France, Paris; Ecole d'Anthropologie, Paris; student of morbid psychology, St. Anne Insane Asylum, Paris; Univ. of Paris, degree Docteur de l'Universite (Paris). Teacher of French, Los Angeles High School, 1892-94; teacher of pedagogy and psychology, State Normal School, Los Angeles 1897-1903; philosophy and social science, Mills Coll., 1907-. Author: L'Education des Nègres aux Etats-Unis (published in Paris). Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Congregationalism Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. One of the directors of the College Equal Suffrage League.
BROWER, Josephine V., St. Cloud, Minn.
Author; dau. Jacob Vradenburg and Armena S. Brower. Sec. of Literature Com., Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Author: Tales From the Albambra; The Morris Dance; Morris Dance Tunes; Folk Dances. Mem. Am. Folk Lore Soc, Playground and Recreation Ass'n of America; Drama League of America; Merry England Soc. (mem. Advisory Council). Mem. London Lyceum Club, Soc. of Am. Women in London.
BROWN, Abbie Farwell, 41 W. Cedar St., Boston, Mass.
Author; b. Boston; dau. Benjamin F. and Clara M. (Neal) Brown; ed. Girls' Latin School, Boston and Radcliffe Coll. Author (juveniles): Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts; The Lonesomest Doll; A Pocketful of Posies (poems); Fresh Posies (poems); John of the Woods; The Curious Book of Birds; Brothers and Sisters; Friends and Cousins; The Star Jewels, the Story of St. Christopher; The Flower Princess; The Christmas Angel; Tales of the Red Children; Their City Christmas. Frequent contributor to magazines, chiefly juvenile poems and stories; writer of song texts and the librettos of two comic operas. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Folk-Lore Soc, Am. Drama Soc, Boston Drama League. Recreations: Theatres, private theatricals, music, dancing, snowshoeing. Mem. Boston Authors' Club, Saturday Morning Club. Favors equal suffrage.
BROWN, Adelaide, 45 Sixteenth Av., cor. Lake St., San Francisco, Cal.
Physician; b. Napa, Cal., July 19, 1868; dau. Henry Adams and Charlotte Amanda (Blake) Brown; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. *88; Cooper Med. Coll., San Francisco, M.D. '92. Obstetrician to Children's Hospital, 1899; sec Med. Milk Commission of San Francisco Co. Med. Soc, 1907-12; pres. Med. Milk Com., 1912. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumna; (Cal. branch), San Francisco Civic Centre, Soc. for Prevention of Blindness, Com. for Prevention of Infant Mortality, Baby Hygiene Soc, Milk Improvement Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. College Equal Suffrage League of Cal. Has written various articles for medical journals. Congregationalism Progressive Republican. Recreation: Civics. Clubs: Town and Country, Century.
BROWN, Adelaide Spenser (Mrs. Harry Spenser Brown), Chateau d'Aux, Barthe, France; address care American Express Co., Paris, France.
Born Chicago, Sept. 5, 1860; dau. Francis and Adelaide (Crary) Bostock; ed. Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, Ill., 1878; m. Chicago, July 28, 1880, Dr. Harry Spenser Brown; children: Ethel (Countess de Gramedo), Dorothy. Interested in all questions—religious, social and philanthropic. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.
BROWN, Agnes Hewlett (Mrs. James Crosby Brown), Mill Creek Road, Ardmore, Pa.
Born Brooklyn Heights, Mar. 27, 1875; dau. Augustus and Mary (Sanderson) Hewlett; ed. Packer Inst., Brooklyn; m. Hewlett, L.I., Oct. 13, 1898, James Crosby Brown; children: James Crosby Jr., b. 1903; Alexander Crosby, b. 1905. Interested in child culture, the Polyclinic Hospital and the Consumers' League. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Recreation: Gardening Mem. Acorn Club (Philadelphia). Gardeners ('"Main Line").
BROWN, Alice, 11 Pinckney St., Boston. Mass.
