CRAWFORD, Julia Townsend Hill (Mrs. Frederick Markley Crawford), 139 E. Market St., York, Pa.
Physician and surgeon; b. Dayton, O., Dec. 2, 1860; dau. Micajah Townsend and Flora Eldred (Bierce) Hill; ed. Oberlin, O.; Chicago Homoeopathic Coll.; Hahnemann Coll., Chicago., M.D. '84; Woman Med. Coll., Baltimore, M.D. '86; m. Chambersburg, Pa., April 30, 1893, Frederick Markley Crawford. Interested in Y.W.C.A. clubs, Girls' Friendly Soc, Soc. of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Social Service, Juvenile Court. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Am. Inst. of Homoeopathy, D.A.R., Nat. Geographic Soc, Civic Ass'n of America, A.A.A.S., Woman's Coll. Alumnae. Mem. Woman's Club. Recreations: Golf, camping, hunting, fishing (devotee of baseball, football, basketball). Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive.
CRAWFORD, Kate Staples (Mrs. Andrew James Crawford), Somerset, Ky.
Born near Louisville, Ky.; dau. Samuel Hereford Staples, M.D., and Susan A. (Cannon) Staples; ed. Nazareth Convent, near Louisville, Ky. (head of Sisters of Charity in U.S.); grad. with honors; m. Louisville, Ky., January, 1889, Andrew James Crawford (merchant). Pres. of Woman's Club; long active in club work as pres. of Literary Club until organization of Woman's Club in 1910; pres. of Presbyterian Soc; interested in all things educational—schools, civic improvement, etc.—as well as social affairs and literary work. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian.
CRAWFORD, Mary Caroline, 22 Princeton Av., Allston Dist., Boston.
Author, social worker; b. Boston; dau. James and Mary (Coburn) Crawford; ed. Radcliffe Coll., and Simmons Coll. School for Social Workers. Entered upon journalism immediately after leaving coll. and became literary critic of Boston Budget until 1902. Then took course in social work and became sec. Women's Trade Union League. Sec. Ford Hall meetings, Boston, since 1908. Favors woman suffrage. Books: Romance of Old New England Rooftrees, 1902; Romance of Old New England Churches, 1903; College Girl of America, 1904; Among Old New England Inns, 1907; St. Botolph's Town, 1908; Old Boston Days and Ways, 1909; Romantic Days in Old Boston, 1910; Goethe and His Woman Friends, 1911; Romantic Days in the Early Republic, 1912. Episcopalian. Mem. of Boston Authors Club, Monday Evening Club for Social Workers, Women's Trade Union League. Recreation: Canoeing.
CRAWFORD, Mary Merritt, 296 N.Y. Av., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Physician; b. N.Y. City, Feb. 18, 1884; dau. Gilbert Holmes and Sarah E. (Merritt) Crawford; ed. Nyack High School, '99, Cornell Univ., A.B., '04, Cornell Med. Coll., M.D., '07 (Kappa Kappa Gamma). Served as interne at Williamsburg Hosp., Brooklyn, Jan., 1908- July, 1909. First woman to ride ambulance in Brooklyn; ass't surgeon in Dep't of Gynecology, Williamsburg Hosp., only woman on the staff. Author (with Dr. T. S. Welton): Before the Doctor Comes. Mem. Women's University Club. Episcopalian. Mem. Woman's Political Union, Woman Suffrage Party, 18th Assembly District, Political Equality League.
CRAWFORD, Mary Rowan McCrackin (Mrs. J. Stewart Crawford), Beirut, Syria, Turkey.
Missionary; b. St. Louis, Mo., July 7, 1860; ed. Geneva Coll. and Ypsilanti (Mich.) Coll., B.S. '81; m. (1st) Birmingham, Mich., Sept. 3, 1885, T. Clyde McCarroll (died 1890); (2d) Jerusalem, Palestine, July 27, 1892, Rev. J. Stewart Crawford, D.D. Teacher at Three Rivers, Mich., 1881-84; missionary of Reformed Presbyterian Church at Latakia, Syria, 1890-92; at Beirut, Syria, since 1892. Reformed Presbyterian.
CREED, Georgie Ellis (Mrs. William Henry Creed), 468 Vernon St., Oakland, Cal.
