prize, $75.00, and graduate fellowship appointment two years at Cornell Univ. and at Univ. of Chicago with reappointment); Cornell Univ., M.A. '97; fellow Cornell Univ., '98; Univ. of Chicago fellow, '99; travel and foreign study, 1900 and 1906; student Curry School of Expression, '96; special at Emerson Coll. of Oratory. Prof, of English, Goucher Coll., Baltimore, Md.; prof. of English. Western Coll., Oxford, O.; prof. English, James Millikin Univ., Decatur, Ill.; head of dep't of English, Colorado Chautauqua Summer School, Boulder, Colo., 1911-13. Lecturer before clubs, churches and Chautauquas on literary and Biblical subjects (especially interested In modern drama). Several years in Associated Charities of Baltimore. Congregationalist. Mem. Boston Browning Soc., Modern Language Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, D.A.R., Nat. Council of Teachers of English, Drama League of America, Am. Peace Soc. Recreations: Tramping, mountain climibing. Mem. Decatur Art Club, Decatur Woman's Club, Rocky Mountain Climbers' Club.
CONANT, Grace Wilbur, The Ilkley, Cumberland St., Boston, Mass.
Composer, musical editor; b. Boston, Mass; dau. Farley Franklin and Emily (Wilbur) Conant; ed. Boston private schools; studied piano under Ernst Perabo, Boston, Mass., and Ch. René, Paris; harmony and composition, under George W. Chadwick. Has contributed to magazines and periodicals; specialty of part-songs, school and kindergarten songs; editor Songs for Little People; editor musical Dep't of Kindergarten Review since 1908; has in preparation a book entitled, Worship and Song for Young People. Interested in Associated Charities Work; mem. Bostoner Deutsche Gesellschaft. Recreations: Travel, tramping. Congregationalism
CONANT, Isabella Fiske, Wellesley Hills, Mass.
Daughter Joseph E. Fiske (captain Second Massachusetts Artillery, Civil War) and Abby (Hastings) Fiske; ed. Wellesley, A.B., M.A.; m. Walter A. Conant; one son (died in infancy). Has had summer charge of a settlement. Frequent foreign and home travel. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Gabriel; Songs Before Birth; and contributions, chiefly verse and drama, to general and children's magazines; some of the plays have been read and staged.
CONANT, Mary Ellen Jones (Mrs. David Sloan Conant), Bradford, Vt.
Born Bradford, Vt., May 30, 1867; dau. Charles and Calista (Robinson) Jones; ed. Bradford (Vt.) Acad.; Wellesley Coll., B.S. '89; m. Bradford, Vt., July 6, 1899, David Sloan Conant; children: Dorothy Stewart, b. Aug. 11, 1900; Barbara Allerton, b. Nov. 7, 1902; Katherine Robinson, b. June 1, 1904. Interested in patriotic work in and out of schools. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Order Eastern Star, D.A.R., Oxbox Chapter, Newbury, Vt; past nat. sec. of Woman's Relief Corps. Mem. Fortnightly Club, Woman's Union, Village Improvement Society.
CONARD, Laetitia Moon (Mrs. H. S. Conard), Grinnell, Iowa.
Born Fallsington, Pa., 1871; dau. James H. and Elizabeth (Balderston) Moon; ed. Westtown Boarding School (Pa.); Smith Coll., A.B. '94; A.M. '97; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D. '99; École des Hautes Études, Sorbonne, Paris, 1897-98; m. Philadelphia, Pa., 1900, Henry S. Conard; children: Elizabeth Moon, Rebecca, Alfred Fletcher. Non-resident instructor in comparative religion in Univ. of Chicago, correspondence study dep't, 1905: in philanthropic work in social and educational lines in Grinnell, Ia., 1907-12; in Philadelphia with the Soc. for Organizing Charity and in the Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae in educational, charitable and social movements, 1900-04; interested in the religion of uncivilized people. Author: Les Idées des Indiens Algonquins relatives a la vie d'outre-tombe, Revue de l'Histoire des Religions; The Idea of God Held by North American Indians; A Visit to Quinault Indian Graves; various articles in local papers and magazines on Indian religion and on practical social and religious questions. Mem. Grinnell Mothers' Ass'n, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae (Nat.), Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Ass'n of Doctors of Philosophy of Chicago, Westtown Alumni Ass'n (Westtown School, Pa.), Dep't of School Patrons of the Nat. Education Ass'n. Recreation: Camping. Mem. Society of Friends. Favors woman suffrage.
