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��of Women at Oxford. Edited Wakefield Citizen Banner three years; engaged in legal work three years; taught English two years in State Normal School, Plymouth, N.H. Interested in social service. Author: Dramatic Studies from the Bible. Mem. Women's Club of Wakefield. Con- gregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. EATON, Isabella Graham, 28 Ohio St., Bangor,


Artist, author; b. Bangor, Me., April 6, 1845; dau. Rev. Joshua Eaton and Isabella (Dutton) Eat in; ed. public schools, studied art in Boston. Engaeed as portrait painter in Boston and New- ton, Mass., for several years, later as newspaper artist and writer. Author: The Royal Way, 1890; Annals of Pollock's Cove— Some Idyls of the Maine Sea Cost (with Charlotte Carr Batch- elder), 1902; By the Shores of Arcady, 1908. EATON, Marlon Durant Dow (Mrs. William

Colby Eaton), 15 Dow St., Portland, Me.

Born Portland. Me., Aug. 24, 1870; dau. Fred- erick Neal and Julia Dana (Hammond) Dow; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '93 (mem. Alpha Soc); m. Port- land, Me., May 16, 1895, William Colby Eaton; one daughter: Annette Hammond Eaton. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Maine Soc. of the Colonial Dames of America, Dramatic Ass'n of Portland. Recreations: Golf, auction bridge. Clubs: Cur- rent Events, Portland Country, The Club (lit- erary), Portland College.

EAVES, I^ucile, University of Nebraska, Lin- coln, Neb.

University professor; b. Leavenworth, Kan., Jan. 9, 1869; dau. David William and Anna C.i (Weir) Eaves; td. high school, Peoria, 111.; Stan- ford Univ., A.B. '94; Chicago Univ.; Univ. of Cal., M.Sc; Columbia Univ., Ph.D. (Phi Beta Kappa). Head of history dep't in high school, San Diego, Cal.; extension lecturer, Chicago Univ.; instructor in history, Stanford Univ.; head worker San Francisco Settlement Ass'n (South Park Settlement); director Industrial Bureau of San Francisco relief work; fellow in economics, Univ. of Cal.; associate prof, of prac- tical sociology, Univ. of Nebraska. Mem. va- rious philanthropic societies. Am. Ass'n for La- bor Legislation, Nat. Child Labor Com., Am. Prison Ass'n, etc.; officer of the State Confer- ence of Charities, Neb. Child Labor Com., Lin- coln Social Service Club; active in promoting labor legislation in Cal. and Neb.; mem. Vice Commission, promoting safe and sane Fourth. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Neb. Suffrage Soc; has lectured and debated on the topic. Has written various newspaper articles on labor ques- tions: A History of California Labor Legislation, with an introductory sketch of the San Fran- cisco labor movement (published by the Univ. of Cal.). Mem. Am. Sociological Soc, Am. Eco- nomic Ass'n. Recreations: Athletic sports, as swimming, rowing, aesthetic dancing; dramatic and operatic productions. Clubs: Lincoln Wo- man's, Univ. of Nebraska Faculty Women's, Social Service. Teaches classes in European and Am. labor legislation, modern social betterment movements, poverty, dependence, criminology; ethical instruction and training in schools; social movement in public schools. EBERLE, Mary Abastenia St. Leger, 206% W.

Thirteenth St., N.Y. City.

Sculptor; b. Webster City, Iowa, April 6, 1878; dau. Harry Adoniram Eberle, M.D., and Clara Vaughan (McGinn) Eberle; ed. Art Students' League of N.Y., under George Grey; Barnard scholarship prizes. Awarded bronze medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904, Girl on Roller Skates and Thorough (purchased by Metropolitan Museum, 1907), Helen Foster Barnett prize at Academy, 1910. Mem. Woman's Political Union. Favors woman suffrage. Sculpturist: Ragtime, owned by Toledo Museum; Little Mother, owned by Art Inst, of Chicago; Windy Doorstep, owned by Worcester Art Museum; The Dancer, owned by Italian Soc. in Venice, Italy. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Sculpture Soc, Art Students' League, N.Y. City. L'Union International des Beaux Arts et des Lettree.

