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public schools of N.C. and Ga. before marriage, Universalist. Mem. Woman's Missionary Soc.; pres. Woman's Club; mem. Civic League and Pelham Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy.

CLENDENING, Lura Kelsey (Mrs. Byron M. Clendening), 434 Race St., Cincinnati, O.

Born St. Mary's, O., July 8, 1859; dau. Jared Hubbard and Rose Lindsley (Burnett) Kelsey; ed. St. Mary's and Celina, O.; m. Ft. Recovery, O., Dec. 31, 1885, Byron M. Clendening (attorney). Has contributed articles and verse to various newspapers and magazines. Author: Ropes of Sand, 1908. Favors woman suffrage.

CLEOPHAS, Kirsti Nerby (Mrs. Edwin Cleophas), Kensett, Ia.

Teacher of voice and piano; b. in Norway, July 26, 1863; dau. Brynjulf and Gertrude (Levorsen) Nerby; ed. in Kensett, Iowa public school, St. Olaf's Coll., Northfield, Minn., 1880-81, where began study of music (Chicago Musical Coll.); grad. in voice and piano, 1903, having previously studied privately at St. Paul, Minn.; Christiania, Norway; Houston, Texas, and at Salt Lake City (under a Leschetizky pupil); m. Kensett, Iowa, May 31, 1882, Edwin Cleophas; children: Gertrude Christene, b. June 23, 1883; Cornelia Beatrice, b. Apr. 29, 1885. Made successful concert tour through Iowa, Minn., and N.Dak. during summer of 1906, assisted by two daughters, Gertrude (pianist), and Cornelia (violinist). Organist in Norwegian Lutheran Church, Kensett, Ia., over six years. First pres. Lutheran Church Aid Soc, organized 1884; first pres. Kensett Woman's Club, organized 1909. Daughter Gertrude has studied piano from childhood, won honors at Chicago Musical Coll. (gold medal on graduation, 1903), student six years with Mme. Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler, 1904-09; since then studying with Theodore Leschetizky at Vienna, Austria.

CLERGUE, Helen, 597 Sherbrook St., Montreal, Can., and Lyceum Club, 128 Picadilly, W., London, Eng.

Author; b. Bangor, Me.; dau. Joseph H. and Frances (Lombard) Clergue; ed. in schools of Bangor, Me., and in Paris and London. Joint editor (with E. S. Roscoe): George Selwyn, Letters and Life, 1899. Author: The Salon, 1907. Contributor to Edinburgh Review and other periodicals. Clubs: Lyecum, Albemarle (London, England).

CLEVELAND, Cynthia E., 6th Auditor's Office, Washington, D.C.

Lawyer, government clerk; b. Canton, N.Y., Aug. 13, 1845; dau. Erin and Laura (Marsh) Cleveland; ed. public schools and Medina Acad., Howard Univ. Law School, LL.B., LL.M. Engaged in practice of law; one of her notable cases was that which she took (while serving as pres. S.Dak. W.C.T.U.) defending a woman accused of selling liquor. Now clerk in civil service. Favors woman suffrage. Books: See-Saw; His Honor.

CLEVELAND, Elizabeth, 220 Kirby Av., East Detroit, Mich.

Teacher; b. Adrian, Mich.; dau. William H. and Agnes (Holley) Cleveland; ed. Univ. of Mich. Has taught in grade school and all grades in high school; has been principal of three large grade schools and has originated the Girls' Continuation School, a part-time public school for girls employed in stores and factories. Interested in welfare work for girls. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Detroit Equal Suffrage Club, Detroit College Club, Detroit Women Principals' Club.

CLEVELAND, Ella L. Edwards (Mrs. Edmund F. Cleveland), Dundee, Ill.

Born in Illinois; grad. Rockford (Ill.) Sem. (now Coll.) in the Normal class of 1868; m. Dr. Edmund F. Cleveland, physician of Dundee, Ill.; three children (two living). Epsicopalian; active in church work. Mem. D.A.R. Former pres. Woman's Club of Dundee, Ill.; former historian Woman's Club of Elgin, Ill.

CLEVELAND, Mrs. Grover — see Preston, Frances Folsom Cleveland.

CLEVELAND, Mary B., 21 W. Forty-fourth St., N.Y. City.

