COOPER, Emma Lampert (Mrs. Colin Campbell Cooper), 222 W. 59th St., N.Y. City.
Artist; b. Nunda, N.Y.; dau. Henry and Janette (Smith) Lampert; grad. Wells Coll.; studied at Art Students' League, Cooper Union, and with Miss Agnes D. Abatt In water colors; with Harry Thompson, and at Delacleuse Acad., Paris. Has charge of Art Dep't Foster School, Clifton Springs, two years, and of painting classes at Mechanics' Inst., Rochester, 1893-97; m. Rochester, N.Y., June 9, 1897, Colin Campbell Cooper, artist, of Philadelphia. Has been abroad many times since 1886, painting interiors and street scenes in oil and water colors in France, Holland, Belgium, Italy and Switzerland. Mem. N.Y. Water Color Club; Am. Water Color Soc.; Woman's Art Club, N.Y. City; Philadelphia Water Color Club; Woman's Art Ass'n, Canada; one of founders of Eastern Ass'n of Wells Coll., N.Y.; pres. Soc. of Women Painters. Awarded medal World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; bronze medals awarded at the Atlanta Exposition, 1895, St. Louis Exposition, 1904 (for oil and water colors); water color prize Woman's Art Club, N.Y. City, 1907. Representative pictures: Morning Near Riverdale; High Noon, Cape Ann; Mother Claudius Fireside, 1889; The Bread Winner (medal Chicago, and exhibited Paris Exposition, 1900); News of the Day; Weaving Homespun; Swiss Fireplace; Canal at Lisieux, 1909.
COOPER, Jane Barnes (Mrs. Job A. Cooper), 1500 Grant Av., Denver, Colo.
Born Downer's Grove, Ill., Nov. 28, 1843, dau. Rev. Romulus and Olivia (Denham) Barnes; grad. Rockford Sem., Ill., 1863; m. Galesburg, Ill., Sept. 17, 1867, Job A. Cooper, afterward Governor of Colorado; children: Olivia, Mary Louise, Charles J., Genevieve Pearl. Pres. Board of Brotherly Relief Colony for destitute consumptives. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Republican. Mem. Descendants of the Mayflower (descending from Gov. William Bradford). Was second treas. of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Denver Fortnightly Club.
COOPER, Ola Beth Capron, 134 Beaver St., Beaver, Pa.
Teacher; b. Ava, N.Y.; dau. Smith M. and Sarah Jane (Jillson) Capron; grad. Boonville High School, N.Y., '87; Cornell Univ., B.L. '91; N.Y. Univ., M.L. '06 (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Roche Harbor, Wash., Aug. 16, 1905, David K. Cooper; children: David K., Jr., b. Feb. 1, 1907; Ola, b. Sept 4, 1908. Teacher of German in Richmond Hill High School, N.Y. City, 1898-1905. United Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Woman's Club of Beaver. Favors woman suffrage.
COPASS, Alice Reynolds (Mrs. James H. Copass), 310 E. Broadway St., Altus, Jackson Co., Okla.
Born Van Alstyne, Tex., Aue. 15, 1882; dau. Frank M. and Texie (Cantrell) Aycock; ed. high school and nomal course; m. Dec. 23. 1901, James H. Copass; children: Jack Malcolm, Emma Leah. Pres. of local chapter, 1910-12, and second vice-pres. Oklahoma Division of United Daughters of Confederacy; charter mem. of chapter of D.A.R., organization now being perfected. Mem. Erolethian Club (pres. 1910-11). Baptist. Favors woman suffrage.
COPP, Evelyn Fletcher (Mrs. Alfred E. Copp), 31 York Terrace, Brookline, Mass.
Musician and originator of Fletcher music method; b. Woodstock, Can., 1872; dau. Ashton Fletcher, Q. C, and Annie (Stidston) Fletcher; ed. in Canada, England, Belgium and Germany; m. N.Y. City, May 8, 1901, Alfred E. Copp; children: Theodore, Colin, Margaret, Eric. Made mem. of Incorporated Soc. of Musicians of Great Britain after lecture before this Soc., 1899; lectured before International Council of Women's Clubs twice in 1910, under presidency of Countess of Aberdeen. Mem. Lyceum Club, London, Eng., Twentieth Century Club, Boston, and many music clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Brookline branch, also mem. of Mass. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Author: A Manual on Music Teaching. Editor of the only magazine for the discussion of music as a means of education for children; has published several articles on music and the child creative ability. Episcopalian.
