Cornell Alumnae Club of N.Y., Trenton Coll. Women's Club and Trenton Teachers Club.
DUNN, Martha Baker (Mrs. Reuben Wesley Dunn), Waterville, Me.
Writer; b. Hallowell, Me., Jan. 21, 1846; dau. Henry Knox and Sarah M. (Lord) Baker; ed. Hallowell Acad, and Maine Wesleyan Sem.; received degree of Litt.D. from Colby Coll., 1906; m. Hallowell, Me., Sept. 2, 1873, Reuben Wesley Dunn. Contributor to magazines. Author: The Sleeping Beauty; Memory Street; 'Lia's Wife; Cicers in Maine and Other Essays.
DUNN, Sara Warner (Mrs. William Dunn), Syracuse, Neb.
Born Clay, Onondaga Co., N.Y., 1846; dau. Seth Orrin and Sarah Warner; ed. district school and Oswego (N.Y.) public school, with barely an entrance into the Oswego Normal; m. Nebraska City, Neb. Territory, 1866, William Dunn; children: Adelaide, b. 1866; Georgia, b. 1869; Mabel, b. 1873; Sara, b. 1875; Iva Maud, b. 1884. Interested in educational matters and always votes at school elections. Has been mem. Public Library Board in Syracuse for several years (chairman of Book Com.). Favors woman suffrage. Has written some articles for local papers on such subjects as horse racing at fairs, high license for saloons, etc. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R. Has been mem. 14 years local club (served as pres. about nine years and again in 2912; has been delegate to State conventions).
DUNNING, Elizabeth Roe, School for Blind, Overbrook, Pa.
Teacher; b. Newton, Sussex County, N.J., Aug. 22, 1864; dau. Edgar A. and Phebe (Meddaugh) Dunning; ed. high school, Orange, N.J.; Vassar Coll., A.B. Teacher mathematics, Pittsburgh Female Coll., 1885-86; teacher in a private school, Ossining, N.Y., 1886-88; principal-teacher, School for Blind, Philadelphia, Pa., since 1889. Manager Industrial Home for Blind Women, Philadelphia, Pa. Manager and chairman Admission Com., Chapin Memorial Home for Aged Blind, Philadelphia, Pa.; mem. Am. Ass'n Workers for Blind. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Congregationalism Mem. Vassar Club, Philadelphia; Branch Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, College Club of Philadelphia.
DUNNING, Mary Parker (Mrs. Harry Westbrook Dunning), 188 Rawson Road, Brookline, Mass.
Born Everett, Mass., Nov. 17, 1879; dau. John Davis and Mary Annie (Bates) Parker; ed. Everett (Mass.) Grammar and High Schools, Tufts Coll., A.B. '02 (odist of her class); mem. Delta Kappa Phi; m. Everett, Mass., Sept. 23, 1908, Harry Westbrook Dunning; children: John Westbrook Dunning, b. Feb. 6, 1910; Eleanor Parker, b. Feb. 1, 1913. Lectures on Japan, China, India and the Holy Land before women's clubs, college sororities and in mission work. Congregationalist. Mem. local sorority of Delta Kappa Phi, Tufts Coll. and College Club of Boston. Recreation: Traveling. Has traveled extensively in Japan, China, India, Ceylon, Egypt, Palestine, Norway, Denmark and on European Continent.
DUNNING, Sarah B. Potter (Mrs. James G. Dunning), 211 Belmont Av., Springfield, Mass.
Born Bath, Me., Sept. 5, 1856; dau. William and Pamelia (Gilmore) Potter; ed. public and private schools; m. Springfield, Mass., June 5, 1884, James Gardner Dunning (lawyer); children: Harold Gardner, Ray Potter. Interested in church work, Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A. work; mem. Corporation of Am. Internat. Coll. for Foreign-Born Young Men and Women; especially interested in education of the Southern mountaineers and patriotic education of the immigrant. Very much interested in historical and genealogical research and now working upon several family records. Congregationalist. Mem. Daughters of Founders and Patriots, Patriotic Women of America, D.A.R., Old Puritan Families, New England Historic- Genealogical Soc, Conn. Valley Historical Soc, Ramapogue Historical Soc, Woman's Political Club. Has been State regent of the Mass. D.A.R., four years; previously State vice-regent, two years.
