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dealing with Indians for more than three decades; has lectured in almost every State in the Union on the Indian, his possibilities and his needs, and religion. Author of many leaflets and magazine articles: Children of the Prairie; Thirty Years With the Indians; What the Indian Child is Taught in the Old Life; etc. Congregationalist. Republican. Mem. D.A.R., Genealogical Soc. of Mass., Alumni of Ripon Coll. Recreations: Horseback riding, driving, croquet and boating. Has lived since 1875 on an Indian Reservation, speaks the Sioux language; made collections of Indian cooking utensils, arms and dress. Studied their customs and religions. Has been a regular attendant at the Mohonk Conference and is recognized by the Indians as a

Medicine Woman.

COLLINS, Nellie R. (Mrs. Lorin C. Collins), Santa Fe, N.Mex.

Born Chicago, Feb. 10, 1855; dau. George A. Robb and Martha (Temple) Robb; ed Evanston, Ill.; attended Northwestern Univ.; m. Evanston, Sept. 17, 1873, Lorin C. Collins; children: Carrie Mary (deceased), Lorin C. Collins 3d, Helen (deceased), Grace, George Robb Colons. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club; honorary pres. of Canal Zone Fed. of Women's Clubs; organizer and pres. of Santa Fe Woman's Club, organized Oct. 30, 1912; was pres. Ladies' Aid Soc. of Am. Reformed Church, Norwood Park, Chicago, 1882; chairman of com. to visit county institutions and secure reform in their management of Chicago Women's Club, 1894; chairman of auxiliary com. to State Board of Charities in Ill., 1896; chairman of social com. of Chicago Woman's Club 1898; first vice-pres. of Chicago Woman's Club, 1900; pres. Cristobal Woman's Club, Canal Zone, 1907; vice-pres. 1907 and pres. 1908, Canal Zone Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Guild of Christ Church, Colon, Panama, 1909; directress of Altar Guild of Church of the Holy Faith, Santa Fe. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Her husband was appointed, in 1905, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the Canal Zone and she went with him.

COLLITZ, Klara Hechtenberg (Mrs. Hermann Collitz), 135 W. Mt. Royal Av., Baltimore, Md.

Authoress; b. Rheydt, Germany; dau. Wilhelm and Maria (Friederichs) Hechtenberg; grad. Höhere Lehrerinnen Bildungsanstalt, Neuwied on Rhein, studied in Lausanne, Switzerland, and Univ. of London, Latin and French philology, 1889-92, obtained a first class in Oxford Univ. and final honors on exam.; student Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany, 1889-1901 (Ph.D., 1901); m. Surbiton, Eng., Aug. 14, 1904, Hermann Collitz, prof. Germanic philology in Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore. Lecturer in French philology in Victoria Coll., Belfast, Ireland, 1895-96; in charge of Germanic philology in Smith Coll., Northampton, Mass., 1897-99; lecturer in Germanic philology for women students in Oxford, Eng. 1901-04. Author: Das Fremdwort bei Grimmelshausen, Heidelberg, 1901; Der Briefstil im 17. Jahrhundert, Berlin, 1903; Fremdwörterbuch des 17. Jahrhunderts, Berlin, 1904; Selections from Early German Literature, New York, 1910; also has in preparation Selections from Classical German Literature; contributor to philological journals. Protestant. Mem. Germanic Soc. and Philological Ass'n (Johns Hopkins Univ.); Bibliographische Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany. Mem. Coll. Club, Baltimore. Recreations: Music, sport, hockey, lawn tennis, golf, bicycling, rowing, walking, mountain climbing, horseback riding.

COLLOM, Eugenie Read (Mrs. Spencer Allen Collom), 621 State St., Texarkana, Ark.-Tex.

