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Board, 1909; urged and helped organization of State Library Trustee Ass'n (first of its kind in U.S.); pres. Library Site Ass'n, which secured money to purchase lot, and made Carnegie Library possible for Connersville. Pres. Union of Literary Clubs, 190:5, first State organization of women's clubs in U.S.; chairman of com. which prepared and installed the Ind. Literary Club's exhibit at Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; now chairman legislative dep't Ind. Fed. of Clubs; Ind. mem. of Field Com. on Endowment of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, League of Library Commissions, Ind. Library Ass'n (pres. 1909), State Board of Charities; identified with all progressive movements of community. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Fayette Co. Franchise League. Presbyterian; mem. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc, standard bearer; Sunday-school teacher of teen-age boys. Recreation: Country driving. Mem. A Dozen of Us Club, Clio Club (local).

EARLE, Augusta Gertrude, 308 Broadway, Methuen, Mass.

Universalist minister; b. South Boston, Sept. 7, 1864; dau. Orville and Eliza M. (Chandler) Earle; ed. public schools of Somerville, Mass.; Bridgewater State Normal School; Tufts Coll., S.T.B. (mem. Tau Epsilon). Minister at Gorham, N.H., 1897-1903; Dover, Me., 1903-10; Methuen, Mass., since 1910. Against woman suffrage. Universalist. Mem. D.A.R., Mass. Peace Soc, Woman's Nat. Missionary Ass'n of Universalist Church.

EARLE, Ethel Deodata (Mrs. Mortimer Lamson Earle), Second National Bank, cor. Fifth Av. and Twenty-eighth St., N.Y. City.

Born Rutherford, N.J.; dau. George Evertson and E. B. Deodata (Mortimer) Woodward; ed. in France, Germany, Italy during 13 years; took Brevet Supérieur, Université de France, Paris, 1886; m. N.Y. City, June 4, 1892, Mortimer Lamson Earle, prof, of classical philology in Columbia Univ. (died 1905)). Interested in various religious, social, philanthropic activities abroad, 1908-12. Wrote husband's biography for National Cyclopedia of American Biography (Vol. XIV), 1910. Recreations: Study of history, literature, history of art, languages, letter writing, genealogical research, traveling; has been twice to Greece. Episcopalian.

EARLE, Millie May (Mrs. John Williams Earle), Albion, Ind.

Born Wawaka, Ind., Feb. 14, 1868; dau. Frederick and Mary A. (Louer) Schwab; ed. Wawaka public schools; m. Wawaka, Ind., 1894, John Williams Earle; daughter: Margaret Schwab Earle. Mem. Eastern Star, Pythian Sisters, Ladies' Aid (M.E. Church), Woman's Home Missionary Soc. Clubs: Literary, and Historical (pres.), Thimble.

EARLEY, Emma Rowley (Mrs. Millard F. Earley), 539 N. Eleventh St., Muskogee, Okla.

Born Sparta, Wis.; dau. Myron and Mary (Powell) Rowley; grad. Sparta High School; Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, Chautauqua, N.Y. (Ruskin year); Angelus Univ. of Los Angeles; m. Minneapolis, Minn., 1892, Millard F. Earley. Recording sec. Ind. Territory Fed. of Women's Clubs; cor. sec. Okla. State Fed. Women's Clubs. Okla. editor Gen. Fed. Bulletin; assists in editing Oklahoma Club Women; an interested student of parliamentary law and assists in giving drills and instructions to the clubs throughout the State. Past matron Order of Eastern Star; most-excellent-chief Pythian Sisters; mem. Improved Order of Foresters. Organizer and hon. pres. Longen Parliamentary Club; hon. pres. Ladies' Saturday Music Club.

EARLL, Louise Harding (Mrs. Robert Edward Earll), Percy St., Chevy Chase, Md.