CONDÉ, Bertha, 600 Lexington Av., N.Y. City.
Senior student sec. of Nat. Board of Young Women's Christian Ass'n; b. Auburn, N.Y.; dau. Samuel Lee and Elizabeth L. (Collier) Condé (direct descendant of French Huguenot family of De Condé, conspicuous in French history); ed. Smith Coll., B.A., '95; theological study in Free Church Coll., Glasgow, Scotland. Two years on Faculty of Elmira Coll. in Dep't of Biology, 14 years in Y.W.C.A. work as Nat. student sec, now senior student sec; has represented Student Christian Ass'ns of U.S. on the Exec. Com. of the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions; representative for North America on the Gen. Executive of the World's Student Christian Federation; has been delegate to World's Christian Student Conference at Constantinople, and has visited leading universities and colleges in interests of Christian work in America, Europe, the Orient and the Balkan States. Has given addresses in almost every college in the U.S. on subjects relating to Christian faith and service, and has enlisted many students for Christian social service at home and abroad. Organized Central Club for Nurses in N.Y. City. Mem. Woman's Univ. Club. Presbyterian.
CONE, Helen Gray, 51 E. Ninetieth St., N.Y. City.
Educator, author; b. N.Y. City, Mar. 8, 1859; dau. John C. and Julia D. (Gray) Cone; ed. public schools of N.Y. City, and grad. N.Y. City Normal Coll., '76. Prof. English, N.Y. City Normal Coll. since 1899. Writer of verse. Author (poems): Oberon and Puck, Verses Grave and Gay; The Ride to the Lady and Other Poems; Baby Sweethearts; Soldiers of the Light.
CONE, Kate Morris (Mrs. Charles M. Cone), Hartford, Vt.
Born South Dennis, Mass., Sept. 19, 1857; dau. Ephraim and Almira (Nickerson) Morris; ed. Kimball Union Acad., N.H. ; Smith Coll., B.A. and Ph.D.; Radcliffe Coll.; m. Hartford, Vt., Feb. 16, 1884, Charles M. Cone; children: Margaret Morris, Morris Huntington, Alice Weston. Trustee of Smith Coll. five years; trustee of church; leader for 25 years of literary club; mem. exec. com. of Town Forward Movement; mem. exec. com. for Town Pageant, 1911; pres. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, two years. Author: Sketch of Life of Sylvester Morris; editor Vermont Antiquarian; contributor of articles on historical and educational subjects to Outlook, Atlantic Monthly, historical magazines, etc Congregationalist. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, New England Historic-Genealogical Soc, Vt. Historical Soc, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, D.A.R. Recreations: Gardening, weaving.
CONEY, Harriot R. (Mrs. John H. Coney), Washington Rd., Princeton, N.J.
Born, Meadville, Pa., 1870; dau. John and Christina (Fautzman) Reitze; ed. Allegheny Coll., A.B. '87, A.M. '90; grad. student Bryn Mwr Coll. 1890-93; (Kappa Alpha Theta, Phi Beta Kappa); m. Meadville, Pa., 1902, John H. Coney (prof. Princeton Univ.); children: Christina, b. 1903; John H., Jr., 1906; Barbara, 1908. Teacher in Miss Stearns' School, Germantown, Philadelphia, 1893-95; principal Pelham School, Germantown, Philadelphia, 1895-98; associate principal Miss Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, 1898-1902. Pres. Princeton Village Improvement Soc 1907-09 (vice-pres. 1909-10, sec. 1910-12); pres. Princeton Present Day Club, 1904-05. Unitarian.
CONGDON, Anne W., 455 Cranston St., Providence, R.I.
Dau. John E. and Kate G. Whipple; ed. public schools; m. William M. Congdon; one son: Mark Whipple Congdon. Library visitor and Director of Traveling Libraries for the State of Rhode Island. Actively interested in women's clubs (carried on the Traveling Library work for the