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Bohemian Club Library for six years. Author: Perfect Day and Other Poems, The Singer of the Sea, Songs from the Golden Gate; contributor to leading magazines and journals East and West. Associated with the early literary circle of Cal., comprised of Bret Harte, Mark Twain, Charles Warren, Stoddard, Joaquin Miller, Prentice Mulford, etc., more especially with the once famous Overland Monthly, when edited by Bret Harte. Woman suffragist. Republican. Mem. Soc. of Women Journalists, London, England; honorary mem. Athenian Club and Ebell Soc, Oakland Cal., Bohemian Club, Century, Floral Soc, Pacific Coast Women's Press Ass'n, and Sequoia Club, San Francisco, and Short Story Club, San Jose, Cal.

COOLEY, Anna Maria, Teachers' College, Columbia University, N.Y. City.

Assistant professor of household arts; b. N.Y. City, Sept. 16, 1874; dau. Charles Wallace and Emma (Davies) Cooley; grad. N.Y. Normal Coll., '93; Jenny Hunter Kindergarten Training School, '95; student Barnard Coll., 1896-97; Teachers' Coll., Columbia Univ., B.S. '03. Principal domestic economy in Hackley Manual Training School, Muskegon, Mich., 1904; instructor Univ. of Tenn., summer sessions, 1905-07; Teachers' Coll., Columbia Univ., since 1904; ass't prof. of household arts since 1910. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Occupations for Little Fingers; Domestic Art in Woman's Education; Text Book of the Household Arts (two volumes). Presbyterian. Mem. Am. Home Economies' Ass'n, Nat. Educational Ass'n, Household Arts Club.

COOLEY, Clara Aldrich (Mrs. D. N. Cooley), 1394 Locust St., Dubuque, Ia.

Born in Vermont, 1830 (of Colonial ancestry); ed. in Chester, Vt. and Newbury Acad. at Montpelier, Vt; m. Judge D. N. Cooley (now deceased); children: Mrs. F. W. Becker (Chicago), Mrs. J. F. Douglas (N.Y. City), Mrs. C. W. Bassett (Baltimore), H. W. Cooley (Chicago). Has been active as leader in literary, church and philanthropic societies; organizer and originator of clubs, including the Monday Afternoon Club, which she founded 22 years ago and over which she still presides at the age of 83, and also founder of the Dubuque Woman's Club, established 1876. In recognition of her work as a pioneer club woman of the Middle West she has been elected an honorary member of Sorosis (N.Y. City), and the Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, at its biennial meeting at St. Paul, elected her an honorary vice-pres. of the Federation. Honorary State Regent of Iowa D.A.R. Mem. Am. Economic Ass'n, Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science, Nat. Geographical Soc; life mem. Mary Washington Ass'n, and was one of the first officers of the Ass'n for the Advancement of Women, of which the late Julia Ward Howe was president.

COOLEY, Elsie Jones (Mrs. Charles H. Cooley), 703 Forest Av., Ann Arbor, Mich.

Born Englewood, N.J., 1864; dau. S. A. and Maria (Van Brunt) Jones; grad. Univ. of Mich., B.A. (Phi Beta Kappa), '88; m. Ann Arbor, 1890, Charles H. Cooley; children: Rutger Horton, Margaret, Mary Elizabeth. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist.

COOLEY, Nellie Wooster (Mrs. Harlan Ward Cooley), 5318 Greenwood Av., Chicago, Ill.

Writer; b. Torrington, Conn.; ed. in schools of Seymour, Conn., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '86; student in Germany, 1888; Paris, 1889; m. Seymour, Conn., Sept. 22, 1892, Harlan Ward Cooley (Yale '88; lawyer); children: Julia, Harlan Wooster. Writer of original poems, and translations in the magazines. Pres. Vassar Alumnae Ass'n.

COOLEY, Rossa B., Frogmore Post Office, St. Helena Island, S.C.

Principal; b. Albany, N.Y., 1873; dau. LeRoy Clark and Rossabel M. (Flack) Cooley; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '93. Teacher in Miss Rounds' School, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1893-97; Hampton Inst., Hampton, Va., 1897-1904; principal of Penn Normal Industrial and Agricultural School. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Southern Sociological Congress, Nat. Com. on Prison Labor. Mem. Intercollegiate Club of South Carolina.

