Oct. 23, 1865; dau. Liverius and Alice (Fair) DeGraff; ed. St. John's School, N.Y. City, and the Misses Masters School, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.; m. Plainfield, N.J., June 9, 1886, Frank Nelson Doubleday; children: Felix Doty, b. 1887; Nelson, b. 1889; Dorothy, b. 1892. Under pen-name of "Neltje Blanchan" has written several books on birds, flowers, etc. Author: The Piegan Indians; Bird Neighbors; Birds that Hunt and Are Hunted, 1898; Nature's Garden; How to Attract the Birds; Birds Every Child Should Know; The American Flower Garden; also magazine and newspaper articles on Agricultural Training for Negroes, Nature Study, Gardening, the North American Indians and Their Primitive Industries, Antique Furniture, critical essays and reveiws of books, descriptions of travel, etc. Mem. Armstrong Ass'n, History Class of Brooklyn, Nat. Arts Club (N.Y. City); Matinecock Neighborhood Ass'n.
DOUGALL, Lily, Cutts End, Cumnor, near Oxford, England.
Writer; b. Montreal; dau. John and Elizabeth (Redpath) Dougall; ed. privately. Author: Beggars All, 1891; What Necessity Knows, 1893; The Mermaid, 1895; The Zeitgeist, 1895; A Question of Faith, 1895; The Madonna of a Day, 1896; A Dozeu Ways of Love, 1897; The Mormon Prophet, 1899; The Earthly Purgatory, 1904; The Spanish Dowry, 1906; Paths of the Righteous, 1908. Mem. Ladies' University Club, London. Recreation: Gardening. Anglican. Liberal in politics. Favors woman suffrage.
DOUGHERTY, Lida, Beeville, Tex.
Teacher; b. Corpus Christi, Tex., Nov. 12, 1873; dau. Robert and Rachel (Sullivan) Dougherty; ed. public schools, St. Mary's Acad., Austin. Tex., and State Normal School, Denton, Tex. First woman to hold office of county sup't in Southwest Texas, and the second in the State. Interested in women's club work; pres. of local Women's Club; chairman Com. of Home and Teachers' Clubs of State Federation and associate mem. of Educational Com. Roman Catholic. Interested in development of good rural schools, the building of schoolhouses, social centre movement for boys, tomato clubs for girls and especially interested in domestic science. Against woman suffrage.
DOUGHTY, Grace Goble (Mrs. Robert W. Doughty), Fishkill-on-the Hudson, N.Y.
Born Gobleville, Mich., Jan. 4, 1870; dau. Hiram E. and Susan (Perry) Goble; grad. Kalamazoo (Mich.) High School, '88; Univ. of Mich., Ph.B. '92; m. Lacota, Mich., 1896, Robert Woodin Doughty; children: Elizabeth W., Edna R., Grace R., Thomas J., Robert M., Mary P. Active in religious circles. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage.
DOUGHTY, Phebe Van Vlack, Matteawan, N.Y.
Physician; b. Matteawan, N.Y., July 22, 1873; dau. Dr. John Henry and Elizabeth (Woodin) Doughty; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B.; Albany Normal, Pd.B.; Univ. of Mich., M.D. Practicing medicine in Matteawan, N.Y. Teacher of young women's Bible class of the Pilgrim Baptist Sunday-school, and actively engaged in Christian work. Mem. Dutchess Co. Med. Soc, Highland Hospital staff; physical director of the Sargent Industrial School. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage.
DOUGLAS, Alice May, Bath, Me.
