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ass't professor 1912; vice-warden, Royal Victoria Coll., since 1907. Public lecturer in Montreal, Ottawa, etc. On the board of the University Settlement. Favors woman suffrage. Has written occasional articles in the University Magazine (ed. Dr. Macphail, Montreal) and Canadian Magazine (Toronto); co-editor with Dr. J. W. Cunliffe of Poems of the Romantic Revival. Presbyterian. Mem. Alumnae (McGill), Women's Canadian Club.

CAMP, Constance Graham (Mrs. Harry Finley Camp), Cogswell, N.Dak.

Born Lexington, Ill., Mar. 14, 1878; dau. Dr. J. C. and Mauvia (Fell) Graham (dau. Dr. Jonas Fell); grad. La Porte City (Ia.) High School, '95; Iowa State Teachers Coll., Cedar Falls, Ia., B.S. '97; m. La Porte, Ia., Oct. 30, 1901, Harry Finley Camp. Primary teacher, La Porte City, Ia., 1898; seventh grade teacher, Cresco, Ia., 1899-1901. Pres. Cogswell Literary Club, 1910-13; chairman Educational Com. of Sixth Dist. N.Dak. Fed. of Women's Clubs; sec. of Concord Round Table, Anamosa, Ia., 1902. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Neotrophian Soc., I.S.T.C., hon. mem. W.C.T.U.

CAMPBELL, Annabel Thompson, Albion, Ill.

Born Albion, Ill., Jan. 31, 1856; dau. Francis Burdette and Jane (Bawman) Thompson; ed. Albion public schools, Univ. of Ind.; m. Dec. 17, 1878, Albion, Ill., Joseph McCown Campbell; children: Bruce A., Winifred, Joseph F., Jane Bird, Mary Emabel, Nigel Dobell. Interested in social and musical matters. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Order Eastern Star, Albion Shakespeare Club, Twentieth Century Shakespeare Club.

CAMPBELL, Catherine Mary, care of Board of Protestant School Commissioners, Montreal, Que., Can.

Teacher; b. Dalesville Co., Argenteuil Que., May 4, 1887; dau. John and Christina (Dewar) Campbell); ed. Lachute Acad, (won three scholarships); McGill Normal, grad. 1906 (was gold medalist and valedictorian). Has taught under Protestant Board of Montreal, in Hochelaga and Dufferin schools. During her first five years of teaching, while she was in charge of the second year class in the Hochelaga school, the disastrous fire occurred in that school, in which the principal, Miss Sarah Maxwell, and sixteen little children lost their lives. When the fire was discovered, escape from Miss Campbell's class room on the floor, by the stairway, was already cut off, but her pupils and some who had come from the kindergarten escaped through a window. Later, she and two other surviving teachers received medals from the parents of the children; she was also presented with a medal from the people of Argenteuil, her own county, and a locket from the children of Fairmount, a large school in the north end of the city. Baptist.

CAMPBELL, Caroline Portman (Mrs. H. J. Campbell), 37 Prospect Av. N.E., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Born Marshall, Mar. 2, 1857; dau. Rev. James Gilson and Caroline (Miner) Portman; ed. in public schools and seminary; m. Marshall, Mich., Jan. 18, 1879, Hon. James H. Campbell; one daughter: Enid (died). One of the founders of Bissell House Settlement. Interested in State historical work. Mem. State and local historical societies, Grand Rapids Art Ass'n, Colonial Dames of America, U.S. Daughters of 1812, Mt. Vernon Soc.; founder Daughters of Mich. Pioneers; regent Sophie de Marsac Campau Chapter D.A.R. (honorary life regent); pres. Mich. State Fed. of Art. Mem. ladies' literary club, The Reviewers; associate mem. St. Cecelia Soc. Episcopalian. Has voted on all permitted propositions, but does not favor universal suffrage.

CAMPBELL, Clara Green (Mrs. William James Campbell). 715 Court St., Port Huron, Mich.