COOLEY, Winnifred Harper. (Mrs. George Eliot Cooley), 609 W. 127th St., N.Y. City.

Writer and lecturer; b. Terre Haute, Ind.; dau. of Mrs. Ida Husted Harper; grad. Girls' Classical School, Indianapolis, and Leland Stanford Univ., Cal., A.B. (mem. Pi Beta Phi); m. Washington, D.C., 1899, George Eliot Cooley. Wrote Prize Story at Stanford Univ., and was made an editor of all three coll. publications—daily, weekly, and annual. Lecturer before women's clubs and on public lecture course of Greater N. Y., giving travel stereopticon lectures. Traveled in Europe; for two years had adult European Travel Classes. Connected with Boston Lyceum lecture course. Taught English in a Brooklyn High School. For four years has edited a dep't in Nat. Food Magazine, and has written and lectured on pure food. Nat. pres. of Associated Clubs of Domestic Science. Contributing editor (Housekeepers' Page), Philadelphia North American; contributing editor Forecast Magazine; regular Sunday writer Minneapolis Tribune. Recreation: Theater. Honorary vice-pres. of International Pure Milk League; vice-pres. College Women's Club, N.Y. City; mem. Daughters of Indiana.

COOLIDGE, Asenath Carver, 299 Sark Av., Arlington Heights, Mass.

Author; b. Philadelphia, N.Y., Dec. 5, 1830; dau. Alfred and Mary (Townsend) Coolidge; grad. with honors at the Emma Willard Seminary, Troy, N.Y. Author: Independence Day Horror at Kilsbury, Prophet of Peace, Between Two Rebellions, Human Beings vs. Things, Reciprocity, Christmas vs. Fourth of July, Cherry Feasts for Barbarous Fourths, Our Nation's Altar, The Scoundrel of Militarism, On the Watchtower. Booklets. Presbyterian in name and "Friend" at heart. Pioneer advocate of a "safe and sane" Fourth of July, which has now become an accomplished fact in many cities and sections with much saving of life and limbs; opposed to things military, especially for children. Firm believer in woman suffrage and hopes it will be won without further strife.

COOLIDGE, Cora Helen, Pennsylvania College for Women, Pittsburgh.

Teacher; b. Westminster, Mass., 1866; dau. Frederic Spaulding and Ellen Drusille (Allen) Coolidge; ed. Cushing Acad., Smith Coll. B.L.; studied at Chicago Univ. and Göttingen, Germany. Was teacher in Fitchburg High School, Mass., in Hartford (Conn.) Public High School, lady principal of Cushing Acad., dean of Pa. Coll. for Women, Pittsburgh, 1906. Gives all time possible, by committee work, lectures, etc., to furthering social and philanthropic work of community; in the college gives attention to interests of Y.W.C.A. and to development of a social service course to train paid and volunteer workers. Congregationalist. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Ass'n of Secondary Schools of Western Pa., Social Centre Ass'n of Am., Coll. Club of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Colony of New England Women, Fitchburg (Mass.) Woman's Club. Chief public work is lecturing on literary and educational subjects.

COOLIDGE, Emelyn Lincoln, 850 West End Av., N.Y. City.

Physician (pediatrics); b. Boston, Mass., Aug. 9, 1873; dau. George Austin and Harriet (Lincoln) Coolidge; ed. Boston, Washington, D.C.; New York; Cornell Med. Coll., M.D. Has always practiced as children's specialist; was house physician, Babies' Hospital of N.Y. City; now attending pediatrist to Soc. of Lying-in Hospital, N.Y. City. Author: The Mother's Manual; First Aid in Nursery Ailments; editor of Babies' Dep't of Ladies' Home Journal; contributor to other magazines. Mem. Women's Med. Ass'n of N.Y., Cornell Alumni Ass'n, Authors' League of Com. of One Hundred.

COOLIDGE, F. Gertrude, 92 Union Av., South Framingham, Mass.

Teacher; b. South Framingham, Mass.; dau. Henry D. S. and Julia G. (Kennedy) Coolidge; ed. Framingham High School; Wellesley Coll.,

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