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CLAGSTONE , Cora Kirk (Mrs. Paul Clagstone), Kootenai Ranch, Clagstone, Ida.

Born Chicago, Ill., Dec. 9, 1878; dau. Wallace Forester and Maude (Arrick) Kirk; ed. Mme. Yeatman's Pensionnat, Neuilly, Paris, France, and in private schools in Chicago; m. San Mateo, Cal., May 7, 1904, Paul Clagstone; children: Pauline, b. Feb. 28, 1905; Kirk, b. Mar. 6, 1906. Has spoken to different country life commissions and farm congresses on Women on the Farm; active in legislation bettering conditions of women and child workers. Favors woman suffrage. State chairman of Women's Auxiliary of Nat. Progressive party in Idaho; has started several Progressive county leagues in Northern Idaho. Episcopalian. Recreations: Riding, gardening, dancing, skating.

CLAPHAM, Lizzie Markley (Mrs. Hesser C. Clapham). 227 Gowen Av., Mt. Airy, Phila., Pa.

Born, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 29, 1863; dau. John Markley and Ruth Anna (La Rue) Hartman; grad. Philadelphia public schools, Girls' High School '82, Teachers' Normal course '83; m. Jan. 27, 1886, Hesser C. Clapham; children: John Hartman and Charles Hesser. Episcopalian. Mem. Girls' Friendly Soc, Philadelphia Chapter, No. 6, Women's Organization; Nat. Ass'n Retail Druggists, Site and Relic Soc. of Germantown, Alumnae Ass'n of Girls' High and Normal Schools of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania State Conservation Ass'n. Mem. Civic Club of Philadelphia. Recreation: Gathering the flowers from garden and distributing them to the sick and poor.

CLAPP, Cornelia Maria, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass.

Educator; b. Montague, Mass., March 17, 1849; dau. Richard and Eunice A. (Slate) Clapp; ed. Mount Holyoke Sem. (now Coll.), Syracuse Univ. Ph.B.; Chicago Univ., Ph.D., '96. Prof. of zoology, Mount Holoke Coll., investigator at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass.; trustee Marine Biological Laboratory. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Some Points in the Development of the Toad Fish, Batrachus tau (Jour. of Morphology, Vol. V, No. 3); The Lateral Line System of Batrachus tau (Jour. of Morphology, Vol. XV, No. 2); Relation of the Axis of the Embryo to the First Cleavage Plane (Biological Lectures, Woods Hole), 1898.

CLAPP, Eleanor Bassett, 505 W. 111th St., N.Y. City.

Editor, writer; b. Pawtucket, R.I.; dau. William Hastings and Emma (Ormsbee) Clapp; ed. private schools of R.I. Editor McCall's Magazine, 1896-1911. Author: The Courtesies, 1904. Has written stories and articles and much unclassified matter under a nom de plume; contributor to various magazines and newspapers.

CLAPP, Mrs. Thomas Calvin, 317 E. St. Clair St., Indianapolis, Ind.

Born Paducah, Ky.; dau. Johnson J. and Rachel O. (Osborn) Fiddick; ed. in Danville (Ind.) schools, Amos O. Lawrence School for Girls, 1873-75; m. Sept. 10, 1879, Hayden H. Martin (died Aug. 23, 1882); one son, Oscar A. Martin, b. Sept. 22, 1881. Married, 2d, July 16, 1884, William J. Wingate (died Feb. 2, 1906); m. 3d, Feb. 17, 1907, T. C. Clapp. Pres. Independent Social Club (devoted to practical philanthropy); treas. Ladies' Literary Union; mem. and press correspondent New Era Club; mem. Local Council of Women, Women's Franchise League, Y.W.C.A. Methodist. Republican. Mem. Ladies' of the G.A.R., Woman's Relief Corps, Pythian Sisters. Occasional contributor to newspapers in verse and prose.

CLARK, Amelia Ray (Mrs. Sidney Williams Clark), 40 Willard St., Hartford, Conn.

