Norfolk, Mass., Dec. 24, 1912, Ray Eugene Deuel (instructor In animal husbandry, Cornell Univ.). In social settlement work, Boston; extension instructor in home economics, Mass. Agricultural Coll., Amherst, Mass.; public lecturer in dairying and home economics; started domestic science in public schools of Norfolk, Mass.; Interested in milk research work (ass't director Warelands Dairy School), also boys' camp work. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Vice-pres. School of Domestic Science Alumnæ Ass'n of Boston; mem. N.Y. State Butter and Cheese Makers' Ass'n, Women's Municipal League, Mass. State Grange, Cornell Dairy Students' Ass'n, New England Home Economics Ass'n, Woman's Welfare Dep't of Nat. Civic Federation; charter mem. Mass. Milk Producers' Ass'n; mem. Women's Neighborly Club of Norfolk.
DEVELIN, Dora Harvey (Mrs. John F. Develin), 5250 Parkside Av., West Park, Philadelphia. Pa.
Born Lower Merion, Pa.; dau. James B. and Julia (Payne) Harvey; grad. Girls' Normal School, Philadelphia; post-grad, courses in Am. Univ., Tenn., A.B. 1900; m. N.Y., 1904, John F. Develin. Mem. Board of Managers of the West Philadelphia Gen. Homœopathic Hospital (chairman of Nurses' Com.); mem. League of Am. Pen. Women; vice-pres. Pa. Women's Press Ass'n, Philadelphia; regent Merion Chapter D-A.R.; mem. Alumnæ Ass'n of Girls Normal School, Philadelphia; pres. of the Martha Williams Soc., Children of Am. Revolution. Author: Some Historical Spots In Lower Merion; Dolinda and the Twins; Half Hour Stories (being a collection of short stories); A Face in the Crowd and Other Poems; Sandy Jem. etc. Episcopalian.
DEVEREAUX, Anna White, Wellesley, Mass.
Kindergartner; b. Marblehead, Mass., Sept. 7, 1865; dau. Samuel and Hannah (Smith) Devereaux; ed. Marblehead public schools and Miss Anne Le Page's Normal Kindergarten School for Training Teachers of Boston. Was supervisor of the public kindergartens of Lowell, Mass., for 20 years, and head of the Kindergarten Training Class in connection with the Lowell State Normal School for 14 years. Mem. Wellesley Coll. faculty in the Dep't of Education. Author: Outline of a Year's Work in the Kindergarten; Kindergarten Designing; Sewing and Brush Work; What We May Do. Unitarian. Mem. Wellesley Village Improvement Ass'n. Recreations: Nature work, literature.
DEVEREUX, Annie Sinnott (Mrs. John Ryan Devereux), Portledge, Bradley Lane, Chevy Chase, Md.
Born Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 7, 1869; dau. Joseph G. and Annie E. (Rogers) Sinnott; ed. Convent of the Sacred Heart; m. April 19, 1897, John Ryan Devereux; children: Joseph, Margaret, John, James, Anne, Ashton, Edward, Mary, Agnes, Tristram Coffin. Mem. Christ Child Soc., Florence Crittenden Circle, Georgetown Hospital Board, Gentlewoman’s League. Favors woman suffrage; mem. D.A.R., Dames of Md., Washington Club, Club of the Colonial Dames (Washington D.C.).
DEVEREUX, Mary—see Watson, Mary Devereux.
DE VOE, Emma Smith (Mrs. John H. De Voe), Villa De Voe, R.F.D. No. 3, Box 47, Tacoma, Wash.
Lecturer; b. Roseville, Ill., Aug. 22, 1858; dau. B. W. and Delia (Dolan) Smith; ed. in Illinois; m. Washington, Ill. Jan. 28, 1880, John H. De Voe. Favors woman suffrage; elected State lecturer in S.Dak. campaign and organizer 1889; made national lecturer in 1890; traveled and lectured in many States for several years under auspices of Nat. Am. Suffrage Ass'n; elected pres. Wash. Suffrage Ass'n, 1906; took part in Oregon campaign 1905-06; reëlected pres. Wash, Equal Suffrage Ass'n annually till 1910, when woman suffrage won by majority; had full charge of suffrage bill in Legislature which carried in both houses by large majorities; organized the Nat. Council of Women Voters and was elected its president.