Born Cleveland, O., Sept. 24, 1856; dau. Henry Holland and Sarah (Buckmaster) Harding; ed. Clinton (Ia.) High School (grad.); Wellesley Coll. (special); m. Feb. 27, 1883, Robert Edward Earll (b. Aug. 24, 1853; died Mar. 19, 1896); children: Ernest Harding, b. Feb. 13, 1886 (died Nov. 12, 1892); Donald Montgomery, b. June 17, 1889, clerk U.S. Dep't of Agriculture. Has been active in securing local and Federal legislation. Served as mem. Board of Directors for Baptist Home for Aged (D.C.); served five months as voluntary helper in Nat. Junior Republic for purpose of studying the work; was pioneer organizer of Parent-Teachers' Ass'n in Iowa (Clinton); now serving second year as pres. of local Citizens' Ass'n; former official in Nat. Congress of Mothers; now mem. Legislative Com. of Dist. of Columbia Congress of Mothers. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor to magazines and current periodicals on temperance, kindergartens, agriculture, training of mothers, current events in social reforms; has given addresses at Illinois Congress of Mothers (convention), Holyoke (Mass.) Mothers' Club, Dist. of Columbia Sunday-school Convention, and others of like character. Baptist. Progressive Prohibitionist. State Sup't Dist. of Columbia W.C.T.U.; mem. Congress of Mothers, Parent-Teacher Ass'n, Fed. of Civic Ass'ns, Washington Weilesley Club, Fed. of Women's Clubs, Mothers' Clubs.

EARLY, Miriam Lee, Swarthmore Coll., Swarthmore, Pa.; 729 Mickle St., Camden, N.J.

Professional reader and instructor in dramatics, Swarthmore Coll.; b. Hightstown, N.J., Mar. 10, 1878; dau. Robert Morrison and Harriet W. (Ogborn) Early; ed. Pennington (N.J.) Sem. and Northwestern Univ., Evanston, Ill. Has been a professional reader and interpreter of literature since 1900; recitals include Browning's Pippa Passes and In a Balcony, Shakespearian plays and modern drama. Taught in Pennington Sem., 1900-04; instructor in dramatics in Swarthmore Coll., 1907-1913. Author: Oral English. Episcopalian. Mem. Browning Soc, Philadelphia; Soc. of Arts and Letters, Philadelphia; Dickens Fellowship. Recreations: Tennis, walking, automobiling. Favors woman suffrage.

EAST, Berta Williams (Mrs. Bristol M. East), 19 Wyoming St., Newark, O.

Born Granville, O., July 11, 1866; dau. S. Stacker and Elizabeth (Cockburn) Williams; grad. Newark High School, '85; m. Oct. 17, 1894, Bristol M. East; children: John David, b. Nov. 4, 1896; Elizabeth, b. Sept. 8, 1902. Mem. Review Club, the King's Daughters, Newark Library Ass'n, Y.W.C.A. Presbyterian.

EASTLAND, Florence Martin (Mrs. T. E. Eastland), 5012 11th Av., N.E., Seattle, Wash.

Writer; b. June 5, 1866; dau. Daniel and Jane (Smith) Martin; ed. public schools; m. Oct. 26, 1890, William Irwin Barklie (died May 26, 1891); m. Aspen, Colo., June 14, 1894, Thomas Everett Eastland; children: Anna, and Thomas and Walton (twins). Books: Matt of the Water-Front; His Tribute; short stories, articles, novelettes, serials in many popular magazines; winner of Black Cat prize in 1908. Mem. Writer's Club of Seattle. Unitarian.

EASTMAN, Agnes Scott (Mrs. William C. Eastman), Nona, Tex.

Born Pleasantview, Kan., 1868; dau. Edwin and Mary Ann (Clayson) Scott; ed. public schools in Pa., Cook Acad., Havana, N.Y.; Cory Conservatory of Music and by private tutors; m. Clymer, N.Y., Oct. 5, 1888, William C. Eastman; children: J. Clinton, Ellen M. E., Mildred O., W. Donald, Ruth W., Louis S. Active club woman and has held offices as vice-pres. Mothers' Club, Columbus, Pa.; treas. Mothers' Club, Titusville, Pa.; vice-pres. Prohibition Club, Neodesha, Kan.; conductor Knights and Ladies of Security, Neodesha, Kan.; also pres. Knights and Ladies of Honor, lady commander Maccabees, worthy matron Order Eastern Star, pres. Carnation Club, and sup't Sunday-school (West), all of Port Arthur, Tex. Mem. M.E. Church (North). Mem. Grand Army Auxiliary; vice-pres. and treas. Mothers' Club; vice-pres. Prohibition Club; mem. Irving and Longfellow Clubs.

EASTMAN, Catherine Crystal, 118 E. Chemung Place, Elmira, N.Y.

Writer; b. Marlborough, Mass.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '03, A.M. '04; Columbia Univ., LL.B. '07. Teacher, Elmira, N.Y., 1904-05; investigator and writer. 1907-09. Mem. State Com. on Em-

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