DUNTON, Edith Kellogg ("Margaret Warde"), 15 Washington St., Rutland, Vt.
Author, literary critic; b. Rutland, Vt., Dec. 28, 1873; dau. Walter C. and Miriam (Barrett) Dunton; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97; graduate student, 1899-1900. Teacher of English in Rutland, Vt., 1897-99. Writer of fiction under pen-name "Margaret Warde." Author: Betty Wales, Freshman, a Story for Girls, 1904; Betty Wales, Sophomore, 1905; Betty Wales, Junior, 1906; Betty Wales, Senior, 1907; Betty Wales, B.A. 1908; Betty Wales & Co., 1909; Betty Wales on the Campus, 1910; Betty Wales Decides, 1911; Betty Wales' Girls and Mr. Kidd, 1912; Nancy Lee, 1912. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.
DURAND, Grace G. (Mrs. Scott Durand), Crab Tree Farm, Lake Forest, Ill.
Born Burlington, Ia.; dau. William Garrett (of an old Md. family) and Martha (Rorer) Garrett (native of Arkansas of Virginian family); ed. Burlington, Ia.; at 15 was sec. and treas. of the Home Finding Ass'n of Iowa; m. Scott Durand; two adopted children. Resident of Lake Forest, Ill., since 1894; became interested in local politics and was the first woman placed on the local Board of Education. In 1904 became interested in the production of clean milk and through her example many men and women have taken up dairy farming; frequent lecturer; contributor to various publications, and novelist under a nom de plume of note; greatly interested in the stage and has frequently acted. Interested in politics and was one of the earliest advocates of the candidacy of Colonel Roosevelt in 1912; believes in restricted suffrage for both men and women, and is opposed to the methods of militant suffragists. Has farm of 270 acres, 30 miles north of Chicago, with a group of dairy buildings—by many regarded as the finest in the country—and a large herd of Guernsey and Alderney cattle. Interested in the Grange, farmers' institutes and all that pertains to agricultural progress. Christian Scientist. Progressive in politics.
DURAND, Laura Bradshaw, The Alonquin, Oriole Gardens, Oriole Road, Toronto, Ont., Can.
Journalist; b. Toronto, 1869; dau. Charles and Mary A. (Bradshaw) Durand; ed. in Toronto by private tuition. Entered local journalism in 1892; joined the Toronto Globe's editorial staff Feb., 1894, as literary editor, editorial writer and specialist. Founder and editor of The Circle of Young Canada, under pen name "Pharos." Resigned from Globe, 1910, to enter independent work. Deeply interested since youth in woman's advancement; in humane work among animals; in single tax, theosophy, natural history, folk-lore and the occult sciences. Was mem. of executive of Dominion Woman's Suffrage Ass'n, organizer of the Toronto Suffrage Ass'n and long chairman of its press com. Contributor to various magazines; is specializing in the drama. Liberal in politics. Mem. Canadian Folk-Lore Soc; Toronto Humane Soc. ; Royal Astronomical Soc; I.O.D.E.; Royal Canadian Cat Club. Recreations: Gardening and field work in natural history. Clubs: Heliconian, Woman's Canadian.
DURELL, Laura Jackson (Mrs. Fletcher Durell), Lawrenceville, N.J.
Born Freehold, N.J.; dau. Thomas and Deborah (Brower) Jackson; ed. Asbury Park (N.J.) private schools and high school; Pennington Sem., N.J.; m. Ocean Grove, N.J., July 1, 1885, Fletcher Durell; children: Thomas, b. May 16, 1886; Marian, b. Sept. 6, 1887. Interested in missionary societies, home and foreign; Sunday-school teacher, Y.W.C.A. (mem.). Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recreations: Swimming, tennis, walking. Mem. the Contemporary Club, Trenton, N.J.; the Woman's Club, Lawrenceville, N.J. (has been pres. of both clubs).
DURFEE, Abby Slade Brayton (Mrs. Randall Nelson Durfee), 19 Highland Av., Fall River, Mass.
Born N.Y. City, Nov. 10, 1870; dau. Hezekiah A. and Caroline E. (Slade) Brayton; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. 1894; m. June 12, 1895, Fall