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Legislative Com. N.J. State Suffrage Assn. Author: Rational Grammar; also newspaper and magazine articles, and State Supplement to Maury's Geography. Presbyterian.

CONNOLLY, Susan Cornelia, Memphis, Tenn.

Journalist; b. Paris, Tex., Feb. 8, 1885; dau. Michael W. and Lulu (Parham) Connolly; ed. public schools; Sacred Heart Convent, Memphis, Tenn.; Holy Angels, Boerne, Tex.; Higher School, and Higbie School, Memphis, Tenn. Began work at the age of nine; contributor to various newspapers and magazines; former owner and ass't editor Elkdom, Memphis, Tenn.; editor children's pages, Commercial Appeal. Mem. Studio Club of N.Y., Nat. Fed. of Theatre Clubs, Girls' Protective League, Nineteenth Century Club. Recreations: Theatres, lectures, out-door amusements, dancing. Roman Catholic. Favors woman suffrage.

CONNOR, Margaret, The New Bloomfield, 3149 Mt. Pleasant St., N.W., Washington, D.C.

Scientific assistant in pomology, Dep't of Agriculture; b. Burlington, Ia., Oct. 21, 1890; dau. Edward William and Catharine Celia (Darrow) Connor; ed. Ithaca (N.Y.) High School; Cornell Univ., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa, 1911), A.B. '12; State scholarship at Cornell from Tompkins Co. (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). First woman pomologist in Dep't of Agriculture at Washington, D.C. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Recreations: Horseback riding, tennis, dancing. Mem. Cornell Women of Washington, College Women's Club, Washington.

CONOVER, Charlotte Reeve (Mrs. Frank Conover), Third and Wilkinson Sts., Dayton, O.

Lecturer, writer; b. Dayton, O.; dau. John Charles and Emma (Barlow) Reeve; ed. Dayton High School; Geneva (Switzerland), 1875; studied at Université de Genéve, 1904; m. Dayton, O., Oct. 14, 1879, Frank Conover; children: Elizabeth Dickson, John Charles Reeve, Wilbur, Charlotte Mary. Lecturer on Molière, director of classes in current history, French; economics, etc. Newspaper correspondent, writer of magazine articles. Pres. Woman's Literary Club, 1892-93; leader Bible class; worker for suffrage; formerly chairman Educational Com. Ohio Fed. Women's Clubs. Author: Concerning the Forefathers; Some Dayton Saints and Prophets (character sketches of Dayton people); A Plea for the Prayer Book; My Thought Cure; The Beck Family. Episcopalian. Mem. Young Woman's League of Dayton.

CONOVER, Grace Clark (Mrs. F. K. Conover), 435 Patterson St., Madison, Wis.

Born Madison, Wis.; dau. Darwin and Frances (Adams) Clark; ed. Univ. of Wis., B.D., summa cum laude, '85; m. June 6, 1891, Frederic King Conover; children: Frederic Le Roy, Marion Clarke, Julian Darst, Daphne. Teacher of French in Univ. of Wis. for six years until marriage. Vice-pres. and charter mem. Woman's Club of Madison; sec. Woman's Building Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage.

CONRAD, Margaret May Dickson (Mrs. Warren B. Conrad), North Yakima, Wash.

Trained nurse; b. Montgomery, N.Y.; dau. James M. Dickson, D.D., and Helen A. (West) Dickson; ed. the Misses Graham's French and English School, N.Y. City; Providence (R.I.) High School; one year in Brown Univ.; Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, and New York State Training School for Nurses; m. North Yakima, Wash., Dec. 25, 1907, Warren B. Conrad; children: Robert Jay, Martin. After graduation engaged as trained nurse, filling important positions in hospital and private practice.

CONRADE, Mary Spencer, 127 Woodlawn Av., Zanesville, Ohio.

Teacher of piano; b. Zanesville, O., Feb. 17, 1863; dau John W. and Eliza A. Ross Conrade; ed. public schools, Putnam Sem., New England' Conservatory of Music, and pupil of Dr. Louis Maas; later pupil of Xavier Scharwenka. Engaged in general teaching, and some concertizing. Composed book of children's songs entitled Songs in Season, used in public schools in many States; also piano compositions. Interested Children's Playgrounds movement and in Mental Science. Composer: When Malindy Sings; Songs in Season; Ivanhoe; At the Circus, etc. Recreations: Nature, walking, bridge, whist. Mem. All Around Club of Zanesville, O.

