suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Recreations: Orange Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. Walking, golf, canoeing, fishing, camping, out- D.A.R. (Essex Chapter). Recreation: Music, door life. Pres. Brooklyn Woman's Club Mem. Woman's Club of Orange (chairman Hos- (founded 1869); ex-pres. of Winter Club; director pitality Com.), Cosmopolitan Club, MacDowell N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. of Club. Ex-President's Club of Brooklyn. EDMONDS, Mary Derby (Mrs. Harry Weston EDSON, Katherine Philips (Mrs. Charles Far- Edmonds), Box 64, San Luis Obispo, Cal. well Edson), 950 W. 20th St., Los Angeles, Born San Francisco, Cal., May 26, 1862; dau. cal. Henry Homes and Mary Derby (Smith) Bigelow; Born Kenton, O., Jan. 12, 1870; dau. Dr Will- ed, in San Francisco by tutors and in private iam H. and Harriet J. (Carliu) Philips; ed. corn- schools; m. San Francisco, June 1, 1889, Harry mon schools of Kenton until 14; Convent of Sa- Weston EJdmonds; children: Marc Weston, cred Heart, Clifton, Cincinnati, 1 year, and 6 Dorothy, Katherine. Interested especially in months at Glendale Female Sem. ; m. Kenton, O., work for children. Before marriage wrote for Oct. 8, 1890, Charles Farwell Edson; children- several San Francisco papers. Chronicle chiefly. Katherine Edson Gray, b. 1892; Philips Josiah, b. Formerly resident of Sitka, Alaska, for eight 1S96; Charles Farwell, Jr., b. 1905. Interested in years, during which period her husband was Constructive Philanthropy, public health meas- chlef of Uie Magnetic Observatory there, and ures and prevention of diseases and death by while there was three years a mem. and some- scientific legislation and education; sec. Pure time pres. of the Alaska Reading Club. Hus- mento in securing the amendment for woman band now (1913) engaged as magnetic observer suffrage, and chairman of organization of Po- on the yacht Carnegie in South Seas for Car- lltical League, which led to ballot for women In negie Institution of Washington, and she is in Southern Cal. Writes newspaper articles on San Luis Obispo, educating her children. Mem. suffrage, sex hygiene, direct legislation and Pure W. C. T. U. Recreations: Books, music, theatre, Milk Commission. Unitarian. Mem. California cards, walking. Presbyterian. Favors woman Progressive Party State Central Com Mem. Cer- suffrage. Progressive Republican. tlfled Soc. of Prevention of Social Diseases. EDMONDSON, Ilarriette Codwise (Mrs. Richard Mem. Friday Morning Club (vice-pres. 3 years; Henry Edmondson), 293 Grand St., Morgan- chairman Com. on Public Affairs 4 years), 'own. W.Va. Woman's City Club, Evening City Club, chalr- Dorn Rosendale, N.Y., Jan. 24. 1874; dau. Ed- man Public Health State Federation, mem. State


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