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and deeply interested in the civic developments of the city.

DAVIS, Aloysia Mary Hoye (Mrs. Gilbert Franklin Davis), Windsor, Vt.

Graduate Smith Coll., B.A. 1900; student in zoology, chemistry and botany, Radcliffe Coll., 1900-01; m. Sept. 7, 1904, Gilbert Franklin Davis. Teacher of English history in Dover (N.H.) High School, 1901-04. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.

DAVIS, Anna Beatrice Carter (Mrs. L. L. Davis), cor. Forbes and Wightman Sts., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Born Erie Co., Pa., Aug. 12, 1859; dau. Isaiah and Catherine (Sullivan) Carter; ed. Allegheny Coll., 1876-80, A.B. and M.A.; m. North East, Pa., Dec. 30, 1880, L. L. Davis; children: Ralph Carter, Lawrence Llewellyn. Interested in church, society and athletics. Has written for magazines. Recreations: Music, literature, gardening. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.

DAVIS, Annie Elizabeth Paret (Mrs. Bradley Moore Davis), 4411 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Born Philadelphia, Feb. 1, 1869; dau. William Green and Anna Augusta (French) Paret; grad. Smith Coll., B.S. '95; m. Germantown, Pa., Sept. 22, 1908, Bradley Moore Davis; one daughter: Margery French. Unitarian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Favors woman suffrage.

DAVIS, Bessie Blanch Scribner (Mrs. Olin S. Davis), 79 Gale Av., Laconia, N.H.

Born Hartsville, Ind., Aug. 20, 1869; dau. Rev. John Woodbury and Mary Ermina (Wray) Scribner; ed. Wellesley, B.A. '91; m. Melvin Village, N.H., July 19, 1905, Olin Sylvester Davis. Teacher; best work done under Congregational Home Missionary Soc. at Rogers Acad., Rogers, Ark., five years; four years in Missouri, chiefly as English teacher in academy connected with Drury Coll., Springfield, Mo. Leader of literature dep't of Laeonia Woman's Club, 1907—. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Walking, nature study. Hon. mem. Laconia Woman's Club.

DAVIS, Clara Marie, 514-516 Tussing Bldg., Lansing, Mich, (office); res., 332 Townsend St., Lansing, Mich.

Physician; b. Lansing, Mich., June 4, 1878; dau. Arthur T. and Lucy A. (Corbett) Davis; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., Univ. of Mich. A.B. 1901, M.D. 1904 (mem. Gamma Phi Beta). Held interneship at Woman's Hospital and Infants' Home, Mar. to Sept., 1905; voluntary ass't Kinderasylum, Berlin, summer of 1911. Director Visiting Nurse Ass'n; mem. of Ingham Co. Medical Milk Comm'n. Congregationalist. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Mich. State Med. Soc., Ingham Co. Med. Soc, Visiting Nurse Ass'n, Lansing; Lansing Playground Ass'n, Lansing Hospital Ass'n, Lansing Aid Soc. Mem. Lansing Woman's Club, Lansing Golf Club. Recreation: Motor-boating.

DAVIS, Edith Smith (Mrs. J. S. Davis), 191 Church St., Hartford, Wis.

Superintendent of scientific temperance instruction; b. Milton, Wis., Jan. 20, 1869; dau. Richard and Elizabeth (Clayton) Smith; ed. Milton Coll.; Lawrence Univ., A.B., A.M., Litt.D.; post-grad, work in Wellesley Coll. (mem. Phi Sigma); m. Mason City, la., Rev. J. S. Davis, D.D.; children: Mary Alice, Ruth Frances, Richard, Elizabeth Clayton. Editor-in-chief of the Temperance Educational Quarterly; writer of science lessons for the Young Crusader; lecturer on scientific temperance. Author: Two; Christmas Thoughts; A Battle for a Soul; Whether White or Black; A Man. Methodist. Connected with W.C.T.U. from girlhood; was assistant of Miss Frances Willard in the White Cross and White Shield Dep't of Purity Work; was pres. Milwaukee W.C.T.U, when the unions of that city were all in one; now sup't of Scientific Temperance Investigations and Scientific Instruction for World's and Nat. W.C.T.U.; delegate to the meetings of the Congress Against Alcoholism at Stockholm, 1908; London, 1910, and at The Hague, 1912, and at latter was one of the U.S. Government delegates. Aided in raising endowment for Lawrence Univ. Favors woman suffrage.

