B.A. '93. Mem. Framingham Chapter D.A.R. Recreation: Walking.
COOLIDGE, Jennie Adelaide Holmes (Mrs. Marshall H. Coolidge), 1906 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis, Minn.
Born West Pensaukee, Wis., Feb. 9, 1866; dau. Byron M. and Susan M. (Knowles) Holmes; ed. public schools of Green Bay and Stevens Point, Wis., and private teachers at home; m. Milwaukee, June 25, 1883, Marshall Harvey Coolidge; children: Harry Holmes, b. Feb. 15, 1886; Byron Harvey, b. Aug. 4, 1888; Marshall Harvey Jr., b. May 9, 1904. Mem. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Monument Chapter D.A.R., Minnikahda Club. Interested in crippled children. Against woman suffrage. Social chairman of Kenwood Parents' and Teachers' Ass'n. Recreations: Walking, gardening, literature. Former mem. of Clio Club, 1896-1904, and Minn. State Federation of Women's Clubs.
COOLIDGE, Mary Elizabeth Burroughs Roberts (Mrs. Dane Coolidge), Berkeley, Cal.
Writer, lecturer; b. Kingsbury, Ind.; dau. Prof. I. P. Roberts (M. Agr.) and Margaret J. (Marr) Roberts; grad. Cornell, Ph.B. '80; M.S. '82; Stanford, Ph.D. '96 (Phi Beta Kappa, Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Berkeley, Cal., July 30, 1906, Dane Coolidge, author and naturalist. Teacher of history in public and private schools, 1880-86; in Wellesley Coll., 1886-90; asso. prof. sociology, Stanford Univ., 1896-1903. Research work with Carnegie Inst., 1904-08, Sage Foundation, 1909. Head worker South Park Settlement, San Francisco, 1905-06; pres. of Settlement Council, 1910-12. Favors woman suffrage; campaign speaker in Cal., 1911; now chairman of education for Cal. Civic League, a non-partisan organization for political service. Author: Chinese Immigration, 1909; Reviser of Warner's American Charities; Almshouse Women (Public Statistical Ass'n); Why Women Are So; also numerous magazine articles on sociological subjects. Unitarian. Progressive Independent in politics. Mem. Am. Econ. Ass'n; Am. Acad., Political and Social Science, Nat. Conference of Charities, etc., Cal. Civic League, Nat. Coll. Alumnae, Soc. for Social Hygiene. Recreations: Music, chiefly study and singing folk and ballad music; theatre. Travels with husband in wild and out-of-the way localities.
COOMBS, Susan Bird (Mrs. Robert H. Coombs), Banning, Riverside Co., Cal.
Born Chicago, Jan. 14, 1880; dau. James Francis and Ida (Taft) Bird; ed. Banning (Cal.) public and high schools; Stanford Univ., A.B. '03 (mem., treas. and later pres. Stanford Girls' Glee Club, Sophomore Cotillon Com., Plug Ugly Com.; vice-pres. English Club; mem. Roble Gymnasium Club; chairman Senior Farce Com.; mem. Gamma Phi Beta); m. Banning, Cal., Feb. 15, 1908, Robert H. Coombs; children: Robert Bird, b. May 24, 1909; Richard James, b. Feb. 26, 1911. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Republican. Mem. Southern Cal. branch of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Stanford Univ. Alumni Ass'n, Ocean-to-Ocean Highway Ass'n (vice-pres.), Saturday Afternoon Club (pres.)
COON, Callie Prichard (Mrs. Andrew P. Coon), 2103 S. Sawyer Av., Chicago, Ill.
Born Forreston, Ill.; dau. Miles Norton and Mary (Jackson) Prichard; ed. Park Inst., Chicago, and Dean Coll. of Music; m. Aug., 1885, Andrew P. Coon. Musician; organist 15 years of English Lutheran Church, Forreston, Ill. Soloist in Douglas Park Congregational Church, five years; interested in settlement work. Favors woman suffrage. English Lutheran. Mem. Chicago Culture Club, Chicago Woman's Club; vice-pres. for two years of Sixth Congressional Dist. Ill. Fed. Women's Clubs; pres. two years, Chicago Culture Club.
COONEY, Dotia Trigg (Mrs. James Cooney), 522 Eastwood St., Marshall, Mo.
