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topics and church questions. Has spoken for woman suffrage before constitutional convention of Ky., S.C., La., and Okla.; on church subjects before Diocesan Council of Lexington, Church Congress at St. Louis; addressed Convention of Governors at Frankfort on suffrage. Pres. Ky. Equal Rights Ass'n since its organization in 1888; sixteen years auditor U. S. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; now chairman Membership Com. Writer or occasional articles in newspapers. Episcopalian. Mem. W.C.T.U. (Sup't of State Franchise Dep't), Ky. Educational Ass'n; 4th vice-pres. Ky. Federation of Women's Clubs.

CLAYPOLE, Edith Jane, 2826 Garber St., Berkeley, Cal.

Physician; b. Bristol, England, 1870; dau. Dr: Edward W. Claypole and Jane (Trotter) Claypole; prepared for college by parents; grad. Buchtel Coll., Akron, O., '92; Cornell Univ., Ph.B. (with highest distinction), '93; Univ. of Cal., M.D. '04 (mem. Delta Gamma Sigma Xi, Alpha Epsilon Iota). Taught physiology and histology in Wellesley Coll., 1894-99, acting as head of dep't of zoology, 1896-98; ass't in physiology, Cornell Univ., 1899-1901; instructor in biology at Throop Polytechnic Inst., Pasadena, Cal., 1901-02; practicing pathologist in Pasadena and Los Angeles, 1904-11; occupied in research at Univ. of Cal., pathological dep't, 1912. Author: Blood of Necturus and Crypto-branchus and several articles in scientific journals; in press. Classification of Spreptothricas, Especially in Regard to Bacteria. Independent voter. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Cal. State Med. Soc, Alameda Co. Med. Soc., A.A.A.S. Recreations: Gardening, mountain climbing, tramping, camping. Mem. Civic Club. Favors woman suffrage.

CLAYTON, Mabel Julia Andrews (Mrs. Francis Treadway Clayton), Williamstown, Mass.

Teacher; b. Williamstown, Mass.; ed. in schools of Williamstown, Mass., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '03; m. Williamstown, Mass., Nov. 13, 1906, Francis Treadway Clayton. Teacher, Science Hill School, Shelbyville, Ky., 1903-04; High School, Rome, N.Y., 1905-06; Rollins Coll., Winter Park, Fla., 1909-10.

CLEARWATER, Anna Houghtaling Farrand (Mrs. Alphonso Trumbour Clearwater), 316 Albany Av. Kingston, N.Y.

Born in California, May 30, 1858; dau. Col. William D. Farrand (of San Francisco) and Julia (Houghtaling) Farrand (of Kingston, N.Y.); ed. Old Spanish Convent, Santa Cruz, Cal.; m. 1875, Hon. Alphonse Trumbour Clearwater, of Kingston, N.Y. (distinguished jurist and historian; now Justice of the Supreme Court of N.Y.). Much interested in the history and antiquities of Kingston, N.Y. Author: The Old Senate House of Kingston–Its Traditions and Associations. One of the founders of Wiltwyck Chapter D.A.R.

CLEAVES, Margaret Abigail, Hotel Buckingham, 5th Av. and 50th St. (office, 616 Madison Av.), N. Y. City.

Physician; b. in S. E. Ia.; dau. John T. (M.D.) and Elizabeth (Stronach) Cleaves; ed. Iowa Coll., Iowa State Univ. Med. Dep't; M.D., '73; licensed to practice medicine in Iowa, 1873; Ill., 1876; Pa., 1880; N. Y., 1890; lectures and clinical experience in London, Paris, Leipzig, Berlin and New York; ass't physician State Hosp. for Insane, Mt. Pleasant, Ia., 1873-7; first woman to serve (continuous service) as physician to insane women; subsequently mem. B'd Trustees same institution; physician-in-chief Woman's Dep't State Hosp. for Insane, Harrisburg, Pa., 1880-83; sec'y County and National Med. Organizations (Amer. Electro-therapeutic Ass'n., etc.); pres. Alumni Ass'n Med. Dep't Iowa State Univ. Former instructor in Electro-therapeutics, N.Y. Post-Graduate Med. School and Hosp.; founder and chief N.Y. Electro-therapeutic Clinic Laboratory and Dispensary; pres. Woman's Med. Soc. of N.Y.; mem. N.Y. Acad. of Medicine, Med. Soc. County and State of N.Y., Am. Med. Ass'n, Am. Electro-Chem. Soc, A.A.A.S., Am. Electro-Therapeutic Ass'n, Société Française d-Electrotherapie, Am. Soc. Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis, Woman's N.Y. County and State f. Med. Socs., Nat. Geog. Soc, N.Y. Electrical Soc. Editor Asylum Notes, Journal of Nervous & and Mental Diseases, 1891-92. Author: Light Energy—Its Physics, Physiological Action and Therapeutic Applications. American editor of The Journal of Physical Therapeutics, London. Writer of many monographs on subjects connected with electrotherapy, radio-activity in relation to the treatment of disease and physical therapeutics; medical articles in many publications. Inventor of various instruments to be used in the application of electricity, especially to the accessory mucous passages, a controller for the static induced current, etc.