Born Belvidere, Ill., Feb. 9, 1873; dau. Albert H. and Lida M. (Eldredge) Cleveland; ed. public school, Belvidere, Ill. One of the founders, 1892, and pres. since 1904 of the Business Woman's Exchange of Chicago, which is a cooperative protective organization for women and girls in the business world. Pres. Nat. Ass'n of Business Women, 1900-03; exec. sec. the Civic Forum (N.Y. City) and the League for Political Education (N.Y. City) since 1907. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman's Suffrage Party. Recreations: Tramping, out-door sports.

CLEVELAND, Rose Elizabeth, Dark Harbor, Me.

Author; b. Fayetteville, N.Y.; dau. Rev. Richard F. and Ann (Neel) Cleveland; ed. Houghton Sem. Taught for some time, then took charge of a school in Lafayette, Ind., and then in Pa. Returned to Houghton Sem. to lecture on historical subjects. Sister of the late ex-President Grover Cleveland and was mistress of the White House until her brother's marriage in 1886. Author: George Eliot's Poetry; Other Studies; The Long Run (novel); numerous magazine articles. Taught in N.Y. several years.

CLEVENGER, Antoinette Brown Harlan (Mrs. Almon Edgar Clevenger), 1865 East Seventy-fifth St., Cleveland, Ohio.

Temperance worker; b. Wilmington, Ohio; ed. in schools of Wilmington, Ohio, and Vassar Coll., A.B. '78; m. Dec. 3, 1879, Almon Edgar Clevenger; one son, one daughter. Engaged in teaching three years. Active in W.C.T.U. work; was editor for six years of the Ohio W.C.T.U. Messenger and for eleven years corresponding sec. of the Ohio W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage.

CLEWS, Jessie Bradley (Mrs. John Henry Clews), Buckingham Hotel, N.Y. City.

Born Dunkirk. N.Y.; dau. Ezra C. and Amelia (Groot) Bradley; ed. Mrs. Pratt's School, Utica, N.Y.; m. John Henry Clews; one daughter: Mrs. George Russell Peabody. Episcopalian.

CLIFFORD, Harriet Briggs Rogers (Mrs. H. E. Clifford), 942 Beacon St., Newton Centre, Mass.

Born Boston, April 14, 1867; dau. William A. and Helen M. (Whitman) Rogers; ed. in private schools of Boston; m. Newton Centre, June 24, 1896, Prof. H. E. Clifford; one daughter: Gretchen, b. July 14, 1889.

CLIFTON, Harriet Merrill (Mrs. Charles Edward Clifton), 581 Ingleside Park, Evanston, Ill.

Born St. Paul, Minn., 1874; dau D. D. Merrill and Alice King Merrill; ed. Univ. of Minn., Wellesley, B.A. '98; grad. work at Yale and Chicago Univ. (mem. Delta Gamma); m. St. Paul, Minn., 1902, Charles E. Clifton; children: Charles E., Jr., Alice Teresa, Malcolm Merrill. Interested in church and club work. Pres. Woman's Club of Evanston, Ill., 1911-13; mem. of Univ. Guild, Drama Club, Drama League. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Wellesley Alumnae Soc. Recreations: Golf, tennis. Mem. Woman's Club of Evanston.

CLINE (Mrs. Henry A. Cline), Wharton, Tex.

Born Woodville, Tex., Dec. 15, 1879; dau. Joseph Howell and Elizabeth (Barclay) Wooten (of distinguished Revolutionary ancestry); ed. Huntington Inst., Tex.; m. Woodville, Tex., May 13, 1894, Henry A. Cline; children: Henry A. Cline Jr., b. Oct. 13, 1899; William Aldridge Cline, b. July 21, 1910. Has been actively associated with the philanthropic work of her town; helped establish civic interest in public schools, instrumental in having copies of fine pictures in schools and a medal for every grade for excellency; prominently identified with the social life of South Texas. Author: Southern Poems; Biographical Sketches of Southern Statesmen; contributor of historical sketches to newspapers and magazines. Episcopalian. Mem. Texas Woman's Press Ass'n, Order of Eastern Star, Dames of 1812, D.A.R. United Daughters of the Confederacy. Recreations: Motoring, horseback riding, flower culture, social intercourse. Mem. Mutual Improvement Club. Has served as past worthy matron of Eastern Star;

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