Author; b. Hampton Falls, N.H., Dec. 5, 1887, lived on a farm in girlhood; ed. Robinson Sem., Exeter, N.H. Taught school in country for a few terms, then went to Boston to teach, but soon took up writing as a profession. Engaged as writer for several years on staff of the Youth's Companion. Author: Fools of Nature (novel); Meadow Grass (collection of New England stories); By Oak and Thorn—A Record of English Days; Robert Louis Stevenson—A Study (in collaboration with Imogen Guiney); Three Heroines of New England Romance (with Harriet Prescott Spofford and Imogen Guiney); Life of Mercy Otis Warren; The Road to Castalay (poems); Tiverton Tales (collection of stories); The Day of His Youth; The King's End; Margaret Warrener; Paradise; High Moon; The Mannerings; The Country Road; The Court of Love; Rose McLeod; The Story of Thyrza; Country Neighbors; John Winterbourne's Family; The One-Footed Fairy and Other Stories; Secret of the Clan.
BROWN, Alice Barlow (Mrs. James Robert Brown), Winnetka, Ill.
Physician; b. Corry, Pa., May 4, 1869; dau. Moses Harry and Kate Amelia (Holley) Barlow; ed. Corry High School; Hahenmann Med. Coll., M.D. '96; Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons (med. dep't Univ. of Ill.), M.D. '03 (mem. Alpha Epsilon Iota); m. Smithton, Ark., 1886, James Robert Brown. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Winnetka Woman's Club (pres.); vice-pres. Tenth Congressional Dist. Ill. Fed. Women's Clubs. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.
BROWN, Alice Crawford, Summit Av., Hackensack, N.J.
Physician; b. Allegheny, Pa.; ed. in schools of South Dakota, Vassar Coll., A.B. '93; Univ. of Mich., med. dep't, M.D., '97; medical research work in N.Y. City, 1898-1905. Since 1905 engaged in medical practice at Hackensack, N.J.
BROWN, Alice Margaret, Greencastle, Pa.
Born Richmond, Pa., Feb. 20, 1865; dau. Oliver Stephen and Isabella (Hudson) Brown; ed. Wilson Coll., Chambersburg, Pa. Has been sec. of Literature and Young People's Soc in Woman's Missionary Presbyterial Soc; has also worked in temperance cause, now cor. sec for Franklin Co., also as librarian in the Greencastle Circulating Library. Believes in woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Travelers' Club for past 20 years (one of first members).
BROWN, Alice Van Vechten, Wellesley Coll., Wellesley, Mass.
Painter and teacher of art; b. Hanover, N.H.; dau. Rev. Samuel Gilman Brown, D.D., L.L.D., and Sarah (Van Vechten) Brown; ed. private schools and tutors; Art Students' League of N.Y. (four years) and with other studios and artists; traveled and studied abroad. Assistant director and director Norwich Art School, Norwich, Conn., 1891-97; prof, of art Wellesley Coll. from 1897. Mem. of Archeological Institute of Am. and of other art ass'ns.
BROWN, Anna C. (Mrs. William Grant Brown), Bretton Hall, Broadway and Eighty-sixth St., N.Y. City.
Born Schenectady, N.Y., 1875; dau. Henry J. and Josephine M. (Southard) Clute; ed. Wellesley Coll.; m. Schenectady, 1899, William Grant Brown. Mem. Collegiate Reformed Church, 48th St. and Fifth Av. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage League; mem. N.Y. State Com. of Nat. Progressive Party. Pres. N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Rescue Home for Women; officer in Progressive Economic Club, N.Y. State Fed., Rainy Day Club of America, Nat. Soc. Daughters of Empire State, N.Y. City Federation Hotel for Working Girls.
BROWN, Anna Smith (Mrs. John Harvey Brown), Divernon., Ill.
Teacher, speaker; b. Peoria Co., Ill., April 27, 1866; dau. John K. and Hannah (Davis) Smith; grad. Ill. Normal Univ., Normal, Ill., class of '88; m. July 31, 1895, John Henry Brown. Was for 14 years sup't of a large Sabbath-school; made numerous addresses on Sabbath-school and missionary work, and in the interests of the farm home at Farmers' Institute; devoting time now to the Ill. State Fed. of Women's Clubs and speaking for them; mem. Divernon Household Science Club and Divernon Women's Club.