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husband, Herbert D. Brown, in preparation of following reports: Civil Service Retirement, Great Britain and New Zealand (Senate Document 290, 61st Congress, second session); Civil Service Retirement, New South Wales, Australia (Senate Document 420, 61st Congress, second session); Savings and Annuity Plan for Retirement of Superannuated Civil Service Employees (Senate Document 745), 61st Congress, third session; Civil Service Retirement, Canada (now in press). Has written many newspaper and magazine articles. Unitarian. Mem. Audubon Soc, Nat. Geographic Soc. Recreations: Reading, walking, bird study. Mem. Cornell "Women's (Washington), Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, College Women's Club (Washington), Phi Beta Kappa Soc. First woman to win Stewart L. Woodford prize in oratory at Cornell Univ.; after graduation was awarded scholarship by Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, which took her to Germany; reported Republican and Democratic national conventions for Burlington (Iowa) Gazette, 1896; reported Republican National Convention for N.Y. Journal, 1900.

BROWN, Harriet Johnson (Mrs. Elijah Alexander Brown), 720 Piedmont Av., Atlanta, Ga.

Born Atlanta, Ga., July 6, 1869; dau. Mark W. and Penelope (Hollinshead) Johnson; ed. Neel's School at Kirkwood; Peabody Normal Coll., Nashville, Tenn., with L.I. degree '8S; m. July 26, 1901, Elijah Alexander Brown, son of Georgia's war Governor; children: Marcus Johnson, b. Dec. 19, 1904; Joseph Emerson, b. July 28, 1908; Penelope H., b. June 15, 1910. Interested in Needlework Guild, Atlanta Woman's Missionary Union Beard of City Missions. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mem. D.A.R., United Daughters of the Confederacy, Atlanta Woman's Club, Inman Park Students' Club, Georgia State Fed. of Clubs.

BROWN, Hattie (Mrs. Fred William Brown), 4818 Snyder Av., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Born Southfields, N.Y., July 25, 1861; dau. George and Mary E. (Hall) Fitzgerald (direct descendant of Lyman Hall, of Georgia, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence); ed. public school, Monroe, N.Y., and two and one-half years at Cornell Univ.; m. Monroe, N.Y., Dec. 2, 1896, Fred W. Brown; children: Thomas, b. 1898; Robert William, b. 1902; Caroline Reed, b. 1904. Was teacher in Orange Co., N.Y., and Northern Mich, before marriage. Interested in the work of the new Rugby Congregational Church. Presbyterian. Against woman suffrage.

BROWN, Helen Dawes, 48 Elm St.. Montclair, N.J.

Lecturer and author; b. Concord, Mass., 1857; dau. William Dawes and Martha (Swan) Brown; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '78; A.M. '90. Author: Two College Girls; The Petrie Estate; Little Miss Phoebe Gay; Her Sixteenth Year; A Civilian Attache; A Book of Little Boys; Mr. Tuckerman's Nieces; Orphans; How Phoebe Found Herself. Mem. College Settlements' Ass'n, Vassar Student's Aid Soc, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae; Vassar Alumnae Ass'n. Mem Onteora Club (Catskills), Women's University Club (N.Y. City), Meridian Club (N.Y. City). Recreations: Reading, walking, traveling.

BROWN, Helen Gager (Mrs. John Quincy Brown), 105 Bayo Vista Av., Oakland, Cal.

Born Columbus, O., Sept. 26, 1878; dau. Edwin B. and Julia (Ballantine) Gager; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. 1900, m. Columbus, O., Oct. 7, 1902, John Quincy Brown; children: Ann Ballantine, John Quincy Jr. Chief interest is in the latest systems of educating children (Montessori, etc.). Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Republican voter. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Recreations: Tennis, dancing. Mem. Ebell Club, Claremont Country Club.

BROWN, Hulda Holmes Bergen (Mrs. C. Elwood Brown), San Francisco, Cal.

Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 11, 1851; grad. Packer Inst., '69; studied later with private teachers in music and German; studied in Berlin, Prussia, and Lausanne, Switzerland; attended the French schools (Geneva) of M'lle. Thouron and the M'lles Borck; m. San Francisco, Oct. 1, 1891 (now widow). For eight years, 1883-91, was recording sec. Woman's Board of Foreign Missions of Reformed (Dutch) Church in America. First vice-pres. and charter mem. Nat. Soc. of Colonial Dames in California; ex-regent and charter mem. D.A.R., Cal. Chapter (San Francisco); nominated for State Regent of Cal., October, 1911; mem. Daughters of Holland Dames of N.Y., Huguenot of N.Y.; Monmouth Co. (N.J.) Historical Soc, Pocahontas Memorial Ass'n (vice regent); charter mem. Colonial Dames Club (Washington, D.C.), Yorktown Historical Soc. of Va., Sorosis Club and Silk Culture Soc. (San Francisco); section pres. Needlework Guild (San Francisco); mem. Packer Coll. Alumnas Ass'n (Brooklyn); honorary mem. Bay Ridge Reading Club (Brooklyn). Has written many historical papers for the Colonial Dames and D.A.R. in San Francisco. Writer of historical essays.

BROWN, Inez, 135 E. Terrace, Chattanooga, Tenn.

Born Monmouth, Ill.; dau. Edgar A. and Elizabeth (Whitman) Brown; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '94. Identified with various social and philanthropic activities. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. King's Daughters of Chattanooga, Tenn.; Y.W.C.A., Humane Soc, Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n. Recreation: Golf.

BROWN, Jeanette Ferris (Mrs. Thomas Edwin Brown Jr.), Cristobal, Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama.

Born N.Y. City, Aug. 4, 1867; dau. Frank A. and Mary A. (Cape) Ferris; ed. N.Y. public and private schools; m. Dec 28, 1898, Thomas Edwin Brown Jr. Vice-pres. Jacob Riis Settlement, N.Y. City, 1904-05; has been on the Isthmus since 1907, husband being Supreme Court Judge there. Pres. Cristobal Woman's Club, 1909-10; leader Girls' Club, Cristobal; pres. Canal Zone Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1909-11; mem. Industrial and Social Conditions Com. Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs. Presbyterian. Mem. Cristobal Woman's Club.

BROWN, Jennie R. (Mrs. Morris S. Brown), 218 North Third St., Palatka, Fla,

Born N.Y. City, July 12, 1862; dau: Solomon and Rose (Hammel) Morris; ed. New York Normal Coll.; m. N.Y. City, Oct. 23, 1889, Morris S. Brown; children: Rena, b. Feb. 9, 1891; Leroy, b. Aug. 20, 1892; Sidney J., b. April 4, 1894. Was teacher in grammar school in N.Y. Interested in club work, fraternal societies; past grand chief of Pythian Sisters; mem. of Rebecca Lodge and P.O.A. Jewess; was pres. of Jewish Woman's League of Jacksonville. Mem. Woman's Club of Palatka; was pres. two years, now treas.

BROWN, Jessica Christian (Mrs. Demarchus C. Brown), 251 South Audubon Road, Indianapolis, Ind.

Lecturer on literature; b. Madison, Ind., Oct. 2, 1875; dau. Joseph and Lida (Williams) Christian; ed. Butler Coll., B.A. '97, A.M. '99 (mem. Pi Beta Phi); m. Indianapolis, Sept. 1, 1897, Demarchus C. Brown; one son: Philip C, b. 1901. Interested in Greek archaeology and art, modern languages and educational work among foreign population. Favors woman suffrage. Author of Cheerful Housekeeper articles in McCall's Magazine, 1911; book reviewer for Indianapolis News. Mem. Disciples Church. Socialist. Mem. Woman's Franchise League of Ind. Recreation: Music. Mem. Pi Beta Phi Alumnae, Woman's Dep't Club, Fortnightly Club, Irvington Woman's Club of Indianapolis.

BROWN, Josephine English (Mrs. H. B. Brown), 1720 Sixteenth St., Washington, D.C.

Born Jacobstown, N.J., Nov. 14, 1855; dau. Leison E. and Mary Bunting English; ed. Philadelphia; m. Crosswicks, N.J., June 25, 1904, Justice H. B. Brown of the U.S. Supreme Court. Interested in House of Mercy, Garfield Hospital and Nat. Civic Federation. Episcopalian. Mem. Anti-Suffrage Soc and Red Cross Ass'n.

BROWN, Josie Mayer (Mrs. Phil Brown), Eufaula, Okla.

Born Topeka, Kan., July 18, 1875; dau. Isaac

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