Sofa (Albright) Baumgartner; ed. Kahoka public schools, Kirksville, Mo.; Normal Gem City Business Coll., Quincy, Ill.; m. Waukomis, Okla., May 26, 1901, Spencer S. Dumont. Teacher, eighth grade work. Enid public schools and Wyaconda, Mo. Interested in philanthropic and social work. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Independent. Mem. P.E.O. Sisterhood, Enid Shakespeare Club, Chautauqua Club; pres. First Dist. Okla. Fed. of Women's Clubs.
DUNBAR, Alice Ruth Moore (Mrs. Paul Laurence Dunbar), 916 French St., Wilmington, Del.
Teacher; b. New Orleans, La., July 19, 1875; dau. J. T. and Patricia (Wright) Moore; ed. Straight Univ., New Orleans (La.), Normal course; special student Univ. of Pa., Cornell Univ., Univ. of Chicago, School of Industrial Art, Philadelphia; m. Mar. 12, 1898, the poet, Paul Laurence Dunbar (deceased). Teacher of English in Howard High School and in social settlement work among colored people in Wilmington, Del. Before marriage interested in settlement work in N.Y. City, teaching there at time of marriage; Sunday-school work in Wilmington, also work in church. Author: The Goodness of St. Rocque (short stories), 1899; magazine articles on profession of teaching, on Wordsworth and Milton. Episcopalian. Mem. Ass'n for Advancement of Colored People, Nat. Federation of Colored Women, Wilmington Federation of Christian Workers. Recreations: Tennis, whist. Favors woman suffrage.
DUNBAR, Janet (Nettie Gallagher), Belasco Theatre, N.Y. City.
Actress; b. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 6, 1888; dau. James and Zula (Sharp) Gallagher; ed. Manual Training High School, Kansas City; Dillenbeck School of Oratory, Kansas City; Am. Acad. of Dramatic Arts, New York. Was first in The Witching Hour, since then has been leading woman for David Warfield in The Music Master and The Return of Peter Grimm. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian.
DUNBAR, Margaret Irene, State Normal School, Kent, Ohio.
Librarian; b. Monmouth, Ill., 1872; dau. John C. and Mary F. (Smith) Dunbar; ed. Monmouth Coll., B.L. '96; Ill. State Library School; Univ. of Ill., B.L.S. '02. United Presbyterian. Librarian. Western Ill. State Normal School Library, Macomb, Ill., until 1913; since June 1, 1913, librarian Kent State Normal School, Kent, Ohio. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n.
DUNBAR, Mary Helena (Mrs. Erroll Dunbar), 66 W. 97th St., N.Y. City.
Writer; b. Paris, France; dau. Clark Laurence and Mary H. (Abbott) Sharpsteen; ed. Miss Huger's School, N.Y. City; Mrs. Erving Winslow's Dramatic School, Boston; m. N.Y. City, 1905, Erroll Dunbar, actor; children: Erroll Jr., Laurence Dunbar. Appeared before marriage as a reader and dancer; gave professional matinee of Richelieu at 16 in Park Theatre, Boston, 1901. Active mem. of Socialist Party since 1908. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. of Equal Suffrage Ass'n in Boston, until removal to N.Y. City. Unitarian. Socialist. Mem. Lexington Chapter D. A.R. Club: Pen and Brush.
DUNBAR, Olivia Howard, 63 Washington Square, South, N.Y. City.
Journalist, magazine writer; b. West Bridgewater, Mass., 1873; dau. Nathaniel William and Olive (Howard) Dunbar; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '94. After graduation engaged in newspaper work on the N.Y. World until 1902; since then writer of fiction for the magazines and special articles for various publications.
DUNBAR, Saidie Orr (Mrs. J. A. Dunbar), 7118 Fifty-third Av., S.E., Portland, Ore.
Teacher, private tutor; b. Granger, Mo., June 23, 1880; dau. Robert Perry and Isora Kathryn (Lindsay) Orr; ed. high school and Portland Univ.; m. Sept. 7, 1905, Jesse Austin Dunbar; one daughter: Kathryn. First pres. Teachers' Progress Club of Oregon. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Republican. Mem. W.C.T.U., Oregon Equal Suffrage Soc, Grange (Evening Star Lodge). Recreation: Walking. Mem. Portland Woman's Club; chairman Public Health Committee of Oregon; General Fed. State (sec); cor. sec. Oregon Fed. of Women's Clubs; chairman Civic Com. of Portland Woman's Club. 1910-11. Mem. P.E.O., Chapter F.
