in The House Beautiful; contributor to Life, Puck, Brooklyn Life, for 15 years; writer on Indianapolis Journal, 25 years, later Indianapolis News and Star; six years with Chicago Record and Detroit Free Press, as humor contributor; writer of much serious verse. Recreation: Walking. Favors woman suffrage.
CARLETON, Grace Haines, 302 E. Ann St., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Lawyer; b. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.; dau. Guy Haines and Christine (Kemp) Carleton; grad. Univ. of Mich., LL.B. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Federated Charities, Home Missionary Soc, Foreign Missionary Soc.; pres. Circle of King's Daughters. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Board of Directors Ann Arbor Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Order Eastern Star, Ann Arbor Art Ass'n, Woman's Club of Ann Arbor.
CARLETON, Lillian Stewart (Mrs. John Jay Carleton), 522 Fremont St., Iowa Falls, Iowa.
Born North Branch, Mich., May 15, 1873; dau. Robert James and Rhoda (Orr) Stewart; ed. Iowa Falls public schools and stenographic course in summer school of Ellsworth Coll. (never used it professionally); m. Iowa Falls, Iowa, May 23, 1904, John Jay Carleton; children: Wendell Stewart, b. June 19, 1906; John Robert, b. Oct. 17, 1908. Taught district school one year; was salaried church singer for a few years in home town and later sang soprano solos in M.E. Church at Vancouver, B.C. Interested in the work of all the seven church denominations of home town, though mem. of none; assists all church and philanthropic societies. Mem. City Federation of Women's Clubs and was delegate to district biennial convention of Iowa Federation at Cedar Falls. Mem. Progress Club (literary).
CARMICHAEL, Annie Darling Cole (Mrs. Henry Carmichael), Maiden, Mass.
Composer; b. Portland, Me.; dau. Charles Octavius and Mary B. (Smith) Cole; ed. Portland public and private schools, academy, Gorham, Me., and Gorham Sem.; studied pianoforte under S. B. Mills, N.Y. City; m. N. Y. City, 1877, Prof. Henry Carmichael. Musical works consist of compositions for various instruments for large and small orchestras; songs: Remembrance; Gondellied; Mother's Old Song; O'er Loss of the Gains; With Scent of Roses; Dreams of Venice, etc. Mem. Woman's Auxiliary of the Malden Boys' Industrial Club, Malden; Woman's Guild of Workers for the Peabody Home for Crippled Children, Hyde Park, Mass.
CARNELL, Laura Horner, 2136 N. Camac St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Dean Temple Univ.; b. Philadelphia, Sept. 7, 1867; dau. Lafayette and Rebecca W. (Ayars) Carnell; ed. Philadelphia High School for Girls, Normal School, Temple Univ., A.B. Litt. D. Teacher in public schools; lady Prin. Temple Univ., Dean of the Univ. Corporation Temple Univ.; lecturer on the History of Art in Coll. of Liberal Arts, Temple Univ. Mem. B'd of Managers, The Samaritan Hospital. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Art and Intellect; How to be Efficient as a Social Manager; Home Ownership; The Domestic Manager as a Social Manager; Competency in Women; Religion in Its Influence Upon the Higher Life of Woman, etc. Baptist. Mem. Am. Acad. Political and Social Science, Nat. Education Ass'n, Am. Historical Soc, Industrial Education Ass'n. Recreations: Rowing, driving, walking.
CARNOCHAN, Janet, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.
Retired high school teacher; b. Stamford, Ont., Nov. 14, 1839; dau. James and Mary (Milroy) Carnochan, of Scottish ancestry; ed. public school, private school, Normal School, Toronto, private lessons; awarded certificate by Provincial Normal School, first B. Taught public school at 16 years of age in Niagara, after attending Normal School; taught in Brantford, Kingston and high school, Niagara, literature, history, French, etc. Sec. Missionary Soc; teacher of Sunday-school for 40 years; Bible Soc collector 40 years; sec, treas. and mem. Book Com. of Public Library; sec and treas. Cemetery Com.; pres. Niagara Historical Soc for 16 years, and hon. mem. Ontario, Lundy's Lane and Woman's Toronto Historical Societies. Was chosen as one of 20 representative Canadian women at Chicago gathering. Believes in woman suffrage. Author: Centennial of St. Mark's: Centennial of St. Andrew's Church, and various historical pamphlets as Gen. Brock; Count de Puisaye; Robert Gourley; Inscriptions and Graves; Niagara a Hundred Years Ago; Niagara Library, 1800-1820; Frontier Churches; Fort Niagara; also articles in magazines, poems, etc. Presbyterian. Liberal in politics. Mem. of historical societies in different places. Recreations: Walking, reading, golf, chess, botanizing. Mem. Monday Club, Literary Club, etc.
