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pres. Woman's University Club, Troy, N.Y.; mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. Favors woman suffrage.

BROWN, Ethel Pennewill, 1305 Franklin St., Wilmington, Del.

Artist, illlustrator; b. Wilmington, Del.; dau. Thomas Armwell Brown, M.D., and Blanche (Virden) Brown; studied at Art Students' League, N.Y. City; pupil of Twachtman and of Howard Pyle, Wilmington. Illustrator for books and magazines. Mem. Plastic Club, Philadelphia, and Fellowship of the Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts.

BROWN, Eva R. Ingersoll (Mrs. Walston Hill Brown). Dobb's Ferry, N.Y.

Social welfare worker; b. Groveland, Ill.; dau. Robert G. (famous orator) and Eva A. Parker Ingersoll; ed. by tutors at home; m. N.Y. City, 1889, Walston Hill Brown; children: Eva Ingersoll-Brown, Robert G. Ingersoll-Brown. Pres. Child Welfare League; mem. Advisory Board N.Y. Peace Soc.; vice-pres. Hudson River Equal Franchise Soc, Westchester Co. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; mem. Nat. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, State Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Woman's Political Union, Woman Suffrage Party. Rationalist in religion. Progressive in politics. Mem. Consumers' League, Woman's Trade Union League, Nat. Child Labor Com., N.Y. State Child Labor Com., Audubon Soc, N.Y. Soc for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Ass'n of Practical Housekeeping Centres, Municipal Needs Com., League for Political Education, Civic Federation, Public Education Ass'n, Sunshine Soc, Vivisection Investigation League, Soc. for Advancement of Colored People, Manassas Ass'n, People's Forum of Dobb's Ferry, Westchester Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, School of Mothercraft (one of founders), People's Inst. Bureau of Municipal Research, Westchester Bureau of Municipal Research, Internat. Children's Farm League, Ass'n for Labor Legislation, etc.

BROWN, Fanny Burton Hurd (Mrs. Hugh MacDermid Brown), North Water Gap, Pa.

Physician; b. in Jackson Sanatorium (conducted by her father) at Dansville, Livingston County, N.Y.; dau. F. Wilson Hurd, M.D., and Hannah (Johnson) Hurd; ed. by tutors at home; Oberlin Coll., Ohio.; medical course Univ. of Mich., M.D. '91; m. Water Gap, Pa., 1891, Dr. Hugh MacDermid Brown; children: Donald, b. 1892; Agnes Lyan, b. 1894. Medical missionary, with husband, nearly three years in Korea, followed by two years' practice in Colton, Cal., since then in institutional work. Methodist and Presbyterian. Mem. Monroe County Med. Soc, Lehigh Valley Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n. Recreations: Tennis, boating, walking, gardening.

BROWN, Florence M., 529 12th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.

General secretary Y.W.C.A.; b. Wheatland, N.Y.; dau. Hon. Volney P. and Sarah R. (Avery) Brown; ed. Acad. Institute, Leroy, N.Y. (won gold medal for best impromptu composition). Has been connected with Y.W.C.A. territorial work in New England and city work in Pittsburgh, both extensive. Identified with philanthropic, civic and religious activities in Western N.Y.; has done public speaking on religious topics. Baptist. Mem. Mayflower Soc, D.A.R.

BROWN, Floy Clare (Mrs. Paul Brown), 10 Washington Terrace, St. Louis, Mo.

Born Middletown, Mo., 1860; dau. Dr. Fountain Stuart and Hannah C. (Hogue) Clare (of French Huguenot ancestry on maternal and Scotch on paternal sides); ed. Hardin Coll., Mexico, Mo., 1877-81; m. Montgomery City, Mo., 1882, Paul Brown; one son: Paul Jr., b. 1883. Mem. Southern Methodist Church, St. Louis Woman's Club, Wednesday Literary Club, St. Louis Free Kindergarten; interested in Kingdom House Settlement work. Mem. St. Louis Zoological Society, Daughters of the Confederacy. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. St. Louis Under-Age Free Kindergarten, Civic Club, Confederate Memorial.

BROWN, Frances Guion (Mrs. John Franklin Brown), 559 W. 156th St., N.Y. City.

