since August, 1912. Delegate to Socialist conventions, 1910, 1912, representing Oklahoma. Active mem. since 1904; v.-p. of Oklahoma Suffrage Ass'n for three years; delegate to Nat. Suffrage Convention in Philadelphia, 1912. Socialist.
BRANT, Minnie Clothier (Mrs. J. A. Brant), 25 S. Thirteenth St., Minneapolis, Minn.
Born Canada; dau. Asa and Catharine (Adams) Clothier; ed. Mexico (N.Y.) Sem.; m. J. A. Brant. Formerly teacher of art, including portrait painting, in various seminaries. Since marriage resident of Minneapolis, Minn. Organized Reciprocity Day among the clubs of Minneapolis, and in philanthropic work organized the Minn. State Sunshine Soc. (has been pres.) and has also been pres. of the Clothier Circle. Identified with the National Guild and has organized many circles for Guild work in Minneapolis. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Westminster Presbyterian Church. Mem. Woman's Club, Thursday Musical, D.A.R., Puritan Colony of New England Women. Organized the Authors' Study Club of Minneapolis and for 12 years was its president.
BRAY, Ella Williams, Yarmouthport, Mass.
Teacher; b. Cambridge, Mass., 1866; dau. Thomas C. and Mary (Mathews) Bray; prepared for college at Abbot Acad., Andover, Mass.; grad. Wellesley Coll., '90; summer courses at Harvard; mem. Tau Zeta Epsilon. Taught in public and private schools, in Maryland Coll., Lutherville, Md.; private school for girls, Worcester, Mass.; in Leachwood Sem., Norfolk, Va., and in St. Mary's School at Knoxville, Ill. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalism Mem. Animal Rescue League, Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Worcester College Club, Worcester Wellesley Club, Norfolk Woman's Club. Traveled a year in Europe and studied French in Paris.
BRAYTON, Sarah H., 1637 Chicago Av., Evanston, Ill.
Physician; b. Sebergham, Carlisle, England; dau. John and Mary (Fleming) Brayton; ed. in England and Medical Coll. for Women, N.Y. City, M.D. (mem. Beta Chapter A.E.I.). Elected to professorship of materia medica, N.Y. Med. Coll. for Women. Has served on medical staff Evanston (Ill.) Hospital; director and physician of Ill. Industrial School for Girls; director Grove Home for Convalescents, Evanston, Ill. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Med. Soc., Ill. Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc, Evanston Med. Soc, A.A.A.S., Lyceum Club (London), the Fortnightly (Chicago).
BRAZEE, Carolina A. Potter (Mrs. C. M. Brazee), 314 S. Second St., Rockford, Ill.
Born in Illinois; grad. Rockford (Ill.) Sem. (now Coll.), 1855, later received degree of M.A.; m. Rockford, Ill., 1884, Col. C. M. Brazee, prominent lawyer (now deceased). Teacher in dep't of history of Rockford Coll., 1872-82. After husband's death became active as leader of literary clubs and in preparing programs for literary organizations. Has traveled extensively in U.S. and Europe. Congregationalist. Mem. Alumnae Ass'n of Rockford Coll. Has been chairman of the art and literary departments of Illinois Fed. of Women's Clubs and Rockford City Fed. of Women's Clubs.
BRAZIER, Marion Howard, Trinity Court, Dartmouth St., Boston, Mass.
Editor; b. Boston, Sept. 6, 1850; dau. William Henry and Sarah Jane (Sargent) Brazier; ed. public schools of Boston. Society editor of the Boston Post, 1890-98; edited and published the Patriotic Review, 1898-1900; society editor Boston Journal, 1903-11, now conducting a clipping bureau with a specialty in personal clippings about persons prominent in society and in notes and reports relating to women's clubs and patriotic sooieties. Lecturer. Mem. 16 organizations and founder of six, including the Professional Women's Club and the Bunker Hill and Paul Jones Chapters D.A.R., Ex-Regents (D A.R.) and Boston Parliamentary Law Clubs; mem. of Authors' Soc, Drama League, Charity Club, Cremation Soc, Boston Common Soc; honorary mem. of various organizations. Author: Perpetrations, a Book of Humor, Cheer, Philosophy and Comfort. Mem. Boston Political Club, Woman's Charity Club.
