ecutive com. Dep't of Ethnology of the Brooklyn Inst. of Arts and Sciences. Favors woman Suffrage. Author of The Indians' Book; contributor to magazines and periodicals. Mem. Am. Folk-Lore Soc.; Am. Indian Ass'n, The MacDowell Club of N.Y. City.
CURTISS, Alice Bond (Mrs. Walter L. Curtiss), Woodfast, Fort Erie, Ontario.
Born Utica, N.Y.; dau. James W. and Mary (Marshall) Bond; ed. Utica Sem., Wells Coll.; m. Utica, 1877, Walter L. Curtiss; children: James Bond, Emily Marshall, Margaret. Actively interested in Canadian Woman's Ass'n. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Republican. Mem. D.A.R. Recreations: Cultivating flowers and nature study. Mem. Buffalo Tuesday Study Club.
CURTISS, Emma Frances Purington (Mrs. Charles E. Curtiss), Rockford, S.Dak.
Teacher; b. Embden, Me., 1854; dau. Elisha and Sarah C. (Williamson) Purington; ed. Hebron (Me.) Acad., '74; Wellesley Coll., B.A.; student of Staley School, Chicago, 1903; now student Landon Corr School of Art, Cleveland, O., and People's University., St. Louis, Mo.; m. Fairfield, Me., 1888, Charles E. Curtiss. Taught six years in rural and high schools of Maine; five years instructor of Greek and Latin in both Hebron and Bridgton Academies, Maine; five years preceptress and instructor of Latin and mathematics in both the State Normal School at Madison, S.Dak., and the State Normal at Weston, Ore.; instructor of Univ. Extension Courses in Clinton, Wis., and in Chicago; instructor of private classes in history and literature, Chicago. As club pres. and district vice-pres. became interested in various movements in Chicago for social betterment; was a mem. of com. working for compulsory education, vacation schools, juvenile court and other reforms. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae; charter mem. Woman's National League. Active and hon. mem. of the Millard Av. Woman's Club of Chicago. Recreations: Nature sketches with brush and pencil, horseback riding, long walks. Favors woman suffrage.
CURTISS, Lota Norton (Mrs. C. L. Curtiss), 470 Lake Av., Manchester, N.H.
Born East Hartford, Conn., Dec. 18, 1879; dau. Rev. William P. and Alice E. (Williams) Clancy; grad. Kimball Union Acad., '95; Mt. Holyoke Coll., B.A. '99; m. Northampton, Mass., June 23, 1905, Dr. Charles Lester Curtiss. Taught for five years in high school and business school. Mem. N.H. Mt. Holyoke Alumnae Ass'n, New Century Club; sec. N.H. Settlement Ass'n; pres. Manchester Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Progressive Party and College Equal Suffrage League of N.H. Congregationalist. Recreations: Golf, tennis, driving an auto, skating, playing piano.
CUSHING, Eleanor Philbrook, 76 Elm St., Northampton, Mass.
College professor; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '79, M.A. '82. Teacher Bath (Me.) High School, 1879-80; Miss Bangs' School, New Haven, Conn., 1880- 81; prof, mathematics, Smith Coll., 1881-83; head mathematics dep't Smith Coll. since 1883. Pres. Smith Alumnae Ass'n, 1881-83.
CUSHING, Mary Gertrude, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass.
Teacher; b. Montreal, Canada, April 7, 1870; dau. Charles Breck and Mary Elizabeth (Chick) Cushing; ed. in private schools, Boston, Mass., Wellesley Coll., B.S. '92; M.A. '95; Columbia Univ., Ph.D. '08; research work in Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. Teacher French and Latin, Walnut High School, Natick, Mass., 1898-1900; instructor Hadley, Mass., 1905-08; asso. prof. 1908. Author (Ph.D. thesis): Pierre Le Tourneur, Congregationalist. Mem. New England Modern Language Ass'n; Alumnae Ass'n of Wellesley Coll., Phi Sigma Soc. of Welesley Coll., Intercollegiate Equal Suffrage League. Recreations: Walking, boating, swimming, travel, housekeeping, gardening. Traveled extensively in Europe.
CUSHING, Nellie I. Ferrell (Mrs. Matthew Marble Cushing), Cushing Ranch, Saratoga, Wyo.
