DOWNES, Frances W. (Mrs. Charles T. Downes), 755 Westminster Rd., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Born Ansonia, Conn.; dau. David F. and Sarah F. (Church) Brown; ed. Ansonia, Conn.; m. Ansonia, Conn., Nov. 17, 1870, Charles T. Downes; children: Frederick A. Downes, Charles D. Downes. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R. (N.Y. City Chapter), New England Women Colony No. 8 (Brooklyn). Mem. Mayflower Soc. (ninth in descent from Myles Standish).
DOWNEY, June E., University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo.
Professor psychology, Univ. of Wyoming; b. Laramie, Wyo., July, 1875; dau. Stephen W. and Eva V. (Owen) Downey; ed. Univ. of Wyoming, B.A. '95; Univ. of Chicago, M.A. '98, Ph.D. '07; fellow Univ. of Chicago (Sigma Xi). Author: The Heavenly Dykes (book of poems); Control Processes in Modified Handwriting (Monograph Supplement of Psychological Review); Preliminary Study of Family Resemblance in Handwriting; The Imaginal Reaction to Poetry; The Variational Factor in Handwriting; also articles in Psychological Review, Am. Journal of Psychology, Psychological Bulletin, etc. Progressive Republican. Mem. Am. Psychological Ass'n, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. Recreations: Music, walking, reading of poetry. Favors woman suffrage.
DOWNEY, Margaret Elsie (Mrs. John F. Downey), 1115 Fifth St., S.E., Minneapolis, Minn.
Born Rockford. Ill., Jan. 10, 1873; dau. Reuben and Isabella J. (Ward) Downey; ed. Mound City High School; Univ. of Minnesota (Gamma Phi Beta); m. Mound City, Mo., Jan. 2, 1896, John F. Downey. Methodist. Recreations: Golf, horseback riding, tennis, tramping. Mem. Woman's Club, Minneapolis.
DOWNEY, Mary Elizabeth, Columbus, O.
Librarian; b. Sarahsville, O.; dau. Dr. Hiram James and Martha (Ball) Downey; ed. public, schools of Noble Co., O. (taught in them three years); Shepardson Coll., '95; Denison Univ., A.B. '99; Univ. of Chicago Library School, '01. Ass't librarian, Field Museum, Chicago, 1901-02; librarian, Ottumwa (Ia.) Public Library, 1902-08; library organizer of Ohio, 1908-; resident director, Chautauqua (N.Y.) Library School, 1906; sec. Iowa Library Ass'n, 1904-05; pres. Ohio Library Ass'n, 1912-13; mem. Am. Library Ass'n, Ohio Library Ass'n, Columbus Library Club, Am. Bookplate Soc, Ottumwa (Ia.) Woman's, Shakespeare and Fortnightly Clubs; Columbus (Ohio) College Woman's, Olla Podrida and Library Clubs; Columbus Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Philomathean Soc. Pres. Shepardson Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, 1912—. Chairman Library Extension Com., Ohio Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1910—. Collect book-plates. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage. Author of pamphlets and articles on library work: Library Extension in Ohio; Developing a Public Library; Reading in Rural Communities. Lecturer on Library Organization and Administration; generally interested in religious, social and philanthropic work.
DOWNING, Bertha Carol, 4 Downing St., Worcester, Mass.
Physician and educator; b. Kennebunk, Me.; dau. Justin Streeter and Jane Alcock (Stiles) Downing; ed. public and private schools of Boston, Mass., and Harvard Annex (now Radcliffe Coll.); Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '96; Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass., M.A. First resident physician, Boston Baptist Hospital, 1895-96; fellow Alumnae Ass'n of Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., 1905-07: Clark Univ., 1905-11, anthropology, biology, psychology (child study), pedagogy; teacher, Vineland (N.J.) Training School, 1889-92. Lecturer in orthogenics at Sargent School of Physical Education, Cambridge, Mass. Club lecturer. Interested in seeing Dr. Seguin's physiological method of education used by the public school system. Favors woman suffrage. Author of numerous medical articles published in medical and educational journals: Preventive Medicine in a Neglected Direction; Needs of the Feeble-Minded, 1904; The Speech of the Feeble-Minded; and other papers calling attention to the child called feeble-minded. Unitarian. Fellow Am. Acad, of Medicine; mem. New England Hospital Med. Soc, Am. Ass'n for the Study of the Feeble-Minded, Lexington (Mass.) Historical Soc, 1901-05, Radcliffe Union, London Branch Child Study Soc, Twentieth Century Club of Worcester, Unitarian Club. One of pioneers in work for feeble-minded. Trained at Elwyn, Pa., 1887-89; was sent by the sup't of Elwyn to Vineland (N.J.) Training School to aid in organizing that school. Sup't of school dep't, 1898-1900 (Vineland Training School).
