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mem. Century Club: first sec. of club, holding office three years.

BRONSON. Amey Talbot Taintor (Mrs. Charles Eli Bronson). 4050 Aspen St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Graduate Smith Coll., B.L. '95; student of Latin, history and philology, Columbia Univ., M.A. '96; m. Nov. 23, 1898. Charles Eli Bronson; children: Katharine Taintor, b. Oct. 11, 1899; Margaret Talbot, b. June 5, 1901; Charles Atwater, b. Sept. 21, 1905; Talbot de Peyster, b. Oct. 23, 1909. Engaged as private teacher, 1896-98.

BRONSON, Elsie Marian Straffin (Mrs. Walter C. Bronson), 140 Morris Av., Providence, R.I.

Born Middleborough, Mass., Oct. 17, 1882; dau. Arthur Franklin and Mary Lovina (Alden) Straffin; ed. Brown Univ., 1900-07, A.B., A.M. '04 (elected to Phi Beta Kappa 1S03); held graduate fellowship in English, 1904-05; m. Brockton, Mass., Aug. 17, 1905, Prof. Walter C. Bronson. Assistant in English, Brown Univ., 1904-05. Pres. Brown Univ. Alumnas Ass'n, 1909-11; chiefly interested in collegiate education of women. Interested in ancient Greek art, literature and archaeology and in the progress of modern Greece. Has assisted largely in preparing six volumes of English and American literature edited within the last 8 years by her husband, Prof. Bronson; for 1 volume made somewhat extensive translations from Beowulf and ether Old English poems; has revised mathematical works for the purpose of making them simpler and more lucid in expression. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae. Recreations: Camping, boating, fishing and mountain climbing. Baptist.

BROOK, Edith May, 53 Parker Hill Av., Roxbury, Mass.

Physician, surgeon; b. Rutland, Mass.; dau. William H. and Almanda M. (Stone) Brook; grad. Springfield High School, '97; Tufts Coll. Medical School, '02. Became ass't surgeon on staff of Mass. Women's Hospital; now house physician and sup't of same hospital.

BROOKINGS, Marian Kinney (Mrs. Walter DuBois Brookings), Linda Vista Av., Redlands, Cal.; also care of Brookings Timber and Lumber Co., St. Clair Building, San Francisco, Cal.

Born Fergus Falls, Minn., May 26, 1883; dau. Henry Nason and Selina (Mcintosh) Kinney; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '04 (mem. Zeta Alpha); m. Claremont, Cal., Nov. 19, 1909, Walter Du Bois Brookings; one son: Robert Brookings 2d. Interested in home economics; chairman for past two years of Home Economics Com. of the San Bernardino Valley Branch Ass'n College Alumnae; mem. Associated Charities; interested in politics and in town planning. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalism Republican voter. Mem. Am. Home Economics Ass'n, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. Recreations: Travel, walking. Clubs: College Woman's, Wellesley (Los Angeles).

BROOKS, Amy, Hyde Park, Mass.

Author, artist; b. Chelsea, Mass.; dau. Alfred Hubbard and Hannah Bell (Stebbins) Brooks; ed. Hyde Park public schools; Museum School of Drawing and Painting, Boston, Mass. First picture exhibited 1898. Illustrated about 70 volumes for other authors between 1898 and 1900, when first book was published. Has illustrated all her own 32 books and designed their covers. Takes great pleasure in social life; very fond of dancing, and of theatre when musical drama or opera is on. Author: The Randy Books, The Prue Books, The Jolly Cat Tale, The Dorothy Dainty Books, The Princess Polly Books, The Lady Linda Books. Author and composer of classical songs; accomplished pianist.

BROOKS, Anita Comfort (Mrs. Algernon Arthur Alfred Brooks), St. James Hotel, 109 W. Forty-fifth St., N.Y. City.

