prof. of Economic History at Yale; children: Margaret, Ellen. Ass't in English at Smith, 1898-99; teacher of French and French history in various schools at different periods. Against woman suffrage. Contributor to magazines, chiefly Action. Mem. Ass'n Coll. Alumnae. Recreations: Swimming, boating, tennis, dramatics, Club: New Haven Lawn.
DAY, Leigh Gross (Mrs. George Edward Day), 845 S. Fourth St., Springfield, Ill.
Writer; b. Springfield, Ill.; dau. Eugene and Susan (Zimmerman) Gross; ed. in the public schools of Springfield, Ill., also special studies in art; m. Springfield, Ill., 1886 George Edward Day. Has written stories and sketches and furnished illustrations to several leading publications, including The Ladies' Home Journal and Woman's Home Companion. Author: In Shadow Town. 1907; Borderland and the Blue Beyond, 1908.
DAY, Lillian Paschal (Mrs. Giles W. Day), Hotel Breslin, N.Y. City.
Writer; b. Winfield, Ia.; dau. James and Mary J. (Hale) Paschal; ed. High School, Creston, Ia., Iowa Wesleyan Univ., Mt. Pleasant, Ia.; studied vocal music in N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, May 2, 1908, Giles Warren Day (died May 10, 1911). Formerly with Chicago Tribune, N.Y. Journal and Herald, now connected with Woman's Magazine (Butterick Pub. Co.) editorial dep't. Helped organize Three Arts Club (charter mem.). Church singer in N.Y. City 8 years. Has done settlement work on lower East Side. Started Journal Christmas fund for poor children. Social worker for protection of young girls. Has written several hundred short stories, articles, poems, serials, novelettes, etc., for magazines and syndicates. Has written for Ainslee's, Pearson's, Smith's, Metropolitan, All-Story, Success, Life, Delineator, Designer, McClure's Syndicate and other magazines. Clubs: Woman's Press, Three Arts, Iowa New Yorkers (twice vice-pres.). Recreations: Athletics, skating, horseback riding, dancing, music, gardening, motoring. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. Independent in politics.
DAY, Mary Anna, 43 Langdon St., Cambridge, Mass.
Librarian; b. Nelson, N.H., Oct. 12, 1852; dau. Sewell and Hannah (Wilson) Day; ed. in public schools and Lancaster Acad.; special studies in botany. Formerly a teacher, now librarian. Writer on botanical subjects, notably series on Local Floras of New England (Rhodora, Vols. I, II, 1899-1900); Herbaria of New England (Rhodora, Vol. Ill, 1901). Congregationalist. Against woman suffrage.
DAY, Mary Gage, Kingston, N.Y.
Physician; b. Worcester, N.Y., June 20, 1857; dau. Henry Van Tassel and Lucy (Grove) Gage; after completing school courses in Worcester and at Charlottesville Sem. studied one year in scientific laboratories of Cornell Univ.; grad. dep't, medicine and surgery, Univ. of Mich., M.D. '88; post-grad, work in N.Y. Post-Grad. School and Hospital. Resident physician in State public School for Dependent Children, Coldwater, Mich., 10 months; practiced medicine six years in Wichita, Kan.; since 1897 at Kingston, N.Y.; Sec. of staff and attending gynecologist to Benedictine Sanitarium and Hospital; gynecologist, Kingston City Hospital and Ulster County Tuberculosis Hospital; chairman and instructor of Benedictine Training School for Nurses. Mem. St. John's Episcopal Church, Kingston. Lecturer, State Dep't of Health. Author of several papers on Loco-Weed and contributions on other scientific and medical topics to medical journals. Also Some Useful Points in Eugenics, and circular letter in collaboration with the Com. on Moral Sanitation of N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs (chairman of com., 1912-13). Mem. Nat. Ass'n for Prevention of Tuberculosis, Am. Med. Ass'n, N.Y. State Med. Soc, Ulster Co. Med. Soc; sec. Ulster Co. Com. on Prevention of Tuberculosis; permanent mem. Alumni Ass'n of Univ. of Mich.; mem. N.Y. State Woman's Med. Ass'n, Nat. Geographic Soc, A.A.A.S., Kingston City Hospital Ass'n; chairman Public Health Com., Kingston Fed. Women's Clubs; mem. Twaalfskill Country Club.
