sports, nature study. Congregationalism Favors woman suffrage.
CROSBY, Victoria Robie (Mrs. Simon Percy Crosby), 220 River Boulevard, St. Paul, Minn.
Born Zumbrota, Minn., Oct. 26, 1856; dau. John R. and Elizabeth (Kingston) Robie; ed. South Bend, Ind.; m. St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 25, 1886, Simon Percy Crosby; one daughter: Alice, b. Nov. 6, 1887. Interested in general philanthropic work. Mem. St. Paul Chapter D.A.R.
CROSMAN, Henrietta — see Campbell, Henrietta Foster Crosman.
CROSS, Dorothea Farquhar (Mrs. Frederick Cushing Cross), 21 Broad St., Fitchburg, Mass.
Born Detroit, Mich; grad. high school, Detroit, Mich., and Bryn Mawr Coll., holding the James E. Rhodes sophomore and junior scholarships, 1897-99, A.B. 1900; m. 1906, Frederick Cushing Cross. Teacher of mathematics, 1900-01; instructor in Latin and mathematics, 1901-03, and head of dep't of Mathematics, 1903-05, in the Baliol School, Utica, N.Y.; teacher of Latin and mathematics in Detroit (Mich.) Sem., 1905-06.
CROSS, Emily Redmond, 6 Washington Square, N.Y. City.
Born N.Y. City; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City; Miss Mary M. Campbell, West Orange, N.J.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01; Barnard Coll., 1901-02. Director of Richmond Hill House Settlement, N.Y. City, since 1904. Honorary cor- responding sec. of Bryn Mawr Coll. for N.Y. City.
CROSS, Margaret Elsie, 5347 Coliseum St., New Orleans, La.
Assistant professor of education; dau. Washington and Cynthia (Givens) Cross; ed. Columbia Univ., A.M.; Teachers' Coll., Columbia Univ., A.M.; mem. Phi Beta Kappa. Lecturer in teachers' institutes and general lecturer on social and educational subjects. Ass't prof, of education, Newcomb Coll. of Tulane Univ., since 1907. Active mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n, charity organization, social service work of various kinds, also in the work of religious education and moral reform; has done research work in the psychology of crime. Especially interested in the sex problem, social purity and in means for the reclamation of erring women, playground movement and settlement work. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Era Club (has lectured on the subject). Editor of Woman's Era, 1910; Course of Study for Religious Education. Unitarian.
CROSS, Minnie M. (Mrs. Edward E. Cross), 123 W. Mitchell St., Petoskey, Mich.
Born Milford, Ind., Mar. 4, 1871; dau. Daniel D. and Sarah (Trindle) Miller; ed. Milford (Ind.) high schools; m. Levering, Mich., Oct. 1, 1887, Edward E. Cross; children: Emory D., b. Dec. 10, 1888; Ella Mae, b. June 23, 1890; Helen Mildred, b. Mar. 2, 1902. Pres. Fed. of Women's Clubs of Petoskey, Mich.; recording sec. D.A.R.; past noble grand of Rebekah Lodge No. 104; past commander of L.O.T. Maccabees, Hive No. 61; chairman of Literature Com. of Assembly Study Club. Favors woman suffrage; first county chairman; now mem. County and City Com. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; sup't of primary dep't Sunday-school.
CROSSETT, Ella Hawley (Mrs. John B. Crossett), Warsaw, N.Y.
Born Gainesville, N.Y., Mar. 21, 1853; dau. John Waldo and Juliet (Thorpe) Hawley; ed. Warsaw (N.Y.) Acad. and private teachers; m. Warsaw, N.Y., Oct. 22, 1878, John B. Crossett; children: Juliet, b. Mar. 20, 1880; Carolyn Hawley, b. June 2, 1882. Interested in many philanthropic and social activities. Favors woman suffrage. Organized Wyoming Co. Political Equality Club, Sept., 1891 (pres. many years, now hon. pres.) Organized Warsaw Political Equality Club, Sept., 1S91 (pres. since organization) ; vice-pres. N.Y. State Woman Suffrage Ass'n, four years; pres. N.Y. State Ass'n, 1902-10. Liberal in religion. Votes on school tax questions. Mem. iMssionary Soc, Warsaw Monday Club, Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont's Political Equality Ass'n; life mem. State and Nat. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Buffalo Chapter, D.A.R.
