ed. high schools in Lee and Terrell counties, Ga.; m. Coweta Co., Ga., Mar. 2, 1871 Hon. M. H. Couch; children: Jessie Pearl, Madge Cameron, Mai Belle, Franklin Dudley. Interested in religious, social and philanthropic work. Pres. Woman's Missionary Soc.; pres. Coweta Chapter United Daughters of Confederacy; assisted in organizing Civic League, Senoia, Ga., and elected as its president. Baptist. Against woman suffrage.
COUDERT, Amalia Küssner, Tunbridge Wells, England.
Miniature painter; b. Greencastle, Ind.; dau. Lorenz and Emelia (Wemhardt) Küssner; ed. St. Mary's of the Woods Convent, Ind.; m. 1900, Capt Charles DuPont Coudert. Began as artist in N.Y. City, 1892; later went abroad, painting the Czar and Czarina of Russia, King Edward VI, Cecil Rhodes and other notables and great society beauties.
COULTER, Elva Carter, 22 Pond St., Natick, Mass.
Teacher of history; b. Boston, Mass., May 26, 1872; dau. James M. and Susan (McMullen) Coulter; ed. Boston Girls' High School; Berkeley School (private), Boston; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '94. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Hist. Ass'n, New England History Teachers' Ass'n, College Club of Boston, Woman's Club and Shakespeare Club, Natick, Mass.
COULTER, Mary Geigus (Mrs. Chester Emory Coulter), 1257 Twenty-fourth St., Ogden, Utah.
Lawyer, ex-legislator; b. Savanna, Carroll Co., Ill., Sept. 7. 1859; dau. John Nicholas and Caroline C. (Wasmund) Geigus; grad. Mt. Carroll High School, '78; Northwestern Coll., Naperville, 111., '80; studied three years in literary and law dep'ts, Univ. of Mich., LL.B. (class honors) '85 (active in college literary clubs); m. Chicago, Oct. 7, 1885, Dr. Chester Emory Coulter of Freeport, Ill.; one son: Halvor Geigus, b. April 17, 1887 (now Lieut. H. G. Coulter, U.S.A. Coast Artillery Corps, instructor in mathematics, U.S. Military Acad.). Did not engage in active practice, although admitted to the Supreme Courts of both Ill. and Mich. Interested in education, women's clubs, politics and ameliorative movements generally; deeply interested in the problems centering about the upgrowth of Oriental countries. Favors woman suffrage. Effected organization of Weber Co. Woman's Republican Club (500 active members), 1904; served as pres. till 1908; twice a delegate to Republican State Conventions; delegate to Progressive State Convention, Sept. 13, 1912; nominated for presidential elector on Progressive ticket and served on Organization and Finance Committees for the Progressives in Utah. Speaker in two national campaigns within the State; successful as an organizer and public speaker. Unitarian. Founder of Aglala Club (the most distinctively literary club in Ogden) and its pres. for two years; pres. Utah Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1900-04. Elected to Utah State Legislature in 1902, the only woman in the Fifth Assembly; served as chairman of the Judiciary Com. of the House during the fifth session (the only instance in history of a woman in that capacity). Advocated and instituted measures for the betterment of social conditions, particularly the condition of neglected and abandoned children.
COUNCILMAN, Isabella Coolidge (Mrs. William Thomas Councilman), 78 Bay State Road, Boston, Mass.
Born Boston, Mar. 20, 1861; dau. David Hill and Isabella (Shurtleff) Coolidge; ed. private schools, Boston; m. Boston, Dec. 19, 1895, Dr. William Thomas Councilman; children: Isabella C., Christiana D., Elizabeth L. Director of Old Ladies' Home; former pres. of Working Girls' Club; former mem. Carney Hospital Ladies' Aid Ass'n; mem. Ladies' Visiting Com. of Mass. Gen. Hospital; former chairman Waste Disposal Com. of Women's Municipal Club League. Ex-pres. Saturday Morning Club (literary). Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames, Women's Municipal League, church societies and Copley Soc. of Boston.
COUNTRYMAN, Gratia Alta, 4721 Girard Av., South; office, Public Library, Minneapolis, Minn.
