delity Girls. Contributor to Harper's Magazine, Atlantic Monthly, McClure'a, American, Everybody's, etc. Favors woman suffrage.
DONNELLY, Alice Moore, 4 307 Hamilton Av., Cincinnati, O.
Teacher of Latin; b. Cincinnati, O.; dau. John Marshall and Anne (Moore) Donnelly; ed. Woodward High School, Cincinnati; Univ. of Cincinnati. A.B., A.M. (Phi Beta Kappa); mem. V.C.P. (local sorority). Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Classical Ass'n of the Middle West and South, Cincinnati Woman's Club, Cincinnati Woman Teachers' Club.
DONNELLY, Elizabeth McAllister (Mrs. William Charles Donnelly), 5230 Columbia Av., Philadelphia. Pa.
Born McAlisterville, Pa., Sept. 6, 1878; dau. Isaac Thompson and Laura Jane (Bell) McAllister; ed. West Newton (Pa.) Acad., 1894-96; Allegheny Coll., Meadville, Pa.. A.B. 1900 (mem. Alpha Chi Omega); m. West Newton, Pa., 1905, William Charles Donnelly; children: James Marshall, b. 1907; Mary Elizabeth, b. 1910. Originally Methodist, but since marriage Presbyterian; active in church societies; vice-pres. Woman's Organized Bible Class. Against woman suffrage.
DONNELLY, June Richardson, Simmons College, Boston, Mass.
Librarian; b. College Hill, O.; dau. John Marshall and Anne (Moore) Donnelly; ed. Cincinnati public schools; Hughes High School; Univ. of Cincinnati, B.S. in biology (Phi Beta Kappa); N.Y. State Library School, Albany, 1901-03, B.L.S.; mem. V.C.P. (local sorority). Cataloguer Public Library, Cincinnati, 1903-05; teacher in library science, Simmons Coll., Boston, 1905-09; director Drexel Inst. Library School, Philadelphia, 1909-12; teacher of library economy in Washington Irving High School, N.Y. City, 1912-13; since July, 1913, associate prof, library science, Simmons Coll., Boston. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n. College Club of Philadelphia.
DONNELLY, Lucy Martin, Bryn Mawr. Pa.
Born Brooklyn. N.Y.; ed. Adelphl Acad., Brooklyn, N.Y.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '93; student in Univ. of Oxford, England, and Univ. of Leipzig, 1893-94; Sorbonne Coll., France, and Univ. of Leipzig, 1904-05; graduate student, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1895-97. Reader in English, 1896-1904; lecturer in English, 1904-08; associate prof, of English, Bryn Mawr Coll., since 1910.
DONOHOO, Harriet Grace Nichols, (Mrs. Rome P. Donohoo, Tucumcari, N.Mex.
Born Allerton, Ia., Dec. 22, 1878; dau. Herman Vedder and Alice (Townley) Nichols; ed. Kansas State Agricultural Coll., B.S. (honors In psychology); mem. Ionian Literary Soc.; m. Manhattan, Kan., Nov. 11, 1903. Rome P. Donohoo; children: Roldo Wilgann, b. Aug. 21, 1904 (died); Roscoe Nichols, b. Sept. 11. 1910 (died); Harriet, b. Feb. 18, 1912. Teacher of mathematics and chemistry; deputy probate clerk and ex-officio recorder for Quay Co., N. Mex. (husband's deputy, 1907-12). State organizer of mothers' club and parent-teacher ass'ns for New Mexico; mem. Patron's Com. of Five in Nat. Educational Ass'n (representing Nat. Congress of Mothers). Favors woman suffrage. Author of report of New Mexico for General Federation Bulletin. Democrat. Mem. Order of the Eastern Star (past grand marshal for N. Mex.); past matron O.E.S. Recreations: Driving, opera, Elks' dances. Mem. Bay View Club (charter mem.). Mothers' Club (pres.). Mem. B'd of Education for City of Tucumcari, 1913-17.
DONOVAN, Nellie Bakeman (Mrs. W. N. Donovan), 25 Pleasant St., Newton Centre, Mass.