Author; dau. John Anthony and Amanda H. (Harvey) Trigg; ed. by governess in family and at Central Female Coll., Lexington, Mo.; Howard Coll., Fayette, Mo., and Boston, Mass.; attended New England Conservatory; m. Dec. 21, 1882, James Cooney. An eclectic in religion; reared Southern Methodist Author: A Study in Ebony. Pres. of French Club: Les Preciensea Ridicules. Recreation: Writing.
COOPER, Anna Wellington, Wayland, Mass.
Born Bridgewater, Mass., Oct. 6, 1867; dau. Edward and Emma W. (Batchelder) Sawyer; ed. Bridgewater High School, Bridgewater State Normal School; m. Bridgewater, Mass., Oct. 16, 1890, Frank Irving Cooper; children: Edward I., Francis J. L., Gregory W. Teacher in Stoughton High School. Interested in club work in Wayland and State of Mass., some church work (Unitarian), Morgan Memorial, Tuskegee, Fitchburg Reclaiming Soc, Salvation Army. Pres. Wayland Woman's Club, vice-pres. Wayland Alliance; majority of mem. working for suffrage for women. Unitarian. Mem. Soc. Woman's Unitarian Alliance, Nat. Bridgewater Memorial School Alumni Ass'n, Bridgewater High School Alumni Ass'n, Old Bridgewater Historical Soc., Wayland Improvement Soc., Wayland Soc. of Arts and Crafts, Wayland Woman's Club. Recreations: Symphony and other concerts, opera, theatre, walking, nature observation.
COOPER, Anne Thornhill, 540 W. 122d St., N.Y.; home address, Edgewood, Rutherford, N.J.
Formerly a librarian; b. Rutherford, N.J., Aug. 20, 1873; dau. Joseph Phipps and Alice Elizabeth (Haines) Cooper; ed. principally at home and in private schools. Interested in all ethical and progressive movements, especially in Feminism. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman Suffrage Party. Mem. N.Y. Peace Soc, Equal Franchise Soc, West London Ethical Soc. (of England). Recreations: Reading, cycling, walking.
COOPER, Bessie Dean, Normal College of N.Y. City.
Teacher; b. Oakaloosa, Ia., Dec. 27, 1874; dau. Cary and Susan (Thurston) Cooper; ed. Cornell Univ., Ph.B. '97; student of the Univ. of Paris (Sorbonne), 1907-08, 1910-11; Yale Univ., Ph.D., 1911; fellowship at Yale, 1909-10. Instructor in history, Rhode Island Coll., 1906-07; Normal Coll., of City of N.Y., 1911-13. Interested in historical research in European archives. Against universal suffrage for men or women. Contributor to various periodicals. Mem. Liberal Club of N.Y.
COOPER, Beulah Keller (Mrs. J. C. Cooper), Cameron, W.Va.
Born Cameron, W.Va.; grad Washington (Pa.) Sem. '05; Lutherville Coll., Md.; Spanish School of Languages, Washington, D.C.; m. Aug. 7, 1907, Dr. J. E. Cooper. Interested and active in civic improvement work, tuberculosis campaign and educational work as a club woman. Mem. and past pres. of Woman's Club of Cameron; sec. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. and present worthy matron of Order of Eastern Star (Loraine Chapter No. 9); teacher of young men's Sunday-school class. Baptist.
COOPER, Cottie Albright (Mrs. Charles D. Cooper), Brockport, N.Y.
Born Laurelton, Pa., Jan. 11, 1885; dau. David C. and Amanda (Swengel) Albright; ed. Bucknell Sem., '02; Bucknell School of Music, '06; Bucknell Univ., Ph.B. '05, summa cum laude, pupil of Mary Derr and Elsée Aviragnet; m. Wilmington, Nov. 28, 1906, Prof. Charles D. Cooper; children: Ora Louise, Helen Bordner. Interested in music, historical research, anthropology, civic betterment and pedagogy. Mem. History Club, Civic Club, Music Club. Recreations: Dancing, tennis. Lutheran. Against woman suffrage.
COOPER, Dora Hauck (Mrs. James M. Cooper), 1505 S. Center St., Terre Haute, Ind.
Born Harmony, Ind., April 19, 1870; dau. Gottlieb and Mary (Harsch) Hauck; ed. schools in Terre Haute, Ind.: grad. and gold medalist of Conservatory of Music, Chicago; m. Terre Haute, Ind., Nov. 7, 1905, James M. Cooper. Traveled four seasons in the Ladies' Imperial Quartette of Chicago in most of the States. Mem. Round Table Study Club. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage.