CLARK, Eleanor Phelps (Mrs. Frederick H. Clark), care Charles Henry Phelps, 30 Broad St., N.Y. City.
Born Oakland, Cal., 1881; dau. Charles Henry and Mary (Booth) Phelps; grad. Annie Brown School. N.Y. City, '98; Barnard Coll., '02; Paris (mem. Kappa Kappa, Barnard); m. N.Y. City, Dec. 30, 1908. Frederick Huntington Clark: one daughter: Eunice, b. 1911. Interested in college settlements and in activities of the Church of the Ascension. N.Y. City. Recreations: Riding, swimming, shooting. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.
CLARK, Elizabeth Conway Rent (Mrs. Herbert L. Clark), School House Lane, Germantown, Pa.
Born Philadelphia, Pa.; ed. Mlle. de Bonneville's School, Philadelphia, and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '95; m. 1907, Herbert L. Clark. Private tutor (Greek, Latin and mathematics) at Harrisburg, Pa., 1896-99; teacher in the Misses Seargent's and Bent's School, Harrisburg, Pa., 1897-1906; in Miss Shipley's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1906-07.
CLARK, Elizabeth Morris, 532 Clinton Av., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Teacher, religious worker; ed. Wells Coll., 1889-90; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1890-91; Univ. of Zurich, 1892-93; Univ. of Leipzig, 1892-94; Geneva, Switzerland, 1909-11. Salvation Army worker, 1894-98; teacher of English and German, Y.W.C.A., Harlem, N.Y. City, 1898-99; educational director of same, 1899-1900; prof. English literature, Huguenot Coll., Wellington, South Africa, 1900-06; traveling sec. Y.W.C.A., 1908-09; sec. for Switzerland of World's Christian Student Federation, 1909-11.
CLARK, Ella Cleveland, 400 South Los Robles Av., Pasadena, Cal.
Born Northampton, Mass., Feb. 22, 1860; dau. William Clark Jr. and Annie E. (Miller) Clark; grad. Northampton High School, '80; Smith Coll., A.B. '84. Congregationalist. Mem. Woman's Church Aid Soc, Woman's Missionary Soc. of First Congregational Church; life mem. Woman's Board of Missions; life mem. Alumnae Ass'n of Smith Coll.; charter mem. Betty Allen Chapter D.A.R. in Northampton; mem. Pasadena Y.W.C.A., and Bay State Colony (Pasadena), Shakespeare Club (Pasadena), Smith College Club of Southern Cal. From 1886 to 1910 teacher in two private schools, two high schools and private tutor at home, including 10 years as official tutor in mathematics for Smith Coll. Removed from Northampton, Mass., to Pasadena in 1902.
CLARK, Emily Anna, Wushishi, Northern Nigeria, West Africa; home address, care Mrs. Hattie M. Clark, Hamilton, N.Y.
Missionary; b. East Hardwick, Vt., July 30, 1878; dau. Rev. Albert Vinton and Harriet (Baker) Clark; ed. Hamilton public and high schools; Columbian Univ., D.C., while doing census work, 1901-02; grad. Cornell Univ., B.A. (Phi Beta Kappa) '05; Toronto Bible College for Foreign Mission Work, 1910-11. Taught public school before entering college; after graduation taught in Chesbro Sem., North Chili, N.Y., 1905-10; missionary to Africa since 1911. Contributor to Light and Life Evangel, Chicago, and The Evangelical Christian and Missionary Witness, Toronto, Can., organ of the Soudan Interior Mission, of which society she is one of the staff. Baptist.
CLARK, Emma Kirkland, 248A Monroe St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Born Hinsdale, Mass.; ed. in schools of Springfield, Mass.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '75; Univ. of Chicago, A.M. '90. Teacher in Springfield (Mass.) High School, 1875-84; prof. Latin, Elmira (N.Y.) Coll., 1886-99; teacher, Girls' High School, Brooklyn, N.Y., since 1900.
CLARK, Evelyn (Mrs. James F. A. Clark), 960 Park Av.. N.Y. City.
Born London, England, Feb. 9, 1885; dau. Poultney and Edith E. (Jaffray) Bigelow (both well-known authors); granddaughter of John Bigelow (1817-1911), diplomat, publicist and historian; ed. private governesses in Europe and won the mezzo-soprano open scholarship for singing at the Hampstead Conservatoire, London, in competition with all comers; m. London, Dec. 12, 1906, James Francis Aloysius Clark; children: Evelyn Bigelow, John Bigelow. Mem. Church of England. Actively interested in church and humanitarian work, Gerry Soc, Nat. Child Labor Com. and kindergarten work. Protestant Episcopal. Recreations: Writing poetry and prose, reading, needlework, music, study of theology. Mem. Colony Club.