Librarian; b. Hastings, Minn., Nov. 29, 1866; dau. L. N. and Alta (Chamberlain) Countryman; grad. Univ. of Minn., B.S. (Phi Beta Kappa) '89 (mem. Delta Gamma Sorority). Assistant librarian, Minneapolis Public Library, 1891-1904; librarian in chief, 1904—. Instrumental in creating Minnesota Traveling Library Law, 1899; mem. State Library Commission, 1899—. Pres. Women's Welfare League; mem. Civic Improvement League; mem. Minn. Acad. of Science, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Board of Directors' Gen. Alumnae Ass'n Univ. of Minn., Am. Archaeological Soc, Woman's Club (charter mem.), Peripatetics Club, Thursday Musical. Congregationalist. Progressive Republican. Favors woman suffrage.
COVEL, Abbie Walker, 617 Commonwealth Av., Boston, Mass.
Born Fall River, Mass., Feb. 9, 1873; dau. Alphonso Smith and Sarah Walker (Borden) Covel; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '94. Active in church and mission work; Y.W.C.A. work. Congregationalist. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Smith Alumni Ass'n (sec. 1896-1900, treas. 1905-07), College Club (Boston).
COVELL, Maud Evelyn Clarke, Barrington, R.I.
Librarian; b. Newport, R.I., Sept. 29, 1880; dau. R. Howard and Ella Cole (Handy) Clarke; ed. public schools of Newport, R.I., 1885-98; Brown Univ., 1898-1902, A.B. (mem. Delta Epsilon, later merged into Alpha Omega Pi); m. Newport, R.I., June 14, 1905, Louis Everett Covell; children: Louis Clarke, Evelyn Hope, James Everett. Cataloguer at Brown Univ. Library, 1902-03; cataloguer of R.I. State Library, 1903-04; ass't librarian at John Carter Brown Library, 1904-08, all in Providence, R.I. Mem. and leader of church choir in Newport, R.I. and Providence, R.I.; mem. Junior Auxiliary of Emanuel Church, Newport, R.I., and Girls' Friendy Soc., Church of Our Saviour branch, Providence, R.I. Assisted at various missions, vocally, in Providence, 1900-06. Author of article on The John Carter Brown Library, The Library Journal, Feb., 1905. Episcopalian. Not a voter, but a stanch Democrat. Opposed to woman suffrage.
COWAN, Isabel Eliot, Rodney, Ia.
Physician; b. Cabin Hill, N.Y., Oct. 12, 1871; dau. Andrew and Sarah (Campbell) Cowan; ed. Coe Coll., Cedar Rapids, Ia.; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. Chief Nurse, U.S. Army, stationed at Presidio, Cal., two years, 1839-1901; resident physician, Converse Coll., Spartenburg, S.C., three years, 1892-95; now practicing at Rodney, Ia. Congregationalist. Sabbath-school worker. Favors woman suffrage.
COWELL, Maria I. (Mrs. C. W. Cowell), 704 Fox St., Denver, Colo.
Born Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 25, 1846; dau. Lieut. Thomas and Libbie (McGuire) Branch; ed. Flint (Mich.) public schools; m. Otisville, Mich., Feb. 25, 1865, C. W. Cowell; children: Charles B., F. Howard, J. Herbert, Lulu Nina, Don, Grace. Ladies' Relief Soc. of Denver. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Republican. Mem. Woman's Missionary Auxiliary, W.B.M.I., Ladies' Aid (in church), W.C.T.U., Order of Eastern Star (Denver Chapter); charter mem. Farragut Relief Corps; mem. West Denver Woman's Club.
COWEN, Alma D. (Mrs. Israel Cowen), 433 E. Forty-eighth St., Chicago, Ill.
Born Kalamazoo, Mich., Dec. 12, 1872; dau. Bernhard L. and Bertha (Schuster) Desenberg; ed. Kalamazoo public and high schools, Univ. of Mich., Kalamazoo Coll., and by private tutoring; m. Mar. 15, 1897, Israel Cowen; children: Bayard D., Elizabeth. Interested in social, charitable and educational clubs and societies. Jewish. Pres. Chicago Ass'n of Jewish Women (formerly Chicago Section of Council of Jewish Women); mem. Board of Directors Jochannah Lodge Y.O.T.S. and K.A.M. Auxiliary. Favors woman suffrage.