tions of Presbyterian Church. Mem. and ex-pres. Criterion Literary Club; mem. Parent-Teachers' Club of the Liberty High School. Favors woman suffrage.
CRAFTS, Lettie May, Wayzata, Lake Minnetonka, Minn.
Librarian; b. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 27, 1860; dau. Major Amasa and Mary Jane (Henry) Crafts; ed. public schools in Minneapolis, Univ. of Minn., B.Litt. 1881. Ass't librarian Univ. of Minn., 1883-1910, ranking as ass't prof, and mem. of Faculty. Mem. Minn. Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa (vice-pres. 1893-94, sec. 1910-11); Am. Library Ass'n 1886-1908; charter mem. Minn. Library Ass'n (pres. 1907). Elected 1900, reelected 1906, mem. Library Board of City of Minneapolis (sec. 1903-11); term expires 1913. Mem. State Exec. Boards Women's Home and Foreign Missionary societies (Cong.) in Minn., 1911—. Mem. and sec. board of directors Florence Crittenton Mission, Minneapolis, 1895-1911. Favors woman suffrage. Author of papers for ass'ns and clubs, some of which have been published in professional periodicals. Congregationalist. Roosevelt Progressive. Recreations: Travel, life out-of-doors in woods in summer. Charter mem. Woman's Club of Minneapolis; mem. Woman's Welfare League of Minneapolis.
CRAFTS, Sara Jane (Mrs. William F. Crafts), 206 Pennsylvania Av., S.E., Washington, D.C.
Author, lecturer; b. Cincinnati; dau. Jesse and Jane (Means) Timanus; ed. Wesleyan Female Coll., Cincinnati, and Ia. Coll., Davenport Ia; m. May, 1874, Plainfield, N.J., Rev. Wilbur F. Crafts. Lecturer and teacher at Chautauquas lecturer at State and International Sunday-school conventions; organizer International Primary Union of Sunday-school teachers. Favors woman suffrage. Associate author: Plain Uses of the Blackboard; Childhood, The Text Book of the Age; Intoxicants and Opium; World Book of Temperance; staff contributor to Christian Herald, N.Y. City. Presbyterian. Mem. Nat. Geog Soc, British Esperanto Ass'n, Archaeological Inst of Am., Sup't Sunday School Dep't of World's W.C.T.U. In 1910 organized Sunday-schools in Iceland.
CRAGIN, Mary Randle Willard (Mrs. E. B Cragin), 10 W. Fiftieth St., N.Y. City.
Born Willimantic, Conn., Feb. 22, 1864; dau Rev. Samuel G. and Cynthia (Barrows) Willard, ed. Bacon Acad., Colchester, Conn.; Smith Coll' (class '88); m. Colchester, May 23, 1889, Edwin Bradford Cragin, M.D.; children; Miriam Willard, b. Sept. 30, 1890; Alice Gregory, b. Nov 18, 1893; E. Bradford Jr., b. April 23, 1900. Interested in church activities. Mem. Nat. Soc. New England Women, Consumers' League, City History Club. Presbyterian. Clubs: Barnard, Smith College.
CRAIG, Agnes Houston, Maiden Lane, Pullman, Wash.
Educator; b. Otisville, N.Y.; dau. Rev. Robert Houston and Rachel (McFetridge) Craig; grad Columbia Univ., B.S. '05 (mem. Zeta Theta Pi, local sorority). Director of domestic art, Texas State Coll., Denton, Tex., 1907-12; prof, of textiles and director of textile work in the Dep't of Home Economics, Washington State Coll Pullman, Wash., 1912—. Chairman Nat. Textile Com., 1912-13. Speaker at Nat. Home Economics Ass'n, St. Louis, 1910; leader of Household Art Section, Nat. Home Economics Ass'n, Washington, D.C, 1911; speaker Southern Educational Ass'n, Houston, Tex., 1911. Has done various kinds of settlement work and investigation of economic and social conditions among working iris; also in church work in New York City; spent a year investigating workroom conditions in N.Y. City; interested in music school settlement work, and all progressive movements for social betterment. Favors woman suffrage. Has written various articles on household arts education, such as Textile Experimentation, June, 1911 (Home Economics Journal); Domestic Art Round Table, Discussion of National Home Economics Meeting at Washington, D.C. Presbyterian. Mem. Progressive Party. Recreations: Gold, tennis, music. Club woman. Mem. Seattle Golf and Country Club, 1906—, and Seattle Tennis Club, 1905-07.
