240 DEMING — DENNETTDEMING, Katherine Burritt (Mrs. Harold S.
Deming), 128 E. Nineteenth St., N.Y. City.
Singer; b. Chicago, Ill., May 6, 1891; dau. William Nelson and Anne Grace (Castle) Burritt; ed. Kenwood School, Chicago, Ill., 1901-04; Cours Patin, Paris, France, 1904-05 (honors); Horace Mann High School, N.Y. City, 1905-08 (honors); Smith Coll., one year, class of '12; m. N.Y. City, April 23, 1913, Harold S. Deming. Debut at Belasco Theatre, Dec. 5, 1912, In American Indian songs. Sang in East and Middle West during the winter; previously in Scotland during summer. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. of Women's Political Union, N.Y. City; has worked in the office; also marshaled parades, etc. Sang in suffrage benefit at Belasco Theatre. Recreations: Swimming, sailing, dancing, walking, canoeing, etc.
DEMING, Winifred Conwell Murray (Mrs. Richard Deming), 928 Lincoln Av., St. Paul, Minn.
Born St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 13, 1861; dau. William Pitt and Caroline (Conwell) Murray; ed. St. Paul and Oxford Female Coll., Oxford, Ohio; m. St. Paul, Minn., April 25, 1888, Richard Deming; children: Elizabeth Goodman, b. April 6, 1889; Caroline Conwell, b. Aug. 20, 1890. Mem. and has served as regent of the D.A.R. and other minor offices. Particularly interested in social betterment educational matters. Has written historical sketches for newspapers and study clubs. Presbyterian. Mem. Town and Country Club, Lafayette Club.
DEMOREST, Alice Gilbert (Mrs. William Curtis Demorest), 68 E. Sixty-sixth St., N.Y. City
Born Camden, Me., May 22, 1863; dau. Charles Powles and Alice Emory (Ogier) Gilbert; ed. Twelfth St. Public School; Wadleigh High School; Normal Coll., N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, Feb. 6, 1884, William Curtis Demorest; children: Alice Louise Demorest Davenport, Gilbert Curtis Demorest, Charlotte Katharine Demorest. First vice-pres. N.Y. Diet Kitchen; mem. Board of Trustees of City History Club of St. Luke's Home, Girls' Athletic League and Pen and Brush Club. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise Soc., Women's Municipal League, Nat. Women's Suffrage Party and Women's Political Union. Composer of waltzes, songs, etc., and Chicana. Mem. St. Thomas’ Church (Episcopal). Mem. NY. State Com. Nat. Progressive Party. Mem. Sorosis (ex-chairman of exec, com eight years; cor. sec. chairman Musical Com.); charter mem. New England Soc. (elected pres. but did not serve). Pres. Sorosis Carol Club, MacDowell Club St. Cecilia Club, Amateur Comedy Club, Chess Club.
DE NAVARRO—see Navarro, Mary Anderson de.
DENISE, Edith, 718 Columbia St., Burlington, Iowa.
College professor; b. Ohio; grad. Lake Forest (Ill.) Univ., '85; graduate student in German and French, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1889-90; student in France and Germany, 1890-92 and summers of 1894-97; Univ. of Chicago, summer 1899. Instructor in modern languages, Iowa Coll., 1892-1905; instructor in German, Univ. of Ind., 1905-06; dean of women and ass't prof, of German, Lake Forest Colv
DENISON, Elsa, 730 Emerson St., Denver, Colo.
Born Denver, Colo., May 17, 1889; dau. Dr. Clement Charles and Ella (Strong) Denison; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '10. Volunteer worker with N.Y. Bureau for Municipal Research and Training School for Public Service, 1910-12; volunteer worker with City Board of Charities and City Federation, 1913, in Denver. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Outside Co-operation with the Public Schools of Greater New York (Bureau of Municipal Research), 1912; Helping School Children, 1912. Mem. Women's University Club, N.Y. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnæ, Bryn Mawr Alumnæ Ass'n. l., since 1906.
DENISON, Evelyn Mattocks, 29 Livingston Av., Drexel Inst., Yonkers, N.Y.
