Cole; children: Elizabeth, Wrighton, John Flintham. Grad. as teacher of domestic science and art; taught two years in Long Branch (N.J.) public schools. Mem. Neighborhood Ass'n, Social Service Conference, D.A.R. Mem. Wednesday Club. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; sustaining mem. of local organization.
COLE, Mary Watkinson Rockwell (Mrs. Edward Smith Cole), 133 Bellevue Av., Upper Montclair, N.J.
Born Jewett City, Conn., Sept. 15, 1873; dau. John Arnold and Mareta Denny (Ayres) Rockwell; ed. in public schools, Norwich, Conn., Norwich Free Acad., two years in schools in Göttingen, Germany, one year in Tours, France, four years in Smith Coll., B.L. '97, two terms Chicago Univ. (mem. Alpha and Coloquium); m. Norwich, Conn., June 26, 1901, Edward Smith Cole; children: John Rockwell, b. May 16, 1902; Elizabeth Shaw, b. Feb. 9 (died Nov.), 1905; Edward Shaw, b. June 7, 1908. Taught three years French, Latin, English, and acted as dean of women at Rhode Island Agricultural Coll., Kingston, R.I. Active in all sorts of church work. Mem. Woman's Club, Upper Montclair, N.J.; sec. Anti-Tuberculosis Soc. of Montclair, N.J. Congregationalist.
COLEGROVE, Emma Ridley (Mrs. Chauncey P. Colegrove), Cedar Falls, Ia.
Born Grinnell, Ia., Dec. 28, 1866; dau. Charles A. and Maria Anna (Brown) Ridley; father descended from ancient family of Ridleys of Northumberland, Eng. (to which Bishop Ridley, the martyr, belonged), through Capt. Marke Ridley, who came to Mass. about 1660, and whose descendants, settling in Bowdoin and Searsport, Me., took part in the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and the Civil War; ed. Ia. State Teachers Coll., B.Di. '88, Univ. of Mich., B.A. '92, Radcliffe Coll., M.A., '96; m. Grinnell, Ia., Aug. 29, 1899, Prof. Chauncey P. Colegrove, Sc.D. (now vice-pres. Ia. State Teachers' Coll.); children: Marian Emma, Donald Ridley and Catherine Anna. Prin. high school, Perry, Ia., 1888-89; ass't Ia. State Teachers Coll., 1889-90; prof. history Ia. State Teachers Coll., 1892-99. Pres. Mothers' Council; cor. sec. Upper Ia. Conference for Women's Home Missionary Soc; also district pres. of same; mem. W.C.T.U. Frequently makes addresses on social and religious topics. Against woman suffrage. Author: Outlines and Studies in U. S. History; introduction in Hart's Source Book for U.S. History. Methodist. Mem. Soc. D.A.R., Cedar Falls Tuesday Club; recording sec. Iowa Congress of Mothers.
COLEGROVE, Mabel Eloise (Mrs. Frederick Welton Colegrove), Coxsackie, N.Y.
Librarian; b. Hamilton, N.Y.; dau. Albert and Mary Electa (Marble) Dart; ed. Vassar Coll. B.A., N.Y. State Library School, B.L.S.; m. Frederick Welton Colegrove. Preceptress for seven years of Acad. at Norwich (N.Y.) and Marion Coll. Inst.; now librarian Heermance Memorial Library. At various times pres. of literary societies and missionary societies; mem. Exec. Com., Kansas State Y.W.C.A., Exec. Com. of Library Board; various educational corns., etc. Has traveled extensively in America and Europe. Mem. D.A.R. Baptist.
COLEMAN, Anna William Edwards (Mrs. George Edwin Coleman), 21 Aspinwall Road, Dorchester Centre, Mass.
Born Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '88; m. June 28, 1898, George Edwin Coleman; children: Catherine Edwards, b. April 11, 1900; Dorothea Edwards, b. Jan. 6, 1902; Priscilla Edwards, b. Sept. 18, 1903 (died April 23, 1904). Teacher, Erie, Pa.. 1888; Ipswich, Mass., 1888-90; Hyde Park, Mass., 1890-06; Brockton, Mass., 1896-98; private teacher, Dorchester, Mass., 1899-1908.
COLEMAN, Alice Blanchard (Mrs. George W. Coleman), 177 W. Brookline St., Boston, Mass.