CARON, Nettie Clark (Mrs. George Gabriel Caron), 52 Davenport St., Detroit, Mich.
Born Detroit, Mich., June 1, 1864; dau. David Charles and Marcella (Shaw) Clark; ed. Detroit Female Sem. and public schools; m. Detroit, July 9, 1889, Dr. George Gabriel Caron; children: George Clark, b. Sept. 3, 1892; Margaret Elizabeth, b. Mar. 10, 1902. Interested in Cass Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church; sup't junior dep't: vice-pres. Foreign Missionary Soc. Mem. Chamber Music Soc; vice-pres. Drama League; vice-pres. Soc. for Study of Social Hygiene; mem. Twentieth Century, Diversity and Parliamentary Law Clubs; vice-pres. Mich. Children's Home Soc. (Detroit board), Detroit Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage; vice-chairman Wayne Co. Organization: mem. College Equal Suffrage Club. Methodist. Mem. P.E.O. Soc, Anti-Tuberculosis Soc, Girls' Protective League.
CARPENTER, Alice, 71 E. Fifty-fourth St., N.Y. City.
National organizer National Progressive Party; b. Chicago, Feb. 28, 1875; dau. George Nathaniel and Agnes (Williams) Carpenter; entered Smith, Class of '97; one year at Barnard, and one year at Radcliffe (Gamma Phi Beta). Worked with Associated Charities, and three years in settlement work at Elizabeth Peabody House, Boston. Mem. College Club, Boston; Nat. Progressive Club, N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage; chairman Finance Com. and organizer, and now temporary sec. of Suffrage Com. of Nat. Progressive Party.
CARPENTER, Clara Cornell (Mrs. R. Reid Carpenter), 125 Marion Av., Mansfield, O.
Born Youngstown, O., June 21, 1860; dau. A. B. and Roselia M. (Prentiss) Cornell; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '82; m. Oct. 22, 1889, R. Reid Carpenter; children: Helen C, Jeannette Reid, Clara Prentiss, Amy Elizabeth. Taught in high schools several years before marriage. Served as sec of the Hospital Board for several years; has been sec. of the Board of Trustees of the Memorial Library of Mansfield for five years. Mem. Daughters of the Revolution; served as regent two years; pres. Travelers' Club. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. Republican.
CARPENTER, Cora, 1014 Rockton Av., Rockford, Ill.
Teacher; b. Rockford, Ill., Nov. 20, 1858; dau. Monroe and Mary Louise (Cleveland) Carpenter; ed. public and private schools, Rockford, Ill.; grad. Rockford Sem. (now college), '78. Teacher in public and private schools. Recreations: Riding and rowing. Greater part of teaching was in private school conducted, 1882-99, by her mother, who was county sup't of schools of Winnebago Co., Ill., 1873-82.
CARPENTER, Fanny Hallock (Mrs. Philip Carpenter), 85 Berkeley Av., Yonkers, N.Y.
Lawyer; b. Rainbow, Conn.; dau. Thomas H. and Eliza (Hallock) Rouse; ed. Mills Sem., Cal., and N.Y. Univ. Law School, LL.B. '96; m. West Winsted, Conn., Sept. 3, 1880, Philip Carpenter. Admitted to N.Y. State Bar 1897; practiced law about eight years; first woman to win a case in the Court of Appeals of the State of N.Y., Ex-pres. N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, of Sorosis (N.Y. City), of Nat. Soc. of New England Women, and of Women Lawyers' Club (N.Y.
City); mem. Woman's Press Club, D.A.R., Nat.