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Italy; Guide to Mythology for Young People; Ancient Myths In Modern Poets; editor, with Charlotte Porter, of Robert Browning's Complete Works; Elizabeth Browning's Complete Works and of Poet-lore. Honorary mem. N.Y. Browning Soc.; honorary mem. and on the Council of Boston Browning Soc; pres. American Music Soc.; chairman of Council American Drama Soc; mem. Boston Authors' Club. Recreations: Sailing, tramping. Favors woman suffrage. Has socialistic tendencies. Independent in religious thought.

CLARKE, Jessie Keziah, Lewiston, Ida.

Oculist and aurist; b. Columbus, O.; dau. William Alexander and Sara M. (Cleveland) Clarke; ed. in high school in Garrett, Kan. Mem. Am. Med. Soc, North Idaho Dist. Soc Clubs: Tsceminicum of Lewiston, Ida.; Outlook of Weiser, Ida. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.

CLARKE, Louise Harvey (Mrs. E. P. Clarke), 1046 Orange St., Riverside, Cal.

Physician; b. in Maine, Nov. 8, 1859; dau. James and Lucy A. (Turner) Harvey; ed. Farmington State Normal, Wesleyan Woman's Coll., Kent's Hill, Me., A.B. '82; Woman's Med. Coll., Pa., '92; m. Los Angeles, July 3, 1898, E. P. Clarke. Mem. Y.W.C.A., College Corner Club, Federated Clubs, Woman's Press Club. Favors woman suffrage, Methodist. Mem. State Central Com. of Cal. (Progressive Republican). Mem. Woman's Club of Riverside, County and State Med. societies, Am. Med. Ass'n, Southern Cal. Med. Ass'n. Has given addresses in farmers' and teachers' institutes on health matters.

CLARKE, Rachael Chadsey, 566 Fifteenth St., Des Moines, Ia.

Principal of Miss Clarke's School; b. Rushville, Ill., Nov. 9, 1860; dau. Felix G. and Jerusha N. (Chadsey) Clarke; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '81, A.M. '83 (charter mem. Alpha Soc). Director in the Univ. State Bank. Club: Golf and Country. Recreation: Archery. Episcopalian.

CLARKE, Sarah Jones, Norridgewock, Me.

Writer of juvenile stories; b. Norridgewock, Me., Sept. 12, 1840; dau. Asa and Sophia (Bates) Clarke; sister of late Rebecca S. Clarke ("Sophie May"); ed. in schools of Norridgewock. Contributor of short stories to various magazines. Author: Little Miss Weezy Series (3 vols.); Young Master Kirke; The Merry Five; Boys in Clover; The Happy Six; Boy Donald; Boy Donald and His Chum; Boy Donald and His Hero.

CLARKSON, Anna Howell (Mrs. James S. Clarkson), Sleepy Hollow Farm, Tarrytown, N.Y.

Writer; b. Urbana, Ohio; dau. John Gilson and Eliza Anna (Henkle) Howell; childhood spent at Springfield, Ohio; grad. Iowa Central Univ., A. B., A.M.; later took course in N.Y. School of Art; lived in Pella, Iowa, four years; Des Moines, Iowa, sixteen years; since 1891 in N.Y. City; m. Pella, Iowa, Dec. 26, 1867, James S. Clarkson, then editor of the Iowa State Register, Des Moines; children: Coker Fifleld, Harold Ret, Grosvenor Blaine. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Equal Franchise League. Author: A Beautiful Life and Its Associations; also short stories, political letters and magazine articles. Episcopalian. Republican. Pres. Iowa New Yorkers; mem. Colorado Cliff-Dwellers' Ass'n, Daughters of Ohio, Legislative League, Art Workers' League, Woman's Press Club, Woman's Republican Club (N.Y. City), Woman's Press Club (Des Moines, Iowa).

CLATWORTHY, Linda May, 18 Federal St., Dayton, Ohio.