CLEGHORN, Sarah Norcliffe, Manchester, Vt.

Writer; b. Norfolk, Va., Feb. 4, 1876; dau. John D. and Sarah C. (Hawley) Cleghorn; grad. Burr and Burton Sem., Manchester, Vt., '95; special student one year (1895-96), Radcliffe Coll. Interested in socialism, the Emmanuel movement (psychotherapy) child-protection, animal-protection (including anti-vivisection), recreation centres, home and foreign missions, town planning, labor movements, reform of American slaughter houses, prison reform, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Author of a novel : A Turnpike Lady, 1907; and about 100 pieces of verse in magazines. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Anti-Vivisection Soc, N.Y. Anti-Vivisection Soc, Vivisection Investigation League, Manchester Village Improvement Soc, Bennington County Improvement Soc, Manchester Historical Soc, Consumers' League, Manchester Soc for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Band of Mercy, Burr and Burton Sem. Alumnae Ass'n. Recreations: Walking, bicycling. Mem. Local Reading Club.

CLEMENS, Katharine T. Roland (Mrs. James T Ross Clemens), 3720 W. Pine St., St. Louis, Mo.

Writer; b. St. Louis Co., Mo.; dau. John L. and C. M. (Thomas) Boland; ed. Acad, of the Sacred Heart, St. Louis; Sacré Coeur, Tours, France; m. St. Louis, Mo., May, 1899, Dr. J. R. Clemens (cousin of "Mark Twain"); children: Muriel, Cyril C. Has written for Book Monthly (London), Vogue, House Beautiful, Los Angeles Times, and other newspapers. Mem. Soc of Women Journalists (London), League of American Pen Women (Washington). Recreations: Reading, writing, walking; at present writing a book. Roman Catholic. Favors woman suffrage.

CLEMENTS, Edith Gertrude Schwartz (Mrs. Frederic E. Clements), 800 Fourth St., S.E., Minneapolis, Minn.

Teacher; b. Albany, N.Y.; dau. George and Emma (Young) Schwartz; ed. Univ. of Neb., A.B. '98, later Ph.D. (Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi; Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Lincoln, Neb., May 30, 1899, Frederic E. Clements. Teaching fellow in German, 1898-1900, and assistant in botany, 1904-07, Univ. of Neb.; instructor in botany, Univ. of Minnesota, 1909-. Instructor, Graduate School of Ecology, Minnehaha, Colo, (summers). Author: Relation of Leaf Structure to Physical Factors; Herbaria Formationum Coloradenium; Cryptogamae Formationum Coloradensium; Flora of the Rocky Mountains. Mem. Am. Microscopical Soc, Minn. Mycological Soc, Equal Suffrage League, Humane Soc, Woman's Welfare League. Recreations: Walking, mountain climbing, dancing. Favors woman suffrage.

CLEMENTS, Gabrielle DeVeaux, 241 Biddle St., Baltimore, Md.

Artist; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. Richard and Gabrielle (DeVeau) Clements; grad. Cornell Univ., B.S.; studied at Pa. Acad. of Fine Arts, and Académie Julian, Paris. Chief work has been mural paintings in Baltimore and Washington.

CLEMENTS, Sabrella James (Mrs. James R. Clements), Pelham, Ga.

Born Magnolia, N.C., Dec 30, 1875; dau. Robinson and Martha (McArthur) James; ed. State Normal and Industrial Coll., Greensboro, N.C, 1893-97; m. Pelham, Ga., Dec 24, 1903, James R. Clements, M.D, Taught six years in the

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