BRECKENS, Josephine White (Mrs. Joseph Allison Breckens), 1814 G St., Washington, D.C.
Newspaper correspondent; grad. Swarthmore Coll., A.B. '79; m. Joseph Allison Breckens. After graduation engaged in teaching in West; was sup't of schools of Laramie County, Wyoming, 1888-90; now engaged as Washington correspondent for newspapers. Favors woman suffrage.
BRECKINRIDGE, Mary Grace, 717 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Teacher; b. Binghamton, N.Y., June 4, 1867; dau. H. S. and Lucy Ann (Gates) Breckinridge; grad. high school, Binghamton, N.Y., '85; Cornell Univ., Ph.B. '92; Albany State Normal Coll., Ph.D. '94; Columbia Univ., A.M. '08. Taught in high schools, Binghamton, N.Y.; Pittsford, Vt.; Shelton, Conn.; Summit, N.J.; Southern Sem., Buena Vista, Va.; Occidental Acad, and Coll., Los Angeles, Cal. Studied a year in France and Germany. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive in politics.
BRECKINRIDGE, Sophonisba Preston, Green Hall, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
Ass't dean of women, Univ. of Chicago; b. Apr. 1, 1866; dau. William Campbell Preston and Issa (Desha) Breckinridge; grad. Weilesley, B.S. '88, Univ. of Chicago, Ph.M. '97, Ph.D. '01. Mem. teaching staff of Univ. of Chicago since 1901, as docent in political science and assistant dean of women. Mem. Ass'n Coll. Alumnae, Nat. Conference of Charities, Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; vice-pres. Coll. Equal Suffrage League. Author: Legal Tender; A Short Story in Monetary History; The Delinquent Child and The Home (with Edith Abbot H., Ph.D.); The Modern Household (with Marion Tabbot, LL.D.).
BREED, Frances de Forest Martin (Mrs. Charles Henry Breed), Woodhull House, Lawrenceville, N.J.
Born Fairchance, Pa., Jan. 19, 1882; dau. Robert L. and Anne Leiper (Smith) Martin; ed. Alinda Prep. School, Pennsylvania Coll. for Women, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1899-1901; m. Pittsburgh, June 10, 1903, Charles Henry Breed; children: Anne Martin, Elizabeth Leiper, Henry Atwood. Interested in education of boys. Mem. N.J. Soc of Colonial Dames of America, Trent Chapter D.A.R. Clubs: Women's (Lawrenceville), Present Day (Princeton). Presbyterian. Against woman suffrage.
BREED, Mary Bidwell, St. Timothy's School, Catonsville, Md.
Educator; b. Pittsburg, Pa., 1870; dau. Henry Atwood and Cornelia (Bidwell) Breed; ed. Bryn Mawr, A.B. '94, A.M. '95, Ph.D. '01; holder of the Bryn Mawr European Fellowship, 1894-95. Dean of women, Indiana Univ., 1901-06; adviser of women, Univ. of Mo., 1906-12; associate head of St. Timothy's School, Catonsville, Md., 1912. Initiator of the Conference of Deans of Women in State Universities, which meets every two years in Chicago. Has published magazine articles on various educational topics. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae. Favors woman suffrage.
BREED, Persia Mary, 1117 First St., Louisville, Ky.
Teacher; b. Louisville, Ky.; ed. in schools of Louisville and Vassar Coll., A.B. '99. Teacher, St. John the Baptist School, N.Y. City, 1903-05; Port Jervis (N.Y.) High School, 1905-07; ssociate principal Hamilton Coll., Lexington, Ky., since 1909.
BRÉGY, Katherine Marie Cornelia, 2033 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Author; b. Philadelphia; dau. Judge F. Amédeé and Katherine (Maurice) Brégy; ed. private academies; literary and post-grad, courses at Univ. of Pa. Mem. Playgoing Com., Drama League, Women's Press Ass'n, Catholic Guild (a social settlement for the care of working girls). Contributor to Lippincott's, Forum, Catholic World, etc., of verse and critique. Author: The