Born Tyler Co., Tex., June 3, 1855; dau. Dr. Thomas Oliver Ellis of Va. and Elizabeth (Long) Ellis of Tenn.; ed. by private instruction and normal school training; m. Fresno, Cal., 1876, William Henry Creed (lawyer); children: Wigginton Ellis, Clarence La Vallan, William H., Georgie Devereux. Interested in various religious, social and philanthropic activities. Opposed to woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Democrat. Mem. United Daughter of Confederacy, Colonial Dames of America, Southern Industrial Education Ass'n, Claremont Country Club, Ebell Club.
CRERAR, Marie Girvin (Mrs. John Crerar), 1901 Prairie Av., Chicago, Ill.
Born Chicago, Nov. 29, 1871; dau. Dr. John E. Owens and Alithea S. (Jamar) Owens; grad. Miss Kirkland's School; m. in Grace Episcopal Church, Chicago. John Crerar; children: Marie Owens Crerar, Catherine Hatton Crerar. Interested in philanthropic work in connection with St. Luke's Hospital for 15 or 20 years (has been pres. of board and of committees). Episcopalian. Recreation: Golf. Mem. Scribblers' Club.
CRESSLER, Isabel Bonbrake, Elmhurst Country School, R.D. 6, Connersville, Ind.
Co-principal of private school; b. Chambersburg, Pa., April 10, 1872; dau. Charles H. and Elizabeth Sager (Jones) Cressler; ed. Chambersburg public schools; Wilson Coll., B.A., Chambersburg, Pa.; Cornell Univ.; Chicago Art Inst, and Rome, Italy. Principal Latin School, Chambersburg; Wilson Coll. faculty (mathematical dep't; co-principal Roman School, Rome, Italy; co-principal Elmhurst School, Connersville, Ind.; vice-pres. and sec. Elmhurst School Corporation. Interested in education of girls. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Farming, driving, art.
CREW, Helen Coale (Mrs. Henry Crew), 113 Davis St., Evanston, Ill.
Writer; b. Baltimore, Md., 1866; dau. Thomas E. and Cecilia (Harvey) Coale; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., B.A., '89; m. Baltimore, Md., 1890, Henry Crew; children: Alice, Mildred, William H. Author: AEgean Echoes, 1911; stories, verses, essays in magazines. Mem. Drama Club of Evanston. Quaker. Favors woman suffrage.
CREW, Miriam Donalson (Mrs. Ben Lee Crew), 615 West Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga.
Born Bainbridge, Ga., Jan. 1, 1886; dau. John Ernest and Amelia (Pohlenan) Donalson; ed. Agnes Scott Coll. (mem. Prophylean Soc), Washington Sem., Atlanta, and in Bremen, Germany; m. Bainbridge, Ga., April 3, 1907, Ben Lee Crew; one son: Benjamin Lee Jr. Recreations: Music, out-door sports.
CRIPPEN, Caroline Winslow (Mrs. G. B. Crippen), Worcester, Otsego Co., N.Y.
Born Oneonta, N.Y., Aug. 31, 1871; dau. Russel Brownell and Martha (Gile) Winslow; ed. Oneonta State Normal School (mem. Agonian Sorority); m. Milford, N.Y., Aug. 3, 1896, George Bigelow Crippen. Active in choir and Sunday-school. Sec Worcester Free Library Ass'n (chairman of Book Com.). Congregationalist. Mem. Schenevus Chapter Order of Eastern Star, Fortnightly Club of Worcester.
CRISPIN, Emma Fowler Weeks (Mrs. Franklin Mitchell Crispin), 1012 Spruce St.. Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Pittsburgh, Pa.; dau. Joseph Dame and Martha Jane (Fowler) Weeks; ed. Rye (N.Y.) Sem.; Goucher Coll., Baltimore, B.A.; Kindergarten Coll., Pittsburgh, Pa.; m. Pittsburgh, April 26, 1905, Franklin Mitchell Crispin. Engaged as kindergartner until marriage. Mem. Philadelphia Chapter D.A.R.; mem. Gen Robert Philadelphia Chapter D.A.R.; mem. Goucher Alumnae Ass'n, Theta Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta. Recreations: Golf, bridge whist, tennis. Mem. Overbrook Golf Club, College Club, Charlotte Cushman Club, Treble Clef Club. Has a notable collection of matter relating to actors and singers, which she has been collecting for 15 years.
CRITCHER, Catharine Carter, The Woodley, Washington, D.C.
Artist; b. in Westmoreland Co., Va.; dau. Judge John and Elizabeth (Whiting) Critcher; ed. Arlington Inst., Va. Received bronze medal