DAY, Sarah Louise, 280 Newbury St., Boston, Mass.
Chemist; b. Roxbury, Mass.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '78, A.M. '87; Mass. Inst, of Technology, B.S. '87. Engaged in water analysis for the State Board of Health, Boston, 1888-96. Treas. Woman's Board of Foreign Missions of the Congregational Church since 1896. Congregationalist.
DEACH, Inez Rodgers (Mrs. Andrew Deach), 216 Honore St.. Chicago, Ill.
Born Rexville, N.Y., Jan. 8, 1853; dau. Andrew and Lydia Ann (Rexford) Rodgers; ed. Ashtabula (O.) public schools (graded and high); m. Ashtabula, O., Sept. 29, 1896, Andrew Deach (died Dec. 22, 1902). Pres. Ashtabula Ladies' Aid Soc, 3895-96: honorary matron Emergency Charity Hospital, Ashtabula, 1894-96; first vice-pres. Francis Juvenile Home Ass'n, 1910-12 (Chicago); treas. Children's Day Ass'n, 1911-12; pres. West Side Union W.C.T.U., 1912; pres. Ladies' Church Ass'n of St. Paul's Reformed Episcopal Church, 1910-12. Officer Lady Washington Chapter, Eastern Star (Chicago). Mem. Woman's City Club, City Gardens Ass'n, Citizens' Health Alliance, Emigrant Protective League, Civics Com., League of Cook Co. Clubs; has served as pres. and first vice-pres. Hull House Woman's Club; pies. Frances Juvenile Aid Club, 1909-10. Past sup't of suffrage legislation and petition, Cook Co. (Ill.) W.C.T.U., several times delegate to Springfield, Ill., when suffrage bill was before the Senate and House; delegate to Cook Co. Suffrage Alliance from Cook Co. Exec. Board W.C.T.U.
DEAN, Elizabeth Whetten, 916 Olivia Av., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Born Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 6, 1868; dau. Henry Stewart and Delia Brown (Cook) Dean; grad. Ann Arbor (Mich.) High School, '87; Univ. of Mich., A.B. '91. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Soc Collegiate Alumnae, Internat. Soc. of King's Daughters, D.A.R., Dames of the Loyal Legion. Mem. Washtenaw Country Club, Ann Arbor Classics Club, Ann Arbor Bridge Club.
DEAN, Emily Washburn (Mrs. George Robinson Dean), Montgomery Road, Highland Park, Ill.
Born Alton, Ill., May 25, 1870; dau. Elmer and Elizabeth (Knight) Washburn; ed. Chicago public schools; Miss Rice's High School for Girls; m. Chicago, Ill., Oct. 22, 1903, George Robinson Dean (architect). Mem. Protestant Episcopal Church. Chairman Reform Dep't and director of Chicago Woman's Club; sec. Juvenile Protective Ass'n. Active in affairs of Juvenile Court from creation of same; sec. Juvenile Psychopathic Inst, of Chicago. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Juvenile Protective Ass'n of North Shore, Immigrants' Protective League. Mem. Woman's City Club.
DEAN, S. Ella Wood (Mrs. John E. Dean), 5000 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago, Ill.
Born Corona, O., 1871; dau. Dr. S. E. and Mary (Stough) Wood; grad. Dearborn Sem., Chicago; Md'lle Devina's, Paris, France; m. Chicago, 1900, John E. Dean. Interested in the principal clubs in Chicago, D.A.R., Loyal Legion, Colonial Dames, Art Inst.; life mem. Amateur Musical Club, the Antiquarians, etc., Y.W.C.A., the New Future Associate, the Refuge. Interested for woman suffrage. Author: Shibboleth; Loves Purple; Story a Sofa Told, and many short stories of romance and travel. Presbyterian. Republican. Mem. D.A.R., the Antiquarians, Alliance Francaise, Colonial Dames, the Drama League of America, Ill. Press Ass'n Recreations: Riding, driving, horses, golf, swimming, motoring. For many years traveler and student; sings a large repertoire, but makes a specialty of Carmen; has devoted time and talents to charity. Has been presented at the English and German courts.
DEAN, Sara, Lyceum Club, Piccadilly, London, England.
Author; b. Boise City, Idaho; dau. Peter and Isabella (Armstrong) Dean; privately educated. Extensive traveler in Europe, the Orient and the islands of the South Pacific. Author: Travers,