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97. Pres. Woman's Literary Club, 1908-09; vice-pres. Daughters of Indiana in N.Y., 1911-12; pres. N.Y. Alumnae Ass'n of Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1912-13; mem. Woman's Club of Staten Island, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae (N.Y. Branch), Housewives' League, Civic League of Staten Island, College Equal Suffrage League, Woman Suffrage Party; a Founder of the Progressive Party. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church, and of Woman's Missionary Soc. of Brighton Heights Reformed Church.

BREWSTER, Anna Richards (Mrs. William T. Brewster), Hartsdale, N.Y.

Artist; b. Germantown, Philadelphia, April 3, 1870; dau. William T. and Anna (Matlack) Richards; ed. under father (marine and landscape painter), at Cowles School, Boston; Metropolitan School, N.Y. City; Julien's School, Paris, etc. Received Norman Dodge prize, N.Y City, 1889; m. London, England, 1905, William T. Brewster, provost of Barnard Coll. Has exhibited at Nat. Acad. of Design, N.Y. City; Royal Acad., London, etc. Illustrated Letter and Spirit, by Mrs. W. T. Richards, and other books. Against woman suffrage.

BREWSTER, Emilie C. (Mrs. Eugene V. Brewster), 29 Monroe St., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Nov. 10, 1877; dau. Benjamin W. and Mary A. (Mellroy) Chubbuck; ed. Kisorck's Business School; m. May 10, 1893, Eugene V. Brewster; children: Ruth Bryan, Eugene Rafael, Marie Theresa. Organizer and founder of the first Woman's Bryan League of America, elected pres. in 1896, still holds the office. Author: How the Department Store Gets Rich Selling Below Cost; Storage Eggs. Mem. Brooklyn Democratic Club, N.Y. Woman's Democratic Club, the Allied Arts Ass'n, the Water Color Club of Brooklyn, Public Good Soc, Early Hour Club, the Smile Club, De Levennes Art League, Public Good Soc. Recreation: Fancy dancing. Christian Scientist. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. Mem. People's Suffrage Club, 11th Assembly Dist. Suffrage Club.

BREWSTER, Frances S. (Mrs. James H. Brewster), 838 Fourteenth St., Boulder, Colo.

Born N.Y. City, Mar. 23, 1880; dau. Alexander Macomb and Caroline B. (Cammann) Stanton; ed. private school of Mrs. Keith and Miss MacCauley, N.Y. City; by tutors and governesses; m. Detroit, Mich., June 28, 1888, James H. Brewster; children: Susan, Chauncey Bunce, Edith Navarre, Oswald Cammann. She gives readings from the Inca drama Ollanaty, which she has translated and dramatized; also a lecture, entitled The Children of the Sun. Interested in the Girls' Friendly Soc. of America and the Audubon Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Author of short stories for children, published in various magazines 10 years or more ago; Song Stories and Songs for Children; When Mother Was a Little Girl; Rhody (a New England story). Episcopalian. Democrat. Recreations: Literature, music, art. Mem. the Classics Club of Ann Arbor, Mich., the Classics Club, Boulder, Colo.; the Woman's Club of Boulder, Colo.

BREWSTER, Margaret Powell (Mrs. G. O. Brewster), Grantwood, N.J.

Physician; b. Valparaiso, Ind., Nov. 20, 1872; dau. Enoch and Martha (Malone) Powell; ed. Bethany Coll., Topeka, Kan.; Cornell Med. Coll., 1901; m. N.Y. City, 1897, Dr. G. O. Brewster; one daughter: Margaret Powell Brewster, b. 1908. Ass't in neurology to Dr. M. Schlapp at Presbyterian Hospital, N.Y. City, 1901-07; now on staff of Englewood (N.J.) Hospital. Bergen County chairman Health Education Com. of Am. Med. Ass'n. Active in local and county women's club work and in suffrage work. Mem. Housing Com. of Organized Charities of Bergen Co. Favors woman suffrage; mem. N.Y. Equal Suffrage League. Author of several magazine articles, including one in Cosmopolitan, about 1907, on out-door sleeping. Unitarian. Mem. Cornell Woman's Alumnae, Bergen Co. Med. Ass'n, N.J. State Med. Ass'n, Am. Med. Ass'n. Recreation: Motoring. Mem. Woman's Club of Cliffside Park.