DOWNING, Emma Hicks (Mrs. Hamilton F. Downing), 220 W. Seventy-second St., N.Y. City.
Born Tolland, Conn.; dau. Charles R. Hicks (retired merchant) and Maria (Stearns) Hicks; ed. in private schools and Mt. Holyoke. Coll.; m. Meriden, Conn., Mar. 31, 1880, Hamilton F. Downing of Springfield, Mass. Interested in hospital and mission work; established and supports free public library in Tolland, Conn.; interested in establishing hospital at Indian Wells, Ariz. Pres. N.Y. City Indian Ass'n; interested in church activities of Protestant Episcopal Church. Mem. Nat. Soc. New England Women, Navy League, Mary Washington Colonial Chapter D.A.R. , Nat. Soc Patriotic Women, Peace Soc of N.Y., Art League, Patria Club, Federation of Women's Clubs. Recreation: Travel. Against woman suffrage.
DOWNS, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs. George Sheldon Downs), Newton Centre, Mass.
Novelist; b. Wrentham, Mass., 1843; dau. Edwin A. and Malvina F. (Was) Forbush; ed. private school in Worcester, Mass.; m. 1868, George Sheldon Downs. Writer of serial stories for many years; earlier work under pen-name of "Mrs. Georgie Sheldon," later work under that of "Mrs. George Sheldon Downs." Author: Harry Mailland; Nettie Loring; Katherine's Sheaves; Step by Step, a Story of High Ideals; Earle Wayne's Nobility; Helen's Victory, or Halburton Lancaster's Temptation; Redeemed; Gertrude Elliot's Crucible and many other novels.
DOZIER, Tennie Pinkerton (Mrs. Nathaniel Bell Dozier), Franklin, Tenn.
Educational and patriotic worker; b. Franklin, Tenn., Aug. 8, 1861; dau. James and Sarah Caroline (Anderson) Pinkerton; grad. Tenn. Female Coll., Franklin, A.M. '83; has studied under professors of Cumberland Univ., Lebanon, Tenn., and in summer school of Monteagle Chautauqua, Tenn., and Chautauqua, N.Y.; m. Franklin, Tenn., June 20, 1895, Nathaniel Bell Dozier; children: Marguerite, Thaniel Pinkerton. Taught, 1883-95, in Howard Coll., Gallatin, Tenn.; College for Young Ladies, Lebanon, Tenn., and in Tenn. Female College, Franklin. Mem. Presbyterian Church and its missionary and aid societies; rec. sec Monteagle Woman's Foreign Mission Ass'n, five years; life mem. Monteagle Ladies' Ass'n; mem. W.C.T.U. ; chairman for Williamson Co. of Health Dep't Tenn. Fed. of Women's Clubs since 1908; mem. Ass'n for Preservation of Antiquities of Va., Southern Sociological Congress, D.A.R., Daughters of the Confederacy, State historian United Daughters of Confederacy, 1906-08; pres. Tenn. Woman's Historical Ass'n; originator movement to erect on campus of George Peabody Coll. for Teachers (Nashville) the Confederate Girls' Home, which shall be a memorial to the women of the Confederacy and to Confederate soldiers of Tenn. and a home for their women descendants during their term in school. Mem. Ass'n of Southern Writers; compiled volume of war records of Tennessee Confederate soldiers and filed same in Confederate Museum, Richmond, Va.; also three volumes war reminiscences of the women of the Confederacy, and other important historical data. Preparing volume on Southern statesmen and writers, and through her articles is arousing an interest in a great memorial arch, which will be erected on the battlefield of Franklin, as a memorial to the Am. soldiers of 1861-65— both the Blue and the Gray.