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Youth's Companion, Little Folks, the Independent, the Outlook, the Congregationalist, Leslie's Weekly and other periodicals. Lecturer on current topics and popular reforms. Presbyterian. Pres. Wheaton Club, N.Y.; mem. Meridian (literary) Club, Cosmopolitan Club, Browning Club, Society of N.E. Women, W.C.T.U., Woman Suffrage Party (lectures on suffrage).

CLARK, Mable Peters (Mrs. Hiram P. Clark), Hawkeye, Ia.

Born Hawkeye, Ia., Feb. 10, 1885; dau. Arthur B. and Addie (Chapman) Peters; grad. Hawkeye High School, with class poem, 1901; m. West Union, Sept. 4, 1906, Hiram P. Clark. Teacher and clerk previous to marriage. Pres. Junior Ladies' Aid Soc, M.E. Church. Mem. of Order of Eastern Star; pres. the History and Travel Club of Hawkeye for two years.

CLARK, Margaret Vaupel (Mrs. G. Hardy Clark), E. Fourth St., Waterloo, Ia.

Physician; b. Pleasant Ridge, Iowa; dau. John Christian and Clara (Sandganger) Vaupel; ed. public and private schools, University of Wis., Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, Hahnemann Med. Coll. of Chicago, M.D. post-graduate courses in London, Berlin, Vienna; m. Humboldt, Iowa, June 28, 1886, G. Hardy Clark, M.D.; mem. Public Health Education Committee of Am. Medical Ass'n, Social Hygiene Com. of General Federation of Women's Clubs, Public Health Com. of Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs; med. director Baby Health Contests. Mem. Public Library Board (chairman of its Book Com.), Board of Church Trustees, Iowa State Ass'n Charities and Correction; W. C. T. U. Mem. Executive Com. Waterloo Political Equality Club. Unitarian. State Suffrage Soc, State Audubon Soc, Am. Med. Soc, Iowa State Med. Soc, Women's Professional League, Waterloo Civic Soc. (chairman), Waterloo Women's Club, Chicago Woman's Club. Recreations: Travel, nature study.

CLARK, Mary D. (Mrs. J. R. Clark), 508 N. Weber St., Colorado Springs, Colo.

Born Penn Yan, N.Y.; dau. Nicholas D. and Roxanna (Legge) Suydam; ed. private schools; m. Penn Yan, N.Y., June 29, 1901, John R. Clark. Mem. of church and missionary societies, Woman's Club, Open Progress Club (pres. two years), Music Club. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. Republican.

CLARK, Mary Kimber (Mrs. Frank B. Clark), Fulton, N.Y.

Teacher; b. Fulton, N.Y., May 10, 1872; dau. Frederick Ambrose and Margaret Anna (Prigg) Kimber; ed. Fulton High School, Cornell Univ., A.B. "96, and summer schools in London, Paris, and various smaller towns in France; m. Fulton N.Y., Oct. 30, 1896, Frank B. Clark; children: Margaret Kimber, Frances Hilda. Interested in local charities, public library, hospitals; likes sewing, embroidery, makes lace baskets, metal work and carpentry. Mem. small local clubs. Recreations: Theatres, cards, motoring, bicycling, walking, sewing.

CLARK, Mary Sheafer Whitcomb (Mrs. Alden Hyde Clark), Ahmednagar, India.

Missionary; b. Boston, Mass.; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. 1900; student Boston Dispensary course, 1902; Biblical courses in Union Theological Sem., N.Y. City, 1902-03; m. May 14, 1904. Alden Hyde Clark; children: Mary Lawrence, b. Nov. 27, 1905; John Alden, b. Aug. 27, 1907. Resident worker Union Settlement, N.Y. City, 1902-03; since 1904 missionary of the Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions at Vadela and Ahmednagar, India. Congregationalist.

CLARK, Mary Vida, 169 E. 62d St. (office, 105 E. 22d St.), N.Y. City.

Ass't sec State Charities Aid Ass'n of N.Y. since Oct., 1895; b. Springfield, Mass., July 6, 1872; dau. David Clark, M.D., and Ellen M. (Cowles) Clark; ed. Miss Porter's School for Girls, Springfield, Mass., 1882-89, Vassar Coll., 1889-93, Radcliffe Coll., 1893-95. Manager Woman's University Club; director Intercollegiate Bureau of Occupations; mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Ass'n Alumnae Vassar Coll., Radcliffe Club, Monday Club, Caroline Country Club. Favors woman suffrage.