Born Boston, Texas, Feb. 15, 1874; dau. Rhesa Walker Read, M.D. (surgeon of 29th Texas Cav., C.S.A.), and Elizabeth (Kimbell) Read; ed. Texarkana (Tex.) High School and Sam Houston Normal Inst., Huntsville, Tex.; m. Texarkana, Dec. 23, 1896, Dr. Spencer Allen Collom; children: Linnie Elizabeth, b. 1897; Frances Martha, b. 1899; Allen Read (deceased); S. A. Collom, b. 1904. Presbyterian. Mem. Philathean and Order of Eastern Star; active in church work. Pres. United Mothers' Clubs; cor. sec. Central High School Mothers' Club; registrar Lone Star Chapter D.A.R.; registrar Texarkana Chapter of United Daughters of Confederacy; vice-pres. Wednesday Music Club; mem. Civic League; dist. chairman of Fire Prevention Com. of Texas Fed. Women's Clubs; county chairman of Home and School Com. of Third Dist. of Tex. Fed. Women's Clubs. On maternal side descendant in fourth generation from David McCullough, commander of the Rattlesnake in the American Revolution, and granddaughter of John Kimbell, an early settler and Indian fighter of DeKalb, Tex. On paternal side descendant of George Read, the signer, John Warburton and Robert Higginson of Va., and Dr. Martin Read of N.C.

COLSON, Jessie Lippincott, Elmer, N.J., R.D. No. 3, Box 61.

Farmer; b. Daretown, N.J., April 27, 1866; dau. Edwin C. and Hannah (Robin) Colson; grad. Swarthmore Coll., B.S. '88; Univ. of Pa., biology, '89. Mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma Gamma and Farmers' Exchange. Interested in work of W.C.T.U. and Delaware Valley Naturalist Union. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Society of Friends.

COLSON, Venila Spaulding Burrington, Grove Hall, 95 Geneva Av., Dorchester, Mass.

Born Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '94; student of English, French and Latin, Framingham (Mass.) Normal School, 1901-02; scholar College Settlements Ass'n; m. June 18, 1908. Teacher and settlement worker, 1903; sec. Intermunicipal Ass'n for Household Research, Boston, 1905-07; ass't manager Eastern Teachers' Agency, Boston, 1907-08. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae.

COLTON, A. Marguerite, 1635 Connecticut Av., Washington, D.C.

Dau. Francis and Annie Culbertson (Snively) Colton; ed. in private schools in Washington, D.C, and Paris and Convent of Assumption in Nice, France. Pres. Porto Rico Branch of Anti-Tuberculosis League; pres. Porto Rico Branch of Am. Red Cross. Episcopalian. Chatelaine of Government House in Porto Rico, her brother being the Governor (George R. Colton) from Nov., 1909. When in Washington presides over father's house (Francis Colton). Opposed to woman suffrage.

COLTON, Elizabeth Avery, Meredith College, Raleigh, N.C.

Teacher of English; b. Choctaw, Ind. Ter., Dec. 30, 1872; dau. Rev. James Hooper and Eloise (Avery) Colton; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1891-93 and Columbia Univ. B.S. '03, A.M. '05. Instructor in English, Wellesley Coll., 1905-08; prof, of English, Meredith Coll, 1908 . Sec. of Southern Ass'n of Coll. Women (also chairman Com. on Standards of colleges). Author: Changes in English Usage (Modern Language Notes); Standards of Southern Colleges for Women (School Review). Presbyterian. Most notable work has been her classification of Southern Colleges, a task which no one else ever attempted.

COLTON, Elizabeth Sweetser, 23 Park St., Easthampton, Mass.

Orientalist, lecturer; b. Amherst, Mass.; dau. Aaron Merrick and Elizabeth (Gould) Colton; early education in private schools, specializing in music and later preparing for concert stage at Munich and Paris; gave up career as singer and became head of vocal music dep't at Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn. Devoted much time to study of languages, of which has studied more than 50 (20 critically). Took complete courses in Arabic, Assyrian and Hebrew in Am. Inst. of Sacred Literature, with supplementary work in classic inscriptions in Assyrian and Arabic under Prof. Saunders of Yale, pursuing farther studies in Radcliffe Coll., 1904-05; Univ. of Berlin, 1905-06, and India, 1906-08, in Arabic, Syriac, Assyrian, Sanscrit, Avestan and Persian. Lectures on Oriental subjects. Congregationalist. Mem. Royal Asiatic Soc, Soc. of Biblical Archaeology (London), Am. Oriental Society.

COLTON, Julia M., Mansion House, Brooklyn. N.Y.

Born N.Y. City; dau. Francis and Sarah B.

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