Librarian; b. Dayton, Ohio, Dec. 17, 1876; dau. Rev. Frederick (D.D.) and Emma (Payne) Clatworthy; ed. Vassar Coll,. Northwestern Univ., and grad. Univ. of Ill., Library School Dep't., B.L.S., 1900; mem. Delta Delta, Delta, Northwestern. Cataloguer and head cataloguer, Dayton (O). Public Library, 1900-05; librarian, 1905. Pres. Ohio Library Ass'n, 1911; pres. Alumni Ass'n, Univ. of Ill. Library School, 1907-09. Mem. Central Council of Social Agencies, Dayton; vice-pres. Montgomery Co. (O.) Art Ass'n; hon. mem. Woman's Literary Club; mem. Dayton Ass'n Coll. Women; mem. Advisory Am. Library Ass'n Com. on List of Subject Headings for Use in Dictionary Catalogs. Literary executor of Augusta Payne White for The Paines of Hamilton, a genealogical and biographical record. Contributor to Library Journal and Public Libraries. Mem. Executive Com. Woman Suffrage Party of Montgomery Co. Baptist. Recreations: Horseback riding, tennis.

CLAXTON, Kate (Mrs. Charles A. Stevenson), Larchmont Manor, N.Y.

Actress; b. Somerville, N.J.; dau. Spencer Wallace and Josephine (Martinez) Cone; m. Mar. 3, 1878, Charles A. Stevenson. First professional engagement was with Miss Lotta Crabtree at Chicago in 1870; joined Augustin Daly's Fifth Av. Theatre in fall of same year; became mem. of A. M. Palmer's Union Square Co., 1872, playing principally comedy roles. Created part of Louise in The Two Orphans, and in 1875 began her first starring tour in that character, in which she played for many years.

CLAXTON, Mary Hannah Johnson (Mrs. Philander Priestley Claxton), care of Commissioner of Education, Washington, D.C.

Library organizer; b. Nashville, Tenn.; dau. George S. and Hannah Irdale (Payne) Claxton; ed. Nashville High School, Vanderbilt Univ. and Univ. of Chicago; m. Nashville, April 23, 1912, Dr. Philander Priestley Claxton. Began work of creating a great public library in Nashville, Tenn.; became head of Carnegie Library and its director for 10 years; promoted the Free State Library Comm'n in Tenn.; organized libraries in many small cities; organized civic clubs, literary clubs and Library Ass'n of Tenn; promoted Art Club, and formed the first story-hour in the library for children in State of Tenn. Created and carried out successful system (first in South) for furnishing and sending books to the public schools by the Public Library (a perfect system of cooperation between school and library). Mr. Carnegie recognized service rendered the city by a $1000 gift at her marriage; city also recognized service rendered by commendatory resolutions from the Board of Trade and many prominent organizations, teachers, women's clubs, etc., who passed commendatory resolutions and made valuable presents. Now interested with her husband in National educational problems connected with the Bureau of Education — especially those of rural libraries and rural schools. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, D.A.R., Tenn. Federation of Women's Clubs (chairman of Literature), Nashville Art Ass'n, Tenn. Library Ass'n, Y.W.C.A., Teachers' Ass'n. Clubs: Centennial, Housekeepers', Friday Morning, Literary, East Side Civic (all Nashville). One of organizers of Nashville Woman Suffrage League (chairman of public work). Occasional contributor to educational journals, newspapers, etc. Episcopalian.

CLAY, Elisabeth Campbell, Godley, Halifax, Yorkshire, England.

Artist; b. Dedham, Mass., April 2, 1871; dau. Joseph and Mary Elizabeth (Campbell) Fisher; grad. Smith Coll., B.L., '92; studied painting Boston Art Museum (N.Y.) School of Art; m. Dedham, Mass., Apr. 20, 1909, Howard Clay; children: Howard Fisher, b. May 6, 1910, Monica Mary, b. April 27, 1912. Exhibited at Boston Art Club, Copley Soc. (Boston), City Club (Boston), Yorkshire Union of Artists. Teacher in Sunday-school; actively interested in boys' clubs and college settlements. Unitarian. Opposed to woman suffrage.

CLAY, Laura, 189 North Mill St., Lexington, Ky.

Farmer; b. Madison Co., Ky., Feb. 9, 1849; dau. Gen. Cassius Marcellus and Mary Jane (Warfield) Clay; grad. with second honors at Sayre Inst., Lexington; one year at Mrs. S. Hoffman's School, N.Y. City; studied for a while at Mich. Univ. and Ky. State Coll. Active in forwarding improvements of laws for women and children, principally in connection with Ky. Equal Rights Ass'n, club work, temperance work, church work, speaker on woman suffrage, civil service reform, and miscellaneous club

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