CLARK, Minna Minton Dyke (Mrs. Wilfred Adams Clark), "Red Gables," Magnolia Av., Garden City, L.I., N.Y. (office, Rooms 6027-8, 1 Madison Av., N.Y. City).

Clerk civil service; b. North Adams, Mass., daughter of Elijah A. and Margaret (Stewart) Dyke; ed. Drury Acad., North Adams, Mass., N.Y. Univ.; also private tutoring at home; m. North Adams, Mass., April 17, 1895, Wilfred Adams Clark (lawyer, Yale Law School '90; died June, 1904). Sec. Dep't of Buildings, N.Y. City, 1892-1902; sec Board of Examiners, 1 Madison Av., N.Y., from organization to date. Associate Girls' Friendly Soc, St. Michael's Branch; has served on the social service com. of the Girls' Friendly Soc. for diocese of N.Y. for several years. Prepared (for Girls' Friendly Soc) report on "vacation houses" in England and France, 1907. Writer of prose and verse, used anonymously; compiler of reports and statistics for government records. Mem. Nat. Soc New England Women, Portia Club, Post Parliament, Mozart Soc, Alumnae Ass'n N.Y. Univ., Woman's Press Club. % Recreations: Music, reading, needlework, cooking. Protestant Episcopalian.

CLARK, Myra Almeda Smith (Mrs. John Bates Clark), 625 W. 115th St., N.Y. City.

Born Stafford, Conn.; dau. Jotham Graves and Almira P. (Converse) Smith; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '73 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 28, 1895, John Bates Clark, Ph.D., LL.D. (now prof. political economy, Columbia Univ.); children: Frederick Huntington, b. 1877; Alden Hyde, b. 1878; Helen Converse, b. 1893. Congregationalist. Mem. Vassar Alumnae Ass'n, Vassar Aid Soc, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Phi Beta Kappa Soc, Barnard Club.

CLARK, Natalie Lord Rice (Mrs. Frank Lowry Clark), 111 North University St., Oxford, O.

Born Danvers, Mass., Dec. 20, 1867; dau. Charles Baker and Claire Austin (Lord) Rice; ed. Danvers (Mass.) public and high school, 1885; Mass. Normal Art School, 1890; m. Danvers, Mass., Aug. 15, 1900, Prof. Frank Lowry Clark; adopted son: Ransom Butler Clark. Between 1891 and 1897 had editorial charge of The Wellspring at different times in the absence of the editor; did editorial work for Our Sunday Afternoon for several years; was assistant editor The Living Age, 1897-1900; did book reviewing for the Boston Journal and other papers. Interested in the student life of Miami Univ.; mem. Of Classical Club and patroness of girls' fraternity and other student societies. Author: The Green Garnet, 1896; Blake Redding, 1903; editor: Beacon Light Series, 1894; short stories in Youth's Companion, Independent, Wellspring, Forward, etc. ; much of work under pen-name of "Hobart Clear." Mem. Mass. Normal Art School Alumni Ass'n, Woman's Club of Oxford, O., Liberal Arts Club (Miami Univ.). Recreations: Walking, sketching, gardening, collecting old embroideries, china and beads. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive.

CLARK, Nora Graves (Mrs. Henry J. Clark). Route 1, Polk, Neb.

Voice teacher; b. Marengo, Ill., Jan. 12, 1877; dau. Daniel and Martha (Loomer) Graves; ed. Kearney Episcopal Coll., Neb.; student State Univ., Lincoln, Neb.; m. Arborville, Neb., Sept. 6, 1899, Henry J. Clark; children: Gladys Lenore, Henry Daniel, Merle Russell, Lucile Marie. Active worker along religious lines, also socially. Mem. Royal Neighbors and several local church and social societies. Mem. Twentieth Century Club, Arborville Township, York Co., Neb.; vice-pres. of the Fourth Dist. of Neb. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Congregationalist.

CLARK, Rose M. (permanent address), Greenville, Ohio; (present address) Belcourt Sem., Washington, D.C.

Born Tontogany, Ohio; dau. Silas and Maria (Williams) Clark; ed. Ohio Normal Univ., B.S. '88; post-grad, work in Boston Univ. and Univ. of Chicago; Columbia Univ., M.A. '11. Principal of Winona Park School for Young Women,

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