Author; b. Bath, Me., June 28, 1865; dau. Joshua Lufkin and Helen Lauraman (Harvey) Douglas; ed. in Bath public schools and by private study. Has done editorial work on Harper's Young People and New Century Teacher; has been editor of The Acorn and The Pacific Banner, both published by Peace Dep't W.C.T.U. Author: Gems Without Polish, A Story of the Country Week; also four books of poems: Phlox; Mayflowers; Peace Bells; Olive Leaves. Prepared paper on The Inconsistency of the Military Drill (for the Child Study Congress at Liege); magazine writer, and publisher of many leaflets and booklets of various reforms. Has served as county sup't Sagadahoc Co., Me., W.C.T.U., and sup't for State dep't of Peace and Arbitration and as county sup't for dep'ts of Mercy, Christian Citizenship and Parliamentary Law, also sec. and press sup't Bath W.C.T.U.; primary sup't Maine State Sunday-school Ass'n, and county sup't same for Sagadahoc Co.; 4th vice-pres. Maine Epworth League (local sup't Junior League); sec. Lay Electoral Conference of Maine Conference M.E. Church; conference sec. and later sec. Young People's Work of Woman's Home Missionary Soc. of Maine Conference, and sec. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. of Lewiston District. Delegate of Boston Peace Congress to Internat. Epworth League Convention at Ottawa, to Internat. Sunday-school Convention, Boston, and to second Christian Citizenship, 1913. Acting sec. Sagadahoc Hist. Soc; mem. Maine State Teachers' Ass'n; organizer and exec. sec. of Maine Branch Am. School Peace League. Former suffrage dep't sup't of Sagadahoc Co. W.C.T.U.; mem. Maine Suffrage Ass'n; has been associated with Lucia Ames Mead in peace work of the Suffrage Ass'n. Originated the Bands of Peace (juvenile organization of W.C.T.U.); organized about 500 Bands of Mercy in schools and Sunday-schools of Maine; Maine correspondent of Lake Mohonk Conference on Internat Peace. Mem. Authors' League of Com. of 100 on National Health; mem. New England Woman's Press Ass'n
DOUGLAS, Amanda Minnie, 470 Summit Av., Newark, N.J.
Author; b. N.Y. City, July, 1837; dau. John S. and Elizabeth (Horton) Douglas; ed. City Inst., N.Y.; moved to Newark in early girlhood. Author: Bethia Wray's New Name; Claudia; Floyd Grandon's Honor; Foes of Her Household; The Fortunes of the Garadays; From Hand to Mouth; The Heirs of Bradley House; Her Place in the World; Home Nook; Hope Mills; In the King's Country; In Trust; In Wild Rose Time; Lost in a Great City; A Modern Adam and Eve; Nelly Kinnard's Kingdom; Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe; Osborne of Arrochar; Out of the Wreck; Seven Daughters; Stephen Dane; Sydnie Adriance; Whom Kathie Married; A Woman's Inheritance; Kathie Series (6 books); Santa Claus Land; Helen Grant Series — Helen Grant's School Days; Helen Grant's Friends; Helen Grant in College; Helen Grant the Graduate; Helen Grant, Senior; Helen Grant, Teacher; Helen Grant's Decision; Helen Grant's Harvest Year; Sherburne House; Lyndell Sherburne; The Sherburne Cousins; A Sherburne Romance; The Mistress of Sherburne; Children at Sherburne House; Sherburne Girls; The Heir of Sherburne; A Sherburne Inheritance; A Sherburne Quest; Honor Sherburne. Episcopalian. Clubs: Ray Palmer (first club in Newark), New Jersey Woman's Press. Episcopalian.
DOUGLAS, Corinne Williams (Mrs. Hamilton Douglas), The St. Bride, Atlanta, Ga.
Born Wyoming, Ia., Nov. 15, 1860; dau. Royal S. and Jennie (Cleveland) Williams; grad. Rockford Coll., 111., '80; Univ. of Mich., LL.B. '87; m. Aug. 13, 1885, Hamilton Douglas; children: Hamilton, Helen. Dorothy, Jean. Pres. Atlanta Woman's Club, 1909-11; mem. United Daughters of Confederacy, Hospital for Incurables, Associated Charities, Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n, Civic Ass'n, Mothers' Congress. Unitarian. Mem. Atlanta Woman's Club, College Women's Club.
DOUGLAS, Gertrude Douglas (Mrs. George William Douglas), 164 Highland Av., Newtonville, Mass.
Born Meadville, Pa., Nov. 8, 1866; dau. Joshua and Levantia (Densmoor) Douglas; ed. grammar and high school, Meadville, and Allegheny Coll., A.B. '88; m. May 5, 1891, Percy Vernon Greenwood, of Halstead, Eng. (died Nov. 25, 1891); one daughter, Persilia Vernon Greenwood, of that marriage, b. Feb. 17, 1892; m. (2d) Dec. 4, 1895, George William Douglas of Brooklyn, N.Y.; children: Helen Douglas Douglas, b. Jan. 31, 1902; Gertrude Wellesley Douglas, b. Oct. 21, 1907. Sang in choirs, concerts and recitals, supporting herself and baby, 1892-95. Deeply interested in education of young children, particularly girls, and young women, believing that present system of public education does not educate girls and women, nor fit them for homemakers and housekeepers, and for bearing, rearing and educating children, which she believes should be done