used by same organization. Mem. Tourist Club, Jackson Literary and Art Ass'n. Recreations: Walking, rowing, swimming, dancing and motoring. Mem. D.A.R. Baptist. Mem. Jackson Equal Suffrage Ass'n.
BUMPUS, Marie Louise (Mrs. Everett C. Bumpus), Quincy, Mass., and 179 Goffe St. and Fallowfields, Windsor, Mass.
Art lecturer; b. Canandaigua, N.Y.; dau. John Stevens and Anna Maria (Upham) Bates; ed. private school in Canandaigua, N.Y.; one year at Packer Collegiate Inst., later grad. Yale School of Fine Arts, then studied in Paris with Bouguereau; m. N.Y. City, April 23, 1889, Judge Everett C. Bumpus, of Boston, Mass.; children: Morris Everett, b. April 10, 1890; Foster Cushman, b. May 2, 1892. Was resident art teacher at Smith Coll., Northampton, Mass., 1884-88. Translated for the Grolier Co., N.Y.: Jean et Jeanette, by Théophile Gautier; Paul Bornfit's Pastels de Femmes, also miscellaneous magazine articles. Episcopalian. Mem. Mass. Soc. Colonial Dames of America, Mass. Soc. Daughters of Colonial Governors, Copley Soc. (art), Quincy Woman's Club.
BUMSTEAD, Anna Hoit (Mrs. Horace Bumstead), 91 St. Paul St., Brookline, Mass.
Born North Conway, N.H., Oct. 22, 1848; dau. Albert Gallatin and Susan Ann (Hanson) Hoit; ed. public and private schools in North Conway and Hanover, N.H., and Castleton, Vt.; m. North Conway, N.H., Jan. 9, 1872, Rev. Horace Bumstead; children: Arthur, Albert, Ralph, Richard, Dorothy. Actively interested for many years in the educational advancement of colored people. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. After marriage lived first in Minneapolis, where her husband was pastor of the Second Congregational Church; then for many years in Atlanta, Ga., where he was pres. of Atlanta Univ.; served as Northern sec. of Atlanta Univ., 1894-1905, with special reference to the financial interests; traveled in Europe, 1905-06, and since her husband's retirement, 1907, has lived in Brookline, Mass.
BUNGE, Sarah Emily Wheeler (Mrs. George William Bunge), 417 S. Fourteenth St., La Crosse, Wis.
Born Wisconsin; grad. Rockford Coll., B.A. '98; m. George William Bunge (lawyer); three children (one deceased). Congregationalist; active in missionary and social work. Mem. Alumnae Ass'n of Rockford Coll.; treas. local council D.A.R. Mem. Homer Club.
BUNKER, Annie Jerina Ellers (Mrs. D. A. Bunker), Seoul, Korea.
Medical missionary; grad. Rockford (Ill.) Coll., A.B. '81; Training School for Nurses of Boston (Mass.) City Hospital, '84, and afterward studied medicine; m. Seoul, Korea, 1887, Rev. D. A. Bunker (of the Royal College). Sent by Presbyterian Board of Missions to work as medical missionary among the women of Korea, 1884. Soon became the friend and confidant of the Queen and was her medical attendant until the tragic murder of the Queen in 1885. Active in educational, missionary and medical work in Korea; has three times visited the United States since becoming a missionary.
BUNKER, Daisy Davenport Bryan (Mrs. Charles Bunker), Manila, P.I.
Born Savannah, Ga., Jan. 4, 1879; dau. John M. and Susannah (Davenport) Bryan; ed. Edeghill, Va.; Miss Cary's School, Baltimore, Md.; m. Savannah, Ga., April 29, 1903, Capt. Charles Bunker, U.S. Army. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Democrat. Mem. D.A.R.
BUNKER, Elizabeth Johnson (Mrs. Francis Marion Bunker), Woodstock, Ill.
Born Woodstock, Ill., June 28, 1855; dau. Orvis Samuel and Esther (Powers) Johnson; ed. Woodstock High School; m. Woodstock, Ill., June 28, 1876, Francis Marion Bunker; children: George Tracy, Blanche Caroline, Park Johnson, Alice Martha, Eugene Frances, Donald Columbus. Universalist. Recreation: Traveling. Pres. Woman's Club; mem. Chautauqua and other literary clubs.
BUNKER, Marie Rowland, Overbrook, Philadelphia, Pa.
