BUGBEE, Marion L., 17 Merrimac St., Concord, N.H.
Physician; b. Hartford, Vt., Sept. 2, 1871; dau. Jonathan and Ellen (Lewis) Bugbee; ed. Tilton (N.H.) Sem.; grad. Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children, M.D. '97, followed by post-graduate and clinical study at N Y. Post-Graduate School and Hospital, N.Y. City. Began professional practice at White River, Vt., in 1898; since 1907 physician in charge of the New Hampshire Memorial Hospital for Women and Children. Mem. Am. Medical Ass'n, New Hampshire Med. Soc, White River Med. Soc, etc.
BUGG, Leila Hardin, Wichita, Kan.
Author; b. Ironton, Mo.; ed. in the Ursuline Acad. at Arcadia, Mo., followed by special studies under private tutition, a course in Trinity Coll., Washington, D.C., and European travel. Author: Correct English; The Correct Thing for Catholics; The Lady—Manners and Social Usages; Orchids (novel); People of Our Parish; The Prodigal's Daughter; Little Book of Wisdom.
BUHRER, Marguerite Paterson (Mrs. Stephen Buhrer), 4606 Franklin Av., Cleveland, Ohio.
Born N.Y. City, May 1, 1868; dau. William and Anna (Marshall) Paterson; ed. Cleveland public schools; m. Cleveland, Mar. 29, 1890, Stephen Buhrer. Chairman Legislative Com. for Congress of Mothers, working for the Mothers' Pension Bill for the State of Ohio. Pres. Home Missionary Soc; pres. Cleveland Congress of Mothers; pres. Cleveland Council of Women; State pres. Housewives' League of America. Mem. Cleveland Literary Guild, Cleveland Emerson Class, Health Protective Ass'n; patriotic instructor Woman's Relief Corps G.A.R. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. State Central Com., chairman of ward; chairman Enrollment State Com.; pres. Equal Franchise Soc. Independent (progressive) in politics.
BULKLEY, Mary Ezit, 5906 Clemens Av., St. Louis, Mo.
Bookbinder; dau. P. C. and Mary (Moody) Bulkley; ed. St. Louis High School; School of Fine Arts; N.Y. Metropolitan School of Art, Cooper Union, Strikeman's Bindery. Mem. Neighborhood Ass'n (settlement), Civic League; chairman of Com. on Industrial Condition of Central Council of Social Agencies; chairman Propaganda Com. of Mo. Equal Suffrage League. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Artists' Guild, Players' Club, Wednesday Club, Town Club.
BULL, Cornelia Wilcox (Mrs. Henry Adsit Bull), 80 Rumsey Road, Buffalo, N.Y.
Born Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 4, 1880; dau. Ansley and Cornelia C. (Rumsey) Wilcox; ed. private school in Buffalo and Rosemary Hall (boarding school); m. Buffalo, 1901, Henry Adsit Bull; children: Katherine, Henry Adsit Jr., Marian. Interested in various philanthropic societies and in all that pertains to primary education; founder of the Park School, an open-air institute, aiming to provide ideal physical, mental and spiritual conditions for the education of children under 14 (now pres. board of trustees). Favors woman suffrage. Author of pamphlet on the new ideals of primary education, entitled As Little Children, and poems publisher in magazines. Mem. Consumers' League and of board of managers of Watson House (Settlement).
BULL, Elizabeth A., 200 W. Ninety-ninth St., N.Y. City.
Born Indianapolis, Ind.; dau. George P. and Harriet (Morris) Anderson; ed. Indianapolis, Ind.; in. Indianapolis, June 24, 1873; children: Ethel B., b. April 17, 1879; George S., b. Feb. 17. 1879. Mem. Daughters of Indiana (charter mem.). Favors woman suffrage. Mem. New Thought Church.
BULL, Mary Louisa, Lindon Hills, Rural Route No. 2, Minneapolis. Minn.
Instructor in home economics; b. Edina, Minn., April 4, 1863; dau. James A. and Mary E. (Cornstock) Bull; ed. country school; Minneapolis graded School of Agriculture, St. Paul, Minn.; Belleville Acad., N.Y. (hon. mem. Phi Upsilon Omicron). Taught country school three years; assistant instructor Domestic Science Dep't, School of Agriculture of Minn., 14 years; Farmers' Inst., home economics dep't extension division, Minn. Favors woman suffrage. Author of bulletin on Domestic Science in Rural School; articles for papers and home economics bulletins. Mem. Grange, Minn. Branch of Internat. Farm Woman's Press Ass'n.