DE VOE, Lucy Dillon (Mrs. W. H. De Voe). 1305 Union St., Brunswick, Ga.
Born Doctortown, Ga.; dau. Judge D. James and Martha (Williamson) Dillon; ed. Baltimore Female Coll., A.B. 1880 (mem. Parthenon); m. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1882, W. H. De Voe; one daughter: Marie Inslee, b. June 26, 1884. Episcopalian. State first vice-regent D.A.R., Ga.; vice-pres. Ga. U.S. Daughters 1812; cor. sec. Daughters of the Confederacy (Clement A. Evans Chapter); mem. Board of Directors of the Public Library; mem. several social clubs; active in church work.
DE VORE, Rebecca Jane, Glendale, Ohio.
Coll. pres.; b. Georgetown, O.; dau. David G. and Rebecca (Murray) De Vore; ed. Glendale Coll., N.Y., and private study. Pres. Pa. Coll. for Women, Pittsburgh, 1894-1900; pres. Glendale Coll., 1901—. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Clubs: Cincinnati Woman's, Glendale Monday Class, Glendale Coll, Pittsburgh Colloquium. Has served as vice-pres. in Ohio State Fed.; lectured on educational and philanthropic subjects; traveled extensively; lover of art and music.
DE VOU, Mary Ruth, 1311 Delaware Av., Wilmington, Del.
Born Wilmington, Del., April 29, 1868; dau. James Laird and Anna (Yarnall) de Vou; ed. Wilmington High School (winner of Adams gold medal in 1884 for excellence in English grammar), grad. '87; Friends School, Wilmington, '88; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '92. Teacher in Sunday-school of First Unitarian Church; correspondent of the Wilmington Morning News, for the New Century Club of Wilmington and the Society of Natural History. Mem. Society of Natural History of Delaware, Civic Ass'n of Wilmington. Unitarian Woman's Alliance of First Unitarian Church, Consumers' League. Mem. Social Service Com. of New Century Club. Recreations: Walking, botanizing. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; cor. sec. Equal Suffrage Ass'n of Del.; sec. Equal Suffrage Ass'n of Wilmington; walked with the suffrage army of Gen. Rosalie Jones from Wilmington to Newark, Del., on Feb. 20, 1913, to help the Votes for Women movement in Del.; marched with the Wellesley delegation of college women in cap and gown in the parade of the Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Washington, D.C., Mar. 3, 1913.
DEW, Louise E., Martha Washington Hotel, N. Y. City.
Editor, writer, lecturer; b. St. Johns, Mich.; dau. Henry F. and Harriet T. (Longwood) Dew; ed. Hayes Training School, Washington, D.C. Editor the Ladies' World and contributor to many papers and magazines. Author: Flower Lady and Her Children; Entertainment for All Seasons. Mem. Japan Soc. of London, Japan Soc. of N.Y., Authors' Com. of One Hundred and One.
DEWEY, Annie (Mrs. Melvil Dewey), Lake Placid Club, Essex County, N.Y.
Born Milford, Mass.: dau. Benjamin Davenport and Anne Eliza (Roberts) Godfrey; ed. Hopedale Home School, Milford (Mass.) High School, Gannett Inst., Boston; Vassar Coll., one year; Wellesley Coll., two years; m. Milford, Mass., Oct 19, 1878, Melvil Dewey; one son: Godfrey Dewey. Founder, with Melvil Dewey, of Lake Placid Club; founder, with Ellen H. Richards, of the Lake Placid Conference on Home Economics; founder of Institution Economics Section of Am. Home Economics Ass'n; mem. Com. of 100 on Nat. Health, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation. Author of occasional articles on home and institution economics. Congregationalist in early life, now Episcopalian. Progressive in politics. Recreations: Reading, driving, walking, horse-back riding. Vice-pres. Lake Placid Club, Essex County, N.Y. Specially interested in sociology, better living conditions, euthenics and eugenics; ameliorist, believes in progressive evolution.
DEWEY, Hattie Alice Chipman (Mr. John Dewey), 2880 Broadway, N.Y. City.
Born Fenton, Mich., Sept. 7, 1858; dau. Gordon Orlen and Lucy (Riggs) Chipman; ed. Mich. public schools, also School of Music in Fenton