ECHOLS, Ethel Umphress (Mrs. Walter Hen- dricks Echols), Durant, Okla. Bom Jan. 3, 1883, Van Alstyne, Tex.; dau. Ed-

��mund Marion and Annie Laurin (Evans) Umphress; ed. public school; Mary Nash Coll., Sherman, Tex.; m. Sept. 15, 1902, Madill, Okla., Walter Hendricks Echols; one son: James Wal- ter. Interested in civic and domestic problems. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Church Soc, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Fort- nightly (literary) Club, Domestic Science Club. ECKSTOR3I, Fannie Pearson Hardy (Mrs. Jacob A. Eckstorm), 173 Wilson St., Brewer, Me. Author; b. Brewer, Me., June 18, 1865; dau. Manly and Emeline Freemen (Wheeler) Hardy; ed. Bangor High School; Abbot Acad. (Andover, Mass.), 1883-84; Smith Coll., A.B. '88; m. Port- land, Ore., Oct. 24, 1893, Rev. Jacob A. Eckstorm; children: Katherine Hardy, b. Sept. 9, 1894; Paul Frederick, b. May 18, 1896. Especially inter- ested in ornithology. Earlier writings, short stories, etc., under maiden name of Fannie Pearson Hardy. Author: The Bird Book; The Libbey, Maine Woodsman and River Driver; also Woodpeckers; The Penobscot Man; Life of David Milk Campaign Com. Was lobbyist at Sacra- articles in The Atlantic, Forest and Stream, The Auk, etc. Episcopalian.

EDDY, Mary Roberts Lawther (Mrs. Melville Elsworth Eddy), 1450 Allison Av., Los An- geles, Cal.

Trained nurse; b. in Iowa; efi. Dubuque (Iowa) High School; Miss Mary E. Stevens' School, Germantown, Philadelphia; special student in history and political science, Bryn Mawr, 1891- 93; 111. Training School for Nurses, Chicago, grad. '97; post-grad., 1898-99 and 1902-04; m. 1910, Melville Elsworth Eddy. Engaged as trained nurse at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1897-98 and 1899-1900; trained nur-se, 1904-09.

EDDY, Ruth Story Devereux (Mrs. William Holden Eddy), 666 Angell St., Providence, R.I. Born Providence, R.I., Aug. 29, 1875; dau. Rob- ert W. and Melissa C. (Colwell) Devereux; ed. Providence High School, Brown Univ., A.B. '97; A.M. 1900; honors in German, mathematics, his- tory and English (mem. Alpha Beta) ; m. John- ston, R.I., July 19, 1905, William Holden Eddy; children: Fanny Wing Eddy, William Eddy, Ruth Barden Eddy. Was a teacher in Johnston High School, 1897-98; high school at Winchester, Mass., and Providence high schools until 19U5. Free Baptist. Mem. French and German Social Soc, R.I Coll. Alumnae, Brown Alumnae Ass'n, Neighborhood Club. Recreations: Music, travel. EDEBURN, Edith Lindsay, "Bay Brook," Sor- rento, Fla.

Born Pittsburgh, Pa., Feb. 20, 1877; dau. Will- lam Alford and Rachael Lindsay (Boisol) Ede- burn; ed. public school (Highland Dist.), Pitts- burgh, later preparatory dep't and College Pa. Coll. for Women (Pittsburgh), A.B. '96; also studied art at the same institution, taking medal for painting and honorable mention for drawing. For a few years did designing for art goods and embroideries. Interested in bee-keeping as a study and a diversion, writing local notes for the country newspapers published in neighboring towns; china and water-color painting. Pres- byterian. Recreations: Chiefly horseback riding, driving. Moved from Pittsburgh to Florida in Nov., 1909, for father's health (he died following Spring). In Pittsburgh was mem. Colloquium, a literary club (.federated); sec. West. Pa. Hospital C-ot Club (philanthropic) ; Pittsburgh Esperanto Soc. ; active in alumnae activities of Pa. Coll. for Women.

EDGAR, Margaret Belle, Latakla, Syria, Tur- key.-

Missionary; b. Belfast, Ireland, June 25, 1861; reared at Cincinnati and Rushsylvania, Ohio; ed. Geneva Coll., class of '81. Teacher at Cedarville, Ohio, 1881-83; Bellefontaine, Ohio, 1883-86. Mis- sionary of the Reformed Presbyterian Church at Latakla, Syria, since 1886.

EDGERTON, Fannie Ida (Mrs. Wright Prescott Edgerton), 302 Central Park West, N.Y. City. Born St. Louis, Mo. ; dau. William Tod and Fannie Ida (Pritchard) Helmuth; ed. Helmuth Coll., LondOii, Ont; m. N.Y. City, Nov. 7, 1882, (3ol. Wright Prescott Edgerton; one daughter:


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