m. Othman A. Abbott; children: Othman, Edith, Grace and Arthur. After graduation engaged in teaching and taught in high school until her marriage. Active in charities, in club work, and in the cause of woman suffrage. Mem. State Board of Charities several years. Unitarian; was delegate to Unitarian Nat. Conference, Saratoga, 1885. Member Grand Island City Library Board from foundation, 1880; served six years as mem. Visiting and Examining Board of the Nebraska Soldiers' Home. Has been pres. of the Woman's Club and the Woman's Suffrage Club of Grand Island; pres. Public Library B'd for many years and pres. Ladies' Park Ass'n.
ABBOTT, Frances Matilda, Concord, N.H.
Writer, genealogist; b. Concord, N.H., Aug. 18, 1857; dau. John and Matilda (Brooks) Abbott; grad. High School, Concord, '75, Vassar A.B. '81. Wrote chapter on Domestic Customs and Social Life in History of Concord, N.H., 1903; author Birds and Flowers About Concord, N.H., 1906; The Simple Single, 1909; one of writers of N.H. Genealogical and Family History, 1908. Contributor to North American Review, Forum and many other periodicals; also, editorially and otherwise, to New York, Boston and N.H. newspapers; made journey to Egypt, Palestine and Greece, 1910. Recreations: Nature study and travel, and, in earlier years, rowing and mountain climbing. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Boston Ass'n Vassar Alumnae, N.H. Hist. Soc, Woman's Hosp. Ass'n (life). Concord Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Concord Female Charitable Soc. (life). Woman's Auxiliary to Y.M.C.A. (life), Appalachian Mountain Club of Boston (life), Stratford (Shakespeare) Club (charter, 1883), Wild Flower Club (founder, 1896), College Club. Treas. N.H. College Equal Suffrage League. Congregationalist.
ABBOTT, Grace, Hull House, Chicago, Ill.
Social worker; b. Grand Island, Neb., 1878; dau. O. A. and Elizabeth M. (Griffin) Abbott; ed. Grand Island Coll., Ph.B., '98; Univ. of Neb., 1902-03; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.M. '09 (Delta Gamma). Director of Immigrants' Protective League, Chicago, since 1908. Resident of Hull House since 1908. Has written occasional articles on the immigration question in The Survey and American Journal of Sociology. Mem. Consumers' League, Woman's Trade Union League, Ill. Branch of Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Woman's City Club, Social Service Club, Chicago Progressive Club. Favors woman suffrage.
ABBOTT, Helen Griswold (Mrs. Amos W. Abbott), 1710 Third Av., South Minneapolis.
Born Delhi, N.Y., July 4, 1859: dau. James H. and Anna Maria (Griswold) Wright; ed. Chestnut St. Sem., Philadelphia; m. Delhi, N.Y., Aug. 19, 1880, Amos W. Abbott, M.D.; children: Harold Wilson, Griswold, Helen D., Wilson, Elizabeth. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Woman's Club, Lafayette Club.
ABBOTT, Inez Louise, Samokov, Bulgaria.
Missionary (teacher); b. Fairfield, Mich., July 20, 1869; dau. Oramon B. and Maria (Skinner) Abbott; ed. High School, Lansing, Mich., 1887; Univ. of Mich., A.B. '95; A.M. '98; student in American School for Classical Studies in Rome, Italy, 1902-03. As Latin specialist principal of high school at Constantine, Mich., 1889-91; teacher in high school at Escanaba, Mich., 1895-97; Hinsdale, Ill., 1898-1902; Oak Park, Ill., 1903-07; went to Samokov, Bulgaria, 1907; appointed principal of American Girls' Boarding School in Samokov. Was commissioned in June, 1907, by Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, under appointment by the Woman's Board of Missions of the Interior (Chicago). Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage.
ABBOTT, Mabel Avery (Mrs. Keene Abbott), 531 S. Twenty-fifth Av., Omaha. Neb.
Author; b. Iowa City, Iowa; dau LeRoy and Alice (Avery) Rundell; ed. State Univ. of Iowa; Iowa City High School (Pi Beta Phi); m. Aug. 29, 1905, Keene Abbott. Author: Captain Martha Mary; The Purple Mark; The Governor's Lady; Jim's Woman.