Literary assistant; b. Philadelphia; dau. William Benton and Camille Lewees (Rowland) Bunker; ed. Philadelphia High School; received scholarship to Bryn Mawr Coll., grad. A.B. '07; A.M. '08; grad. student, 1907-10. Taught English, French and German in Philadelphia High School, 1910-12. Now private literary ass't to Dr. J. B. Esenwein, editor of Lippincott's Magazine, and author of many books on fiction writing, etc. Episcopalian.
BUNTING, Florence M., 5 Stratford Road, Winchester, Mass.
Born Chelsea, Mass., Jan. 26, 1879; dau. James F. and Carrie M. (Nickles) Bunting; ed. Chelsea High School, '98; Wellesley, B.A. '02. Treas. and mem. board of directors of Junior Charity Club of Boston since it foundation in 1904; mem. Winchester Fortnightly Club (served on Art Com., 1910-11); treas. Guild of St. Cross of the Church of the Epiphany, 1903-04; treas. of nearly all the large annual events (bazaars and plays) given by the Junior Charity Club in Boston for the Woman's Charity Club Hospital in Roxbury. Furnished and named a room at the Woman's Charity Club Hospital, Roxbury, for the Junior Charity Club; mem. Drama League of Boston. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Winchester Equal Suffrage League. Episcopalian.
BUNTING, Martha, The Newport, Spruce and Sixteenth Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.
Scientific research; b. Philadelphia, Dec. 2, 1861; dau. Samuel and Susan Lloyd (Andrews) Bunting; ed. Swarthmore Coll., B.L. '81; Univ. of Pa., 1888-91; Bryn Mawr, 1891-93, Ph.D. '93; Wood's Hole, Mass., 1892, 1893, 1899; Columbia, 1898-99. Instructor biology, Goucher Coll., 1893-97; head teacher biology, Girls' High School, Philadelphia, 1897-98; assistant teacher biology, Wadleigh High School, N.Y. City, 1900-12; Carnegie research assistant to Dr. Edward Tyson Reichert; professor of physiology, Univ. of Pa., 1912-, and associate of Carnegie Institution. Author: Origin of Sex Cells in Hydractinia and Podocoryne, with Development of Hydractinia; Significance of the Oboliths for the Geotropic Functions of Astacus; Structure of the Cork Tissues in Roots of Some Rosaceous Genera. Mem. A.A.A.S., Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Somerville Literary Soc. (Swarthmore), Alumnae Socs. of Swarthmore and Bryn Mawr, College Club (Philadelphia), Good Government Club (Philadelphia). Against woman suffrage. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church.
BUNZL, Carrie Elizabeth Goble, 155 West 75th St., N.Y. City.
Born Orange Co., N.Y., Nov. 6, 1865; dau. Nathan and Mary Caroline (Duryea) Goble; grad. Normal Coll., N.Y. City, with honorable mention, '85 (mem. Graduate Club); m. Nov. 6, 1888, Ernest Bunzl; children: Regina Carolyn Bunzl White, Ernest Everett. Critic teacher, Normal Coll., N.Y. City. Treas. Chapin Home for the Aged and Infirm; vice-pres. Universalist Women's Alliance; director City Federation Hotel for Working Girls; treas. Graduate Club of Normal Coll.; representative of Asso. Alumnae of Normal Coll; cor. sec. Woman's Republican Ass'n, N.Y. City; treas. Woman's Republican Ass'n of State of N.Y.; mem. D.A.R., Child Welfare Com., Woman's Titanic Memorial Com. Universalist (Church of the Divine Paternity). Recreations: Sailing, motoring.
BURBERRY, Martha Dashiell (Mrs. F. S. Burberry, Indianola, Iowa.
Born Hartford, Ia., Jan. 15, 1865; dau. Mark A. and Louisiana (Noble) Dashiell; ed. Simpson Coll., Indianola, Ia. (mem. Pi Beti Phi); m. Indianola, Ia., June 28, 1893, F. S. Burberry. Active in church, Sunday school and choir work. Chairman of social com. of Woman's Club. Sec. local board of Iowa Children's Home. Active in social duties and philanthropies as carried on through the home and State federated clubs. Presbyterian. Mem. P.E.O. Soc. Recreations: Walking, motoring, physical culture exercises, informal society affairs. Clubs: Shakespeare, Woman's, Thimble, Musical Guild.