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anthropies. Contributor of poems to magazines, principally The Atlantic Monthly, The Century Magazine, Harper's Monthly, etc., also occasional contributor of prose. Congregationalist. Mem. Poetry Society of America, Wednesday Morning Club, Pittsfield, Mass., and other local clubs. Recreations: Anything out-of-doors, mostly walking. Taught English one year at Kemper Hall, Kenosha, Wis., but has not done any regular teaching since.

DAVIS, Florence Harriet (Mrs. Albert A. Davis), Larimore, N.Dak.

Stenographer and librarian; b. Merrickville, Ont., Oct. 26, 1863; dau. Edward and Joanna (Brenniek) Brennan; ed. public schools, N.Dak.; Univ. of N.Dak.; m. (1st) Bathgate, N.Dak., April 12, 1893, Allen Baldwin (died July 1, 1895); (2d) at Governor's residence, Bismarck, N.Dak., Oct. 12, 1908, Albert Davis (mem. State Legislature); children: Elaine Baldwin, b. Feb. 22, 1894; Brennan Briggs Davis, b. July 8, 1912. Favors woman suffrage. For past 10 years editor of Special Day Manuals (Washington and Lincoln's Birthday, Arbor and Bird Day, Memorial Day) for Department of Education, Bismarck, N.Dak.; contributor of articles and poems to same. Library clerk in same dep't for Educational Reference Library; compiler of Library List for public schools of N.Dak. Roman Catholic. Progressive Republican. Recreations: Tennis, skating. Mem. Monday Night Club (Grafton), Fortnightly Club (Bismarck), Tuesday Club of Larimore (pres. for two years); vice-pres. First Dist. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, N.Dak; rec. sec. State Fed., 1909-10.

DAVIS, Frances Lewis, "Kreag-Knoll," Northport, L.I., N.Y.

Housewife; b. New Albany, Ind.; dau. Marcus Watson and Mary Danforth (Butz) Lewis; ed. Bennett Sem., Minneapolis, Minn., B.A.; m. 1st, A. B. Hush, banker, Minneapolis, Minn.; 2d, Frank Fillmore Davis, N.Y. City, Nov. 2, 1900; children: Elsie Stewart Hush, Donald Stuart Hush. Interested in the study and demonstration of psychology in human affairs to harmonize many existing perplexities (scientific uplift); student of the Arts and Crafts and music (vocal). All her life a suffragist, her grandmother, Frances Danforth, and mother, co-workers with Susan B. Anthony, Frances Willard, and others prominent in their time; now giving her time to the Progressive Party. Mem. Ethical Culture Soc. Mem. Manhattan Chapter D.A.R., Civic Forum, Harmony Club.

DAVIS, Gertrude Kahn, 93 Pitt St., Portland, Me.

Writer, teacher; b. Baltimore, Md., Nov. 10, 1881; dau. Gustave and Anna (Ensor) Kahn; ed. Goucher Coll., A.B. '02, Cornell Univ. A.M. '04 (mem. Epsilon Sigma, Sennightly); m. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 5, 1907, Charles Henry Davis (Williams, '98), Congregational minister. Taught in Baltimore High School, 1903-07, English and Am. literature, rhetoric. Work has been mostly in connection with her husband's parish, a large down-town church. Author: The Principle of Love in Browning's Poetry; received Hiram Corson Browning prize at Cornell, 1903, for paper on Browning's Treatment of Sexual Love; has written many papers on English and Am. literature. Congregationalist. Recreations: Tennis, rowing.

DAVIS, Grace Spencer (Mrs. Robert J. Davis), 2630 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, Cal.

Born San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 4, 1867; dau. John Campbell and Alice (Day) Spencer; ed. Van Norman's Inst.; Rutger's Female Coll., N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, Feb. 1, 1888, Robert J. Davis; children: Louis Spencer, Constance. Director in Century Club of Cal.; chairman of Phi Gamma Delta Auxiliary. Mem. the Oakland Civic League. Clubs: Century, Town and Country, San Francisco; Musical, Sketch. Christian Scientist. Favors woman suffrage. Republican.

DAVIS, Harriet Winton (Mrs. Charles W. Davis), 1199 Raymond Av., St. Paul, Minn.