ABBOTT, Mabelle Foster, 39 Washington Sq., or Woman's University Club, 99 Madison Av., N.Y. City.
Journalist, author; b. Plymouth, O., Mar. 27, 1888; dau. S. L. and Laure (von Aumend) Abbott; grad. Radcliffe Coll., A.B. '09, with honors in English (pres. English Club, Radcliffe, 1907-09). Engaged in journalistic work from graduation, writing A Brief History of the Conservation Movement in Conservation News, from Nov., 1909, to July, 1911; editorial writer Collier's Weekly, 1910-11, giving special attention to the Conservation question and writing the articles: The Maine Water Power Situation; The Roosevelt Dam, and The Latest in Alaska (May, 1911). Following the latter article wrote one, The Alaskan Story, which was published July 7, 1911, by the Scripps-McRae papers, the charges in which were made the subject of an investigation by the Democratic Committee on Expenditures of the Interior Department of the House of Representatives (Washington, D.C.). Later wrote Our House in Order (Everybody's). Interested in Child Labor movement (series of articles in preparation). Big Sister movement, Progressive movement (in politics), and the Socialist Party. Active in Woman Suffrage Party (captain of 25th Election Dist. of 25th Assembly Dist., N.Y. City). Mem. Nat. Board of Censorship of Moving Picture Films. Mem. Nat. Conservation Organization, Nat. Geographic Soc., Socialist Party (Branch One). Stockholder in Twentieth Century Magazine; original subscriber and founder of Boston Common (100). Mem. Women's University Club and Radcliffe Club (N.Y. City), College Club and Appalachian Mountain Club (Boston). Episcopalian. Recreations: Horseback riding, mountain climbing.
ABBOTT, Winifred Buck (Mrs. Lawrence F. Abbott), Oakstone, Cornwall, N.Y.
Born N.Y., Jan. 2, 1872; dau. Albert H. and Laura (Abbott) Buck; ed. with governesses, at the Art Students' League, Metropolitan College of Music, rhetoric class at Columbia, and private classes in Europe; m. Bayport, L.I., Sept. 7, 1905, Lawrence F. Abbott; children: Lyman 2d, b. July 6, 1907; Laura Buck, b. Aug. 22, 1909. Worked for many years in boys' clubs at University Settlement in N.Y., and in Public Education Ass'n; pres of Village Improvement Soc. of Cornwall-on-Hudson. Author: Boys' Self-Governing Clubs; also about a dozen articles on social subjects. Mem. Women's Cosmopolitan Club. Recreations: Music, art, bridge, walking, tennis. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive in political sympathies. Mem. Cornwall Equal Suffrage Society.
ABEL, Annie Heloise, Goucher College, Baltimore, Md.
Educator, writer; b. Sussex, England; dau. George Abel (Scotland) and Amelia Anne (Hogben) Abel (Kent, Eng.); grad. Kan. State Univ. A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa); grad. student Cornell Univ., Yale Univ., Ph.D., 1905, holder Bulkley Fellowship in History at Yale Univ., 1903-04, 1904-05; winner of Justin Winsor prize of Am. Hist. Ass'n, 1906; holder of honorary fellowship in Teutonic philology at Johns Hopkins Univ., 1910-11; instr. in history. College Courses for Teachers, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1910-11, 1911-12, 1912-13; instr. in history, Wells Coll., 1905-06; asso. prof, history, Goucher Coll., 1906—. Author: History of the New Jersey Electorate (unpublished); The Indians in the Civil War; Proposals for an Indian State in the Union, 1778-1878; Indian Reservations in Kansas and the Extinguishment of Their Title; History of Indian Removals; Pessimism in Modern Thought (Master's thesis). Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Southern Ass'n of College Women, Am. Hist. Ass'n, Hist. Ass'n of Middle States and Maryland, College Equal Suffrage League—Baltimore Branch, Baltimore College Club. Mem. Church of England.
ABEL, Mary Hinman (Mrs. John J. Abel). Roland Park, Baltimore, Md.
Writer editor; b. Montour Falls, N.Y., Aug. 8, 1850; dau. George Theodore and Irene (Benson) Hinman; ed. Elmira Coll., A.B. '72 (mem. Callesophia); m. July 10, 1882, John J. Abel; children: Margaret, George, Robert. Editor of Journal of