ginning work spring 1911; instructor, Summer School of Psychology. Interested in general social service movement, public schools, Socialist Party, Eugenics movement. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman's Trade Union League, Woman's Political Union, Socialist Party, Intercollegiate Socialist Soc (sec. N.Y. Alumni Chapter for two years). Has written a book on School Feeding—Its Organization and Practice at Home and Abroad, 1912, and magazine articles on various problems of Child Hygiene, School Feeding and Eugenics. Mem. Alumnse Ass'n of Smith Coll., Public Education Ass'n of Philadelphia, Home Economics Ass'n of America, Biological Soc. of Smith Coll. (alumnae); mem. exec. com. of Philadelphia School Lunch Com., and sec. of National School Lunch Com. Recreations: Walking, swimming, tennis, canoeing, camping, reading. Mem. Social Workers' Club of Philadelphia.
BRYANT, Martha Lyman (Mrs. William Schier Bryant), Cohasset, Mass.
Born Philadelphia, Pa., May 17, 1860; dau. James Sitgreaves and Mary Fullerton (Hazard) Cox; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '84 (mem. Alpha Soc; m. Sept. 1, 1887, Dr. William Schier Bryant; children: Mary Cleveland, Elizabeth Schier, Alice de Vermandois, Julia Cox, Gladys, William Schier Jr (died July, 1912). Interested in Sunday-school work. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Intercollegiate Socialist Soc, Cohasset Social Service, Colonial Dames of America. Mem. Ardnamurchan Club.
BRYANT, Sara Cone — see Borst, Sara Cone Bryant.
BRYANT, Shirley E. MacManus (Mrs. Frederick S. Bryant), 433 Portland Av., St. Paul, Minn.
Born St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 17, 1868; dau. Thomas Saville and Ida Amelia (Burgess) MacManus; m. St. Paul, Minn., June 28, 1888, Frederick Stewart Bryant; children: Stewart Frederick (midshipsman, U.S. Navy), Gordon Spencer, Kathryn Shirley. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage.
BRYDEN, Lucy Annette, 1114 Madison Av., Baltimore, Md.
Graduate nurse; b. Stoughton, Mass., Nov. 12, 1875; dau. Ewen and Lucy A. (Gay) Bryden; ed. Howard Sem., West Bridgewater, Mass.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '98; Johns Hopkins Hospital, graduating as nurse.
BUCHANAN, Anna F. (Mrs. Charles J. Buchanan), 3017 Talbott Av., Indianapolis, Ind.
Born in Missouri, April 12, 1858; dau. Henry Beeson and Orpha A. (Tyler) Flanner; ed. in high school; m. Indianapolis, Sept. 3, 1884, Charles J. Buchanan; children: Albert F., Paul H. Pres. Y.W.C.A. Teacher of two neighborhood Bible classes; treas. State Congregational Benevolent Soc; pres. of Foreign Missionary Soc of First Congregational Church. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Art Ass'n, Old Ladies' Home. Clubs: Research (federated), Social Service.
BUCHANAN, Helen Davis, 2101 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill.
Child welfare worker; b. Joliet, Ill., Nov. 13, 1890; dau. William Penn and Rebecca (Dryer) Buchanan (father second cousin of Pres. James Buchanan; mother descendant of Christopher Greene, who came over in the Mayflower, and was also ancestor of Gen. Nathaniel Greene of Revolutionary fame); ed. Lewis Inst. and Chicago Univ. Interested in the child welfare work in the Chicago commons settlement, as pres. of the Matheon Club, which supports the Matheon Day Nursery located there. Baptist. Republican (Progressive). Mem. Matheon Children's Beneut League, Juvenile Protection League, Drama League. Favors woman suffrage.
BUCHANAN, Isabella Reid (Mrs. John C. Buchanan), 2218 Fourth Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn.
Bible and parliamentary law teacher; b. Lomira, Wis., Oct. 9, 1857; dau. William and Margaret (Grant) Reid; grad. Fond du Lac (Wis.) High School, 1873, and self-taught through European travel, Women's Study Clubs and Univ. extension lectures; grad. Internat. Sunday-School Ass'n, Bible courses; m. Fond du Lac, Wis., Oct. 9, 1882, John C. Buchanan; one daughter: Margaret Reid (adopted). Teacher of Bible-study courses for Y.W.C.A., and Interdenominational Summer School of Missions, Interdenominational Sunday-school classes, Normal Institutes for Sunday-school sup'ts, heads of dep'ts and Normal teachers; courses in parliamentary law for women's clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Y.W.C.A.; charter mem. and pres. of Lewis Parliamentary Law Ass'n of Minneapolis; life mem. Congregational Missionary Soc; hon. mem. Woman's Auxiliary Homoeopathic Medical Ass'n of Minn. Charter mem. and honorary pres. Tourist Club, Minneapolis; founder and honorary mem. Travelers' Club; founder and honorary mem. of the Ramblers' Club; charter mem. Pioneers of Minnesota Fed. of Women's Clubs.
BUCHWALTER, Mary Knox, 3315 Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Principal private school; b. Clinton, N.Y., Nov. 24, 1862; dau. Charles Eugene Knox, D.D., and Sarah (Fake) Knox; ed. Burnham School, Northampton, Mass., Smith Coll., A.B. '85 (mem. Alpha Soc); m. Cincinnati, July 22, 1909, Morris Lyon Buckwalter. Teacher in N.Y. City, 1888-'96; registrar Smith Coll., 1896-1901, Barnard Coll., N.Y., 1901-04; prin. Knox School for Girls, Lakewood, N.J., 1904-09. Mem. Board of Cincinnati Kindergarten Training School; mem. Board of Cincinnati Woman's Club. Presbyterian. Mem. MacDowell Club and Women's Univ. Club (N.Y. City), Cincinnati Woman's Club and College Club, Cincinnati.
BUCK, Florence, 25 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.
Minister; b. Kalamazoo, Mich., July 19, 1860; dau. Samuel Pierce and Lucy (Reasoner) Buck; ed. Baptist Coll., Kalamazoo; Meadville (Pa.) Theological School; one year post-grad, work in Manchester Coll. and Oxford Univ., England, in 1892-93. Minister associate with Rev. Marion Murdoch in Unity Church, Cleveland, Ohio, 1893-99 (in Europe 1899-1900); minister, Kenosha, Wis., 1901-10, during which ministry the congregation built a $60,000 church; minister Alameda, Cal., Jan. 1, 1911, to Sept. 8, 1912; now associate sec of Religious Education Dep't of Am. Unitarian Ass'n, Boston, and editor of the Beacon (paper for children). Specially interested in philanthropic work as part of professional activity. Helped establish public playgrounds, associated charity work, etc Favors woman suffrage; was voter in Cal., where helped, as speaker, to secure suffrage; mem. State board and local board of Cal. Civic League. Unitarian. Lecturer for women's clubs in Chicago and Wisconsin.
BUCK, Gertrude, Vassar Coll., Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Prof. English, Vassar Coll.; b. Kalamazoo, Mich., July 14, 1871; dau. George Machan and Anna (Bradford) Buck; ed. Univ. of Mich., B.S. '94; M.S. '95; Ph.D. '98 (mem. Alpha Phi). Fellow in English Univ. of Chicago, 1895; ass't in English, 1896; instructor Vassar Coll., 1897-1901; asso. prof., 1901-07; prof. English Vassar Coll. since 1907. Mem. D.A.R. and Socialist Party of N.Y. State. Author: Organic Education, 1899 (with Miss H. M. Scott); A Course in Expository Writing (with E. Woodbridge); A Course in Argumentation Writing; The Metaphor—A Study in the Psychology of Rhetoric; A Brief English Grammar (with Prof. F. N. Scott); Ruskin's Sesame and Lilies (in Longman's English Classics Series); A Course in Narrative Writing (with E. W. Morris). Episcopalian. Mem. the English Ass'n, Modern Language Ass'n of Am., Nat. Council of Teachers of English.
BUCK, Lillie West (Mrs. Franklin Howard Buck), The Roost, 265 Crescent Av., Norwood Park, Ill.
Critic of music, drama, art (pen-name "Amy Leslie"); b. Burlington, Ia.; dau. Albert and Kate Content (Webb) West; ed. St. Mary's Acad., Notre Dame, Ind., valedictorian class of 1874, gold medal academic course. Gold medal, Conservatory; vocal music, diploma (special); m. Chicago, 1884, Harry Brown (comedian); 1901, Franklin Howard Buck; one son: Francis