Club president, composer; b. Des Moines, Ia.; dau. John and Mary (Matthews) O'Hara; ed. Monticello Sem., Godfrey, Ill.; m. (1st) Colonel Charles D. Comfort of the St. Louis Nat. Guard; one son: Norman Bacon Comfort (now Capt. St. Louis Nat. Guard). Was a widow for a few years and then married in N.Y. City, Algernon Arthur Alfred Brooks (of a well-known English family; now in stocks and bonds business in N.Y. City). While resident of St. Louis, held a prominent place in the society of that city, and a Red, White and Blue Military Reception, which she gave to Gen. G. T. Beauregard (of the Confederate Army) at her residence (which she still owns in Westminster Place, St. Louis), Oct. 14, 1891, is still remembered as one of the most brilliant events in the social history of that city; 400 guests attended, including local celebrities and the officers of the St. Louis National Guard in full uniform. In 1906 founded and organized the Gotham Club, for men and women, which has its headquarters in the Hotel Astor, N.Y. City, and is noted for its unique and interesting monthly programs; also pres. Gridiron Dinner Dance Club, which she founded and organized, 1910, and which is opposed to tobacco and its poisons. Also mem. City Fed. of Women's Clubs, Am. Playgoers' Club, Rainy Day Club, West End Woman's Republican Club, Internat. Pure Milk League, Domestic Science Ass'n., N.Y. Probation Soc, Woman's Auxiliary to Rescue Work of the Salvation Army, Housewives' League, N.Y. Peace Soc., Burlington Country Club; vice-pres. Huntington (L.I.) Week End Club. Favors woman suffrage. Composer: Anita, or Mexico by Moonlight; Monterey (Mexican Dance); Remember the Maine (battle song); Eugenie; Alice, the Bride of the White House (national waltz), a de-luxe copy of which she presented to Mrs. Nicholas Longworth on her wedding day, and others. Her compositions were first introduced to public notice by the Sousa and Victor Herbert bands. Presbyterian.

BROOKS, Annie Laurie (Mrs. Lawton S. Brooks), 126 Chestnut St., Springfield, Mass.

Born West Roxbury, Mass., Aug. 23, 1857; dau. Rev. Dr. Thomas and Ellen A. (Ellis) Laurie; ed. Mt. Holyoke Sem.; m. Providence, R.I., May 22, 1878, Lawton S. Brooks, M.D.; one daughter: Edith Laurie. Pres. Springfield Women's Club; pres. Woman's Auxiliary for the diocese of Western Mass. (missionary); pres. Christ Church branch Woman's Auxiliary; sec. Springfield Home for Aged Women. Has written occasional verses. Episcopalian. Mem. Mass. Forestry Ass'n, Consumers' League and various social and church organizations. Recreation: Golf.

BROOKS, Annie Mabel, 443 School St., Athol, Mass.

Teacher; b. Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '98; student in education and Sanskrit, Columbia Univ., M.A. '02. Teacher of Latin, Woodstock (Conn.) Acad., 1898-1900; Horace Mann School, N.Y. City, 1902-03; Kent Place School, Summit, N.J., since 1903.

BROOKS, Bessie Estelle (Mrs. Henry M. Brooks), Gwynn Oak, Ferndale Av., Howard Park, Baltimore, Md.

Born Baltimore, Md., Sept. 2, 1872; dau. John Randolph and Mary C. (Thompson) Wright; ed. public schools of Baltimore City; private pupil of Miss Eliza Adams, Baltimore; m. Walbrook, Baltimore, Md., Feb. 1, 1905, Henry Murray Brooks. Teacher of public school until marriage. Had charge of primary dep't work for 10 years in the Fayette Street Methodist Episcopal Church; active in all women societies of church. Pres. of Howard Park branch of Internat. Sunshine Soc. for five years. Methodist.

BROOKS, Ethel Frances Fifield (Mrs. Lawrence Ralston Brooks), 18 South Broadway, Yonkers, N.Y.

Born Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '95; student of architecture at Mass. Inst. of Technology, 1896-1900, B.S. 1900; m. Aug. 31, 1904, Lawrence Ralston Brooks; two daughters: Shirley, b. July 7, 1906; Caroline Robinson, b. Nov. 11, 1907. Teacher Salem (Mass.) public school, 1895-96. Lecturer on house building and furnishing, School of Housekeeping, Boston, 1900-02, and to women's clubs, 1900-04. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Am. Home Economics Ass'n.

BROOKS, Frona Marie (Mrs. Morgan Brooks), 2004 Matthews Av., Urbana, Ill.

Born Boston, Mass.; dau. Benjamin Franklin

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