CRAIG, Anna, Kings Park, L.I., N.Y.
Physician; b. Churchville, Monroe Co., N.Y.; dau. Dr. James W. and Sarah (Butterfield) Craig; grad. Geneseo (N.Y.) Normal School, '80, Chautauqua Course, Class of '87, Univ. of Mich., M.D. 1893. Practised medicine about five years in Rochester, N.Y., woman physician in Kings Park State Hospital, Kings Park, Long Island, N.Y. Presbyterian. Mem. Med. Society of the State of N.Y., Women's Med. Soc. of N.Y. State, Women's Med. Ass'n of N.Y. City, Am. Medico-Psychological Ass'n, Women's Univ. Club (N.Y. City), Coll. Women's Club (Rochester).
CRAIG, Katharine L., 4044 E. 18th Av., Denver, Colo.
Educator; dau. Hugh Harvey and Hester F. (Peters) Craig; ed. in Colo., and Mo. Valley Coll. State sup't of Public Instruction of Colo, for four years; now instructor in literature. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor to The New Student's Reference Work; Craig's Primary Geography; Judge Greyburn and Kathlene Lee (romance); Sociology and Economics. Republican. Mem. Nat. Education Ass'n, State Teachers Ass'n. Woman's Club of Denver.
CRAIG, Katherine Taylor (Mrs. William B. Craig), 65 W. Forty-fifth St., N.Y. City.
Writer; b. In Alabama, Feb. 16, 1877; dau. Murray Forbes and Butler Brayne (Thornton) Taylor; ed. Miss Lake's School, San Francisco; m. (1st) California, Carl H. Schultz Jr.; (2d) California, William B. Craig; one son: Carl H. Schultz. Writer of stories and miscellaneous articles. Interested in astrology, astronomy, genealogy, literature (French), art, comparative religions and Christian mysticism. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Treas. Woman's Missionary Soc. of Church of the Heavenly Rest. Recreations: Swimming, golf, horseback riding. Sec. Pen and Brush Club; mem. Colonial Dames of the State of N.Y., D.A.R., Twilight Club, Woman's Political Equality Ass'n, Poetry Society.
CRAIG, Margaret, Nurses' Residence, Bellevue Hospital, 440 E. Twenty-sixth St., N.Y. City.
Nurse; b. Fort Plain, N.Y., Nov. 25, 1880; dau. Neville B. and Margaret E. (Sullivan) Craig; ed. Philadelphia public schools, Philadelphia High School, Swarthmore Preparatory School, Swarthmore Coll.; mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Trained and grad. from training school of the Hospital of the University of Pa., class '08; head nurse at Hospital of Univ. of Pa., 1908-11; head nurse Mercy Hospital, Johnstown, Pa., 1911-13; now at Bellevue Hospital, N.Y. City, post-grad, course. Interested in social service work. Favors woman' suffrage. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc, Graduate Nurses Ass'n of the State of Pa., Alumnae Ass'n of the Univ. of Pa. Hospital.
CRAIG, Margaret Bell, 7 Cabrillo Place, Pasadena, Cal.
Artist, photographer; b. St. Paul, Minn., May 29, 1876; dau. Robert and Margaret (Bell) Craig; ed. St. Paul and Minneapolis; two years at Univ. of Minn., and course in Clarence H. White's School of Photography (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma, Univ. of Minn.). Photographs exhibited twice in Nat. Photo Exhibitions, Philadelphia; also exhibitions of work in Friday Morning Club and in Ebell Club, Los Angeles, Cal. Writer of illustrated articles published in Harper's Bazar, American Homes and Gardens, Keith's Magazine, Beautiful Homes. Socialist. Christian Scientist. Favors woman suffrage.
CRAIG, Mary Marsden Young (Mrs. John Craig), 1614 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass.; summer, Beach Bluff, Mass.
Actress, b. Fort Washington, N.Y., 1879; dau. Richard and Emmaline (Bushnell) Young; ed. by tutors both in England and America; m. London, England, John Craig, at the age of fourteen; children: Harmon Bushnell, John Jr. Went on stage at 11 with Augustin Daly's Co., remained with him seven years; has played over 400 leading parts, Shakespeare, musical comedy, drama, farce; seven years leading woman for Mr. Craig; seven years leading woman for the John Craig Players, Boston; now leading woman Castle Square Theatre, Boston. Mem. Episcopal Church, the Professional Woman's Club, Paul