Singer; h. Newburyport. Mass., Oct. 27. 1870; dau. Francis W., D.D.. and Nellie M. (Stuart) Bakeman; ed. high school. Chelsea, Mass., 1887; Colby Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '92; third honor junior year; commencement honor senior year; class poet senior year (Sigma Kappa); m. Chelsea, Mass., Dec. 23, 1895, Rev. Winfred Nichols Donovan, D.D. (asso. prof, dep't of Biblical Interpretation, Newton Theological Institution): children: Francis Bakeman and Elizabeth Nichols. Was teacher before marriage in Classical Inst., Waterville, Me., 1892-93; in Latin School, Somerville. Mass., 1894-95. Identified with choir singing in various churches; lecture recitals before club. Author: Little Folks of Yesterday and To-day; Child Life In Poem and Song. Against woman suffrage. Author of occasional stories, poems and sketches in magazines. Baptist. Mem. Mass. Ass'n Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women; Mothers' Ass'n; missionary organizations of Baptist denomination; Newton Centre Improvement Ass'n; Boston Colby Alumna Ass'n. Clubs: Fortnightly, Newton Centre Reading.
DONWORTH, Grace, 324 Commonwealth Av., Boston, Mass. (summer, Machias, Me.).
Author; b. Machias, Me.; dau. Patrick Enright and Mary Elizabeth (Baker) Donworth; ed. at private school in Boston. Gives humorous talks and recitations. Author: Letters of Jennie Allen to Her Friend. Miss Musgrove, 1908; Down Home with Jennie Allen. 1910; Series of Humorous Essays in Sunday Magazine. 1912. Contributor to magazines. Mem. D.A.R. Recreations: Etching and charcoal drawing. Mem. Boston Authors' Club. New England Women's Club. Am. FolkLore Soc, Rhode Island Short Story Club, Am. Drama Soc.
DOONAN, Myra Knowlton (Mrs. William Henry Doonan), Greenville. N.H.
School teacher; b. Riverdale, N.H., Oct. 9, 1875; dau. Thomas Oaks and Emma (Richards) Knowlton; grad. Goffstown High School, 1894; New Hampshire State Normal School, 1896; m. Manchester, N.H., Nov. 10, 1904. William Henry Doonan. Teacher and principal of grammar schools. Episcopalian. Mem. Greenville Woman's Club (pres.).
DOPP, Katharine Elizabeth, 5624 Ellis Av., Chicago. Ill.
Author, teacher, lecturer; b. Belmont, Wis., Mar. 1, 1863; dau. William Daniel and Janet (Moyes) Dopp; ed. country school at Belmont, Wis., State Normal School, Oshkosh, Wis., 1883-88; Univ. of Michigan, 1890-93, Ph.B.; Univ. of Chicago, 1900-02, Ph.D. Was teacher in the Oshkosh Normal School, Wis; principal training dep't of Normal School, Madison, S.Dak.; director of training Univ. of Utah; now lecturer in Extension Division of Univ. of Chicago. Interested in the work of the Joint Comm'n on Vocational Training of Girls (founded 1911). Interested In all sorts of social problems in an incidental way. Chairman of the Industrial Education Comm'n of the Chicago branch of the Coll. Alumnæ. Author: The Place of Industries in Elementary Education; Industrial and Social History Series; The Tree Dwellers; The Early Cavemen; The Later Cavemen; The Early Sea People. Contributor of articles to educational magazines. Congregationalist. Mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n, Nat. Soc. for the Promotion of Industrial Education, Nat. Geog. Soc. Recreations: Walking, club work, concerts, lectures and theatres. Has given occasional lectures and courses of lectures for several years, part of these lectures being on vocational subjects.
DORMAN, Jessie Thomas, 111 Park Place, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Teacher; b. Brooklyn, N.Y.; dau. M. H. and Sarah (Cheever) Dorman; grad. Packer Inst., Brooklyn, '88; Vassar Coll., '91; Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, 1900. Manager of Brooklyn Industrial School and Home tor Destitute Children; contributor to various city charities. Sunday-school worker. Mem. Packer Alumnæ Ass'n, Vassar Alumnæ Ass'n, Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Sciences, Pratt Alumnæ Ass'n, Woman's Club of Brooklyn, Home Economics Ass'n. Vassar Student Aid Soc. Student in water color and oils. Baptist.
DORR, Julia Caroline Ripley, The Maples, Rutland, Vt.
Author; b. Charleston, S.C., Feb. 13, 1825; dau. William Young and Zulma Caroline (Thomas) Ripley; ed. in father's library and Vermont schools; received degree of D.Litt. from Middlebury Coll,. 1911; m. N.Y. City. Feb. 22, 1847, Seneca M. Dorr; children: Russell Ripley, Zulma