Born Elmira, N.Y., Mar. 28, 1866; dau. Richard Lewis and Cornelia Joy (Fitch) Guion (descended from one of the Huguenot families that founded New Rochelle, N.Y.); ed. Elmira Free Acad.; Elmira Coll., A.B.; Cornell Univ., Ph.M.; m. Elmira, N.Y., May 26, 1904, John Franklin Brown. Before marriage, teacher of English in secondary schools, Elmira Coll. and State Normal School, Oshkosh, Wis. Interested in foreign missionary work of the Episcopal Church, in which holds various minor offices, diocesan and parish. Mem. College Settlement Ass'n, Round Table, Babies' Aid Milk Station Ass'n, Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions. Mem. Elmira College Club and Cornell Women's Club of N.Y. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.

BROWN, Frank Collins (Mrs. Caleb Candee Brown), 320 Highland Av., Syracuse, N.Y.

Born Syracuse, N.Y., April 17, 1875; dau. Frank and Julia E. (Holzer) Collins; ed. Keble School, Syracuse, N.Y.; Vassar Coll.; Syracuse Univ., B.A., Medical Coll. (two years); mem. Gamma Phi Beta; m. Syracuse, N.Y., April 11, 1898, Caleb Candee Brown; children: Dorothy Collins Brown, b. Aug. 7, 1902; Caleb Candee Brown Jr., b. Dec. 25, 1904. Interested in several women's clubs and philanthropic organizations. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem Free Dispensary, Day Nursery, Harmony Circle.; Mem. Ka-Na-Te-Nah Club, Sedgwick Farm Club, Council of Women's Clubs.

BROWN, Gertrude Foster (Mrs. Raymond Brown), 294 W. Ninety-second St., N.Y. City.

Musician; b. Morrison, Ill., July 29, 1867; dau. Charles and Anna (Drake) Foster; grad. New England Conservatory of Music; music student in Berlin with Xavier Scharwenka; Paris Conservatoire with Delaborde; m. Aug. 4, 1893, Raymond Brown. Specialist for many years in Wagner lecture recitals, and other musical lectures. Active in the woman suffrage movement; pres. Woman Suffrage Study Club; chairman State Com. First Senatorial Dist. Woman's Political Union.

BROWN, Grace Mann (Mrs. Joseph L. Brown), 1545 State St., Denver, Colo.

Editor, author; b. Pippin, Wis.; dau. James C. and Mary (Stears) Mann.; ed. Eden Hall, Torresdale, Pa.; m. Denver, Colo., Joseph L. Brown; children: Bernice, James Leslie, Eunice. Interested in woman suffrage, but does not vote. Author: Studies in Spiritual Harmony; Life Lessons; Food Studies; Seven Steps; Regeneration; The World Made Flesh; To-Day; Vivenda Causa; The Essene Message. Essene in religion. Founder of the Modern Society of the Essenes. Recreations: Theatre, automobiling, traveling.

BROWN, Harriet Chedie Connor (Mrs. Herbert D. Brown), 3401 Newark St., Washington, D.C.

Born Burlington, Iowa, Sept. 11, 1872; dau. Edward William and Catharine Celia (Darrow) Connor; ed. Burlington (Iowa) High School, Wheaton Female Sem., Norton, Mass.; Cornell Univ., A.B. '94; Willard School, Berlin, Germany (seminar); m. Burlington, Iowa, July 29, 1897; Herbert D. Brown (pension and efficiency expert; children: Constance Connor, b. 1899; Beatrice Connor, b. 1904 (died 1908). Taught German in Burlington (Iowa) High School, 1895-96; staff of New York Tribune, 1897; contributor of special articles to N.Y. Sun and N.Y. Press, 1898-99; on Washington Bureau of N.Y. Journal, 1900; staff of Buffalo (N.Y.) Enquirer during Pan-American Exposition, 1901; contributor to Engineering and Mining Journal, 1901-02; collected mineral statistics for U.S. Geological Survey in Cuba, 1902; in Iowa and Minnesota, 1903; edited press bulletins of U.S. Geological Survey, 1903-07. Mem. Consumers' League, D.C. Mem. College Equal Suffrage League, Stanton Suffrage Club, Washington, D. C.; edited official program of woman suffrage pageant and procession in Washington, Mar. 3, 1913, and represented the First Iowa Congressional Dist in procession to Capitol on April 7 of women asking for constitutional amendment enfranchising women. Author: Report on Mineral Resources of Cuba, 1901 (published with last civil report of Gen. Leonard Wood, military governor of Cuba); has collaborated with her

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