DAVIS, Edna Holmes (Mrs. James Hornor Davis), 422 W. Pike St., Clarksburg, W.Va.

Born Union town, Pa., Mar. 3, 1870; dau. Mathew Gay (consul to Cheefoo, China, 1871) and Elizabeth (McCleary) Holmes; ed. in high school, Clarksburg, W.Va., 1888, and New England Conservatory of Music, Boston; m. Clarksburg, W.Va., Oct. 19, 1892, James Hornor Davis; children: Elizabeth, b. Aug. 17, 1894 (died at birth); Louise and Ewing (twins), b. Sept. 22, 1894; Virginia, b. Sept. 26, 1896; James Edward, b. June 4, 1901; John Holmes, to. Dec. 26, 1902. Past pres. of Tuesday Club; cor. sec. of State Fed. of Women's Clubs; actively engaged in religious, social and philanthropic work. Presbyterian. Mem. Clarksburg Tuesday Club.

DAVIS, Elizabeth Brown (Mrs. Arthur Powell Davis), 2212 First St., N.W., Washington, D.C.

Born Front Royal, Va.; dau. Major Victor M. and Mary (Jacobs) Brown; grad. Columbian (now George Washington) Univ., B.S.; post-grad, work in mathematics at Johns Hopkins Univ. by special permission of the faculty through Prof. Simon Newcomb; m. Washington, D.C, June 20, 1888, Arthur Powell Davis (chief engineer of U.S. Reclamation Service); children: Rena (Mrs. Paul N. Peck), Florence, Dorothy, Elizabeth. Computer in the Nautical Almanac Office; has computed the ephemeris of the sun for 25 years; also other portions of Nautical Almanac; assisted largely in every stage of the preparation of Prof. Simon Newcomb's Tables of the Sun and Planets; also in other research work. Has written magazine articles on mathematical subjects. Mem. Am. Mathematical Soc, Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Auxiliary Board of Regents of Trinity College.

DAVIS, Elizabeth R., Woman's Home and Hospital, 105 West Ross Av., Tampa, Fla.

Deaconess; b. Arcola, N.C.; dau. George W. and Rebecca J. (Johnson) Davis; under graduate Littleton Female Coll.; grad. Scarritt Bible and Training School, Kansas City, class of 1902; consecrated deaconess in Trinity Church, Atlanta, Ga., April, 1903; deaconess in Southern Methodist Church; sup't Woman's Home and Hospital; sup't of rescue work in Tampa; active worker in Humane Soc Favors woman suffrage. Southern Methodist. Mem. Home and Foreign Mission Societies of Tampa Height Methodist Church, W.C.T.U. of Tampa. Appointed by Board of Home Missions to the Rescue Home, Dallas, Tex., 1902; was employed by International Board of Rescue Workers of Tampa, 1908.

DAVIS, Ella Marion Briggs (Mrs. Nelson Fithian Davis), Lewisburg, Pa.

Born New Haven, Conn., Nov. 10, 1872; dau. George W. and Ellen (Tyler) Briggs; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll., B.S.; Bucknell Univ., S.M.; Woods Hole, Mass., and Cold Spring Harbor, L.I. (mem. Delta Delta Delta); m. Shelton, Conn., Dec 20, 1905, Nelson Fithian Davis (prof, biology in Bucknell Univ.). Head of biology in New Rochelle (N.Y.) High School previous to marriage. Interested in art; studied china painting under A. B. Cobden of Philadelphia; water color under John Wesley Little, noted landscape painter. Does pastelles, works in leather and brass, colors lantern slides, gives public lectures on travel and popular biological subjects. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Chlamys Plicata, Life Histories of Case Bearers; Pokey Ikey. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Home and Foreign Missionary Soc, Teachers-Parents' Ass'n; organized Woman's Bible Class. Mem. Bucknell Alumnae Club.

DAVIS, Ethel, 77 Congress St., Bradford, Pa.

Teacher of Latin; b. Ottercliff, Ont, Jan. 13, 1886; dau. John and Maria (Meadows) Davis; ed. Cornell Univ., A.B. '09 (mem. Alpha Omicron Pi). Episcopalian. Mem. Classical Ass'n of the Atlantic States. Club: Bradford Country Club.

DAVIS, Fannie Stearns, 65 William St., Pittsfield, Mass.

Writer; b. Cleveland, O., Max. 6, 1884; dau. William V. W. and Rebecca Frances (Stearns) Davis; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '04 (mem Alpha Soc). Interested in church work and local phil-

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