Teacher in high school, author; b. Lyndonville, Vt, Apr. 21, 1872; dau. Adelbert Stoddard and Esteile (Mattocks) Denison; ed. Newton (Mass.) High School: Wellesley Coll., B.A. '95, M.A. '98; Columbia Univ. (registered for Ph.D.). College reporter at Wellesley for Boston, Chicago, N.Y. City and Brooklyn papers, 1895-98; teacher of English in Friends Acad., New Bedford, Mass., 1898-1900; traveled abroad one year; teacher of English in Poughkeepsie High School, 1901-04, and in Yonkers High School, 1905—. Mem. Yonkers Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Author: Figures of Speech; History of the Novel; Development of the English Drama, all in outline form; Essentials of Versification; The Sonnet (in preparation); also magazine and newspaper articles, Episcopalian. Mem. Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull Chapter of the D.A.R., Nat. Geographic Soc., Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Nat. Child Labor Com. League for Political Education, Y.W.C.A., Nat. Council of Teachers of English, Mem. Yonkers Progressive Club.
DENISON, Flora MacD. (Mrs. Howard Denson). 22 Carlton St., Toronto, Can.
Author and journalist; b. Ontario, Can., 1867; dau. George and Elizabeth (MacTavish) Merrill; ed. Pickie Collegiate Inst., Belleville and Toronto; m. 1892, Howard Denison; one son: Merrill Denison. Interested in social betterment problems. Pres. of the Nat. Canadian Suffrage Ass'n, Toronto. Author: Mary Melville the Psychic; Idealistic Essays; Patwuka Indian Stories; also articles; dep't editor and special correspondent to Toronto Sunday-school, Recreations: Horseback riding, swimming, canoeing, walking. Pres. Progressive Thought Club, Woman's Canadian Club. Taught school, business woman, real estate operator, author and newspaper woman. Delegate to Internat. Woman Suffrage Alliance, Copenhagen, 1906, and Budapest, 1903.
DENISON, Florence Howland (Mrs. William Kendall Denison), 126 Packard Av., Tufts College, Mass.
Born Buffalo, N.Y., June 29, 1875; dau. Henry R. and Rebecca (Letchworth) Howland; ed. Buffalo Sem. (diploma); Pratt Inst., Normal Art (diploma). Brooklyn; m. Alpine, N.J., June 29, 1904, William Kendall Denison; children: Richard Howland (died 1909), Rebecca Letchworth, Robert Howland. Teacher of art at Martin Park High School, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897-1904 Episcopalian. President West Somerville Mothers' Club.
DENNEN, Grace Atherton, Hoover and Adams Sts., Los Angeles, Cal
Teacher, writer; b. Woburn, Mass., Sept. 28, 1874. dau. Stephen Rollins and Clara Whitney (Ludwig) Dennen; ed. high school. Concord, Mass., Smith Coll., A.B. '92; A.M. '94. Author: (novel) The Dawn Meadow; writer of short stories and articles for magazines and newspapers. A poem: Gold of Ophir Roses, in Stedman's American Anthology. Democrat (since Wilson was nominated). Mem. Alpha Soc., Smith Coll. Recreations: Out-door life, tennis, automobiling and long walks.
DENNETT, Elisabeth Goodwin Redfern (Mrs. Daniel Clement Dennett), 7 Washington St., Winchester, Mass.
Born Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '97; student of biology, Mass. Inst, of Technology, '99; philosophy, Radcliffe Coll., 1902-03; chemistry, Simmons Coll., 1904-05; m. Dec- 15, 1906, Daniel Dennett; one son: Daniel Clement Jr., b. Jan. 16, 1910. Teacher of zoology, botany and Latin, Am. Coll. for Girls, Constantinople, 1899-02. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnæ Ass'n.
DENNETT, Mary Ware (Mrs. Hartley Dennett), 505 Fifth Av., N.Y. City.
Sec. Nat. Suffrage Ass'n; b. Worcester, Mass.; dau. George Whitfield and Livonia (Ames) Ware; ed. Boston public schools. Miss Capen's School fof girls Northampton, Mass.; Boston Art Museum. School of Art; m. Jan. 20, 1900, Hartley Dennett, architect; children: Carleton, Devon. Head of School of Design and Decoration at Philadelphia; director of the Handicraft Shop, Boston, Mass.; director of Boston Arts and Crafts Soc; professional house decorator and furnisher. Mem. several single tax ass'ns. Favors woman suffrage. Former field sec. of Mass. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; now sec.
Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; vice-pres. of