CLARK, Grace Miller (Mrs. Stephen Cutter Clark), 49 S. Euclid Av., Pasadena, Cal.
Educator; b. Newton, Mass., Oct. 18, 1860; dau. William Lyman and Sarah (Eveleth) Greene; ed. Smith Coll., A.B., '82; A.M. '85 (mem. Alpha); m. Malden, Mass., Aug. 22, 1885, Stephen Cutter Clark; children: Grace Eveletta, Julia Adeline, Stephen Cutter, Jr. Teacher Greek and Latin in Classical School for Boys, Pasadena, Cal., 1889-1910; since then tutor in Greek and Latin. Interested in soc. of Daughters of the King. Episcopalian. Mem. Smith Coll. Club of Southern Cal., College Woman's Club of Southern Cal., Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae.
CLARK, Harriet Merrell (Mrs. John Holley Clark), 231 Sanford Av., Flushing, L.I.
Born Rochester, N.Y., Mar. 10, 1858; dau. Henry Palmer and Frances (Hoadley) Merrell; ed. Rochester, N.Y.; m. Rochester, 1882, John Holley Clark; children: William, John Holley Jr., Merrell, Rosamond, Arthur, Winifred. Interested in the day nursery, hospital, playground and church societies, etc. Mem. Good Citizenship League of Flushing (recently pres.). New York Browning Soc. (chairman of Literature Com.). Episcopalian.
CLARK, Imogen, 302 W. 88th St., N.Y. City.
Writer; b. N.Y. City; dau. George Homes and Phillie (Beatty) Clark; ed. Mme. da Silva'a French and English School, N.Y. City, and private tutors. Writer of novels and contributor to magazines. Books: Will Shakespeare's Little Lad; God's Puppets; Victory of Ezry Gardner; Heresy of Parson Medlicott; Santa Claus' Sweetheart; A Charming Humbug; We Four and Two More. Recreations: Driving, amateur photography. Clubs: Barnard, Wednesday Afternoon. Against woman suffrage.
CLARK, Josephine Adelaide, 6 West St., Northampton, Mass.
Librarian; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '80; student N.Y. State Library School, 1888-89. Teacher, Greenfield, Mass., and Rutland, Vt., 1889-90; library ass't, Gray Herbarium, Harvard, 1890-91; botanical bibliographer and ass't librarian, U.S. Dep't of Agriculture, 1891-1900; chief librarian of same, 1901-07; librarian Smith Coll. since 1907. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae.
CLARK, Julia Gilman (Mrs. Walter H. Clark), 146 Washington St., Hartford, Conn.
Born Hartford, Conn., Nov. 22, 1873; dau. George Shepard and Ellen Maria (Hills) Gilman; grad. Hartford Public High School, '92; Smith Coll., B.L. '96 (mem. Phi Kappa Psi); m. Hartford, Conn., June 26, 1902, Walter Haven Clark; children: Eleanor Mary, b. 1904; Dorothy Gilman, b. 1911. Mem. Conn. Humane Soc, Hartford Smith College Club, College Club of Hartford, Hartford Golf Club. Congregationalist.
CLARK, Kate Upson (Mrs. E. P. Clark), 248A Monroe St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Writer, lecturer; b. Camden, Ala., Feb. 22, 1851; dau. Edwin and Priscilla (Maxwell) Upson; grad. Wheaton Sem., Norton, Mass., '69; Westfield (Mass.) Normal School, '72; m. Jan. 1, 1874, Edward P. Clark; children: Charles Upson, John Kirkland, George Maxwell. Trustee Wheaton Coll. since 1907: mem. Exec. Board Philological Section, Brooklyn Inst. Author: Can Personality Be Acquired? Browning as a Masquer; Browning's Two Theories of Art; Browning as a Prophet; Up the Witch Brook Road; White Butterflies; Art and Citizenship; Bringing Up Boys; The Girl That Wasn't Wanted; Move Upward; The Dole Twins; How Dexter Paid His Way. Contributor to Harper's Magazine, Weekly and Bazar; Atlantic Monthly, St. Nicholas, the