BREWSTER, Mary Jones, Good Shepherd Mission, La Grange, Ga.

Physician; b. Mar. 20, 1862; dau. Charles Osmyn and Mary Draper (Lewis) Brewster; ed. public schools, Brookfield, Mass.; Wellesley Coll., B.S. '83; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '92. Head teacher Cambridge School for Girls, Cambridge, Mass., 1887-89; resident physician, Smith Coll., Northampton, Mass., 1896-1906; head worker at Mission of Good Shepherd, 1910-. Dean of Training School for Church Settlement Workers, 1911. Protestant Episcopal.

BREWSTER, Mary Southgate, 14 Weeks Av., Hempstead, N.Y.

Born Plymouth, Mass., May 20, 1877; dau. Walter and Anna V. (Wright) Southgate; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01; m. Plymouth, Mass., Oct. 1, 1904, William Brewster; children: William, Jr., Walter Southgate, Mary Baylies Brewster. Lived in Cuba 3 years after marriage. Pres. St. George's Woman's Club and mem. Executive Board; first vice-pres. Hempstead Women's Club; pres. Kindergarten and Primary Mothers' Club, Unitarian. Chairman Progressive Women's Campaign Com. for Hempstead.

BREYFOGLE, Caroline May, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Professor and dean of women; b. Columbus, Ohio.; dau. Charles and Matilda (Cloud) Breyfogle; grad. Univ. of Chicago, A.B. '96, Ph.D. '12; studied in Univ. of Berlin, 1896-98. Associate prof. of Biblical history, literature and exegesis, Wellesley, Ohio, since 1912. Favors woman suffrage; pres. local College Equal Suffrage League. Author: The Social Status of Women in the Old Testament (Biblical World); The Religious Status of Women in the Old Testament (Biblical World); The Hebrew Sense of Sin in the Pre-Exilie Period (Am. Journal of Theology). Methodist. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, School and Home Ass'n, Concordia Ass'n of America, Soc. of Biblical Literature and Exegesis (national). Recreation: Walking. Mem. College Club (Columbus), Women's City Club (Chicago), Social Workers' Club (Columbus).

BRIDGER, Virginia Lawrence (Mrs. Roswell C. Bridger), Winton, N.C.

Teacher, club pres.; b. Raleigh, N.C, Sept. 20, 1872; dau. Virginius D. and Marietta (Corbell) Lawrence; ed. Peace Inst., Raleigh, N.C, 1882-90, Mrs. A. V. Purefoy's Sem. for Young Ladies, Wake Forest, N.C; m. Wake Forest, N.C, Mar. 14, 1900, Roswell Carter Bridger; children: Robert Lawrence, b. Sept. 25, 1901; Marietta Randolph, b. Oct. 26, 1904. Previous to marriage engaged as teacher. Church leader; pres. auxiliary and guilds. Episcopalian. Pres. Woman's Club of Winton, N.C; county pres. United Daughters of Confederacy; mem. Health Com. of Winton. Favors woman suffrage.

BRIDGES, Eliza Wadsworth, South Framingham, Mass.

Lawyer; b. in Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '92; student Boston Univ. Law School, 1897-1900, LL.B. 1900. Teacher Bernardston, Mass., 1893-94. Admitted to Massachusetts bar, September, 1900; since then engaged in practice of law at South Framingham and Boston, Mass.

BRIDGES, Fidelia, Canaan, Conn.

Artist; b. Salem, Mass., May 19, 1834; dau. Henry Gardner and Eliza (Chadwick) Bridges; student in art of William T. Richards, of Philadelphia; specialized in landscapes in oils and water colors. Has participated in many leading exhibitions and produced many notable landscapes: earlier work chiefly in oil; later work for most part in water colors. Clubs: N.Y. Water Color Soc., Associate Nat. Acad, of Design from 1868.

BRIDGMAN , Ethel Young Comstock (Mrs. John Cloyes Bridgman), 118 W. River St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Graduate Smith Coll., B.L. '01; student Wilkes-Barre (Pa.) City Hospital Training School for Nurses, 1903-05; m. June 7, 1905, John Cloyes Bridgeman; twin sons: John C. Jr. and David C. b. May 27, 1906. Pres. Woman's Civic Club of Wilkes-Barre.

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