CORBETT, Gail Sherman (Mrs. Harvey W. Corbett), 443 W. 21st St., N.Y. City.
Sculptor: b. Syracuse, N.Y.; dau. Frederick Coe and Emma Jane (Ostrander) Sherman; ed. Syracuse High School, Anne Brown School, N.Y. City, Art Student's League of N.Y. and in Paris, pupil of Augustus Saint Gaudens; m. Syracuse, N.Y., June 28. 1905, Harvey Wiley Corbett, architect; one daughter: Jean Corbett, b. 1906. Mem. Woman's Municipal League, N.Y. State Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Monuments: Hamilton S. White Memorial, Syracuse, N.Y.; Kirkpatrick Memorial Fountain, Syracuse; bronze doors, Springfield Municipal group, Mass., etc. Mem. Nat. Sculpture Soc, Am. Numismatic Soc.
CORBETT, Mary Schofield White (Mrs. Walter Provost Corbett), 230 Gilmore St., Jacksonville, Fla.
Born Derbyshire, England, Sept. 7, 1865; dau. Rev. Edward and Elizabeth (Bowden) White; ed. Wesleyan Female Coll., Macon, Ga., A.B. '82 (Phi Mu); m. Americus, Ga., Jan. 1, 1886, Walter Provost Corbett; children: Roy Wallace, Alice, Elizabeth, Martha. Mem. Board of Directors of Associated Charities of Jacksonville, Fla.; treas. of the Recreation Ass'n. Jacksonville; ex-pres. Woman's Club of Jacksonville; vice-regent Florida State Chapter Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire in U.S. of America. Episcopalian.
CORBIN, Alberta Linton, 1108 Ohio St., Lawrence, Kan.
College professor; b. Mound City, Kan., April 24, 1870; dau. Myron M. and Lizzie (Linton) Corbin; ed. Univ. of Kan. (Phi Beta Kappa) '93; Yale Univ., Ph.D. '01; studied at Univ. of Berlin, 1910-11. Assistant prof, of German, Univ. of Kan., 1901-10; associate prof., Univ. of Kan., 1911—. Mem. College Equal Franchise League, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Modern Language Ass'n. Recreation: Country walking. Unitarian. Progressive in politics. Active in campaign for Equal Suffrage amendment in Kansas, 1911-12.
CORBIN, Caroline Fairfield (Mrs. Calvin Richard Corbett), 1523 Dearborn Av., Chicago, Ill.
Author; b. Pomfret, Conn., Nov. 9, 1835; dau. Jason Williams and Hanna Dana (Chandler) Williams; ed. Brooklyn Female Acad.; m. Chicago, 1861, Calvin Richard Corbin. Author: Our Bible Class and the Good that Came of It; Rebecca, or Woman's Secret; His Marriage Vow; Letters from a Chimney Comer; A Woman's Philosophy of Love. Pres. Ill. Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage; one of founders of Ass'n for Advancement of Women.
CORBIN, Hetty M. (Mrs. John Corbin), Del Rio, Tex.
Born Germany, 1883; dau. Simon and Julia (Freyer) Fromholz; ed. in Germany, N.Y. public schools, special courses at home, then spent two and one-half years in Germany and England; m. N.Y. City, Oct 23, 1907, John Corbin. Sec. Women's Auxiliary of Y.W.C.A.; mem. Episcopal Church Guild; pres. second year of Women's Club; helped organize Woman's Auxiliary of Y.M.C.A.; mem. New Century Club. Recreations: Driving, riding, out-door exercises. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.
CORBUS, Florence Josephine (Mrs. Frederick Godfrey Corbus), 208 Glenn Road, Ardmore, Pa.
Born Madison, Wis., June 29, 1878; dau. Isaac Pope and Josephine Adelaide (Miller) Ketcham; ed. Univ. of Wis., B.L. '01, M.L. '03; John C. Freeman fellowship In English, 1902-03 (junior year, 1899-1900, at Bryn Mawr Coll); m. Jun, 11, 1907, Frederick Godfrey Corbus; one son: Frederick Godfrey Corbus Jr., b. Jan. 15, 1911. Mem. Consumers' League of Philadelphia, Nat. Child Labor Committee, Main Line Housing Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. Nat. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumni, College Club of Philadelphia.
CORCILIUS, Inez, 872 Spring St, Jamestown, N.Y.
Teacher; b. Jamestown, N.Y., Mar. 5, 1879;