Writer; b. Montour Falls, N.Y.; dau. Dr. Nelson and Lucy P. (Goodrich) Winton; ed. private and public schools and academy in N.Y. State; m. Montour Falls, Charles W. Davis (lawyer); children: Helen Amelia Davis (now Mrs. W. A. Orton), Bertha Gerneaux Davis (now Mrs. Albert F. Woods). Writer of short stories and miscellany for various publications, among them The Congregationalist, Country Gentleman, Interior, Zion's Herald, Young People's Weekly, Chicago Advance, Youth's Companion, etc.

DAVIS, Harriett Lobdell, 194 Lenox Av., N.Y. City.

Born Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. 1, 1863; dau. Rev. Francis Lobdell, D.D., LL.D., and Julia Alvira (Danforth) Lobdell; ed. The Misses Edwards School, New Haven, Conn.; Misses Notts; St. Margaret's, Waterbury, Conn.; m. St. Andrew's Church, N.Y. City, June 17, 1885, Vernon Mansfield Davis, now Supreme Court judge. Interested in the Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions; pres. St. Agnes' Chapel, branch of Trinity Parish, N.Y. City; mem. Board of Management Home for Old Men and Aged Couples, Executive Board of Diocesan Auxiliary to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Cathedral League. Episcopalian. Mem. Soc. Colonial Dames, 2d vice-pres. N.Y. City Chapter D.A.R., Nat. Geog. Soc, Soc. for Preservation of Virginia Antiquities. Recreation: Golf.

DAVIS, Helen Lee, Moultonboro, N.H.

Univ. prof.; b. Moultonboro, N. H., Sept. 22, 1876; dau. Eleazer A. and Mary A. (Rolfe) Davis; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa), '99; Columbia Univ. B.Sc. 1908-10. Mathematical computer, Astronomical dep't, Columbia Univ., 1899-1908; instructor in Home Economics, Univ. of Neb., 1910-12; adjunct prof, in Economics, Univ. of Neb., 1912. Congregationalist.

DAVIS, Helen Lockwood (Mrs. Charles Gay Davis). Madison, N.J.

Born Madison, N.J., Sept. 17, 1865; dau. Jacob S. and Laura (Clark) Paulmier; ed. Packer Collegiate Inst.; m. Madison, N.J., June 1, 1892, Charles Gay Davis; children: Roger A., Katharine P., Elizabeth, Charles Gay Davis Jr. Interested in work of local auxiliary of Y.M.C.A. (chairman of Boys' Work); active in work of N.J. State Federation of Women's Clubs (mem. of several committees). Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage League of Madison. Presbyterian. Trustee and sec. George Junior Republic Ass'n of N.J.; rec. sec. Consumers' League of N.J.; rec. sec. of Presbyterial Soc. of Norris and Orange, N.J.; mem. Fortnightly Jaunts Club and Thursday Morning Club (Madison).

DAVIS, Jennie Eliza, Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va.

Editor, author, teacher; b. Troy, N.Y.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '78. Teacher Middleburgh, N.Y., 1878-79; Hampton (Va.) Inst., 1879-85, and 1887-99; Vassar, 1885-87. Editor Southern Workman, Hampton Inst., since 1899. Author: Round About Jamestown; also many articles on sociological and race questions.

DAVIS, Kate, The Cumberland, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Writer; b. Bloomsburg, Pa., May 2, 1877; dau. Reuben Miller and Albina Baker (Stewart) Davis; ed. osteopathic course; several hygienic health courses. Practised as osteopathic physician ten years; on staff Natchez (Miss.) State Hospital, 1904. Engaged for years at newspaper and magazine work; associate editor Mothers' Magazine; has made sociological investigations in Italy, Switzerland, France, England and Scotland, as well as U.S. and Canada. For some time past has been on the platform pleading for better conditions in moving picture shows; has lectured in most of the large cities east of the Mississippi River and in six months organized the U.S. in a fight for legal regulation of all moving picture shows, with an advisory board made up of juvenile court judges all over the country (with Judge Ben Lindsay of Denver as chairman) and a publicity com. of newspaper men in all sections of the country. Has lectured before State federations and the great national organizations, which not only endorsed the work, but carried on the campaign in many sections. Succeeded in getting legal regulation

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