Born Bangor, Me.; dau. Josiah Wesley and Eulalia P. (Luce) Green; ed. Univ. of Maine, Orono, Me.; Bangor (Me.) High School (mem. Alpha Omicron Pi); m. Bangor, Me., Jan. 18, 1906, Rev. William James Campbell; one daughter: Louise. Librarian before marriage; organized libraries and was librarian of Bangor Theological Seminary. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Annex Tuesday Club, Port Huron, Mich. Chairman of Com. on Charities and Corrections, Mich. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Grand Council mem. of Alpha Omicron Pi, and was its delegate to Pan-Hellenic Congress.

CAMPBELL, Dorothy Iona, Hamilton, Canada,

Golf champion; b. in Edinburgh, Scotland; British golf champion, 1909-11; U.S. golf champion, 1909-10; Scottish golf champion, 1905-06-08; Canadian golf champion, 1910-11-12.

CAMPBELL, Mrs. Eleanor Goodrich, "Gladwyn," Pomfret, Conn.

Born Yokohama, Japan, Oct. 19, 1876; dau. Caspar Frederick and Eleanor (Milnor) Goodrich; m. Annapolis, Md., June 1, 1901, Douglas Campbell, of New York. Against woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. York Club of N.Y.

CAMPBELL, Elizabeth, 3550 Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Physician; b. Ripley, O., Feb. 3, 1862; dau. William Byington and Mary D. (Leavill) Campbell; ed. Univ. of Mich., Univ. of Cincinnati A.B., M.D. (Alpha Epsilon Iota). Prof. medicine in Laura Memorial Coll. Mem. Medical staff Christ Hospital and mem. of Am. Med. Ass'n. Pres. Visiting Nurse Ass'n. Contributor to medical journals. Presbyterian. Has frequently lectured on Social Hygiene. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Acad. of Medicine, Cincinnati.

CAMPBELL, Harriet Parker (Mrs. John Campbell), 1401 Gilpin St., Denver, Colo.

Born Grinnell, Iowa, Mar. 3, 1857; dau. Leonard Fletcher Parker (prof. and D.D.) and Sarah Candace (Pearse) Parker; grad. State Univ. of Iowa at Iowa City, A.B. '79, M.A. '82 (Phi Beta Kappa); studied Greek and political economy at Hochschule and University, Leipzig, Germany, 1879-80; m. Iowa City, June 28, 1881, John Campbell (later Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Colorado). Instructor in Greek one year in State Univ. of Iowa. Taught German at different times, had charge of a dep't in small newspaper in Colorado Springs for one year. One of founders of Boys' Club in Colorado Springs; deaconess in First Congregational Church there for several years. Congregationalist. Republican. Mem. Denver Chapter Regent, State regent and vice-pres. Gen. Nat. Soc. D.A.R. from Colorado and on several committees; mem. Soc. of Colonial Dames; pres. of Denver Fortnightly Club and of Deutsche Damen. Attended lectures six months at the German, English and American schools of archaeology in Athens, Greece.

CAMPBELL, Helen Stuart (Mrs.), 9 Walnut St., Boston, Mass.

Author, social reformer; b. Lockport, N.Y., 1839; ed. schools of Lockport, N.Y., and in the Gammell School at Warren, R.I. Began career as writer of juvenile stories, writing among other books the Ainslie Series (four vols.), Girls' Handbook of Work and Play, etc. Later devoted to problems of philanthropy and social reform, writing upon these subjects the books: Prisoners of Poverty; Prisoners of Poverty Abroad; Some Passages in the Practice of Dr. Martha Scarborough; Women Wage Earners; Problem of the Poor; Darkness and Daylight in New York, etc. Has also been special lecturer on sociological themes in Univ. of Wis., and was prof. in State Agricultural Coll. of Kansas., 1895-99. Author also of books on domestic economy: In Foreign Kitchens; The Easiest Way in Housekeeping; Household Economics. Books of fiction: Six Sinners; His Grandmothers; Roger Berkeley's Probation; Miss Melinda's Opportunity; Mrs. Herndon's Income; The What-to-do Club; Under Green Apple Boughs; Unto the Third and Fourth Generation; Patty Pearson's Box; Balentyne. Also author of biographical work: Ann Bradstreet and Her Times.

CAMPBELL, Henrietta Foster Crosman (Mrs. Maurice Campbell), office 133 W. Forty-second St., N.Y. City.

Actress; b. Wheeling, W.Va., Sept 2, 1866; dau. George Hampden and Mary (Nick) Cros-

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