River, Mass., Randall Nelson Durfee; children: Randall N., Jr., Bradford C, Caroline, Mary Brayton. Pres. Fall River Branch of Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae; pres. Ninth St. Day Nursery. Congregationalism Mem. Woman's Club.
DURFEE, Margaret Pyle (Mrs. Edgar Greene Durfee), 116 French St., Fall River, Mass.
Born Wilmington, Del., Nov. 3, 1883; dau. Clifford and Mary (Watson) Pyle; ed. Friends' school, public school in Wilmington up to 1899, South Broad in Philadelphia to 1901, Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, 1904-09; m. Wilmington, June 14, 1910, Edgar Greene Durfee; children: Virginia Churchman, Edgar Greene Jr. Violinist and much concert work through Southern and Middle States. Interested in music, child development, home economics. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Progressive. Pres. Women's Progressive League of Fall River. Recreations: Golf, horseback riding.
DURHAM, Eleanor Hibbard Gregory (Mrs. Raymond E. Durham), 849 Lincoln Av., Winnetka, Ill.
Born Chicago, June 7, 1882; dau. Robert Bowman and Addie Vanderpoel (Hibbard) Gregory; ed. Dearborn Sem., Chicago; Mary C. Wheeler School, Providence, R.I.; m. Ledgemere, Highland Park, Ill., Sept. 26, 1908, Raymond Ewing Durham; children: Elizabeth Champlain and Robert Gregory, b. Nov. 24, 1912. Former pres. of Montclair branch of the Consumers' League; mem. of Junior League, Chicago; mem. Antiquarian Soc, Chicago. Protestant Episcopal.
DURHAM, Jannie M., 37 E. Seventy-first St., N.Y. City.
Trained nurse; b. Assiniboine, Mont.; dau. Cass and Elizabeth M. (Champlin) Durham; ed. private school; St. Paul High School; Presbyterian Hospital, N.Y. (not yet graduated). Episcopalian.
DURKEE, Henrietta Noble (Mrs. Frank Williams Durkee), Tufts College, Mass.
Born Tufts Coll., Mass., July 4, 1871; dau. Benjamin Graves and Rosalia (Glenton) Brown; ed. 3 years at Boston Univ., 4th year at Tufts, A.B. '93; A.M. '95 (mem. Gamma Phi Beta); m. Tufts Coll., Feb. 21, 1895, Frank Williams Durfee; children: Margaret, Robert B., Benjamin Graves Brown, Frank Whitney (died Feb. 27, 1912). Taught in Chemical Laboratory at Tufts Coll., 1894-95. Interested in the Second Unitarian Parish at West Somerville and in all activities of Tufts Coll. Unitarian. Recreations: Driving, rowing, fishing.
DUKLEY, Ella Hamilton (Mrs. Preston B. Durley), Los Angeles, Cal.
Author and editor; b. Harrisville, Pa.; dau. William and Catharine (Logan) Hamilton; ed. State Univ. of Iowa, B.A. '78; M.A. '82; student in Berlin, Germany, 1880-81; m. 1886, Preston B. Durley. Editor Northwestern Journal of Education; Chicago Daily Review; Des Moines Daily News. Took the initiative in organizing Home for the Aged, Des Moines, 1896; served as special commissioner, appointed by the Governor of Iowa, to raise funds at time of Russian famine, 1891-92; served on State Board of Educational Examiners, Iowa, 1884-88. Favors woman suffrage. Author: My Soldier Lady; The Standpatters. Congregationalist. Progressive. Clubs: Des Moines, Iowa Press, Authors' (Des Moines); League American Pen Women; Friday Morning Club (Los Angeles, Cal.).
DURRANT, Frances Miller (Mrs. Horace W. Durrant), Coffeeville, Miss.
Born Holly Springs, Miss., Feb. 15, 1857; dau. William E. and Elizabeth (Hughes) Durrant; grad. Franklin Female Coll. (Holly Springs), M.A. '74 (mem. Philasmonic Soc); m. Holly Springs, Miss., Dec. 22, 1875, Horace W. Durrant, of London, England; children: Lilyan, Albert, Ethyline. Mem. Home and Foreign Missionary Soc, Woman's Culture Club (pres.), Martha Washington Chapter D.A.R. (Washington, D.C.), Daughters of the Confederacy, King's Daughters and Sons Favors woman suffrage. State treas. of Miss. Woman's Ass'n. Sec. D.C.V. Club; treas. Thursday Card Club; chairman (Coffeeville, Miss.) for Memphis Symphony Orchestra Ass'n for Yalobusha Co. Episcopalian.