BULL, Sally Franklin Wainwright (Mrs. Henry Tilghman Bull), Fort Riley, Kan.
Born Washington, D.C., July 1, 1882; dau. Dallas Bache and Rosa Gertrude (Kendig) Wainwright; ed. public schools of Washington, D.C.; m. Washington, D.C, April 5, 1904, Henry Tilghman Bull, U.S.A.; one daughter: Elizabeth Wainwright. Favors woman suffrage.
BULLARD, Carrie—see Lewis, Carrie Bullard.
BULLIS, Jeannette, Cleveland, Ohio.
Educator; b. Charleston, N.Y., June 21, 1876; dau. S. Francis and Jennie Woods Bullis; grad. Teachers' Coll., Columbia Univ., '06. Made investigations of trade conditions in N.Y. and Cleveland, organized trade schools. Pres. Co-operative Employment Bureau. Author of magazine articles on Vocational and Trade Training. Mem. Saturday Evening Club (civic). Episcopalian.
BULLITT, Margaret Emmons (Mrs. James Fry Bullitt), Ridgeway, 2220 Chestnut St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Born St. Louis, Mo.; dau. George B. and Martha Jane (Davis) Emmons; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis, Mo.; the Misses Masters' School, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., and St. Louis Normal School. Kindergarten director; m. Boston, 1897, Rev. James Fry Bullitt; children: Martha Davis, Margaret Emmons, Priscilla Christian, Janet Laughorne. Taught two years in Philadelphia. Had special training as teacher of the primary Sunday-school under Miss Mabel Wilson of St. Louis and has started ten different classes for little children with this system in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts during the last seventeen years. Author: The Story of the Christ. Episcopalian. Recreations: Reading, sewing, swimming, automobiling. Mem. Harrisburg Civic Club, Harrisburg Country Club.
BULLOCK, Florence Gertrude, 74 Harris Av., Woonsocket, R.I.
Born Woonsocket, R.I., Sept. 22, 1875; dau. Richmond and Gertrude (Cook) Bullock; ed. Woonsocket High School and Woodside Sem., Hartford, Conn. Regent Woonsocket Chapter D.A.R.; primary sup't Universalist Sunday-school; treas. Woonsocket Day Nursery and Children's Home; State pres. Woman's Universalist Missionary Ass'n of R.I. ; mem. Board, Woonsocket Fortnightly Club; mem. Woonsocket Mission Circle, D.A.R., Cumberland Gulf Club, Winnesuket Golf Club.
BULLOCK, Helena M. C. (Mrs. Charles J. Bullock), 183 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass.
Born Middlebury, Vt., Jan. 4, 1872; dau. Clinton and Alice M. (White) Smith; ed. Syracuse Univ. (mem. Alpha Phi); m. June 22, 1895, Charles J. Bullock; one daughter: Grace Helena, b. Sept. 4, 1903. Mem. Boston Browning Soc; treas. Women's Aid Ass'n of Cambridge Hospital; ass't sup't of Primary Dep't of Sunday-school of First Congregational Church. Mem. Exec. Com. of Cambridge Branch of Ass'n Opposed to Further Extension of Suffrage to Women. Supporting mem. Visiting Nurses' Ass'n, Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n, Avon Home for Children, Aged People's Home. Congregationalist. Mem. Syracuse Alumnae, Boston Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Phi. Mem. Boston College Club.
BULSON, Florence J. (Mrs. A. E. Bulson), 1004 Francis St., Jackson, Mich.
Born Paw Paw, Mich., 1858; dau. O. A. and Ermina (Rogers) Breck; ed. Paw Paw High School and Mich. Normal Coll.; m. Dec 11, 1878, Dr. A. E. Bulson; children: Florence A., Glenn Allen, Agnes Erminie. Taught school two years; editor Mich. Club Bulletin; sup't primary dep't of Sunday-school 12 years. Served as sec. and director of Mich. Federation of Woman's Clubs, two years each; chairman of various standing committees 15 years; designed state badge (pin)