CROSWELL, Mary Sybel, Farmington, Me.
Physician; b. Farmington Falls, Me., 1873; dau. Andrew and Elizabeth (Rich) Croswell; ed. Wilton Acad., Wilton, Me.; Colby Coll., A.B.; Tufts Coll. Med. School, M.D., cum laude, '03; Posse Gymnasium, '05; Pacific Coll. of Osteopathy, D.O. '08; post-grad, courses in ear, nose and throat clinics (mem. Sigma Kappa). Specialist in ear, nose and throat diseases. Resident physician and director Colby Coll., 1906-10. Interested in playgrounds and social centres. Contributor to medical journals. Congregationalist. Mem. Nat. and State Osteopathic societies. Recreations: Walking, skating, driving, tennis, boating, motoring. Mem. Woman's College Club, Evening City Club, Faculty Women's Club of Los Angeles, Sigma Kappa Alumnae Chapter, Portland, Me.
CROTHERS, Rachel, 550 Park Av., N.Y. City.
Playwright; b. Bloomington, Ill.; dau. Eli Kirk, M.D., and Marie Louise (DePew) Crothers; ed. State Normal Univ. of Ill. Author of plays: The Three of Us; The Coming of Mrs. Patrick; My-Self, Bettina; A Man's World; The Herfords. Mem Woman's Civic Federation, Municipal League. Clubs: The Colony, The Three Arts Club. Recreations: Riding, tennis, golf. Favors woman suffrage.
CROUSE, Mary Elizabeth, 1047 Penn St., Reading, Pa.: address abroad, care Credit Lyonnais, Paris, France.
Author; b. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 3, 1873; dau. Henry William and S. Jennie (Thornton) Crouse; ed. Adelphi Acad, and Packer Coll. Inst, Brooklyn, N.Y. Lectures given in N.Y., notably before the League for Political Education on Algiers. Lectures on the English suffrage movement before societies in N.Y. State and Pa.; also on Christianity in Egypt, for the church. Author: Vigils; Algiers. Has visited Alaska and Cuba. The greater part of seven years she has spent in Europe and Northern Africa, studying historical settings and influences, together with present social conditions. This period includes three years in England, where she has followed closely, from an unofficial and unprejudiced position, the whole recent development of the suffrage movement. Now abroad, engaged in literary work. Author: Out of Egypt, 1913. Especially identified with City House Club of N.Y. City, for which she has done much writing, Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. While in England mem. Soc. of American Women in London.
CROW, Martha Emily Foote (Mrs. John McC. Crow), Tuckahoe, N.Y. City.
Educator, writer; b. Sacketts Harbor, N.Y., May 28, 1854; dau. Rev. John Bartlet Foote, D.D., and Mary Pendexter (Stilphen) Foote; grad. Syracuse Univ., Ph.B. '76, Ph.D. '85; m. Aug. 8, 1884, John McC. Crow, Ph.D., archaeologist and educator (died 1891); one daughter: Agatha, b. 1889 (died 1891). Preceptress Ives Sem., 1876-77; lady principal Waynesburg (Pa.) Coll., 1877-78; teacher Newton (Mass.) High School, 1878-82; lecturer and president's assistant, Wellesley Coll., 1882-84; lady principal Grinnell (Ia.) Coll., 1884-91; commissioned, 1891, by
Nat. Bureau of Education to investigate conditions of higher education of women in Great Britain, Germany, Italy and other European countries; attended lectures at Oxford, Cambridge, Leipzic and Zurich. Ass't prof. English literature, Univ. of Chicago, 1892-1900; ass't prof. English literature and dean of women, Northwestern Univ., 1900-05; in N.Y. since 1905, lecturing and writing. Favors woman suffrage (not militants). Author: Elizabethan Sonnet-Cycles (London), four vols., 1896; The World Above (symbolic play), Chicago, 1905; Elizabeth Barrett Browning (in Modern Poets and Christian Teaching Series), 1908; Biography of Harriet Beecher Stowe, also several small volumes of verse. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Phi (a founder), Nat. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Modern Language Ass'n, Bibliographical Soc., W.C.T.U., the Little Room, Chicago (authors and artists); Alumna Ass'ns of Waynesburg Coll., Ives Sem., Wellesley