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The following sketches are from data received too late for inclusion in the book in proper alphabetical order. Included with them are some corrections of sketches in the volume:

ALLEN, Mary Adèle, 206 Pine St, Holyoke, Mass.

Teacher; b. Amherst, Mass.; grad. Smith Coll., B.A., '86; student Greek archæology, Yale, 1896-1903. Teacher, Holyoke High School, 1886-91; Minneapolis, Minn., 1891-92; teacher of Greek, New Haven (Conn.) High School, 1892-1905, Holyoke High School, head History Dep't, 1905-06; head Classical Dep't since 1909. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnæ, New England Ass'n of Colleges and Preparatory Schools. (Correcting errors of sketch on page 75.)

ALLEN, Nelly Sherman Byers (Mrs. Lauros H. Allen), 101 Norwood Av., Buffalo, N.Y.

Born Selins Grove, Pa., Oct. 29, 1864; dau. Nelson and Katherine (Gutelius) Byers; ed. Williamsport (Pa.) High School, private schools and tutors; m. Williamsport, Pa., Dec. 12, 1889, Lauros H. Allen; one son, Nelson, b. Sept. 10, 1891 (died June 15, 1895). Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recreation: Golf. Mem. Country Club, Twentieth Century Club.

BARKER, Frances Crosby Buffington (page 75). Name is a misprint for Bartter. Correct sketch follows:

BARTTER, Frances Crosby Buffington, (Mrs. George Charles Bartter), Manila, P.I.

Educator; b. Michigan; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '01; m. Manila, P. I., George Charles Bartter. Soon after graduation in 1901 went to the Philippine Islands, engaged as teacher, 1901-04; supervisor of primary schools for districts of Ermita and Malate, 1904-05; principal of Normal Institute for Native Teachers, Manila, 1904-05; tutor in Boston, 1907; instructor in Spanish, Smith Coll., January-June, 1908; returned to Philippines and since December, 1908, has been engaged American Civic Ass'n. Instructor in the summer nature study.

BECK, Ruth Everett (Mrs. Paul W. Beck). Fort McPherson, Ga.

Writer; b. Lyons, Neb.; daughter Benaiah Weathern and Elise (Grout) Everett; ed. Univ. of Neb., Fremont Normal School, grad. '93: m. Captain Paul W. Beck, military aviator, U.S. Army; one son, Paul Ward Jr. Greatly interested in the American Indian and literary works are chiefly on that line. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Heart of a Filipino; The Trail, etc. Democrat. Mem. D.A.R., League of American Pen Women.

BEERS, Keturah G. (Mrs. John Hobart Beers), 912 Montrose Boulevard, Chicago, Ill.

Born Camden, N.J.; dau. Jacob W. Sharp (officer, 12th N.J, Regiment of the Civil War) and Susan (Folwell) Sharp; m. Holy Trinity Church, Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 12, 1871 (Phillips Brooks formerly pastor), to John Hobart Beers, of Newton, Conn.; two children: Anna Sharp, Keturah Sherman. Interested In philanthropic, educational and religious work. Favors woman suffrage. Has written occasionally articles for the press on club and philanthropic work. Mem. Independent Central Church. Republican. Mem. Jackson Park Sanitarium, Home for Destitute Crippled Children, Dames of the Loyal Legion, National and State Societies, Chicago Woman's Outdoor Art League, Municipal Art League of Chicago, Exhibition Committee (Art Institute). Mem. Woman's City Club, Chicago Woman's Club, Montclare Musical and Literary Club; pres. West End Woman's Club, Chicago.

BILLINGS, Anna Hunt, Redlands, Cal.

Teacher; b. Hatfield, Mass., Sept. 16, 1861; dau. Frederick D. and Frances A. (Hunt) Billings; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '91, Yale Univ., Ph.D. (English), '98. Teacher, Univ. of Southern Cal., 1892-94; Riverside, Cal., 1894-95; Redlands, Cal., 1898-99; Long Beach, Cal., 1902-03; State Normal School, San Diego, Cal., 1904-09; in Europe, 1909-12. Author: Guide to Middle English Metrical Romances (Yale studies in English), 1899. Favors woman suffrage. (Correction of sketch on page 99.)

BOCK, Stella Nathan (Mrs. Charles Bock), 66 Chapin Parkway, Buffalo, N.Y.

Born Johnstown, Pa., May 19, 1885; dau. Adolf and Fannie S. (Hess) Nathan; ed. Philadelphia High School for Girls, Philadelphia Normal School for Girls, Bryn Mawr Coll.; m. Philadelphia, Dec. 11, 1911, Charles Bock. Supervisor of School Gardens of Board of Education of Philadelphia, 1906-11; lecturer on School Gardens, Univ. of Pennsylvania and Temple Univ. Mem. Board of Directors, Community House, Buffalo, N. Y.; Board of Governors of Federated Chambers of Buffalo, N.Y.; Board of School Garden Ass'n of America. Head of Committee on Home Gardens for Poor. Jewish. Recreations: Hockey, gardening, tramping. Established the home garden system in connection with the school gardens of Philadelphia, whereby gardens in yards or boxes were made by children under supervision in many thousands of the poor homes of Philadelphia. Introduced a graded system of lessons for school gardens.

BOISSEVAIN, Mrs. Inez Milholland—See Milholland, Inez.

BRANCH, Mary Lillian (Mrs. James R. Branch), Great Northern Hotel, N.Y. City, and Branchfield, W.Va.

Born Baltimore, Md., Sept. 21 1864; dau. Ebenizer and Mary (Talbot) Hubball; grad. Univ. of N.Y., B.L.; m. Richmond, Va., Oct. 28, 1885, Col. James R. Branch; children: James R., Allan Talbot, Mary Cooke. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., Daughters of Confederate Veterans.

BRANT, Minnie Clothier (page 123)—Correct address: The Leamington, Tenth St. and Third Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn.

BROBST, Sue E., 522 Security Building, Los Angeles, Cal.

Secretary; b. Chicago, Ill.; dau. Samuel V. and Sarah E. (Brown) Brobst; ed. Chicago public schools and West Division High School. Through practical experience among women wage earners took the leading part in organizing the Business Woman's Civic Club, was made first president and afterward made its life president. Favors woman suffrage. Active in California suffrage campaign, 1911; afterward among the first to become deputy to register the voters and on the first Election Board open to women; active in Good Government Municipal Campaign, 1911. Christian Scientist. Progressive. Mem. Woman's City Club, Evening City Club, Drama League of America (on Educational Com.).

BUSH, Emma Louise, Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg. Pa.

Teacher; b. Waverly, Iowa; dau. Austin Davis and Alta (Lewis) Bush; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '81; Bucknell Univ., A.M., 1913. Teacher, Mt. Carroll, Ill., 1881-82; Oxford, N.C., 1882-84;


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