DUNCAN, Florence, 100 Corsicana St., Hillsboro, Tex.
Born Hillsboro, Tex.; dau. James M. and Narcissa A. (Warren) Duncan; ed. Hillsboro private schools, two years, 1889-91; Winchester (Tenn.) Normal. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mem. Daughters of Confederacy. Recreations: Dancing, skating, riding, walking, bridge. Pres. Sesame Club (literary); hon. mem. Wednesday Club; pres. Silk Stocking Club; mem. Corsicana St. Bridge Club.
DUNCAN, Frances, Windsor, Vt.
Writer, horticulturist; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1877; dau. Capt. Charles C. and Hannah (Leech) Duncan. Editor Country Calendar; editor Garden Dep't Ladies' Home Journal, 1907-09. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Mary's Garden and How it Grew; When Mother Lets Us Garden; also various articles, chiefly horticultural, for Century, Atlantic, Ladies' Home Journal, Country Life and others. Mem. N.Y. Probation Ass'n, Nat. Geog. Soc, Forestry Ass'n, Cornish Equal Franchise Club, Woman Suffrage Party, N.Y. City, and Woman's Political Union, N.Y. City.
DUNCAN, Lena Elizabeth Hill (Mrs. John D. E. Duncan), 368 William St., E. Orange, N.J.
Born Lyons, N.Y., Aug. 1, 1871; dau. Edmund and Augusta (Reinhardt) Hill; grad. Lyons High School '91; Cornell Univ., B.S. '97; Columbia Univ. 1911-12; m. Lyons, N.Y., Jan. 29, 1902, John D. E. Duncan, mechanical engineer (died July, 1910). Before marriage was preceptress in Newark (N.Y.) High School. During residence in Portsmouth, N.H., 1902-03, was active in the woman's clubs. Interested in charitable work of the church and in guild meetings of the local church. Presbyterian. One of the first members of the King's Daughters Soc; mem. Cornell Univ. Women's Club of N.Y., charter mem. Sennightly Club of Cornell, charter mem. Jugatae Club of Cornell, Federation of Cornell Univ. Women's Clubs; mem. Entomological Soc of America. Favors woman suffrage.
DUNGAN, Susan Bray, Chepstow Apartments, 101st St. and Broadway, N.Y. City.
Concert pianist, lecturer on musical topics, certificated teacher of Fletcher music method, exponent of Carreno style of piano playing; b. Baltimore, Md.; dau. Abel Stevenson and Elizabeth Lefebre (Von der Schmidt) Dungan; ed. Western High School, holder of diploma and Peabody medal. Has given many concerts and lectures In Baltimore, Philadelphia and elsewhere; has lived, traveled, studied and taught in Germany; recently returned to America; has studios in N.Y. City, Trenton, N.J., and Spring Lake, N.J. Identified with Sunday-school work in Md. and Pa. Mem. King's Daughters. Episcopalian. Opposed to woman suffrage.
DUNHAM, Adeline Frances, 881 Massachusetts Av., Cambridge, Mass.
Physician; b. Montgomery, Vt., June 4, 1879; dau. Norman and Mary Mae (Arthur) Dunham; ed. Brigham Acad., Bakersfield, Vt. ; Tufts Coll., medical school, M.D. Mem. Alpha Delta. Recreations: Walking, swimming, snowshoeing.
DUNHAM, Amelia Hickenlooper (Mrs. Henry Kennon Dunham), 2503 Auburn Av., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, O.
Born Cincinnati, O., Dec 30, 1874; dau. General Andrew and Maria Lloyd (Smith) Hickenlooper; ed. Misses Huntsman's Private School; Bartholomew English and Classical School, Cincinnati; Wellesley Coll.; Univ. of Cincinnati, B.S. '02; m. Cincinnati, Mar. 14, 1905, Dr. Henry Kennon Dunham; children: Amelia, b. 1906; Harry Hickenlooper, b. 1910. Board mem. Cincinnati Fresh Air Soc. and Three Arts Club; mem. Mothers' Club of Public Schools, Advisory Com. of Hospital Social Service Ass'n, Visiting Nurses' Ass'n, Crafters' Ass'n, Cincinnati Museum Ass'n, Associated Charities, Consumers' League, Child Labor Com., Univ. of Cincinnati