man's. Interested in the Chicago English Club; was for two years chairman English section of the high and normal schools. When the New English National Council was formed, was one of the board of directors, and having been chosen a mem. of the exec. com. became one of the staff of the New English Journal.
DARLING, Harriet L. B. (Mrs. Herbert Henry Darling), 22 Keifer St., Brookline, Mass.
Born Napa, Cal., Jan. 12, 1872; dau. Henry A. and Charlotte A. (Blake) Brown; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '91; Simmons Coll., 1911-13; m. San Francisco, Sept. 5, 1894, Herbert Henry Darling; children: Blake, Adelaide B., Herbert Henry. Interested in Sunday-school Alliance and Settlement. Student at Simmons Coll. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage Ass'n of Boston. Unitarian. Mem. Boston Branch of Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. Clubs: College (Boston), College Graduates (Simmons Coll.).
DARLING, Mae Sherman (Mrs. George W. Darling), 309 W. Main St., Marshalltown, Ia.
Born Marshalltown, Ia., Dec. 1871; dau. Charles Winslow and Laura (Taylor) Sherman; ed. Grinnell Coll., Ph.B.; m. Marshalltown, Sept. 30, 1903, George W. Darling. Mem. Visiting Nurse Ass'n. Congregationalist. Mem. D.A.R., Marshall Co. Hist. Soc. Mem. Country Club, Marshalltown Woman's and Entre Nous clubs. Chairman Fifth Dist. Iowa Federation Women's Clubs.
DARLING, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Lorenzo Franklin Darling), 222 E. Arlington Av., Riverside, Cal.
Born Berwick, Nova Scotia; dau. Edward Clark and Harriet L. (Tupper) Foster; ed. private schools, music, drawing and languages by special teachers; m. Halifax, N.S., 1876, Lorenzo Franklin Darling; removed to Riverside, Cal., 1887. Served as pres. of Southern Dist. (Cal.) of Women's Clubs; one year pres. of Cal. Fed. of Women's Clubs, including four other official positions on the State executive; served one year as pres. Down and Out Club (an organization of past officers of Cal. State Fed. of Women's Clubs); still a member. Active in social life, special philanthropies, such as the late San Francisco earthquake and fire disaster, and for the soldier boys in late Spanish-American War (vice-pres. Riverside Relief and Emergency Ass'n). Has contributed articles to the daily press on social and civic questions. Clubs: Victoria Golf, Casa Blanca Tennis, Tuesday Musical, Wednesday Morning. Recreations: Golf, whist. Episcopalian. Republican. Interested in legislative matters regarding women and children; mem. of one of the local legislative committees.
DARLINGTON, Ella Louise Beams (Mrs. James Henry Darlington), 321 N. Front St., Harrisburg. Pa.
Born Brooklyn, N.Y., June 3, 1859; dau. James Sterling and Elizabeth T. (Cosgrove) Beams; ed. by tutors at home; grad. Nassau Inst., 1877; m. Cathedral of Incarnation, Garden City, L.I., July 26, 1888, Rev. James Henry Darlington, rector of Christ Episcopal Church, Brooklyn, now Bishop of Harrisburg, Pa.; children: Henry V. B., Alfred W. B. (died), Gilbert S. B., Eleanor Townsend, Elliott C. B., Kate Brampton. Founder of Working Women's Vacation Soc. of Brooklyn, 1885 (pres. 10 years). Author: Mission Study Classes of the American Church. Mem. Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions of Episcopal Church, Church Temperance Soc, Civic Club, Wednesday Music Club of Harrisburg, Chiropean of Brooklyn. Recreations: Music, walking, automobiling. Protestant Episcopal. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of Exec. Com. of State Capitol Ass'n of Pa.
DARLINGTON, Isabel, Faunbrook, West Chester, Pa.