DURSTINE, Florence Sarles, 67 Riverside Drive, N.Y. City.
Born Conneaut, O., April 6, 1881; dau. Lee Brenton and Kate (Sarles) Durstine; ed. Wooster Univ. (prep. dep't) and Columbus Central High School, grad. '97; Ohio State Univ., 1897-99; Wellesley two years, grad. '01. Has been active at various times in religious, social and philanthropic undertakings. Presbyterian. President Gamma Alumnae of Kappa Alpha Theta. Mem. Women's University Club. Recreation: Riding.
DUTCHER, Eva Olive, 675 St. Mark's Av., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Teacher; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 15, 1880; dau. Silas Belden and Rebecca (Alwaise) Dutcher; ed. Barnard Coll., Columbia Univ. B.A., Bryn Mawr Coll., Union Theological Sem., N.Y. City (mem. Gamma Phi Beta). Instructor Idaho Industrial Inst., Weiser, Idaho; instructor dep't Biblical literature and history, Mount Holyoke Coll., 1904-07; assoc. prof, same 1907—. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church. Mem. Soc. of Biblical Literature and Exegesis. Favors woman suffrage.
DUTTON, Alice Dunbar (Mrs. Edward Everett Dutton), 8 Wells Av., Amesbury, Mass.
Club pres.; b. Pittsfield, Mass., Mar. 25, 1874; dau. George S. and Anna (Hoffey) Dunbar; ed. Bradford Acad., Mass.; m. Nov. 14, 1899, Edward Everett Dutton, of Lowell; one son: Edward Dunbar. Congregationalist. Pres. Elizabeth H. Whittier Club of Amesbury.
DUTTON, Laura Ann Chapin (Mrs. Henry Wallbridge Dutton), Royalton, Vt.
Born Jericho Centre, Vt., April 24, 1860; dau. Milo Hoyt and Emily Susan (Smith) Chapin; ed. Jericho Centre Acad.; Keene, N.H., high school; Essex Classical Inst., Essex, Vt.; m. Jericho Centre, Vt., Mar. 17, 1880, Henry Wallbridge Dutton; children: Altha Luella, b. Sept. 14, 1884; Laura Ann, b. Aug. 2, 1885. Congregationalist. Recreation: Conventions. Mem. Royalton Woman's Club, Telephone Club.
DUVAL, Addie Hansbrough (Mrs. L. W. Duval), Ocala. Fla.
Born Hansbrough, Ky., Dec. 8, 1878; dau. Elijah and Hannah (McDougal) Hansbrough; ed. Lynnland Coll., Ky., A.B., and New England Conservatory, Boston, Mass.; m. Long Grove, Ky., Nov. 2, 1906, Louis Weyman Duval. Teaches a class of boys in Sunday-school. Mem. of Orphanage Aid Soc. and pres. of Missionary Soc; mem. Woman's Club; W.C.T.U.; also State chairman of Home Economics in Fla. Federation of Women's Clubs. Baptist. Mem. Woman's Club of Ocala.
DUVALL, Lulu Melick (Mrs. John S. Duvall), 104 4th St., Monessen, Pa.
Reader and entertainer; b. Roseville, O., Jan. 1, 1880; dau. John C. and Mary E. (Davis) Melick; grad. from high school, Malta, O.; student of Wooster Univ., O.; grad. King's School of Oratory, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1903; m. June 26, 1907, John S. Duvall; one daughter: Beatrice Josephine. Traveled on lecture platform for two years after graduation from King's Oratory School; taught in same school for two years. Mem. M.E. Church. Pres. Woman's Club of Monessen (literary club). Much of public reading and lectures were given for teachers institutes.
DUVALL, Nannie W. Goldborough (Mrs. Richard Marion Duvall), 2009 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md.
Born Frederick, Md., July 19, 1868; dau. Dr. John S. and Fannie W. (Stoider) Goldsborough; ed. private instruction until 12 years of age; Woman's Coll. until 17 years; m. Frederick, Md., Oct. 30, 1895, Richard M. Duvall. Interested in church benevolences and education. Against woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Md. Original Research Soc. Recreations: Reading, traveling.
DWIGHT, Julia Strong Lyman, 1651 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass.
Born Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '93; grad. in art, '93; grad. Museum of Fine Arts' School, Boston, 1904; student Art Students' League, N.Y. City, 1894-95, and in Europe, 1906-12. Teacher in Providence, R.I., 1893-94. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.