Columbus, O.; dau. Charles B. and Mary E. (Brown) Ferrell; grad. Central High School, Columbus, O.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '97; m. Columbus, O., June 5, 1906, Matthew Marble Cushing. While in Columbus actively interested in Fruit and Flower Guild and church work. After marriage home was in Brookline and in Fitchburg, Mass.; while there was a mem. of the Fitchburg Woman's Club, Alpine Golf Club; one of the directors and sec. of B'd of Direction of the Fitchburg Union Aid Home for Children; sup't Cradle Roll of Congregational Church. Mem. D.A.R. Congregationalist. Mem. Washington Gladden Church in Columbus; mem. College Club of Boston. Lives on ranch in Wyoming, where she is spending the greater part of her time.
CUSHMAN, Ella R. Wylie (Mrs. William F. Cushman), 535 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.
Ophthalmic surgeon; b. Waterbury, Vt.; dau. Julius Harrison and Emeline (Gilman) Joslyn; ed. Waterbury (Vt.) graded school; Tufts Coll. Med. School, M.D. '94; m., first, Northfield, Vt., April 29, 1874, A. T. Wylie; m., second, 1910, William F. Cushman, of Boston. Clinician at Trinity Dispensary four years; ass't clinician at Pope Dispensary, Boston, two years. Unitarian. Republican. Mem. Mass. Med. Soc, Women's New England Hosp. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n., Nat. Geog. Soc, Nat. Automobile Ass'n, Women's Suffrage Ass'n, Women's Municipal League. Recreations: Travel, motoring, golf. Clubs: Professional Women's, Daughters of Vt. in 1896, while in London studying, was instrumental in gaining for women medical graduates admittance and registration as students on an equal footing with men at the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hosp.
CUSHMAN, Jessie Rathbun Manley (Mrs. Blin Sill Cushman), 306 Elm St., Ithaca, N.Y.
Farming; b. Jersey City, Nov. 12, 1870; dau. Adoniram Judson and Dorliska (Rathbun) Manley; ed. State Normal, Fredonia, N.Y., Cornell Univ., B.S. '96 (Alpha Phi); m. Dunkirk, N.Y., Aug. 19, 1897, Blin Sill Cushman; children: Robert Alden, Margaret Alberton, Blin Sill. Has been instrumental in founding a cooperative home for Cornell women, known as the Cornell Alumnae Home Ass'n, also forming a Federation of Cornell Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. of Progressive Party and delegate to Progressive State Convention at Syracuse. Mem. Ithaca Federation of Woman's Clubs, Child Study Club, Cornell Woman's Club, Alpha Phi Alumnae Club, Cornell Campus Club.
CUSHMAN, Lucy D. C. (Mrs. Henry Irving Cushman), 26 Pitman St., Providence, R.I.
Born Providence, R.I., Dec. 14, 1861; dau. Charles Earl and Adeline F. (Greene) Carpenter; ed. Providence public schools, English High School, Berlitz School of Languages; m. Providence, July 27, 1904, Henry Irving Cushman, D.D. Director and alto soloist of church choir; sup't of First Universalist Sunday-school, 1898-1910; pres. of Women's City Missionary Soc, 1905—; res. East Providence Branch of Needlework Guild, 1911-13; mem. R.I. Women's Club since 1893, Arion Club; pres. R.I. State Fed. of Women's Clubs for term 1912-14. Recreations: Music, amateur dramatics. Universalist.
CUTLER, Anna Alice, Tyler House, Smith College, Northampton, Mass.
Prof. philosophy; b. New Haven, Conn., Jan. 24, 1864; dau. Evarts and Ellen (Knight) Cutler; ed. private schools, New Haven High School, Smith Coll.; Smith Coll., B.A. '85; M.A. '89; Yale Univ., Ph.D. '96. Held chair of philosophy Rockford Coll., 1892-93; Smith Coll. instructor 1893-95, 1897-1902; asso. prof. 1902-05; full prof. 1905-. Interested in activities of First Church, Northampton; Center Church, New Haven; Women's Board of Foreign Missions, also Y.W.C.A, S.P.C.C., Smith Students' Aid Soc, etc. Has published only her Ph.D. thesis: The AEsthetic Factors in Kant's Theory of Knowledge, in Kantstudien, a German review, and has had one or two brief book reviews in the Philosophical Review. Congregationalist. Mem. Ass'n Coll. Alumnae, Am. Philosophical Ass'n, Coll. Settlements Ass'n, Smith Coll. Alumnae