Born May 7, 1858; dau. James W. and Ellen M. (Blanchard) Merriam; ed. Everett School, Boston, and Bradford Acad., Bradford, Mass. Pres. Council of Women for Home Missions; vice-pres. International Council for Patriotic Service; first vice-pres. Woman's American Baptist Home Mission Soc; pres. Mass. Council for Patriotic Service; trustee Spelman Sem., Atlanta, Ga.; trustee Hartshorn Memorial Coll., Richmond, Va.; Woman's Baptist Social Union. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage.
COLEMAN, Corinne Hoyt (Mrs. Valentine Mathes Coleman), Newington, Portsmouth, R.F.D., N.H.
Former teacher; b. Portsmouth, N.H.; dau. James and Lydia (Smith) Hoyt; ed. Portsmouth and Atkinson, N.H.; m. Newington, N.H., June 18, 1870, Valentine Mathes Coleman; children: Dorothy Mathes, Lydia Smith, Nathaniel Piper, James Hoyt, Florence Hoyt (A.B.). Taught until marriage; has served in local school board; mem. Exec. Board of Unitarian Soc Weekly contributor of specimens for the nature table at the public library. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Recreation: Nature study. Mem. Shakespeare Club (pres. since 1898).
COLEMAN, Hannah Hemphill (Mrs. M. T. Coleman), Abbeville, S.C.
Federation president; b. Abbeville, S.C, April 17, 1872; dau. Robert R. and Eugenia (Brewton) Hemphill; ed. Abbeville High School; m. Jan. 27, 1892, M. T. Coleman; children: Robert, Lavenia Teague, Eugenia Cornelia, James Finlay. Ass't editor Abbeville Medium, 1889-92. Mem. (with D. B. Johnson and Miss Mary L. Yeargin) of commission appointed by Governor Benjamin R. Tillman to investigate and report advisability of establishing industrial school for girls, as result of whose report Winthrop College was established. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Pres. S.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Abbeville Civic Club and of Abbeville Music Club.
COLEMAN, Helena, 776 Huron St., Toronto, Ont.
Poet; b. in Province of Ontario; dau. Rev. Francis C. (Methodist clergyman) and Emmeline Maria (Adams) Coleman, descendant of John Quincy Adams; sister of Professor A. P. Coleman of Univ. of Toronto; ed. in Canadian schools. Contributor of poems to various publications. Author: Songs and Sonnets.
COLEMAN, Mary Willson (Mrs. John Coleman), New Concord, O.
Born Pittsburgh, Pa., July 24, 1885; dau. Rev. David Burt and Mary Rebecca (Galbraith) Willson; grad. Pa. Coll. for Women, A.B. '03; Univ. of Pa., A.M. '04; held university scholarship, 1903-04; Pepper fellowship in English, 1905-06; m. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 23, 1909, Rev. John Coleman. Instructor in English, Goucher Coll., 1906-08; instructor in English, Pa. Coll. for Women, 1908-09; instructor in philosophy, Muskingum Coll., 1909-10. Reformed Presbyterian.
COLESBERRY, Jean Walker, St. Martha's House, 2029 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Deaconess; b. Philadelphia, April 26, 1867; dau. Alexander and Mary A. (Bailie) Purves; ed. private school; two years at Church Training and Deaconess House. Head of St. Martha's Settlement since 1901. Mem. Neighborhood Workers' Soc, Public Education Soc, University Extension Soc, Home and School League, Civic Club.
COLGATE, Adele S., 26 W. Thirty-ninth St., N.Y. City.
Born Ballston Spa, N.Y., Aug. 28, 1883; dau. Samuel J. and Cora E. (Smith) Colgate; ed. mostly abroad and by governesses. Episcopalian. Mem. Ladies' Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland. Favors woman suffrage.
COLIN, Mme. Therese F., Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass.
Born in France; m. Alfred Colin; diplomée at agrégrée, Collège de Neuchatel, 1875; Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., A.M. '93; Univ. of Pa., Ph.D. '97; officier de l'Instruction Publique, Paris, 1906; Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 1883-85; Univ. of the City of N.Y., 1887-88; fellow in Romance Languages, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1893-94. Reader in Romance Languages and graduate student, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1894-96; student in Romance philology and literature, Sorbonne, Collège de France, Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Ecole des Chartes, Paris, 1895. Head of French dep't in Miss Florence Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr,