F. Stanley and Mary Louisa (Hall) Bradley; ed. schools of New Haven and Vassar Coll., B.A. (Phi Beta Kappa) '93; m. New Haven, Conn., Dec. 12, 1899, Philip Embury Browning (ass't prof. chemistry, Yale Univ.). Before marriage engaged as teacher in schools of New Haven, Conn., 1894-99. Cor. sec. New Haven Y.W.C.A.; cor. sec. New Haven Branch Woman's Board of Missions. Congregationalist. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, New Haven Lawn Club, Women's University Club of N.Y.
BROWNING, Sarah Perry, 29 Otis St., Norwich, Conn.
Christian Science practitioner; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '85; student of art at Adelphi Acad., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1885-86. Resident director, Roxbury House Settlement, Roxbury, Mass., 1900-06; Christian Science practitioner since 1907.
BROWNSCOMBE, Jennie Augusta, 96 Fifth Av., N.Y. City.
Artist; b. Honesdale, Pa.; dau. William and Elvira (Kennedy) Brownscombe; ed. high school, Honesdale, Pa.; studied art at Cooper Union and N.Y. School of Design for Women (received trustees' silver medal); at Nat. Acad., N.Y., received silver medals in antique and life schools; studied in Paris for one year with Henry Mosler. While a student of art made drawings for illustrated periodicals, Harper's and others. Three years later was exhibiting; four years later, went abroad. After return, pictures began to be reproduced in etching, engraving, photograving. Has exhibited in the Salon of Rome, and in the Royal Acad. of London. From time to time has exhibited in the Nat. Acad. and Water Color Soc. exhibitions in N.Y.; also in Philadelphia, Chicago and Western cities. Mem. Nat. Arts Club, Municipal Art Soc. and Scenic and Historic Preservation Soc.
BROWNSON, Mary Wilson, Pennsylvania College for Women, Pittsburgh; residence, Washington, Pa.
College professor; b. Washington, Pa.; dau. Rev. James Irwin (D.D., LL.D.) and Eleanor McCullough (Acheson) Irwin; ed. Washington (Pa.) Sem.; Pa. Coll. for Women, Pittsburgh, A.B. '94; Washington and Jefferson Coll., hon. A.M. '05; student in Univs. of Chicago, Wisconsin and Oxford, England. Mem. faculty of Pa. Coll. for Women, Pittsburgh, since 1886, holding chair of mathematics until 1899; since 1898 professor of Biblical literature, and since 1904 also professor modern European history in same college. Lecturer on historical subjects. Author: The Old Testament Story (four vols.); His Sister. Presbyterian. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, College Club of Pittsburgh.
BRUCE, Ada Bromilow (Mrs. J. A. Bruce), 699 Broadway, Everett, Mass,
Artist; b. Stayner, Canada, Nov. 28, 1881; dau. Edward and Ada J. (Butler) Lake; ed. Chicago schools; grad. Chicago Art Institute; spent a year in London and Paris; m. Boston, Mass., 1906, Dr. J. A. Bruce; one daughter: Ada Josephine Bruce. Received recognition by honorable mention several times during course. Mem. Friday Club of Everett, Mass., Art Students' League. Mem. Church of England.
BRUCE, Grace Adelle, 128 W. Eleventh St., N.Y. City.
Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '91; student chemistry, Smith Coll., 1891-94; pedagogy, Columbia Univ., 1902-03; mathematics, Cornell Summer School, 1903. Ass't in chemistry, Smith Coll., 1891-94; teacher of mathematics, Chelsea (Mass.) High School, 1894-98; head mathematics dep't of same since 1898. Mem. Smith College Alumnae Ass'n (vice-pres.), Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae.
BRUCHON, Gertrude Jones (Mrs. Ernest Charles Bruchon), 18 E. Park St., Newark, N.J.
Born Newark, N.J.; dau. Phineas Jones (Congressman) and Laura (Hamblet) Jones; ed. private schools; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '95, and in Art Students' League, N.Y. City; m. London, Eng., Ernest Charles Bruchon, native of Zurich, Switzerland; one daughter: Ernestine. Interested in club work; at one time pres. Fortnightly Club of East Orange, N.J. Mem. Newark Charitable Soc., Woman's University Club (N.Y. City). Presbyterian. Republican. Against woman suffrage.
BRUENING, Bertha M., Chemical Building, St. Louis, Mo.
Cashier Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co.; b. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 4, 1882; dau. Joseph and Katharine (Jeck) Bruening; ed. private schools in Louisville, Ky., and St. Louis, Mo.; Benton Coll., St. Louis, and St. Louis Univ., LL.B. '11. Interested in social movements for the betterment of conditions of women who are employed; now engaged in forming the Catholic Women's Club of St. Louis. Active in temperance movement among women; officer in Ladies' Auxiliary to the Knights of Father Mathew. Roman Catholic. Recreations: Athletics, amateur photography, historical reading. Mem. Women's Bar Ass'n of Missouri; first woman to receive a diploma from St. Louis Univ. Studied stenography at night, later took up the study of law in the evenings and was admitted to practice in both State courts of Missouri and U.S. courts in 1911. Does not favor woman suffrage.
BRUÈRE, Martha Bensley (Mrs. Robert W. Bruère), 206½ West Thirteenth St., N.Y. City.
Writer; b. Chicago, Ill.; dau. John R. and Augusta (Fuller) Bensley; ed. Vassar Coll., Art Inst. of Chicago, Univ. of Chicago; m. Olean, N.Y., Oct. 28, 1907, Robert W. Bruère. Mem. Socialist Party; Woman's Trade Union League. Author: Experiences of a Nursery Governess; The Workingman's Wife; Tales of Miranda; Home Efficiency (Co-author with Robert W. Bruère). Favors woman suffrage; mem. 25th Assembly District Woman's Suffrage Party, N.Y. City. Mem. Writers' Club, A Club, Socialist Press Club.
BRUMBAUGH, Catherine Elliott (Mrs. Catherine Elliott Brumbaugh), 905 Massachusetts Av., N.N., Washington, D.C.
Born Mansfield, Pa., June 15, 1868; dau. Dr. Charles W. and Mary Eleanor (Elliott) Brown; ed. Woman's Coll. and St. Ursula at Elmira, N.Y.; m. Elmira, Oct. 1, 1889, Dr. Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh; children: Charles Andrew, Marcus Morton (deceased), Elliott Frank. Registrar General Nat. Soc. D.A.R. Chaplain General Nat. Soc. D.A.R. Methodist. Mem. Woman's Home Missionary Soc, Daughters of 1812, Daughters of Founders and Patriots of Am., Mayflower Descendants, Livingston Manor Chapter D.A.R. Clubs: Wheel Club (connected with Crittenden rescue work), Woman's League of Nat. George, Jr., Republic, Abracadabra Club.
BRUNCKHORST, Marie (Mrs. Frank Brunckhorst), Kewaunee, Wis.
Librarian of free public library; b. Menasha, Wis., July 7, 1853; dau. John and Franziska (Sturn) Metzner; ed. public school, Kewaunee, Wis.; m. Kewaunee, Wis., Oct., 1872, Frank Brunckhorst; children: Esther F., Louis A., Lucy A., Frank O. Interested in New Thought movement and drugless healing, and identified in various social and philanthropic activities. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. Recreations: Theatres, concerts and auto trips frequently. Pres. Woman's Shakespeare Club of Kewaunee.
BRUNDAGE, Olive Mann (Mrs. Frank H. Brundage), 310 Elm St., Northampton, Mass.
Born Florence, Mass., Oct. 20, 1876; dau. Thomas S. and Eliza Ann (Martin) Mann; grad. Northampton High School in 1896; Smith Coll., B.A. 1900; N.Y. State Library School, B.L.S. '02; m. Florence, Mass., Aug. 25, 1908, Frank Homer Brundage; children: Laura Ashley Brundage, b. Oct. 8, 1909; Elizabeth Louise Brundage, b. Dec. 7, 1911. Cataloguer in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 1902-05; resigned because of poor health; cataloguer in Columbia Univ. Library, Nov.-June, 1908. Unitarian. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Home Progress Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Walking, tennis, boating, etc.
BRUNER, Elizabeth Cutting Cooley (Mrs. James D.Bruner), Murfreesboro, N.C.
Teacher; b. Stevens Point, Wis.; dau. Dr. D.