CONROW, Georgianna, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Teacher; b. Moorestown, N.J., Jan. 26, 1878; dau. George N. and Amy (Roberts) Conrow; ed. Friends' Central School, Philadelphia, '95, Cornell Univ., A.B. '99; studied in Germany, 1899-1900, Sorbonne, Paris, 1900-01; A.M. Cornell, '02 (mem. Alpha Phi). Taught in Olean High School, 1902-03, Summer Inst., Thousand Islands Park, summers of 1903-04, South Orange High School, 1903-05. Instructor in French, Vassar Coll., since Sept., 1905. Favors woman suffrage (mem. of Poughkeepsie branch). Mem. of Soc. of Friends. Mem. Nat. Education Ass'n, N.Y. State Modern Language Ass'n, Women's University Club, N.Y. City.

CONVERSE, Clara Adra, Soshinjo Gakko, Kamagawa, Japan.

Educator; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '93. Teacher of Greek, Latin and rhetoric, Vermont Acad., 1884-90; principal of Soshinjo Gakko, Kamagawa, Japan, since 1890.

CONVERSE, Emma Tudor (Mrs. Frederick Shepherd Converse), Westwood, Mass.

Born Nahant, Mass., Mar. 25, 1872; dau. Frederic Tudor and Louise (Simes) Tudor; ed. Mrs. Shaw's private school; m. June 6, 1894, Frederick Shepherd Converse; children: Louise, Augusta, Marie, Virginia, F. S. Converse Jr. (deceased), Elizabeth. Mem. Ladies' Board of Free Hospital for Women. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. D.A.R., Women's Municipal League of Boston, Chilton Club of Boston.

CONVERSE, Florence, 1 Curve St., Wellesley, Mass.

Author; b. New Orleans, La., April 30, 1871; dau. George T. and Caroline (Edwards) Converse; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.S., M.A. (mem. Wellesley Shakespeare Soc). On editorial staff New York Churchman, 1900-08; on editorial staff The Atlantic Monthly, 1908—. Interested in Settlement work; mem. The Coll. Settlements Ass'n, and spent five years in residence at Denison House, the Boston college settlement. Socialist (mem. Socialist Party); favors woman suffrage. Books: Diana Victrix; The Burden of Christopher; Long Will; The House of Prayer; A Masque of Sibyls; The Children of Light. Episcopalian.

CONVERSE, Mary Eleanor, Rosemont, Pa.

Born in Pennsylvania; ed. Miss Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '98, graduate student Univ. of Pa., 1899-1900; student in government and politics of the Civic and Legal Education Soc. of Philadelphia, 1901-02; student of music, 1906-07. Mem. Exec. Com. Public Education Ass'n of Philadelphia, 19J1-03; vice-chairman Social Science Dep't of Civic Club of Philadelphia, 1904-05; mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae's Com. to cooperate with Charity Organization Soc, 1905-06. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae.

CONWAY, Emeline Hoffman (Mrs. John Gilbert Conway), 501 Washington St., Watertown, Wis.

Born Watertown, Wis., July 25, 1868; dau. Frederick and Amalia (Henze) Hoffman; ed. Watertown (Wis.) public and high schools, Univ. of Wis., B.S. '89, B.L. '90; m. Watertown, Wis,, Nov. 28, 1895, John Gilbert Conway; children: Paul H., b. 1897; Justin F. b. 1901; Mary E., b. 1903; John E., b. 1910. Assistant in the Watertown High School for four years, and in the Milwaukee East Side High School for two years, before marriage. Interested in various local activities, religious, social and philanthropic. Roman Catholic. Against woman suffrage.

CONWAY, Louise Shoenberger (Mrs. Barret Conway), 387 Linden St., Winnetka, Ill.

Born Chicago, Ill., July 4, 1886; dau. George K. and Louise (Reynolds) Shoenberger; ed. Kirkland School, Chicago; m. Chicago, June 1, 1909, Barret Conway; one daughter: Louise Reynolds. Episcopalian.

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