CASSATT, Mary, 10 Rue de Marignan, Paris, France.
Artist; b. Pittsburgh; studied art in Europe, 1875; in Spain several years and later returned to Paris. Paintings were exhibited in the Impressionists' Expositions, Paris. Returned to America in 1908; exhibited portraits and paintings at Durand-Ruel's. Sister of the late Alexander Johnston Cassatt, pres. Pennsylvania Railroad.
CASSELS, Amy, 46 Clañricarde Gardens, London, England.
Photographer; b. Toronto, Canada, Apr. 8, 1864; dau. Robert and Mary (Macnab) Cassels; ed. in Montreal. Went to London, Eng., in 1899, to study photography; took studio (at present occupied) at 67 New Bond st., London, W., in 1903. Was appointed mem. of the advisory board of photography for the London County Council, 1907. Presbyterian. Recreations: Golf, motoring.
CASSIDY, Perlina Barnum Sizer (Mrs. Ira D. Gerald Cassidy), 602 Galisteo St., Santa Fe, N.Mex.
Writer, lecturer; b. Las Animas, Colo., Mar. 4, 1869; dau. Eber R. and Mary (Savage) Sizer; ed. at home by tutors, and Centennial School, Pueblo, Colo.; m. (1st) Meeker, Colo., Nov. 29, 1890, John Boyd Davis (died at Detroit, Mich., Jan. 7, 1899); (2d) Pueblo, Colo., Jan. 5, 1912, Ira D. Gerald Cassidy (N.Y. artist). Was in real estate business in Denver, Colo., ten years. Vice-pres. Rocky Mountain Section of Nat. Alliance of Unitarian Women; cor. sec. Rocky Mountain Associate Alliance; cor. sec. Santa Fe Scribblers' Club; pres., 1898-99, Detroit Equal Suffrage Soc. and vice-pres. Mich. State Equal Suffrage Soc; took active part in organizing and work in Colo, during suffrage campaign in 1893; active in political organization in Denver, 1900-01; pres. Woman's Republican South Side Club, and delegate to county and State conventions. Favors woman suffrage. Author of magazine articles and short stories of the early life of the West; first book: Los Conquistadores. Unitarian. Republican. Mem. Denver Chapter D.A.R.; Territorial Daughters of Colorado. Recreations: Horseback riding, tennis, mountain climbing, out-door life generally. Mem. Mothers' Congress. Now engaged in ethnological study of Indians of the Southwest and Mexico, with headquarters in Santa Fe, but living among the Indians, writing about them and lecturing on them before women's clubs, while her husband is making a specialty of painting the Indian.
CASTLEMAN, Virginia Carter, Herndon Sem., Herndon, Va,
Author, educator; b. Gaston, N.C., Aug. 26, 1864; dau. Rev. Robert A. and Mary (Lee) Castleman; ed. Herndon (Va.) Sem. (founded by her mother) until 1882, then for 2 years at Edgeworth School in Baltimore. Several years later took course in library science at Drexel Inst., Philadelphia. Organized the Herndon Library at Herndon, Va., and since 1900 has been associate principal of High School, Herndon Sem. Author: A Child of the Covenant; Roger of Fairfield; Pocahontas (dramatic poem); also writer of verses and short stories.
CASWELL, Winafred Lyndia Sheldon (Mrs. Harlow Orton Caswell), 201 S. Third St., W., Fort Atkinson, Wis.
Born Fort Atkinson, Wis., Oct. 1, 1875; dau. Edward Everett and Olive Emilie (De Meritt) Sheldon; grad. Fort Atkinson High School, '93; student Rockford Coll., 1894-95; m. Fort Atkinson, Wis., Jan. 5, 1898, Dr. Harlow Orton Caswell; children: Elizabeth Olive, b. Jan. 16, 1899; Mary Winafred, b. July 8, 1903. Mem. First Congregational Church of Fort Atkinson, Fort Atkinson Chapter D.A.R., ex -pres. Century Club of Fort Atkinson, Music Study Club, Old Folks' Whist Club, Bridge Club of Fort Atkinson; mem. and chairman of Ways and Means Committee of the Fort Atkinson Town Improvement Ass'n; active in all church societies, school and literary matters and work. Against woman suffrage. Recreations; Traveling, automobiling, study.
CATE, Carrie Quincy, 18 Holten St., Danvers, Mass.
Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '90. Teacher of Latin, English and German, St. Mary's School, Concord, N.H., 1892 and 1894-96; head of French and German dep't, Danvers (Mass.) High School, since 1896. Mem. Modern Language Ass'n of America.
CATE, L. Maude, Wolfeboro, N.H.
Teacher; b. Wolfeboro, N.H., July 26, 1863; dau. John G. and Anne A. (Clarke) Cate; grad. Wolfeboro High School, with honor, 1883; received Newell prize for scholarship. Principal Oak Hill School, Newton, Mass., 1895-1904; teacher Pickering School, Wolfeboro, N.H., 13 years; chairman 5 years of the Congregational Church Com. on Charities; 3 years treas. Congregational Church; 4 years mem. Standing Com., Congregational Church, Wolfeboro, N.H. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of articles on Nature Study and other professional subjects (published unsigned). Congregationalism Mem. Order Eastern Star, Warren Chapter No. 10 (worthy matron, 1894), Wolfeboro and Tuftonboro Teachers' Ass'n (pres. 1908-09-10), D.A.R., Boston Tea Party Chapter, Boston, Mass. Pres. Wolfeboro High School Alumnae, 1899-1900; mem. N.H. of State Teachers' Ass'n. Recreations: Boating, fishing, walking, cycling, painting. Sec. of Ellacoya Club, 1889-95; pres. Wolfeboro Woman's Club, 1900, 1911-12; mem. of New Hampshire Daughters (Boston). Has lectured at women's clubs and teachers' institutes.
CATHER, Willa Sibert, 5 Bank St., N.Y. City.
Editor, author; b. Winchester, Va., Dec. 7, 1875; dau. Charles F. and Mary Virginia (Boak) Cather; grad. Univ. of Neb., A.B. '95. On staff of the Leader, Pittsburgh, 1897-1901; since then magazine contributor and 1906-12 associate editor McClure's Magazine. Author: April Twilight, 1903; The Troll Garden, 1905; Alexander's Bridge, 1912; The Bohemian Girl, 1912; Six Pioneers, 1913.
CATHERON, Alice Millett (Mrs. Allison Graham Catheron), 24 Abbott St., Beverly, Mass.
Born Beverly, Mass., Sept. 10, 1878; dau. George and Alice Louisa (Porter) Millett; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. 1900; m. Beverly, Mass., Sept. 24, 1906, Allison Graham Catheron; children: Lorraine, Miriam. Unitarian. Against woman suffrage.
CATLIN, Louise Ensign (Mrs. Frederick Ward Catlin), 285 Henry St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Author; b. Lockport, N.Y., May 9, 1861; dau. H. A. and R. H. (Oakley) Ensign; ed. various fitting schools; Smith Coll., A.B. '81; A.M. '86; post-graduate courses Jena and Paris; m. Oswego, N.Y., Oct. 23, 1882, Frederick W. Catlin; son: Randolph Catlin, b. Dec. 6, 1887 (Princeton '08). Manager of her apartment house property in N.Y. City. Author: Marjorie and Her Neighbor; My Little Lady in Waiting; also short stories and travel articles for various newspapers and magazines. Mem. D.A.R., Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. Presbyterian.
CATT, Carrie Chapman (Mrs. Geo. W. Catt), 2 West 86th St., N.Y. City.
Lecturer; b. Ripon, Wis.; dau. Lucios and Maria (Clinton) Lane; ed. Iowa State Coll., Ames, Iowa; m. George W. Catt, For 4 years pres. National Woman Suffrage Ass'n; 9 years pres. International Woman Suffrage Alliance and still pres., reelected at meeting at Budapest, 1913. Clubs: Brooklyn Woman's, Brooklyn Woman Suffrage Ass'n, New York Equal Suffrage League, College League, Woman Suffrage Party. Written many pamphlets on woman suffrage.
CATTERALL, Helen Honor Tunnicliff (Mrs. Ralph C. H. Catterall), 5 Central Av., Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
Born Macomb, Ill., Mar. 3, 1870; dau. Damon G. and Sarah A. (Bacon) Tunnicliff; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa), '89; honorary fellow in Political Science, Univ. of Chicago, 1893-94; m. Macomb, Ill., June 24, 1896, Ralph C. H. Catterall; one son: Ralph Tunnicliff Catterall. Admitted to Ill. Bar in 1896; has never practised. Director of Children's Home, Ithaca, N.Y. Author of The Municipal Code of Macomb,