Born N.Y. City, Oct. 23, 1859; dau. James Dean and Sarah (McCrosky) Ray; ed. Windsor, Conn.; Mt. Holyoke Coll., '81; m. N.Y. City, April 24, 1894, Sidney Williams Clark; one son: Sidney Ray Clark (died 1896). Treas. Hartford Branch Woman's Board of Missions; mem. Finance Board Union for Home Work; director Consumers' League of Hartford; Alumnae Trustee of Mt. Holyoke Coll., Hartford College Club Settlement (mem. board); mem. various church societies. Against woman suffrage; mem. Soc. Opposed to Woman Suffrage, Hartford, Conn. Congregationalist. Mem. Civic Club, Musical Club of Hartford, Mt. Holyoke College Club of Hartford, Hartford Golf Club.

CLARK, Anna Katherine Perkins (Mrs. Robert Cushman Clark), 17 Green St., Brattleboro, Vt.

Former teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97; student in English, Hyannis (Mass.) Summer School, 1905; m. Brattleboro, Vt., April 23, 1900, Robert Cushman Clark. Teacher East Walpole, Mass., 1898-99; Norwood, Mass., 1899-1901; Charlemont (Mass.) High School, 1901-02; Brattleboro (Vt.) Acad., 1902-04; Brattleboro High School, 1904-08.

CLARK, Anna Newhall, 48 Garden St., Cambridge, Mass.

Born Somerville, Mass., May 27, 1883; dau. Thomas W. and Anna Russell (Newhall) Clark; ed. Miss Ingal's School, Cambridge, Mass.; the Misses Shipley's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '08. Friendly visitor for Associated Charities, Church Periodical Club, diocesan librarian, assistant to diocesan correspondent, chairman of the House Com. of the Bryn Mawr Club of Boston; mem. of Women's College Com. for the Daily Vacation Bible School. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Board of Directors of College Club of Boston.

CLARK, Annie Maria Lawrence (Mrs. Calvin Clark), Lancaster, Mass.

Writer; b. Still River, Harvard, Mass., Sept. 21, 1835; dau. Jonathan W. and Sarah Ann (Williston) Lawrence; ed. town schools, Lancaster Acad, and private teachers; m. at Still River, Dec. 21, 1870, Calvin Clark; one son: John Calvin Lawrence Clark. Teacher for many years before marriage. Editor of the Hospital Cottage Friend; cor. sec. of Woman's B'd of the Baldwinville Hospital Cottages for Children, mem. of the Lend-a-Hand, Sunshine and King's Daughter's Circles and other philanthropic and charitable societies; chairman of church com., and treasurer of church funds. Author: Olive Loring's Mission; Light from the Cross; The Alcotts in Harvard; Verses and Versions; Poems; Elias Sawyer of the Nashawog Plantation; The Major's Story; Farmer Lawrence's Christmas, etc. Swedenborgian. Mem. Audubon Soc, Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Clinton Historical Soc., Harvard Historical Soc. Recreations: Reading, painting. Pres. Current Topic's Club (Lancaster); mem. Clinton Woman's Club; Shakespeare Class (Lancaster); New Church Woman's Alliance.

CLARK, Bertha Winifred, Bahmo, Burmah; home address, care Mrs. Hattie M. Clark, Hamilton, N.Y.

Missionary; b. West Royalston, Mass., June 6, 1875; dau. Rev. Albert Vinton and Harriet (Baker) Clark; ed. Hamilton (N.Y.) public schools; Colgate Acad.; Silas Neff School of Oratory; Columbian (now George Washington) Univ., grad. 1900, and in Summer School of Cornell Univ. Taught one year in Nashville Freedman's Schools; in Government Indian School at Beauleau, Minn., several years, then spent a year in Haseltine House, Newton Centre, Mass., training for foreign mission work in 1907. Went to Rangoon, Burmah, and taught four years, being then transferred to her present post as missionary at Bhamo, Burmah. Baptist.

CLARK, Clara May, 149 Elm St., Northampton, Mass.

Teacher, librarian; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '84, graduate student geology and biology, Smith, 1885-86; Harvard Summer School, 1889; Mass. Inst, of Technology, 1889-90; Hartford Theological Sem., 1898-99; Library Summer School, 1906. Substitute teacher, Northampton and Hadley, Mass., 1884-87; private teacher, Northampton, Mass., 1888-89, 1890-93; library ass't Forbes Library, 1895-98; settlement worker, Christodora House, N.Y. City, 1899-01; church mission worker, 1901-04; librarian Bible Teachers' Training School, Northampton, Mass., since 1904.

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