Attorney at law; b. Philadelphia, June 22, 1865; dau. Smedley and Mary Edwards (Baker) Darlington; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.S. '86; Univ. of Pa., LL.B., cum laude, '97 (mem. Shakespeare Soc, Wellesley). Admitted to practice law in the several courts of Chester County, Oct. 6, 1897; Superior Court of Pa., Nov. 17, 1902; Supreme Court of Pa., Feb. 6, 1905: actively engaged in practice of law since 1897; since 1899 associated in practice with her brother-in-law, Hon. Thomas S. Butler, Congressman from Seventh Pa. Dist. Was first reader for three years in First Church of Christ, Scientist, in West Chester, Pa., and has been pres. of same church 15 years. Vice-pres. and one of managers of the Wentworth Home for Women, West Chester, Pa. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. Mem. Alumnae societies of Wellesley and Univ. of Pa. Recrations: Golf, gymnasium in winter, amateur flower gardening. Mem. West Chester Golf and Country Club.
DART, Maria Elizabeth Bond, 61 Main St., Niantic, Conn.
Born Plymouth, N.H., June 1, 1865; dau. Norman James and Jane (Moody) Bond; ed. East Lyme public schools, Norwich (Conn.) public school, Miss Benton's Select School, Niantic, governess and private instructors; m. Feb. 11, 1886, Frederick Howard Dart, M.D.; one son: Frederick Bond Dart. Sec. and treas. St. John's Mission; pres. Niantic Public Library Ass'n, mem. Com. Botanical Club, Com. Library Ass'n, Civil Service Reform Ass'n. Protestant Episcopalian. Mem. Conn. State Fed. Women's Clubs, Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, Saturday Club of New London, Walking Club. Recreations: Reading, music, gardening, walking, automobiling.
DASCHBACH, Estelle MacCloskey (Mrs. Albert C. Daschbach), Thornburg, Pa.
Born Pittsburgh, Pa.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '96; graduate student Oxford, England, 1899-1900; Vassar, A.M. '02; m. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 22, 1903, Albert C. Daschbach; two sons, two daughters. Teacher Thurston Preparatory School, Pittsburgh, 1896-99; tutor three years. Occasional writer of magazine articles.
DASHIELL, Landon Randolph (Mrs. William Sparrow Dashiell), 920 W. Grace St., Richmond, Va.
State director of school and civic leagues; b. Fauquier Co., Va.; dau. Robert Dabney and Landonia (Randolph) Minor; ed. private school in Richmond, Va.; m. Dec, 1883, William Sparrow Dashiell; children: Robert Minor, b. June, 1887; Randolph Grayson, b. Oct., 1888. Organizer and director of leagues in Va. for school and community improvement; vice-pres. Protestant Episcopal Church Home. Author of circulars and pamphlets on community improvement in rural Virginia. Mem. Nat. Municipal League, Colonial Dames of Va., Ass'n for Preservation of Va. Antiquities, Confederate Museum, United Daughters of Confederacy, Richmond Educational Ass'n, Cooperative Education Ass'n of Va.; mem. Woman's Club and Country Club (Richmond).
DAULTON, Agnes McClelland, 386 Richmond Terrace, New Brighton, S.I., N.Y.
Author, lecturer; b. New Philadelphia, O.; dau. Lewis Robert and Lucy (Warner) McClelland; ed. Oberlin Coll.; m. Cleveland, O., 1900, George Daulton, also a writer, of Chicago. Resided for a time in Chicago, removed with her husband to N.Y. City; began lecturing in 1911 on children and literature. Author: From Sioux to Susan; Fritzi; The Gentle Interference of Bab; 3 St. Nicholas Serials and 6 serials for Little Folks; Philamaclique Stories; Wings and Stings; Autobiography of a Butterfly; Dusk Flyers, and many articles and stories in various periodicals. Hon. mem. Chicago Woman's Club of N.Y.; Staten Island Woman's Club, and Fortnightly Club of Staten Island. Favors woman suffrage.
DAVENPORT, Esther C. (Mrs. Loren C. Davenport), 292 Fifteenth St., Buffalo, N.Y.
Journalist; b. in Erie Co., Pa.; dau. Calvin and Esther Louisa (Baker) Chaddock; ed. Albion Acad., Pa.; m. Loren C. Davenport; children: Ada Louise (now Mrs. F. W. Kendall), Loren Calvin Jr. Editor of social and art dep't of Buffalo Evening News for 20 years; chairman of Women's Com. of Perry Victory Centennial, 1913-. Prominent in affairs of N.Y. State Federation.
DAVENPORT, Frances Gardiner, Dept. of Historical Research, Carnegie Institution, Washington, D.C.
Teacher, research worker in history; b. Stam-